In the treatment of obesity and cosmetic correction of the abdomen, anti-cellulite massage is prescribed as one of the many physiotherapeutic procedures. In combination with diet and moderate physical activity, it allows you to quickly eliminate the manifestations of primary cellulite.
Indications for anti-cellulite abdominal massage
Anti-cellulite abdominal massage since the end of the 20th century. has become one of the most popular types of exposure. Many women experience the problem of an unsightly orange peel on their belly to one degree or another. They are ready to make any sacrifices to correct this defect.
The widespread opinion that anti-cellulite massage is a panacea for eradicating the manifestations of cellulite is quite wrong. This procedure is one of the components of the fight against an unpleasant phenomenon and has its own indications and contraindications.
The indications for massage are as follows:
- a set of measures for the treatment of obesity;
- dysfunction of the large intestine;
- as a preventive measure in the initial stage of manifestations;
- the formation of local fatty deposits.
The problem of the formation of deposits in the lower abdomen should be emphasized. The fact is that during even the most active physical training, the specified zone is exposed to the least effect. Accordingly, fat burning in this zone occurs only with cardio training.
Considering the fact that cellulite is a violation of cellular metabolism, the burning process is slow and uneven. That is why carrying out a massage of the lower abdomen can help in leveling the layer of subcutaneous fat and removing excess fluid.
In the future, when engaging in cardio training, this fact will contribute to the uniform destruction of fats and normal cellular metabolism.
The benefits of anti-cellulite belly massage
The benefits of anti-cellulite abdominal massage have their own characteristics:
- Accelerated elimination of toxins from the body (due to the fact that the projection of the intestine enters the affected area).
- Additional enhancement of blood circulation in the massaged areas.
- General improvement in skin condition and elasticity.
- Alignment of the layer of subcutaneous adipose tissue.
- Optimal conditions are created for the subsequent breakdown and removal of fats.
- Elimination of the phenomenon of edema in the lower abdomen and pubic region.
- Normalization of blood supply to the pelvic organs.
- Improvement of venous outflow of blood and drainage of lymph in the small pelvis.
- Reducing the timing of weight loss and fat processing.
So, in childbearing age, abdominal massage creates optimal conditions for the intestines and the activity of the pelvic organs, improving peristalsis and blood supply. At an older age, these factors increase their importance due to regular age-related changes, a decrease in natural physical activity, and often - and a decrease in sexual activity.
How to prepare for the procedure
Anti-cellulite abdominal massage, which a woman starts for the first time, always causes some psychological discomfort: it is inevitable to demonstrate what was carefully hidden under the clothes, and if the master is a man, then a huge share of embarrassment arises.
At this stage of preparation, you need to clearly understand that when massaging the abdomen, there is a peculiarity in observing the accuracy of movements when performing it.
But this accuracy for female hands is far from always achievable for a completely objective reason - an insufficient supply of strength and strength. Objectively, manipulations should be performed by a physician with well-established surgical skills. Women - surgeons and obstetricians, as a rule, do not engage in massage. Therefore, the choice still needs to be stopped with the man.
The procedure is carried out, as a rule, lying on a massage table and in the master's arsenal there is always a set of sterile disposable sheets (if there are none, it is better not to do the procedure with such a specialist). For your needs, you must always have a towel and sanitary napkins with you.
Most authors of articles on the rules of massage procedures argue that before the procedure itself, you need to wash with a scrub. This is one of the common misconceptions: it is impossible to carry out water procedures and even wipe with wet wipes at least 1 hour before the manipulations. The reason is described below in the massage technique.
During the procedure, you do not need to make any unnecessary movements and completely relax. Immediately inform the doctor about the occurrence of pain.
Varieties of anti-cellulite abdominal massage
In order to get the maximum anti-cellulite effect on the abdominal area, several types of massage have been developed.
The main ones are:
- manual;
- vacuum;
Anti-cellulite massage of the abdomen is vacuum. It is easy to do it yourself. - hardware.
Manual massage is traditionally the most popular. It is also the most effective in terms of its effectiveness. This is due to many factors, but the most important is the targeted influence on problem areas and direct contact between the doctor and the patient.
It is no secret that for the full activity of muscles and other organs, the brain transmits high-speed electrical impulses to the nerve endings through the nervous system. Waste electricity is disposed of on the surface of the skin. Outlets of electric currents are located in biologically active points.
Violation of conductivity at these points leads to an uneven distribution of electrical potentials over the body surface. This leads to the formation of zones of static electricity and the formation of electromagnetic fields that are not standard for the body. During the production of manual massage, the flow of electricity, interacting with the hands of the master, is normalized.
This factor is not considered when performing massage sessions using oils and creams. Therefore, there is a decrease in the therapeutic effect of the procedures performed.
Vacuum massage has become significantly widespread due to its low price and availability: the price of 1 manual massage session in different regions of the country varies from 500 to 1000 rubles, and the price of a vacuum device is no more than 1500 rubles. However, for a number of reasons, its use in this case is not recommended. The fact is that an experienced massage therapist works hard, efficiently, but in a very gentle mode.
At the same time, avoiding exposures that can lead to the formation of hematomas. The implementation of vacuum procedures is always accompanied by bruises. Performers of vacuum techniques claim that this is the norm and after 5 - 6 sessions hematomas disappear.
In the instructions for the use of vacuum devices, there is always a recommendation on the use of some manual massage techniques at the beginning and end of the procedure. This fact in itself raises the question of the true efficiency of the vacuum. Hardware massage in various forms is widely used in various salons and gyms.
Its essence boils down to zonal mechanical (more often vibration) impact on certain parts of the body. Compared to manual massage, apparatus massage has low efficiency and its use is impractical for therapeutic purposes.
In addition, vibration loads have an extremely negative effect on the activity of internal organs. Recommended for use as an adjunct to manual massage techniques.
Techniques for performing anti-cellulite abdominal massage
There are many techniques for massaging the abdomen. Since the time of Avicenna, the therapeutic effect of massage on the subcutaneous fat has been known. And since then, massage techniques have been developed in all countries of the world. The most famous are Chinese, Indian, Thai and Swedish techniques. It is on their basis that modern techniques are created.
However, domestic medicine has created many developments that are not only more scientifically substantiated, but also went far ahead in terms of efficiency. An example is the author's methodology of Professor A.A. Biryukova.
The sequence of the Biryukov procedure:
- back;
- neck;
- pelvic area;
- hips;
- shin;
- stomach.
Applied techniques | Execution order |
Longitudinal stroking | Movements go over the entire surface of the abdomen from the ilium and pubic bones in the direction of the hypochondrium. |
Stroking along the colon | The master is to the right of the patient. With the left hand, fixed with the right, a movement is made from the right groin to the ribs, then, changing the position of the hands, across the abdomen to the left hypochondrium and down to the left groin. |
Longitudinal alternating | With two hands from the pubis along the midline with a simultaneous divorce to the sides. |
Kneading double ring | The brushes are applied across the muscles. Each hand performs a single kneading. |
Double neck | It is also performed, only with the hands close together to increase the effort. |
In the production of this technique, each technique is alternated with stroking.
Algorithm for anti-cellulite abdominal massage
Anti-cellulite abdominal massage as an independent procedure appeared in the 70s of the XX century. The entire technique of performing anti-cellulite massage techniques is based on the traditional classic. However, at the present stage, a number of unquestioning rules for its implementation are overlooked either through ignorance or deliberately.
Meanwhile, these rules are extremely important:
Basic massage rules | Comments |
Work is carried out only by hand, without the use of accessories and lubricants. | All motor processes in the body occur according to the commands of the brain. Commands are transmitted to nerve endings through electrical impulses. Disposal of impulses is carried out by throwing them onto the surface of the skin in the places of the so-called biologically active points (BAP). Most of the outputs of electrical impulses are at the fingertips and in the palms. Thus, touching the naked body with clean, dry hands, the doctor normalizes the energy of the body. |
Preparation of the body for the procedure (washing) ends no later than 1 hour before its start. | The principle is explained in the previous point. The body must be clean and dry. In addition, the flow of impulses through the body must be in a natural state. |
It is forbidden to massage only certain zones (before the in-depth study of a separate zone, a general preventive massage of the whole body is performed). | When working out a single zone in it, blood circulation improves, but in the rest of the course it remains the same. There is a local oversaturation of the organs of the zone with blood with a difficult outflow.This, in turn, leads to the occurrence of edema, most often internal. |
The patient is advised to be completely naked. | In the presence of any items of clothing, it is impossible to ensure high-quality and quick study of individual zones. |
It is forbidden to use techniques that cause pain and discomfort to the patient (it is allowed to inflict only short-term painful sensations with an instant return to the comfort zone). | Painful sensations during manual massage are inevitable. The reason should not be in the strength and harshness of the impact, but in the soreness of the state of individual muscles. The pain should be strictly dosed and, as a rule, after 5 procedures, it is no longer felt. |
Exposure leading to the formation of hematomas on the patient's body is unacceptable (hematomas, abrasions and other traumatic manifestations are considered a marriage in work). | The principle follows from the Hippocratic rule: "Do no harm!" The appearance of hematomas on the patient's body is an extremely negative factor. The fact is that in the presence of injured tissues, adipose tissues are not removed, but penetrate deeper. Thus, the foundation for future obesity is laid. It is much more difficult to cope with fatty tissues located in depth than with superficial manifestations of cellulite. |
During the procedure, at the beginning, the most voluminous zones should be worked out:
- shoulders;
- back;
- buttocks;
- lower limbs.
