Green Slim tea is a Russian dietary supplement from Fitera, specializing in the production of various food additives.
Created in 2003 from high-quality natural raw materials, the drug is based on a balanced recipe that allows you to increase the vigor and defenses of the body, as well as to activate metabolic processes responsible for normalization of body weight.
Helping, according to reviews, to ask up to 5 kg within 3 weeks, the drug has a pleasant taste and well regulates appetite, helping to avoid unwanted snacks and excessive consumption of sweets.
Indications for use
Green Slim tea for weight loss (customer reviews of the product are given below in the article) is composed of plant components, with a small addition of identical natural flavors.
The main task of the dietary supplement is to help in the fight against excess weight, obtained through:
- increasing body thermoregulation;
- increasing the activity of the metabolic process;
- removal from the body of toxins and toxins accumulated in the intestines.
It is recommended to take the drug for people:
- wishing to normalize body weight;
- obese;
- those who want to cleanse the body of accumulated harmful substances;
- constipated;
- with lowered immunity;
- suffering from a passion for sweets and frequent snacks.
Green Slim tea for weight loss (reviews of women using the drug note the good cleansing qualities of tea) is based on the healing effect on the body of green tea leaf, in addition to anti-intoxication qualities, which is a natural antioxidant that helps prevent the negative effects of oxidative reactions on the body.
Also in the tea:
Senna |
Rhubarb extract |
Mate extract |
Lotus leaves | Effective hemostatic and diuretic |
Garcinia cambogia leaves |
Hoodia gordonia |
Aloe extract |
Mandarin peel |
Coleus seeds |
Levocarnitine | Normalizes fat metabolism and accelerates tissue repair |
The preparation does not contain toxic substances, dyes and food additives.
Release form
Green Slim tea for weight loss (reviews posted on the Internet, I note the emergence of a strong laxative effect that occurs against the background of taking dietary supplements) is produced in tea bags placed in an emerald green box of 30 pieces. One bag contains 2 g of crushed tea.
The cost of dietary supplements is about 140 rubles.
The Green Slim weight loss series is represented by the products described below.
Herbal tea with lemon
The preparation, which normalizes the digestive and metabolic processes, in addition to the main components, contains lemon peel, which saturates the body with vitamin C.
Dietary supplement recommended for use in the autumn-winter season:
- helps to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins;
- improves intestinal motility and fights constipation;
- normalizes metabolic processes;
- increases the body's defenses;
- tones up and gives vigor;
- helps fight off-season depression.
Herbal tea with mint and lemon balm
This weight-loss nutritional supplement contains crushed lemon balm and mint leaves to help calm the nervous system and promote sleep.
Herbal extracts included in tea:
- normalize metabolic processes;
- have a detox effect;
- help fight allergic skin rashes and stress;
- calm the nervous system;
- make it easier to go to bed;
- effectively fight edema.
Herbal tea with stevia, pineapple and strawberries
To help control appetite and reduce sugar cravings, herbal tea contains natural sugar substitute stevia, which reduces appetite and helps avoid insulin surges, which are the main causes of excess weight.
The preparation containing pineapple and strawberry extracts not only helps to lose weight and normalize metabolism, but also improves hematopoietic function, as well as to take care of the beauty and health of skin, hair and nails.
A herbal tea with pineapple and strawberry extracts that allows you to effectively lose weight:
- activates metabolic processes;
- stimulates the breakdown of adipose tissue;
- increases the body's immune forces;
- fights edema;
- reduces the amount of visceral fat accumulated in the body;
- fights edema;
- tones the nervous system and gives vigor.
Herbal tea with peach
A delicious and aromatic herbal drink with a peach aroma not only cheers up, but also contributes to:
- detecting digestion and outflow of bile;
- supports the work of the heart;
- has a general strengthening effect on the body;
- normalizes metabolism;
- improves blood formation;
- has a positive effect on bone and cartilage tissue.
Herbal tea with strawberries
Strawberry herbal tea has a rich taste and a mild laxative effect that allows you to speed up the process of weight loss and cleanse toxins and toxins accumulated in the body.
Enriched with a huge amount of trace elements, strawberries enhance the action of the main components of green tea, allowing:
- activate cellular metabolism;
- reduce appetite and cravings for sweets;
- increase the defenses and tone of the body;
- take care of the beauty and good condition of the skin, hair and nails;
- normalize stool;
- prevent the negative impact of oxidative reactions on cells.
Herbal tea with mango
Herbal tea with an exotic mango aroma to enrich the body with microelements involved in the production of leptin, which helps to activate metabolic processes, which will not only reduce weight, but also prevent its further accumulation.
