Papillomas and warts are a common occurrence that can cause discomfort in life. Therefore, many people are trying to get rid of these neoplasms with medication, surgical and folk remedies.
Celandine is considered a common pharmacological drug. Its instructions for use contain complete information on how to quickly remove papillomas and warts. But before starting therapy, you should familiarize yourself with the existing contraindications and restrictions in advance.
What are papillomas and warts
Papillomas and warts are benign formations that appear as a result of infection of the body with papillomavirus. Despite the fact that the reason for their development is the same, different infectious strains cause their appearance, which leads to some differences.
Warts are irregular or round neoplasms with a diameter of 2 to 10 mm. They have an uneven surface, but clearly marked boundaries. The shade of the growths can be either gray or dark brown. Warts have the ability to both suddenly appear and disappear.
Formations are localized in places subject to mechanical damage: hands, elbows, fingers, knees.
Depending on the type, warts are classified into the following categories:
- simple (diagnosed in 65% of cases);
- plantar (no more than 30%);
- flat (about 5%).
Papillomas are soft growths on the skin that are flesh-colored or light brown in color. They are distinguished by a wide base or a characteristic leg. Their size can be 0.2-10 mm, depending on the variety. A characteristic feature of papillomas is that they do not disappear by themselves, but only multiply, capturing more and more large areas of the skin.
The likelihood of infection increases in public places with high air humidity: swimming pool, sauna, bathhouse. Papillomas prefer to develop in secluded places on the body: genitals, armpits, near the mammary glands.
An experienced specialist can thoroughly distinguish papilloma from a wart and only on the basis of the examinations carried out. Before proceeding with the removal of neoplasms on the skin at home, it is necessary to conduct a preliminary consultation with a doctor to make sure that the growth is of good quality.
What causes papillomas and warts
The main reason for the appearance of warts and papillomas is considered to be a failure of the immune system in the body, as a result of which it becomes susceptible to papillomavirus pathogens.
Most often, transmission of infection occurs through direct contact with the carrier of the disease through shaking hands, as a result of the use of common hygiene products, through sexual contact. The baby can become infected during childbirth from the mother.
In addition to the main reasons, experts identify provoking factors that contribute to the further development of the infection:
- excessive physical activity;
- regular nervous shocks;
- bad habits (smoking, alcohol);
- abuse of hormonal drugs;
- chronic inflammatory pathologies;
- ignoring the rules of personal hygiene;
- uncontrolled intake of antibiotics.
Description of the drug Celandine
Celandine remedy for warts and papillomas is able to effectively cope with growths on the skin. You can buy the product at the pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. Celandine has a mummifying and cauterizing effect, and in addition, the constituent components act as antiseptics, which prevents infection from entering the wound after the procedure.
Celandine, the instructions for use of which contains all the recommendations for using the product, allows you to get rid of any type of papillomas or warts.
In particular, the application of the drug will be effective in the following cases:
- small growths 0.2 mm in size, it is enough to process once;
- medium and large formations up to 10 mm in diameter are recommended to be treated with the agent up to 5 times, with a break of 3 days after each procedure;
- plantar growths should be treated about 10 times.
In fact, Celandine is an alkaline solution that has an exfoliating and antiviral effect, the regular use of which allows not only to stop the further spread of the virus, but also to completely get rid of neoplasms in the form of papillomas or warts.
The drug is recommended exclusively for external use.
pharmachologic effect
Celandine has the ability to cause chemical burns due to the caustic substances included in the composition. Observing the instructions for use, you can completely remove the build-up within a few days.
This will require treatment of the formation with a product, excluding contact with healthy tissues.
The composition of the product
The preparation Celandine has a safe and gentle effect, since, in comparison with the plant of the same name, it does not contain organic acids and alkaloids. The main active ingredient of the product is sodium and potassium hydroxide.
They are complemented by the following components:
- sodium chloride salts;
- distilled water;
- soda or sodium bicarbonate.
Substances of the main action cauterize the papilloma and wart, while killing their cells, and auxiliary substances soften the aggressive action.
Effects on the skin
The tool is able to effectively soften the keratinized upper layer of neoplasms, and also promotes the rapid exfoliation of dead tissue and cell regeneration.
Benefits of the tool
Celandine has certain advantages over similar products:
- fast reaction;
- short therapy;
- preventing further spread of the virus;
- ease of use;
- does not require additional preparatory procedures;
- affordable price.
Disadvantages of the drug
In addition to the advantages, the tool also has some disadvantages that should be studied in advance:
- when using a liquid solution, the probability of an overdose is high;
- when applied to education, a burning sensation is felt;
- in case of contact with healthy tissue, scars and scars may remain;
- has a number of side effects;
- contains restrictions and contraindications for use.
Indications for use Celandine
The main indications for the use of the drug are the following types of growths:
- papillomas;
- condylomas;
- warts;
- dry calluses;
- polyps;
- keratomas;
- contagious molluscs.
Celandine, according to the attached instructions for use, has a number of contraindications that cannot be ignored. Before starting therapy with this drug, you should familiarize yourself with them in advance.
Do not use the product when:
- neoplasms on the face, genitals, mammary glands and near the mucous membrane;
- if the growth is located near an open wound, ulcer or crack;
- asthma;
- lesions over 20 sq. see skin areas;
- the presence of skin pathologies (psoriasis, eczema, scabies, mycosis);
- disorders of the nervous system;
- epilepsy;
- pregnancy and breastfeeding;
- violation of the integrity of the neoplasm;
- individual hypersensitivity to the component;
- under 5 years of age.
Adverse reactions
Celandine, the instructions for use of which contain permissible dosages, should be used with the permission of a doctor, since the drug can cause side reactions of the body if the rules of use are not followed.
If one of the following signs appears, you should immediately stop treatment, rinse your skin with water, and in a particularly severe case, seek medical attention.
These signs include:
- itching, allergic rashes, hyperemia;
- deep scar or scar;
- inflammation of the adjacent tissues to the formation;
- burn;
- bleeding;
- reappearance of papilloma or warts in the same place;
- inflammation of the build-up after treatment.
Preparation for use Celandine
There are no special preparatory procedures before using the drug. But certain recommendations should be followed, as they can speed up the process of cleansing and healing the skin.
Before applying the product it is recommended:
- pre-steam the build-up, which will improve the susceptibility to the action of the drug;
- remove the remaining moisture with a paper towel;
- grease adjacent tissues with vaseline or any other fatty cream;
- if desired, you can use a patch to isolate the healthy surface, after cutting a hole to fit the neoplasm.
Application rules
Celandine, according to the attached instructions for use, is intended exclusively for external use. The whole procedure for treating papillomas and warts lasts 2-3 minutes, including preliminary preparation. 1 drop is applied to each formation.
After that, you should wait until the drug is completely absorbed into the skin. Covering the top with a plaster or bandage is not recommended. Subsequently, the build-up will begin to darken and a burning sensation will appear, which is considered an acceptable phenomenon.
The first positive result of treatment can be seen within 2 consecutive days. The top layer of the treated lesions will begin to flake off. The subsequent effect can be observed 3-6 days after the procedure. During this period, small papillomas with a diameter of about 0.2 mm can completely fall off.
In case of re-processing, the procedure should be carried out 3 days after the previous one. The rules of application and dosage of the agent are the same for removing papillomas and warts.
It is not recommended to use Celandine on your own to get rid of formations on the genitals, near the mucous membrane and on the face. This can only be done by an experienced specialist and then if other methods of therapy have not brought the desired result.
You can use the product on no more than 5-6 growths at a time. If the drug gets on other areas of the skin, rinse them immediately under running water for 15 minutes. Then treat with 5% citric acid solution.
Use for papillomas
Celandine, when removing small filamentous papillomas up to 2 mm in diameter, gives a positive result after a single use. To combat large specimens, application is possible within 3-4 times with a frequency of three days. In this case, the dosage of the drug is 1 drop for each growth.
It is impossible to remove pointed papillomas using Celandine at home, as there is a high likelihood of side effects. The removal of this type of growth should be carried out by an experienced specialist.
Use for warts
Celandine's action for eliminating warts is the same as for papillomas. That is, growths no larger than 2 mm in diameter can be removed in one treatment. To do this, you will need to apply 1 drop of the solution to each copy.
Larger growths can be removed within 4 procedures with a mandatory break of 3 days after each time. Observing these simple rules, a positive result will be achieved without much effort.
Use for dry calluses
Before applying the product to dry corn, a pre-treatment should be carried out to improve skin sensitivity. A few hours before the procedure, it is recommended to lubricate the formation with 10% salicylic ointment. After that, put compress paper or plastic wrap on top and fix everything with a gauze bandage or adhesive plaster.
After 2-3 hours, remove the product and steam the corn in soapy water for 15 minutes, adding an additional 1 s. l. soda per 1 liter of water. When the stratum corneum has softened, it should be carefully cut off with scissors or rubbed with foam. When the skin dries up, the growth should be treated with Celandine, at the rate of 1 drop of the product per 1 dry corn. For complete removal, repeat the procedure 3-4 times.
Use for polyps
It is possible to remove polyps on the skin with the help of Celandine only on the recommendation of a doctor. This procedure is no different from removing warts and papillomas. It is enough to treat small formations with the agent 1 time, observing all the rules of application. And large formations of more than 2 mm will require 3-4 procedures, observing a frequency of 3 days.
Features of application on the feet
You can remove formations on the feet according to the principle of removing dry calluses:
- 2 hours before treatment, apply salicylic ointment of 10% concentration to the formation;
- put a plastic wrap on top and secure with a bandage;
- after the expiration of time, steam the upper hardened layer of the skin in a soap-soda solution for 15 minutes;
- when the skin dries, apply Celandine on the formation at the rate of 1 drop for each copy, after having lubricated the adjacent tissues with a thick layer of petroleum jelly.
The procedure is recommended to be carried out on weekends so that the foot will recover during these days.
Features of application on the palms
The principle of using the product on the palms does not differ from other areas of the skin:
- steam the build-up in hot water for 10 minutes;
- dry the skin with a paper towel;
- grease the adjacent tissues abundantly with petroleum jelly or fat cream;
- apply the product on top of the formation at the rate of 1 drop for each copy;
- do not cover with plaster or bandage.
In case of drug overdose, an allergic reaction, itching and hyperemia appears. And the burning sensation in the treated area intensifies, which leads to the formation of a burn. In this case, the skin should be rinsed under running water for 15 minutes. After that, blot with a napkin and apply Panthenol or Levomekol.
Use during pregnancy and lactation
Celandine, according to the attached instructions for use, excludes the use of the product during pregnancy and lactation, since a serious hormonal change occurs in a woman's body. Therefore, it is recommended to postpone treatment until complete recovery after childbirth.
Application for children
It is not allowed to use a product for removing warts and papillomas in children under 5 years of age. This is due to the strong susceptibility of the child's body to the active ingredients of the drug, which leads to burns. Therefore, it is recommended to use gentle agents recommended by a pediatrician.
When using the product, it is recommended to observe the following precautions:
- do not cover the treated growth with a plaster or bandage;
- avoid contact of treated leather with synthetic materials;
- do not use the drug to remove warts and papillomas in skin folds and in areas with strong sweating;
- the treated growth should dry naturally, and it is also not recommended to wet it for the next 24 hours;
- in case of contact with healthy skin areas - rinse thoroughly with water and treat with 5% citric acid solution;
- avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes.
Interaction with drugs and cosmetics
The conducted studies did not reveal a negative interaction of the drug with other drugs and cosmetics. But you should not mix Celandine with other drugs.
Storage rules and shelf life
Store the product out of the reach of children at room temperature. The shelf life is 3 years from the date of issue. After this time, you cannot use Celandine.
Dermatologist reviews
Opinion of qualified dermatologists about Celandine:
- Celandine has established itself as an effective remedy for papillomas and warts. But the drug is aggressive. Therefore, before use, you should carefully read the instructions and contraindications.
- You can not use the drug to remove neoplasms on the face.
- If you ignore the permissible dosage and rules, scars remain on the skin. Therefore, it is better to use the drug to remove papillomas and warts on the feet and legs, where the skin is rougher. In other cases, you need to use sparing drugs to avoid side effects.
If the drug is used incorrectly, scars may remain on the skin. - Celandine gives a positive result if you follow the rules for its use. The low price and ease of use makes the product popular for the elimination of papillomas and warts. But you should not experiment with the drug on areas with delicate skin, since aggressive components in the composition can cause an allergic reaction of the body.
If in doubt about the correctness of the choice, it is better to visit a doctor and consult.
Drugs with a similar action
The drug has analogues that have a similar effect and help remove neoplasms on the skin:
- Lapis pencil;
- Condilin;
- Collomak;
- Silkoderm.
Pricing table:
Name | Minimum cost | Maximum cost |
Celandine | 20 rubles | 65 rubles |
Lapis pencil | 125 rubles | 165 rubles |
Kollomak | 290 rubles | 350 rubles |
Silkoderm | 400 rubles | 570 rubles |
Kondilin | 500 rubles | 770 rubles |
Celandine is considered an effective drug in the fight against papillomas and warts, but only if all the recommendations set out in the instructions for use are followed, you can achieve the desired result and avoid side effects. In situations of doubt, the drug is recommended to be used after prior consultation with a doctor.
Video about wart removal, instructions and methods
Preparing an ointment to eliminate warts at home:
I have not encountered warts, but the drug Celandine is known. My husband has dry calluses on his feet. At first, they tried special corn plasters, but only with the help of Celandine was it possible to get rid of the problem.