Only after such preparation can you go to the abdomen.
The main methods of carrying out a massage procedure are:
Reception name | Application |
Stroking | It is used at the beginning of the session to warm up and activate the skin's reaction and at the end to calm and relieve tension. Technically, at the beginning of the procedure, stroking is done with the entire brush, at the end - in a zigzag manner with the fingertips. |
Kneading | The next step after stroking. It is used for the final warming up of the zone to the full depth and preparing it for the continuation of the procedure. They are produced with the capture and pulling of the captured tissue. |
Pinch impact | They are made with soft and smooth movements, sorting out the captured tissue from the pubis to the level on the palm above the navel. First, the movements go along the midline of the abdomen, then the transition to the lateral lines is carried out. |
Vibration | To activate cellular metabolism, relax tissues to the full depth and eliminate muscle spasm caused by the usual tightening of the abdomen. |
Trituration | To normalize blood circulation in the massaged area. It is performed in a circular motion clockwise and along the bowels. Subcutaneous fat and abdominal muscles are included in the work. Intestinal function is stimulated. |
Pushups | They are produced more in the lower abdomen, which is not available for other methods. Produced smoothly and not hard. |
Percussion techniques | In the abdominal area |
Only by blows of the tips of the fingers, by their sharp bending in the metacarpophalangeal joints. |
Duration of anti-cellulite massage
With obvious symptoms of cellulite, it is recommended to carry out 3 - 4 courses of 10 procedures per year. Duration of manual massage using different methods is from 30 minutes. up to 1.5 hours. A real calculation for massage units shows that for a full effect, it cannot be less than an hour, since a large number of massage units are processed.
Abbreviated techniques do not produce the desired effect. This fact is due to the physiological foundations of massage, set forth in the writings of the creators of its techniques.
When carrying out vacuum and hardware massage, the number of procedures remains (except for canned massage at least 10 sessions are recommended). The procedure time is reduced to 10 minutes. It is this factor that makes vacuum procedures more popular.
The harm of anti-cellulite abdominal massage
Anti-cellulite abdominal massage, in addition to useful properties, has a number of contraindications, for example, absolute contraindications:
- diseases of the lymphatic system;
- skin rashes and swelling;
- hypertensive crisis;
- all diseases in the acute period;
- bleeding of various etiologies;
- atherosclerosis;
- malignant neoplasms;
- mental syndromes;
- endocrine system diseases;
- thrombophlebitis.
Temporary contraindications:
- boils;
- pregnancy and lactation;
- gastrointestinal diseases;
- diseases of the genitourinary system;
- menstruation.
If you are highly sensitive to pain, you should refrain from performing vacuum massage. It is often assumed that at an older age, women often suffer from pathologies of the reproductive organs and massage of the abdomen can be harmful. You can harm in this case only if you use the wrong techniques and techniques, as well as violation of the rules for their implementation.
Also, colitis is among the contraindications. In fact, in practice, there are repeated cases when, with indications for surgical intervention, massage of the abdomen in gentle modes, it is possible to save the patient from the inevitable operation.
Often, many massage therapists and representatives of various salons are silent about the potential harm that can arise from improperly performed massage. In particular, this concerns the justification for the presence of hematomas on the patient's body after procedures. Vacuum techniques stand out especially in this regard.
The basis of the danger in this case lies in the physiological characteristics of the organism. The hematoma itself, even a minor one, is an injury that allows the penetration of adipose tissue into deeper layers. Including comes to muscle tissue. Thus, lesions are formed, which tend to further develop.
Moreover, their manifestation was postponed for a significant time period. Basically, they begin to manifest themselves with a decrease in active physical activity. This period is the beginning of a disease such as obesity. Visual manifestations, as with cellulite, are absent, but body volumes gradually increase.
At an early stage, it is still possible to correct the situation with standard anti-cellulite methods, but with a neglected situation, the patient should already undergo full courses of treatment for obesity.
Anti-cellulite massage is not only an effective adjuvant in the cosmetic correction of the abdomen, but also a good prophylactic against the development of cellulite.
Article design:Lozinsky Oleg
Video on how to do anti-cellulite abdominal massage
Anti-cellulite abdominal massage. Sculpting. Execution technique: