Dark circles and bruises under the eyes not only spoil the appearance of the face, but can also be signs of health problems. To fix the problem and remove the bruise, it is useful to know the recommendations of doctors about the methods and means of treatment.
Bruises under the eyes - causes
Dark circles around the eyes are common in both children and adults. Most often it is explained by the nervous rhythm of life of modern people, the questionable quality of food and the lack of adequate rest.
Many people do not suspect that this defect is often a symptom of serious diseases.
Dark circles and bruises under the eyes in young children and adolescents are a consequence of the influence of various factors, which are important for every parent to know about:
- Genetic and physiological features: the depth of the eyes, excessively thin skin is one of the possible causes of bruising under the eyes in children. Usually, the same feature can be observed in that adult to whom the baby looks like. In this case, there is no threat to the child's health.
- Fatigue, according to pediatricians, it is the main reason for the appearance of dark circles in a child. The lack of a regime, as well as a strong workload with classes and lessons, leads to it. In such a situation, parents should take care that the child does not overwork, has a full rest and walk on the street.
- Improper nutrition - Another common cause of bruises under the eyes in children, indicating a lack of vitamins and other important substances in the body. The solution to the problem is the organization of a full, varied menu.
- Worms and other parasites in the child's body, the appearance of bruises under the eyes is initiated in combination with other symptoms (dizziness, weight loss, loss of appetite, nausea, etc.). To confirm such a diagnosis and prescribe treatment, a pediatrician consultation is required.
- General decrease in immunity after an illness it can also cause an unhealthy complexion and bruises under the eyes, this phenomenon is explained by a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood. In this case, no separate treatment is required; doctors recommend adding a large amount of fresh fruits and vegetables to the diet, as well as walking more outside.
Causes of bruising under the eyes in children
Doctors recommend that parents pay special attention to the color of the bruises under their eyes. this factor may indicate the development of serious pathologies in the child's body and the need for urgent consultation with a pediatrician:
- Bright blue bruising is usually indicative of heart disease;
- Reds indicate the presence of allergies;
- Dark circles in combination with impaired nasal breathing indicate inflammation of the tonsil;
- Brown ones are a sign of liver diseases and thyroid gland pathologies.
In adults, discoloration of the skin under the eyes is often a symptom of various diseases, and such a process can also indicate the effect of unfavorable external factors on the body.
Doctors strongly recommend first, with the help of specialists, to understand the reasons for their appearance, and only then proceed to any treatment.
Common causes of bruising under the eyes in adult men and women:
- Physiological features (deep eyes, thin sensitive skin);
- The specifics of work and lifestyle (alcohol consumption, smoking, lack of adequate rest, stress, poor-quality food, spending a lot of time at the computer, TV, etc.);
- Age-related changes (the fragility of the vessels increases, the production of melanin increases);
- Dramatic weight loss;
- Allergic reaction (in women to low-quality cosmetics);
- Kidney disease (pyelonephritis, nephroptosis, etc.);
- Diseases of the heart and blood vessels (microstroke, microinfarction, etc.);
- Lack of vitamins.
Anyone who has encountered bruises under the eyes is primarily interested in how to remove them and how quickly they disappear. It is very important to understand that the speed of their convergence directly depends on the root cause of their appearance:
- If dark circles are symptoms of any disease, the normalization of skin color will occur only if the underlying ailment is treated;
- If the bruise is the result of an injury, then the rate of its convergence usually ranges from one to three weeks, because it directly depends on the correctness of the measures taken (you need to immediately apply cold, and then treat the impact site with a special ointment).
How to quickly remove a bruise under the eye - absorbable quick-acting remedies for bruises. Instructions for the use of ointments, creams, fillers
In case of injury to the area of the face under the eye, small blood vessels rupture, resulting in the formation of a hematoma (bruise). In modern pharmacies, a wide range of special products are presented that help accelerate the healing process of the damaged skin area.
Heparin ointment
Inexpensive heparin ointment (average price - 70 rubles) allows you to anesthetize the damaged area, and it also prevents the development of inflammation and has an antithrombotic effect. A small amount of ointment should be gently rubbed into the damaged area; it is recommended to repeat the procedure up to 4 times during the day.
Zinc ointment
Zinc oxide (the active substance of zinc ointment) stimulates the rapid resorption of blood clots at the site of the hematoma, and also helps to reduce edema and quickly restore the normal color of the skin.
For maximum effect, the product is applied every 2-3 hours. You can buy this medicine in a pharmacy literally for 20 rubles.
Gel "Troxevasin"
Gel "Troxevasin" is indicated for diseases of the veins, but it is often used to quickly eliminate bruises, because the active components of the drug help to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, thereby accelerating the healing of hematoma. It is enough to apply the product once in the morning and in the evening.
Ointment "Troxerutin"
Ointment "Troxerutin" is an absolute analogue of "Troxevasin", with an identical direct purpose. For faster descent of the bruise, it is recommended to gently rub the ointment into the skin no more than 3 times a day.
Vishnevsky ointment
Vishnevsky's ointment has long been known as a strong anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent.
Despite the rich pharmaceutical range of modern drugs with a similar principle of action, many representatives of the older generation remain faithful to this particular drug and advise using it for bruises.
Vishnevsky's ointment disinfects, enhances blood circulation and relieves puffiness. To accelerate the descent of the hematoma, it is applied in a thin layer to the skin every 4 hours.
Ointment "Bruise OFF"
Such a pharmaceutical preparation as "Bruise OFF" will help to quickly remove the bruise under the eyes. The extract of medicinal leech, ethoxydiglycol and pentoxifylline contained in it help to relieve puffiness and normalize skin color, and prevent the development of inflammatory processes.
Another wonderful property of the ointment is that it gives a toning effect. The average cost of a drug is 130 rubles.
Rescuer ointment
The Rescuer ointment is an inexpensive (about 150 rubles), but very popular remedy used to treat hematomas, bruises, and burns. The preparation contains a whole complex of natural ingredients (sea buckthorn oil, propolis, etc.), which have a strong analgesic, regenerating, anti-inflammatory effect.
Applying "Rescuer" immediately after a bruise will help to avoid the appearance of a bruise, and if it does appear, it will be less noticeable and will pass in a shorter time.
Ointment "Levomekol"
Ointment "Levomekol" is in almost every first-aid kit, because this inexpensive remedy is indispensable in case of bruises, burns, wounds, etc. Doctors recommend using it to treat bruises if there is damage to the skin at the wound site.
It will help disinfect and anesthetize the injured area, will help relieve swelling and quick healing. "Levomekol" is applied in a thin layer to a wound pretreated with hydrogen peroxide.
How to get rid of bruises and bruises under the eyes at home - effective folk remedies
If at the most inopportune moment a black eye appears, traditional medicine will tell you how to remove it quickly. In particular, such methods will be relevant in cases where there is no way to see a doctor or buy a special product in a pharmacy, and you need to get rid of hematoma or dark circles on the face urgently.
Hemorrhoid bruise cream
Almost all hemorrhoid creams contain components such as lanolin, glycerin, collagen, and various natural oils. In cosmetology, such complexes of substances are used to solve many skin problems, including bags and dark circles under the eyes.
Most doctors do not recommend resorting to the use of ointments for hemorrhoids for other purposes, since they also include other components. Before applying such a remedy to the skin of the face, it is imperative to carefully study the composition and, to exclude allergic reactions, do a wrist test.
Badiaga from bruises
Badiaga is a freshwater alga, on the basis of which pharmaceutical products are produced in the form of a cream, gel, powder, costing from 50 to 100 rubles. Badiaga improves blood circulation, helps to reduce swelling and accelerate the process of resorption of blood clots.
If it is rubbed into the injured area every 3 hours, the bruise will disappear in 2-3 days.
Toothpaste for bruises
A remedy such as toothpaste will help to quickly remove a black eye. The effect is achieved due to menthol and disinfecting substances that make up its composition. The product is applied in a thin layer to the damaged area and allowed to dry.
Then the paste can be washed off and the procedure can be repeated again, as well as leave such a “compress” overnight. For maximum effect, it is best to use a dye-free mint toothpaste.
Cucumbers for bruises
Cucumber eye mask is one of the simplest and most effective recipes for getting rid of dark circles, since everyone's favorite vegetable has a strong whitening effect and is extremely rich in moisture.
Cut the cucumbers into circles or chop and apply for 15 minutes. to the problem area on the face.
Eye area mask
Homemade parsley-based masks will help get rid of dark circles under the eyes. This spice is rich in vitamins, helps to remove excess fluid, relieve swelling, and also has a whitening effect.
It should be applied like this:
- A bruise under the eye, how to remove quickly with parsley: chop the herbs and apply for 15 minutes. to the problem area.
- For a moisturizing effect, you can add a mild fat sour cream to parsley.
- If you only have dried herbs at hand, then boil it with boiling water, cool, strain. From the resulting broth, make lotions for the eyes.
Potatoes and starch for the eyelid area
Fresh potatoes, as well as potato starch, are extremely rich in vitamins (B, C, K) and nutrients, so these components are often included in homemade face masks. To combat dark circles, it is recommended to take a fresh tuber, rinse thoroughly, cut in half, and apply in slices over the eyes (for 15 minutes).
The procedure can be repeated several times during the day. For the treatment of a fresh bruise, grind potatoes on a grater, apply juicy pulp to the damaged area. Fresh potatoes can be replaced with starch diluted with water.
Application of aloe
Aloe has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, "draws out" excess fluid and helps relieve edema. To combat hematomas in folk medicine, a fresh leaf of a plant is used, cut in half. It is applied to the damaged area, fixed with an adhesive plaster.
Using ice
The ice cube has an excellent tonic effect on the skin, including the delicate area under the eyes. Such a simple remedy is indispensable for eliminating traces of fatigue, dark circles, swelling, especially effective is cosmetic ice, which can be prepared by hand:
- From green tea (against edema);
- From potato juice (for dark circles);
- From a decoction of parsley (from bruises);
- From cucumber juice (from bags).
Applying ice for bruises under the eyes
Lotions, eye patches
Lotions based on various decoctions are another popular folk way of dealing with cosmetic defects in the eye area. The most effective are lotions made from:
- chamomile broth;
- tea brewing;
- broth of parsley.
How to quickly remove bruises under the eyes using lotions: you need to take cotton or gauze pads, soak them with a decoction of room temperature, apply to the eyes for a quarter of an hour.
You can go the other way and buy a ready-made cosmetic product - eye patches, which function as a kind of lotions or masks. They differ in composition and direction of action; there is a separate category of similar products aimed specifically at combating bruises under the eyes.
It is convenient and easy to use them: they are fixed under the eyes, while they do not constrain movements and allow you to do other things. They do not need to be washed off, and the result is noticeable after the first procedure. You can buy such a remedy in many online stores or pharmacies.
Eye area massage
One of the most affordable and quickest methods of dealing with dark circles is light self-massage, which improves blood circulation in the problem area and normalizes skin color.
Heading from the outer corner of the eye to the inner corner, you need to perform light tapping for a few minutes, then apply a moisturizer to this area.
How to hide bruises under the eyes with makeup
Modern cosmetology offers such means for eliminating bruises under the eyes as concealers (correctors), the function of which is to mask skin defects.
On sale you can find a variety of concealers in the form of a pencil, a liquid, and also in the form of multi-colored palettes.
For the area around the eyes, cosmetic stores can offer special correctors with a more delicate composition.
In order to effectively hide bruises under the eyes with the help of concealer, it is very important to choose it correctly. The tool is chosen to match your skin, and also take into account individual characteristics - for dry skin, a liquid form is recommended, and for oily skin - a creamy one.
Cosmetologists advise using color correctors, but you need to know the features of applying different shades:
- Yellow color can remove dark (purple) circles under the eyes;
- Orange is for masking greenish circles;
- Green color masks redness and breakouts.
- Blue will hide age spots.
To remove bruises under the eyes, you must first eliminate the causes of their appearance, and then use a cosmetic or folk remedy to quickly solve the problem. It is important to remember that before using any product, it is imperative to check the reaction of the body in order to prevent a possible allergic reaction to its components.
Video on how to quickly remove a black eye
Video about folk remedies for getting rid of bruises under the eyes