Suppressing appetite and reducing cravings for sweets, dietary supplements allow:
- cleanse the body of toxins and toxins;
- normalize bowel function;
- cleanse the blood vessels from accumulated cholesterol;
- support hematopoietic function;
- increase the efficiency and body defenses.
Herbal tea with stevia
This tea with a sweetish taste will really appeal to lovers of sweets, for whom diet becomes a real challenge... A light herbal infusion with the addition of stevia, which has a 60% sweeter taste than sugar, will activate the body's metabolic processes, as well as launch the cleansing process and prevent glucose surges.
Green Slim tea for weight loss (reviews of women who have used the product note its pleasant herbal taste, which helps to block the feeling of hunger), when ingested, activates cellular metabolic processes and gently stimulates the motility of the intestinal smooth muscles.
Due to its active ingredients, the drug:
- cleans the body of toxins accumulated in it, helping the soft movement of feces to the anus;
- breaks down body fat, allowing not only to reduce weight, but also to reduce the amount of visceral fat;
- prevents the absorption of fats coming with food;
- blocks the feeling of hunger, preventing insulin surges;
- has a diuretic effect, ridding the body of accumulated fluid, which becomes the cause of edema;
- improves the condition of the heart and blood vessels, cleansing them of accumulated cholesterol plaques;
- increases tone and performance;
- has an antioxidant effect by blocking oxidative reactions.
- saturates the body with vitamin C, which increases the body's defenses.
The plant components of the dietary supplement do not enter the plasma and do not bind to blood proteins, preventing addiction to the drug. A person who begins to act within 20 minutes after taking herbal tea reaches maximum activity in 15 hours, and within 2 days it is completely excreted from the body by the kidneys.
How to use
Green Slim tea for weight loss should be taken strictly according to the instructions. Reviews of girls who used the drug for 2-3 weeks noted that a pleasant herbal decoction, drunk after a meal, helps not only cleanse the body, but also reduce weight by 3-5 kilograms during the first course of admission.
For adults
You need to drink herbal tea one glass twice a day after meals, pre-brewing a portioned bag in 250 ml of hot, boiled water. You don't need to add honey or sugar to the broth.
On the first day of use, you should limit yourself to one glass of the drink and time it for the weekend, since the strong laxative effect of the broth can cause significant inconvenience. By the end of the first week of intake, the body will be cleansed of accumulated toxins and the laxative effect of tea will become less pronounced.
The duration of treatment should not exceed 2-3 weeks... After completing one course, it is recommended to take a 20-day break, and then, if necessary, it is allowed to resume tea intake.
For children
Herbal tea that does not contain harmful substances cannot harm the child's body, but the use of the product in children and adolescents, during the period of hormonal maturation, is not desirable, since it can cause a violation of the unstable hormonal background of the child.
For the elderly
People over the age of 65 can use the herbal preparation without restriction. Herbal components of herbal tea will help not only normalize weight, but also have a beneficial effect on the body of an elderly person.
Over the age of 65, Green Slim tea can be drunk 2 times a day after eating, pre-brew a portioned tea bag 250 ml of hot boiled water. The duration of drug treatment in the elderly should not exceed 2-3 weeks of daily intake.
It is forbidden to take herbal tea:
- during pregnancy of a woman and breastfeeding of a child;
- with diseases of the stomach and intestines;
- with individual intolerance to the constituent components of the drug.
People on a salt-free diet should not drink Green Slim, since the components entering the body can lead to dehydration and a deterioration in the general condition of the body.
Side effects
Despite the large amount of nutrients and natural composition, during the use of herbal tea, you may experience:
- diarrhea,
- nausea with vomiting;
- an increase in the amount of gas in the stomach;
- pain and spasms in the gastrointestinal tract;
- violation of the mineral balance of the body caused by the laxative and diuretic qualities of tea.
With prolonged, uncontrolled intake of dietary supplements, the following may appear:
- spasms in the intestines;
- uncontrolled diarrhea;
- dysbiosis;
- disruption of the heart and blood vessels;
- dry skin, brittle hair and nails.
To prevent negative consequences, you should drink herbal tea only according to the instructions and within the specified amount.
Drug interactions
Herbal tea is not a drug, so it can be easily combined with the use of drugs, but should not be consumed together with other herbal preparations.
To increase the effect of dietary supplements, you should combine its intake with a low-calorie diet and exercise.
Storage conditions and dispensing from pharmacies
- Herbal tea should be stored in a cool place out of the reach of sunlight, at a temperature less than +25 degrees Celsius.
- The shelf life of the product should not exceed 2.5 years.
- You can buy dietary supplements freely in retail pharmacies and on pharmaceutical Internet sites.
Green Slim phytotea analogs are described below.
Turboslim tea
Green tea, which helps to lose weight, normalize metabolism and cleanse the body of toxins and toxins without changing lifestyle and nutrition.
The high activity of tea is caught by the detoxifying and antioxidant properties of green tea leaves, complemented by the ability to improve metabolism:
- senna;
- corn silk;
- cherry stalks;
- garcinia extract;
- peppermint.
Used in 2 bags per day, dissolved in 200 ml of boiling water, the dietary supplement perfectly replaces the drink you drink after meals, and helps to cope with excess weight gain, as well as remove oxalates and phosphates from the body
It is recommended to use Turboslim tea for everyone who wants to lose weight, as well as for those suffering:
- swelling;
- malfunctions of the digestive system;
- obesity;
- habitual, seizing stress with sweets;
- lowered immunity.
You should not drink herbal tea for people suffering from diseases of the digestive tract, kidney problems and pregnant women. The cost of the drug is 250 rubles.
Tea cleansing complex of BioSlimica company
Normalizing metabolic processes and cleansing the body of toxins and toxins, green tea has a mild laxative and diuretic effect, allowing:
quickly and effectively normalize bowel function;
- soften and remove fecal formations from the body;
- prevent constipation;
- remove excess water and relieve swelling.
The drug that increases the efficiency and protective properties of the body is composed of:
- green tea leaves;
- corn silk;
- senna extract;
- vitamin B6;
- ascorbic acid;
- inulin.
An excellent hunger suppressant, green tea can help prevent insulin spikes and prevent the development of diabetes.
You need to take tea 2 times a day, using it as a drink after morning and evening meals.
The product is contraindicated:
- pregnant women and nursing mothers;
- persons suffering from gastrointestinal diseases;
- children under the age of 18.
The cost of tea is 110 rubles.
LEOVIT Lose Weight in a Week Green Tea (Purifying Complex)
To help normalize weight and transform your appearance, this supplement is made from the finest varieties of Chinese green tea, supplemented with:
- inulin;
- senna leaves;
- columns with stigmas of corn;
- bearberry leaves;
- vitamin C;
- vitamin B6.
An effective herbal complex is aimed at:
- burning excess weight;
- normalization of metabolism;
- improving the appearance;
- fight against constipation;
- cleansing the body of toxins;
- increased immunity and protection against oxidative external influences.
It is recommended to use a drug that prevents re-gaining weight after losing weight in a 2-week course, consisting of replacing 2 glasses of ordinary tea with a herbal dietary supplement.
You should not drink the drug when:
- diseases of the stomach, liver and kidneys;
- individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
- pregnancy;
- under the age of 18.
The cost of herbal tea is 250 rubles.
Soik tea "Correcton" for weight loss
Herbal tea with a mild tonic, laxative and diuretic effect, is indicated for weight loss for persons suffering from obesity, edema, arterial hypertension and the habit of eating stress with sweets.
The appetite-regulating and anti-snacking drug is based on the ability to regulate metabolism:
- corn silk;
- kelp;
- yarrow;
- St. John's wort;
- leaves of cassia angustifolia;
- sandy immortelle;
- nettle leaves;
- cold mint;
- dill herb fruits;
- Flaxseed.
Used simultaneously with dietary nutrition, herbal tea helps to normalize weight and prevent it from re-entering. The broth should be drunk 3 times a day, 1/3 cup immediately after a meal.
You cannot use the drug:
- during pregnancy;
- when feeding a baby with breast milk;
- in case of individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
- diseases of the digestive tract
The cost of herbal tea is 65 rubles.
SantiMin slimming tea
A dietary supplement recommended as a food supplement for people who want to lose weight, normalize metabolism and cope with puffiness.
The source of anthraquinones and arbutin is composed of:
- Sudanese mallow flowers;
- alexandrian leaf;
- mate tea;
- lingonberry leaves;
- rose hips;
- natural flavors.
The dietary supplement, which has several different tastes, allows:
- normalize weight;
- improve intestinal peristalsis;
- deal with constipation;
- improve immunity;
- tone up the body and improve performance.
Use tea in 1 sachet, filled with 200 ml of water and infused for 20 minutes. Drink the drink 2 times a day with meals.
The cost of the drug is 160 rubles.
Green Slim tea is a natural herbal preparation that helps to lose weight and stabilize the digestive system of the body.
Composed of plant materials, known for their detoxifying and tonic qualities of the body, a delicious tea, according to reviews, allows, subject to dietary nutrition and physical activity, to reduce weight from 3 to 5 kg in 3 weeks, and also significantly increase the body's defenses.
Green Slim slimming tea video review
Green Slim - slimming tea: