Anti-cellulite massage is the most productive method of combating the "orange peel". It is performed with the usual medical banks of different sizes. In traditional glass products, a vacuum is created by burning the air inside. In the free sale, in the pharmacy, modern massage jars from various materials with a pear are sold, helping to quickly get rid of cellulite.
When the can is placed on the skin, a low pressure zone is created. Part of the skin is drawn inward, thus improving blood circulation, normalizing microcirculation of interstitial fluid. During the massage process, the can moves through the body, the pressure changes in different areas. This facilitates the resorption of the seals. The external symptoms of cellulite disappear.
Pros and cons
Vacuum massage has the following advantages:
- stimulates blood circulation and improves the functioning of the lymphatic system;
- beneficial effect on the functioning of sweat and sebaceous glands;
- edematous and stagnant processes disappear;
- the fat layer becomes smaller, which helps to remove cellulite;
- collagen production is stimulated, skin rejuvenation occurs (especially effective for the face), a lifting effect occurs.
Massage with cans, to get rid of cellulite, is effective only when combined with a balanced diet and physical activity. It all depends on the perseverance and desire of the person. Many, hoping for a quick result, stop regular procedures.
This method of losing weight is not suitable for everyone, there are contraindications. Some procedures are not recommended to be performed on your own; it is better to consult a specialist in a beauty salon.
Choice of massage cans
There are several types of cans for massage:
- Glass products have a rubber bulb designed to create a vacuum. The massage performed is the most painful and difficult to perform. Also, glass is fragile. The advantages include the lack of absorbing odors and ease of washing.
- Massage cups made of rubber, easy to use, cheap. The negative characteristics include: absorption of odors and coloring particles, so they are very difficult to wash.
Banks for cellulite massage can be purchased rubber, silicone, glass or other material, depending on personal preference. - Silicone cans convenient to use, hygienic, have the most attractive appearance. The price is also affordable.
- Latex cans, have the same properties as silicone. The kit contains 2 pieces: one - with a round hole, the other - oval for hard-to-reach places.
- With massage pump, allowing to control the pressure inside the can, the process is close to an electric massager. Use for the face is possible. The advantages include: tissues are not damaged, detachment from the skin is excluded. The downside is the high price.
Preparation for massage
In addition to the massage cans for cellulite, during the procedure, special oils are usedwhich are sold freely at the pharmacy. It is possible to prepare a mixture from natural ingredients. You need to take 100 ml of basic oil (olive, grape, etc.) and 20 drops of essential oil, but no more than 6 types.
The following are recommended:
- Geranium oil dehydrates, activates lymphatic drainage, makes the skin elastic.
- Juniper - eliminates harmful substances, relieves swelling.
- Cypress - accelerates the skin regeneration process.
- Cedarwood enhances blood circulation by filling the layers of the dermis with oxygen.
- Grapefruit is effective for getting rid of cellulite and obesity.
- Orange can enrich the skin with oxygen, vitamins, promote the removal of harmful substances and regeneration.
It must be remembered that the dishes must be clean to prepare the mixture. Introduce essential oils into base oils, not vice versa.
Technique step by step
Before performing the procedure, it is necessary to warm up the problem areas: massage until the skin turns red. Thus, the accessible area of the body is independently heated.
Next, use the following guidelines:
- Lubricate the skin with massage oil. Keep your hands dry as the jar should slide over your body and not in your hands.
- Having installed the jar on the problem area, the following must be observed: the skin should not be drawn in more than 1.5 cm, otherwise injuries are possible.
- With the bank, we perform continuous circular movements from bottom to top in a clockwise direction. If the tightness is broken, the can must be reinstalled.
- During the procedure, the popliteal region, groin and inner thigh area should be avoided;
- The time of the massage is up to 20 minutes, until the appearance of redness.
- After the session, it is advisable to moisturize the treated area with cream or oil.
It is recommended to rinse well and dry the banks for massage from cellulite after the end of the procedure. Every other day, you need to perform a second massage to achieve an improved effect from one course of procedures.
Cupping massage scheme
Thus, massage with cups is performed.
Features of massage on the stomach
Anti-cellulite abdominal cupping massage is very effective for getting rid of excess fat deposits. You need to start the procedure by cleaning the treated area with an alcohol solution. Apply oil. When the jar touches the skin, a vacuum is created. It is necessary to ensure that the inside of the skin is 1.5 cm.
The bank needs to be moved clockwise in zigzagsmoving away from the large intestine. During the session, pain symptoms should not appear. The duration of the procedure is approximately 7 minutes. After the session, bruises may appear, which quickly disappear. For the most noticeable effect, once a month it is necessary to carry out a massage course of 10-15 sessions.
Features of massage on the hips and buttocks
Cellulite usually appears in the thighs and buttocks. The vacuum generated by the can activates the circulation of lymph and blood.
This is a zone available for self-massage, warming up for seven minutes can be done as follows:
- put your foot on a chair;
- move upward from the knee in a circular motion;
- lie on your side with your legs bent. Place the jar on your thigh and move continuously from bottom to top, then in zigzags and wave-like movements.
If massage is necessary for the legs, then with the help of a can, circular continuous movements are made upward. The procedure must be completed at the point of venous outflow.
Features of facial massage
Facial massage with a can has a rejuvenating effect.
How vacuum works:
- Muscle tissue relaxes.
- Lymph exchange is stimulated.
- In the lower layers of the dermis, microtraumas are created that provoke regeneration. An additional capillary network is formed, which contributes to oxygen saturation, and blood circulation improves. Pores shrink.
For the procedure, they take the same silicone cans used in massage for cellulite.
2 options are required:
- 1 cm in diameter - for smoothing fine wrinkles around the eyes, nasolabial folds.
- A can of 2-3 cm is used to intensively influence the lower layers of the dermis and muscles. It is used for the forehead and cheeks.
For the facial area procedure, you should carefully consider the choice of oil. It must be cold pressed and free from preservatives. You also need to comply with storage conditions. Spoiled oil is not good for massage.
It must be remembered that the oil is very well absorbed into the skin of the face, so it must be of good quality.
Any vegetable oil is assumed. Among them can be distinguished black cumin oil, which has a beneficial effect on the skin. It needs to be taken a little and mixed in equal proportions with another oil.
- Warm up your face in the shower, you cannot steam or carry out a session after the sauna;
- Thorough cleansing of the skin is imperative, everything that is on the outer layer is easily absorbed;
- Apply oil liberally.
There are 2 main techniques for vacuum facial massage:
- Static... Squeeze the jar a little and set on your face. It is necessary to ensure that the vacuum is small, the skin is retracted a few mm. Wait 5 seconds. Remove carefully by releasing vacuum. Never pull the jar off your skin.
- Dynamic the technique provides for the continuous movement of the can over the face. Care must be taken to ensure that the skin is relaxed.
You need to start the procedure with a medium can. Massaging the cheeks is carried out from the nose to the auricle, without affecting the area under the eyes. We put the can at the nose, bring it to the ear and remove. We lower it below and do the same movement. On the cheeks, visually highlight 4 parallel lines along which you need to move the can.
Divide the jaw in half visually. In the middle we put a finger and from it we draw a jar to the chin, remove. Then we make the same movement, but towards the ear. The chin is massaged in a circular motion with a medium-sized can. The muscles need to be relaxed.
The same jar is used to massage the area below the chin to get rid of the fat layer. The movement is from the middle of the bottom to the side (left and right). Massage the forehead with a medium-sized jar. Move from the bridge of the nose up. Then, along the massage lines, from the middle to the sides. It is necessary to ensure that the jar does not hurt your eyebrows.
Perform all movements with a medium-sized can 4 times.
We begin to massage the nasolabial folds with the little one. The skin must be held lightly. Install the jar and move up in smooth circular motions. Go back down and repeat. The area around the lips is massaged in the same way. Move the can in both directions. We remove the "crow's feet" by massaging on the bone. It is necessary not to let the skin deform.
Eyelid massage requires a very delicate approach. The upper eyelid is processed by moving the can to the outer edge, hold the skin near the can with your finger. On the lower eyelid, the bank moves along a line from the outside to the inside. Do all massages with a small can 2 times. For eyelids, repeat 5 times.
How long does it take for different zones
For each zone to be treated, a different session time is allocated. For the procedure to be effective, you must adhere to these periods. Anti-cellulite massage should last 5-15 minutes. It is necessary to start with the minimum time, increasing each session by 2 minutes.
The procedure for the feet can take up to 20 minutes. Especially carefully you need to massage your face. The jar should be on the skin for only a few seconds.
Frequency of carrying out
There are 2 schemes for the frequency of massage with banks:
- Regularly, every other day for 10-15 sessions. Perform up to one month. Take a break of 2-4 weeks between courses.
- Intensive course take a week every day. Then, once every 7-14 days, do a supportive massage.
If necessary, the intensive massage method should be repeated and returned to the supportive session.It must be remembered that the result of the procedure (getting rid of cellulite with the use of cans) does not come immediately. For this, there is a rest period when the skin is reanimated from microtraumas received during the session.
In these situations, massage is not recommended:
- The presence of thrombosis or a disposition to its formation.
- Poor blood clotting.
- The presence of birthmarks on the massaged area.
- Any damage to the skin.
- Inflammation of the facial nerve.
- Stage III hypertension or a tendency to hypotension.
- Inflammatory, fungal diseases.
- The presence of a pacemaker.
- Varicose veins or close location of the venous network.
- Diseases of the kidneys, bladder.
- A state of fatigue, overwork.
If there is at least one of the listed contraindications, then it is better to consult a specialist so as not to harm yourself. When the vessels are close to the surface, massage with cans is not contraindicated. But in this case, it is better to contact an experienced beautician. The procedure helps tighten the skin and slightly reduces the problem.
Expert recommendations
According to experts, massage with banks helps to get rid of cellulite only with an integrated approach. For best results, you need to review your diet. Refuse flour and sweets, limit the use of smoked meats, pickles.
It is necessary to observe the water-salt regime: the body needs at least 1.5 liters of water per day. To get rid of the "orange peel" exercise helps. If the gym is not for you, walking 5-6 km daily will help. The main thing in the fight against cellulite is the systematic and correct combination of different methods.
Video: cans for massage from cellulite
How to carry out vacuum massage with cans, find out in the video clip:
After giving birth, the skin became very saggy and cellulite appeared. The cans vacuum massage helped me a lot with this problem.