In cosmetology, many anti-aging procedures are used to eliminate age-related changes. One of the most effective and proven by several generations of patients is botulinum therapy. How safe are Botox injections, what are the indications and contraindications to the technique, the main types of drugs - all important information about "beauty injections" is collected in the material.
What is botulinum therapy and prices for botox injections
Botulinum therapy in cosmetology is a modern method of skin rejuvenation, based on the introduction of a type A botulinum toxin preparation into muscle tissues.... The procedure helps to relax tense muscles and thereby remove wrinkles on the face and body.
Botox itself is a toxic substance, but for cosmetic purposes it is used in microscopic volumes and therefore is absolutely safe for health.
Botulinum toxins are naturally produced by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum and were discovered back in the 19th century, but the official permission for the use of the poison for cosmetic purposes was obtained only in 1980 in the United States.
In Russia, botox began to be used in 1994.
Botulinum toxin injections are now more than affordable financially. So, the price for 1 bottle of the drug "Botox" in cosmetology clinics in Russia is about 400 rubles, "Dysport" - 150 - 200 rubles, "Xeomin" - 450 - 550 rubles.
At the same time, a whole bottle of Botox will cost 12-15 thousand rubles, and Relatox - 10-11 thousand rubles. Considering that 1 bottle usually contains about 100 units of action (U) of Botox, it is easy to calculate how many sessions it will last.
To eliminate different wrinkles, a different volume of the drug is used:
- transverse wrinkle on the forehead (from 5 to 15 U);
- "Purse string" wrinkles above the lip (from 3 to 5 units);
- creases of the skin in the corners of the mouth (5 units);
- "Crow's feet" (from 10 to 20 units);
- wrinkle on the bridge of the nose, between the eyebrows (from 10 to 30 U).
If injections are used to treat hyperhidrosis, then the cost of such a procedure is impressive - the price of the course varies within 20 thousand rubles. in Moscow and regions of Russia.
Types of botulinum therapy
Botulinum therapy has become widely used in cosmetology relatively recently - since the mid-1980s. Previously, injections of a muscle relaxant were used in the treatment of pathologies of the nervous system, including severe lesions, associated with muscle static:
- cerebral palsy;
- paralysis after a stroke;
- multiple sclerosis;
- diseases of the brain and spinal cord;
- horse foot syndrome;
- contraction of the circular muscles of the eye;
- blepharospasm (involuntary screwing up);
- spasmodic muscle contraction (dystonia).
Botox injections in medicine are also used to treat:
- Strabismus. The drug causes temporary paralysis of the eye muscle, after the end of which the deviation is corrected - the eye is straightened.
- Increased sweating (hyperhidrosis)... Botulinum toxin is injected directly into the areas of accumulation of sweat glands (armpits, the surface of the feet and palms), after which a person stops sweating even from heat and stress.
- Migraine. Botulinum toxin relaxes spasmodic muscles on the head and neck, has an analgesic effect, blocking the work of pain receptors.
There are 2 types of botulinum therapy:
- Intramuscular injection of Botox.
- Subcutaneous injection (mesobotox).
Mesobotulin therapy in cosmetology is carried out as follows
The differences between these procedures are summarized in the table.
Intramuscular injection | Mesobotox |
The drug is injected into muscle tissue | The injection depth is only 2mm |
More noticeable effect, helps to eliminate even skin creases and deep wrinkles | Helps to cope with mimic wrinkles |
Suitable for all skin types | Mainly performed on sensitive skin |
High risk of side effects | Negative consequences are unlikely |
A large number of contraindications | Contraindications are associated only with the presence of serious pathologies, acute and chronic diseases |
The muscles relax, their tension does not occur either consciously or reflexively | Facial expressions are preserved, the face does not turn into a motionless "mask" |
Specific number of injection points | A large number of microinjections on a large area of the skin |
The technique is safe for patients of any age, even for children (provided that the injection intervention is medically necessary).
Botulinum therapy is indicated if the patient is worried about:
- small mimic wrinkles around the eyes, mouth;
- deep nasolabial folds;
- eyebrow folds;
- asymmetry of the face or its individual features;
- transverse creases of the skin on the forehead, neck, bridge of the nose;
- drooping of the corners of the lips;
- "Purse string" fine wrinkles that form above the upper lip;
- sharp facial features;
- folds in the neckline and neck;
- lack of physiological roundness of the lower face and chin;
- loss of facial contours;
- the presence of pronounced scars and scars.
The most effective use of Botox is at the age of 30 - 35 years, when the first age-related changes have already appeared, but the tone of muscle fibers is still quite active.
Botulinum therapy in cosmetology is not prescribed to all patients who want to get rid of aesthetic skin defects.
The procedure will not dare to be performed by any doctor if the patient has one or more contraindications:
- individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
- period of pregnancy and lactation;
- the presence of inflammatory processes, wounds, cuts at the proposed site of botox treatment;
- ptosis or hernia of the lower or upper eyelid;
- the presence of moles, warts or papillomas at the points of injection;
- autoimmune diseases;
- tendency to develop keloid scars;
- SARS or other infectious disease accompanied by fever, fever;
- pathology of the urinary tract, endocrine and respiratory systems;
- non-clotting blood;
- muscle weakness;
- malignant tumors;
- acute phase of chronic diseases.
It is also prohibited to make "beauty injections":
- within 14 days after the end of taking antibiotics and antipyretics, drugs that prevent blood clots;
- within 4–5 years after a traumatic brain injury;
- women during menstruation, as well as 2 days before and after.
To refuse the procedure, without having a medical indication, is best for adolescents under 18 years old and older people over 60 years old, especially those suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, who have suffered a stroke or heart attack.
Possible side effects
Undesirable consequences after a session of injection skin rejuvenation appear quite rarely and are associated with the aesthetic component.
If the procedure is performed incorrectly on the face, the patient may experience:
- drooping or eversion of the eyelid;
- the occurrence of hematomas at the injection site, hemorrhage;
- soreness of the treated area;
- spasm of the upper or lower eyelid;
- violation of symmetry in facial expressions;
- itching and swelling;
- inability to swallow;
- inflammation of the cornea and dry eyes, conjunctivitis;
- runny nose, cough;
- loss of appetite, weakness;
- disorder in the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
- nausea, vomiting;
- exacerbation of herpes rash.
If the doctor conducts injections according to all the rules, then there are no side effects.
In the case when they appeared, most likely, the mistake was made:
- when choosing a muscle for drug administration;
- when determining the required dosage of botulinum toxin;
- when choosing the depth of needle insertion;
- when determining points for injections at the stage of preliminary examination.
The patient himself may also be to blame for the appearance of negative consequences if he ignored the recommendations of the cosmetologist regarding behavior during the rehabilitation period.
Mechanism of action of botulinum toxin
The action of botulinum toxins on the skin is to block the facial muscles. The toxin enters nerve cells and binds to receptors, preventing the transmission of impulses from nerves to muscle fibers.
At the same time, the muscle relaxant does not damage the nerves and does not destroy the neurotransmitters responsible for neuromuscular transmission.
The mechanism of action of botox in muscle tissue is as follows:
- The Botox molecule attaches to the end of the motor nerve.
- The nerve ending absorbs the toxic molecule.
- The release of acetylcholine, an organic compound responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses, is blocked.
- The muscle ceases to strain and finally relaxes.
- After a certain time, new processes appear at the nerve endings.
- New synapses are forming.
- The release of acetylcholine is restored.
- The muscle regains the ability to move.
Preparations for the procedure
For the procedure of injection rejuvenation, botulinum toxin type A preparations are used, of which there are several varieties. They differ in the amount of bacterial protein, albumin and stabilizers in the composition.
Most Popular:
- Botox (Allergan) - the most popular American drug produced in vials with an active substance content of 100 and 200 units. Has an extended shelf life.
- Dysport. Complex botulinum toxin manufactured in the UK. The release form - bottles with an active substance content of 300 and 500 units. Contains in its composition human albumin, as well as lactose, which is a must for people who are allergic to this substance.
- Xeomin. Produced in Germany, release form - bottles of 100 units. It contains pure neurobotulinum toxin, which excludes the occurrence of allergies to additives - stabilizing protein elements. When using it, the mimic mobility of the face is preserved.
- Myoblock. Japanese drug. Contains neurotoxin type B. The solution has a low acidity level, which makes it more painful to administer than analogs.
- Relatox. Produced in the Russian Federation, available in the form of a bottle with a dosage of 50 and 100 units. Serum albumin and sodium chloride are used as an additional component. Less allergenic than Botox.
- Lantox. Chinese analogue of Botox based on neurotoxins of types A, B, F.
All drugs have a different composition, but, in fact, are analogous products, differing only in the amount of accompanying additives and the size of the toxin molecules. The largest molecules are in Botox (900 kDa), smaller ones are in Myoblock and Dysport (500-700 kDa). In terms of safety, all funds are the same.
The decision to replace or joint use of different drugs within the same course of anti-aging procedures can only be made by a cosmetologist.
Preparation for the procedure
Botulinum therapy in cosmetology is considered one of the relatively safe methods, provided that it is performed by a qualified cosmetologist using a quality drug.
The patient does not need special preparation for injection skin rejuvenation. All you need to do is cleanse your skin of makeup, dirt and dead skin cells with micellar water, toner and a gentle exfoliating scrub.
Next, the cosmetologist conducts an initial examination of the client, determining:
- skin condition and problem areas;
- the need for botulinum therapy, excluding other anti-aging techniques;
- the number of required procedures, courses and the type of drug to be administered;
- the layout of the points for injection.
Before starting the procedure, the doctor must collect anamnesis - ask the patient about the presence of contraindications and well-being.
The procedure for botulinum therapy
The start of intramuscular injections is preceded by the signing of a voluntary consent to the procedure. The document indicates that the patient understands the essence of medical intervention and is aware of the possible consequences and side effects.
A correctly performed botulinum therapy procedure consists of the following actions of a doctor:
- The cosmetologist, in the presence of the patient, opens the package with the drug, having previously checked the expiration date. The data is entered into the patient's card, and the information insert of the entered means is pasted there.
- The contents of the sachet or ampoule are diluted with saline to a homogeneous consistency.
- Benzyl alcohol can be added to the solution to eliminate pain.
- The active substance is drawn into a syringe with a thin needle with a diameter of only 0.3 mm.
- The previously cleansed skin of the patient is treated with an anesthetic.
- The doctor injects the exact amount of the drug into the muscle tissue at predetermined points.
- The skin is treated with an antiseptic with a cooling effect.
In one session, the beautician makes an average of 7 - 30 injections, depending on the problem that the patient wants to solve. Residues of the drug are disposed of, since they are prohibited from being used. It takes from 1 to 5 minutes to process one area, the whole procedure rarely lasts more than half an hour.
When the injection effect appears
The visible effect does not appear immediately after a session of botulinum therapy, but after 7-10 days. The deeper the wrinkles, the longer it may take for the result to appear. During this period, botulinum toxin penetrates into nerve cells and disrupts the transmission of impulses from neurons to muscles.
The course must be repeated 2 times a year, each time reducing the dosage of the drug. In this case, the result remains even longer. After 4 - 5 courses - about 2 years of regular visits to the beautician, patients lose the habit of frowning or squinting, which means that the risk of new wrinkles and creases is reduced.
Cosmetic result from procedures
Botulinum therapy in cosmetology is considered one of the most effective procedures, since the effect of its use lasts on average from 3 to 9 months. After this time, the substance "dissolves", that is, the botulinum toxin is destroyed by the body's immune system.
In exceptional cases (only 1% of all patients who used botulinum therapy), against the background of prolonged use of botulinum toxins for rejuvenation, resistance to the procedure may develop, as a result of which the effect will persist for only 1 - 2 months or less.
Neurologists explain this phenomenon by the emergence of antibodies to the blood, which neutralize the action of type A botulinum toxins, prevent the latter from affecting neuronal connections. Either too large doses of the drug (over 250 units) or a large number of injections within a short period of time lead to this.
Other reasons why Botox doesn't work:
- insufficient amount of the drug in the injection;
- incorrectly chosen muscle for the injection;
- the patient has previously suffered botulism;
- immunity to injections against the background of a strong immune system of the body;
- use for preventive purposes, without indications for injection intervention.
Recommendations after injection
The patient does not need much time for post-injection recovery, because the technique is practically painless. There is no need to wait for the face to "return to normal", but you can immediately return to normal life.
The only thing that the patient needs to consider is the individual doctor's recommendations.
Immediately after the procedure, the cosmetologist warns that to obtain the desired effect, you cannot:
- Take a horizontal position or bend over for 4 - 5 hours.
- Touch, squeeze, or rub the botox-treated skin area.
- Visit the bathhouse, sauna or spa.
- Take strong medicines.
- Do hard physical labor and subject the body to sports stress.
- Wash with hot water (if injections were injected into the muscles of the face).
- Massage the treated area (toxin molecules can enter the bloodstream).
- Sleep on your stomach during the first day.
- Take a hot bath or shower.
- To carry out aggressive cosmetic manipulations with the skin: use chemical peeling, scrub or face cleansing.
- Visit your dentist if nasolabial folds or wrinkles in the mouth area have been corrected.
- During the day, drink plenty of water or eat foods that can cause swelling.
- Drink alcohol and smoke.
- Get vaccinated (will put a serious strain on the immune system).
- Conduct myostimulation and magnetotherapy, as well as ultrasound and laser exposure on the treated area.
- Fly by plane for 1 week.
As a rule, a person remains under the supervision of a doctor in a cosmetology clinic for another 1 - 1.5 hours. During this time, redness disappears from the treated area, traces of injections leave, and the risk of severe allergic reactions due to individual intolerance to the components is eliminated.
Botulinum therapy is one of the most effective, safe and simple methods in cosmetology to restore youthfulness and skin tone.
In order for the resulting effect to please, you need to take seriously the choice of a beauty salon or clinic, a qualified doctor, a high-quality and fresh drug. And to prolong the effect will help the implementation of all the prescriptions of the cosmetologist and the rejection of bad habits.
Author: Annie Cooper
Article design: Vladimir the Great
Botulinum therapy video
Beautician will dispel myths about botulinum therapy: