Among the popular cosmetic procedures that reduce aesthetic and age-related skin defects, a special place is given to chemical peeling. It eliminates problems such as acne, pigmentation, wrinkles, enlarged pores, dull complexion. With a minimal risk of injury, a positive result lasts for several months.
Almond face peeling - what is it?
Those looking to improve their skin condition often ask what is an almond face peel. This is a gentle chemical treatment that only affects the top layer of the skin and is therefore also suitable for dry or sensitive skin.
Cleans, heals the skin, has a rejuvenating effect (smoothes fine wrinkles). Eliminates dead skin cells from the epidermis. Eliminates pigmentation. It stimulates the production of proteins that are responsible for the elasticity of the skin.
Even in antiquity, the doctor Avicenna used raw materials in the treatment of hematomas, freckles, to improve complexion.
The anti-inflammatory effect of mandelic acid helps to eliminate black pores. Therefore, it allows you to eliminate acne and post-acne. This peeling normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. This means that it will be beneficial for oily, mixed skin with enlarged pores.
Why almond face peeling is needed, what it is - it is worth explaining in more detail. Mandelic acid is a product obtained from the extract of the fruit of bitter almonds. Amygdalin (poisonous substance) is preliminarily removed from the acid. It has properties similar to those of fruit acids.
The sparing effect is explained by the fact that due to its large molecular weight (the molecules are several times larger than the molecules of other acids), it penetrates less actively into the upper layers of the skin and injures them less. Consequently, skin regeneration is faster.
In the last decade, the procedure is gradually gaining popularity among the stronger sex, as it fully satisfies their request: to be quick, effective and painless.
It is interesting! Not so long ago, scientists found out that acid has antioxidant properties, inhibits the growth of free radicals.
The skin reacts more easily to the sun's rays two weeks after the peeling. The sunburn will become even, and age spots will not appear.
The difference between this type of peeling from others is the possibility of using it at all seasons of the year (even with maximum activity of the sun's rays). It is harmless for different skin types (also with rosacea) and is used by cosmetologists as a preparation for laser resurfacing.
Peeling types
For almond peeling, gel or water-alcohol compositions are used. Sometimes, in addition to the main component, they contain lactic, malic or salicylic acids.
Almond milk peeling
Lactic acid is known for its gentle effect on the skin. It moisturizes the deep layers of the epidermis well, but is ineffective in combating rashes.
The tandem of almond and lactic acids does an excellent job not only with peeling, but also with clogged pores, a faded complexion. The composition, which includes almond, lactic, glycolic acids, is used as a pre-peeling.
Almond-apple peeling
Such almond face peeling is a procedure that relieves acne, normalizes the balance of fat (gives the face a healthy matte finish), saturates the epidermis with the necessary nutrients.
In addition, it strengthens small blood vessels, reducing the appearance of spider veins. Malic acid, thanks to the amino acids it contains, helps in the regeneration of epidermal cells.
Almond-salicylic peeling
More "heavy" type of peeling. It is used for acne, post-acne, wrinkles, faded skin. Used for facial and hand care.
Indications for the procedure
Almond peeling effectively fights problems such as:
- fine wrinkles (mimic), wilting, flabbiness of the epidermis;
- comedones (black pores);
- freckles, pigmentation;
- enlarged pores;
- pimples, purulent eruptions, oily seborrhea;
- post-acne, rosacea;
- weak blood microcirculation.
Peeling indications
Contraindications to the procedure
The use of almond peeling has a number of contraindications. Cosmetologists do not recommend the procedure for:
- carrying a child and feeding a baby;
- exacerbation of herpes;
- allergic reactions;
- elevated temperature;
- wounds, cuts in violation of the skin;
- psoriasis;
- tuberculosis;
- prolonged exposure to the sun (in the solarium).
It is important to know! Menstruation is not included in the list of contraindications, but since during this period the woman's body is weakened, edema may occur, and recovery will take much longer.
Stages of peeling in the salon
It is better and more correct to entrust the almond peeling to a professional. The beautician will explain what it is, calculate the correct concentration of the product and the exposure time in order to avoid skin burns.
Before the procedure, you need to prepare for the fact that the skin will be exposed to chemicals on it. Experts recommend to apply a cream containing 15% phenoxyglycolic acid or a gel with fruit acids (applied 2 to 3 times within a week after waking up) every night 7-14 days before peeling.
If there was no such preparation, the procedure is carried out with a short exposure time.Immediately before peeling, you need to cleanse the skin. The cosmetologist uses a special lotion to remove make-up and degrease the dermis with a tonic containing almond acid.
Pre-peeling preparation
To check for allergic reactions, the cosmetologist applies a 5% acid solution (glycolic, lactic or phenoxyglycolic) for a few minutes to the neck, face and décolleté. In addition, the procedure evens out the epidermis, preparing for an even distribution of the basic composition.
A solution of mandelic acid (30-60%) is applied over the pre-peeling agent. The exposure time, the concentration of the substance, the constituent components, the number of layers depends on the type, color and condition of the skin. The decision is made by the master.
For example, if the complexion is dull and the skin is prone to acne, the beautician adds an alcohol component that dries and tightens the pores.
A special preparation that neutralizes the effects of mandelic acid is applied to the treated areas after peeling and removed by washing with water at room temperature.
Skin inflamed after the procedure should be soothed with masks with extracts of aloe, calendula, chamomile (exposure time - 20 minutes). After removing the mask, apply a cream with moisturizing properties.
How to make homemade composition - recipe
The procedure can be carried out at home. Such an almond face peel is so soft (since it is mechanical, not chemical) that there are practically no contraindications to this.
The composition should contain only natural ingredients.
In this case, you will get a mask with a low concentration of the substance and will not harm.
Aloe, almond, oatmeal and kaolin
Thoroughly chopped oatmeal and almonds (4 tsp each), mix with 2 tsp. kaolin, add 4 tsp. hot water, 4 tsp. aloe juice, 2 tsp. almond oil. Introduce lavender oil (8 drops) into the cooled mass. After 15 minutes. wash off.
Oat flour and almonds
Mix flour and ground almonds 1: 1, add milk powder and water (until creamy).
Apply to well-hydrated skin. Rub in with light circular motions for 15 minutes. You can add olive or rose oil to the composition (for sensitive and prone to dry skin).
Vinegar, honey, almonds
Ground almonds, grape seed oil, honey, 3 drops of apple cider vinegar, stir, apply to the surface to be treated. Massage gently and leave for 5 minutes. Wash off with cool water.
Aloe and almonds
Mix ground almonds, aloe juice, oat flour and water, apply to the surface to be treated for 15 minutes. Wash off with cool water.
Worth knowing! You can buy almond powder at grocery stores. Its sufficiently small particles allow you to cleanse even hypersensitive skin due to its gentle effect.
Home peeling: a step-by-step guide
As mentioned above, it is not at all necessary to visit a beauty parlor for an almond facial peel. It is easy to do it yourself.
To find out in more detail what it is, you need to carefully study the instructions and do an allergy test (a week before applying, apply acid to delicate areas: the inner side of the elbow or wrist).
The course includes 7-14 procedures (the number is influenced by the degree of neglect of the problem and the desired final result). Between the procedures 1 - 2 weeks should pass (the structure of the skin affects). The repeated course is carried out no earlier than 6 months later.
For self-peeling, you need to purchase a kit with all the necessary tools (it also contains step-by-step instructions).
You can also buy mandelic acid (pay attention to the concentration of the product). It is better to use a low concentration of substance to avoid damage.
Pre-peeling preparation. Apply a moisturizing cream (5-10% mandelic acid) every night for 7 days.
Skin cleansing. Required condition. The skin is cleansed with cosmetic milk.
Degreasing the skin. Removes excess sebum. The skin is cleansed with a cosmetic lotion.
Peeling. At the main stage, the substance is applied with a 30-60% acid solution (carefully study the annotation before use), the skin is gently massaged with the fingertips. Duration - from 5 to 20 minutes. (takes into account the type of dermis and the problem).
Post-peeling. After the end of the procedure, wash your face and apply an herbal (with calendula, chamomile or aloe) mask to calm the dermis and remove negative reactions.
Side effects
Slight swelling and redness of the skin is quite natural after peeling. But if such a reaction lasts more than 3 days, it is worth worrying: a chemical burn is possible (this is only the fault of an unprofessional cosmetologist who incorrectly calculated the time or concentration).
Other side effects:
- discomfort (requires a moisturizer);
- redness (it will be removed by a soothing cream);
- dryness, feeling of tightness, peeling (mask will help: with collagen, algae, aloe);
- infection due to lack of hygiene (ointments and creams with antibiotics);
- swelling of thin areas of the dermis (hormonal creams).
Cosmetologists who practice a similar procedure, based on client feedback, highlight the most common reactions, such as:
- slight discomfort (clients feel tightness, dryness, which disappears under the influence of moisturizing creams. Usually disappears the next day);
- a burning sensation (noted during the procedure. This should not be afraid, since in this way the acid acts on the epidermis, without such sensations you cannot achieve the desired effect);
- redness and peeling (not often, but still clients complain about a similar skin reaction. But even in this case, the excitement is in vain, because the procedure is chemical, which means that it cannot go completely without a trace. The skin usually calms down after a day).
It is important to know! Almond peeling is one of the most gentle procedures used in beauty parlors.
Naturally, it is important that the doses and exposure times are selected correctly, all recommendations are strictly followed and proper care is performed.
Post-peel care
For 3 weeks, after waking up and before going to bed, use creams with nourishing and moisturizing properties, masks, including those prepared on your own.
Suitable creams "Skin-active", "Vitamin-F99", ointments "Traumeel", "Bepanten", grape seed oil.
The skin must be protected from ultraviolet radiation by using protective products (SPF at least 30).
In addition to mandatory measures, after peeling, you must adhere to the following rules:
- beware of injuries, bruises, scratches;
- do not use scrubs;
- wash only with warm boiled water or micellar;
- reduce the use of makeup.
Which almond peeling to choose
To use almond peels at home, you need to find out which brands of peels are the most popular and what effect is obtained from their use.
Ondevie - chemical peeling 35%
The active ingredient is mandelic acid with a concentration of 35%. The gel form of the product allows you to evenly apply it to the skin, guarantees a prolonged action.
Eliminates the appearance of pigmentation, evens out skin color. Smoothes fine wrinkles, accelerates collagen synthesis, activates cell renewal. Used as a preparation for laser resurfacing. Treats acne and post-acne. It is used for rosacea.
Has an accelerated post-peel rehabilitation.
The cost of the drug is from 1800 rubles. (30 ml).
Almond peeling Alpika (5.15%)
It contains 3 active substances: almond, succinic and fruit acids. The summing effect of these components regulates the depth of peeling, makes the process effective, and has a low trauma.
It is used for aging skin, pigmentation, inflammation, enlarged pores.
The cost of the drug is from 1500 rubles. (30 ml).
Belita - face peeling (30%)
The basis of the product is mandelic acid. It has the properties of peels of this category: heals problem skin, removes pigmentation, uneven tone, fine wrinkles, is used for rosacea.
The cost of the drug is from 1500 rubles. (200 ml).
Almond-salicylic peeling Arcadia 38 + 2%
The composition contains 2% salicylic acid and 38% almond.
Thanks to this combination of acids, the peeling acquires an antibacterial and keratolytic effect. Gently exfoliates the stratum corneum of the epidermis, stimulates the appearance of new cells, normalizes the production of sebum, reduces pores, brightens. Can be used in summer.
The cost of the drug is from 2500 rubles.
Peeling Gigi 15%
It contains almond, ascorbic acid and pumpkin seed extract.
Cleans, exfoliates the skin, removing dead skin cells, improves complexion, brightens, removes pigmentation. With careful action, the product restores the epidermis.
The cost of the drug is from 6900 rubles. (100 ml).
Martinex Mandelicpeel 40%
The product contains 40% mandelic acid.
It is used for acne of various degrees, seborrhea, biological aging of the skin, increased pigmentation. It has a pronounced bactericidal and antiseptic effect. Moisturizes the middle layers of the skin.
The cost of the drug is from 2999 rubles. (30 ml).
Cosmoteros 30%
Superficial peeling, contains a 30% concentration of mandelic acid.
Suitable for sensitive, problematic skin with emerging signs of aging. Moisturizes, has antioxidant properties, fights microbes. Accelerates cell renewal and collagen production.
The cost of the drug is from 2060 rubles. (30 ml).
Medderma (peeling)
Produced in water-alcohol and gel forms with different concentrations of mandelic acid.
Recommended for biological aging of the skin (smoothes wrinkles, reduces pigmentation). Possesses antibacterial action, controls the production of sebum. The complexion is evened out, comedones and acne are reduced.
Suitable for sensitive skin. Can be used in active sun (reduces skin photosensitivity).
The cost of the drug is from 2100 to 2550 rubles.
Peeling Egia 50%
Contains a higher concentration of mandelic acid.
It is used for the same purpose as other brands of peels. But since the remedy is stronger, it is not recommended for use by owners of sensitive or dry skin, as well as those who first decided on the procedure.
The result from the use of this remedy is positive and long-term.
The cost of the drug is from 3200 rubles. (100 ml).
The cost of peeling in the salon
Of course, this procedure does not have a fixed price, in different salons and the cost differs. On average, the price for one session ranges from 1 to 4 thousand rubles. (depends on the amount of acid required). A course of several sessions, respectively, will cost more.
How often should you do it?
For the best effect, the procedure is carried out in courses at intervals of several months. The course consists of 5 - 8 sessions, the break between which is 7 days.
Skin after peeling - before and after photos
Almond peeling helps many to improve the appearance of the skin, bringing it to an almost perfect condition, relieve age spots and acne. Photos of patients clearly show the differences in the condition of the facial skin before and after the procedure.
It is noticeable that almond peeling for the face is an effective procedure that removes such an unpleasant disease as acne, visually rejuvenates the look, improves color, and tightens the oval of the face.
Almond peeling is the most gentle skin care used in modern cosmetology. It effectively acts not only on the skin of the face, but also on the neck, décolleté, and hands. Peeling has almost no contraindications and side effects.
Video about the procedure for almond peeling in the salon:
Video on using almond peel at home:
I am going through the second course. Bags and bruises under the eyes disappeared, wrinkles smoothed out. Even the age spot under the eye has become invisible. The skin glows. Recommend.
Unpleasant procedure. It burns very much. 3 days went with a red face. She looked after, smeared with creams. But the skin is now objectively better, fresher. Friends say that she is younger. I will go through the whole course.
I am a longtime fan of almond peels. I do it regularly, I'm happy with the result. The discomfort goes away, but the face shines, there are no freckles, wrinkles are barely visible.