For those who do not have access to the gym, but want to have firm buttocks, there are effective exercises that can be done at home. With the right technique and regular training, the first results will appear in the fifth week of training.
Squats are basic exercises that have several variations.
General recommendations for their implementation:
- the back is straight, but there is a natural deflection in the lower back;
- the knees do not extend beyond the toes of the shoe.
The plie exercise strengthens the buttocks and works the inner thighs.
The correctness of its implementation is easier to control in front of the mirror:
- Starting position: wide leg stance, feet turned 45, abs tense.
- The pelvis descends smoothly and moves back slightly. The back remains level, the body does not fall forward.
- On exhalation, the body rises.
The squatting with the leg to the side is more dynamic than the classic exercise:
- The legs are shoulder-width apart, the knee joints are in a natural position.
- On inhalation, the pelvis falls down, as if there is a chair behind and you need to sit on it.
- As you exhale, you need to stand up, and already in a standing position, you swing your leg to the side.
- The same is repeated on the other leg.
The squat technique with the leg back is not much different from the previous exercise:
- The same starting position.
- Then a squat is done.
- After the torso rises and the leg is pulled back, tension arises in the buttock.
Split squats work the muscles of your glutes, thighs, and lower back.
There are two types of exercise:
- Normal squat: the right leg is put forward, the back is straight, while inhaling, a squat is performed on the left leg, the knee tends downward. In this case, the right thigh forms a parallel line to the floor. The same is repeated on the left leg.
- Classic Bulgarian Split Squat: one foot is in front, the other is put toe on a bench or other elevation. Squatting is done on the leading leg.
Sumo squats can be confused with plie. But the difference is that sumo does not involve such an intense load on the inner thigh.
This is achieved through the following execution technique:
- Wide leg stance, toes extended, knees in a natural position.
- On inhalation, it is necessary to take the pelvis back and sit deeply. The back is straight, but the body is tilted. From the outside, it looks like a person is sitting on a chair.
- On exhalation, return to the starting position.
Squat Jumping
This exercise is designed to strengthen the glutes, work out the quadriceps, and increase muscle strength and size.
It is done in this way:
- Feet at shoulder level, knees slightly bent, arms crossed in front of the chest.
- At the entrance, the deepest squat is done - the pelvis is retracted, the back is even with a natural deflection.
- As you exhale, you need to jump out, pushing off the floor with both feet and straightening your arms.
- When the feet touch the floor, the exercise is repeated.
Lunges: forward, backward, skater lunges
Lunges are effective buttock exercises at home. Beginners can do without weights, and for balance, you can lean your hand against a wall or chair.
Do lunges forward like this:
- The starting position is a straight stand. Legs at shoulder level or slightly narrower.
- One leg stays in place, the other steps forward and bends at a right angle. The press is tense, the body is straight and right in the center.
The technique for performing back lunges is similar:
- The starting position is the same.
- The left leg is fixed in place, the right one takes a step back: it bends at the knee and ankle and is placed on the toe. Left thigh - parallel to the floor. The body is kept straight and strictly centered.
A stride that is too long takes the load off the quadriceps, and a short stride relieves the glute.
For coordination training, skater lunges are suitable:
- Legs together or slightly narrower than shoulders, hands at the waist.
- The left leg is in place, the right lunge is made back, but the leg does not move straight, but diagonally. The knee touches the surface lightly.
Deadlift: with and without dumbbells
A universal exercise that works on several muscle groups at once - buttocks, arms, back. In the gym, it is performed with a barbell, but dumbbells are suitable for home workouts.
Beginners can use light weight, but for a start, it's best to do deadlifts without weights:
- Starting position: straight stand, legs slightly narrower than shoulders, knees relaxed.
- On inhalation, the body falls forward, the lower back is slightly rounded, the knees are fixed. The pelvis moves back a little so that the hands are above the middle of the foot. In this case, the gaze is directed back, the head is not tilted down.
After several repetitions, you can take dumbbells in your hands and do the exercise with them.
Glute bridge
One of the most technically simple exercises. It is suitable for everyone with poor physical fitness.
The bridge tones the gluteal muscles and pumps the abs.
- Starting position: lie on the mat, cross your arms on your chest or place them along the body, feet shoulder-width apart and bent at the knees, rest your feet firmly on the surface.
- As you inhale, the pelvis will slowly rise up. At the maximum point, it is necessary to linger for 2-3 seconds and tighten the buttocks with even greater force.
- On exhalation, return to the starting position.
Walking on the buttocks
The exercise is quite simple, but it helps in the fight against cellulite and reducing the volume of the buttocks. But due to improper technique, injuries to the spine and joints can be caused.
- Sitting on the mat, you need to straighten your legs in front of you, your feet at shoulder level, your body is straight perpendicular to the floor, your arms are crossed or behind your head.
- The movement begins: the right leg moves forward, the buttock of the same name tenses and the body tilts slightly to the right.
- The same is done with the left leg. The pace of the exercise is slow without sudden jerks.
- You need to "step" on the buttocks forward and backward, alternating the direction of movement.
Exercise "Bicycle"
In addition to working out the muscles of the buttocks and thighs, the exercise perfectly strengthens the abs:
- Lying on your back, you need to raise your bent legs, as if there were bicycle pedals under them.
- The movement of the legs is similar to cycling. To increase the load, you can alternately change the pace from slow to fast.
Exercise "Chair"
A static exercise that increases endurance and reduces fat on the hips and buttocks.
The technique is simple:
- The shoulder blades and buttocks are pressed against the wall.
- Then you need to slide down the back until the legs at the knee form a right angle.
- During this "sitting" breathing is calm and even. The duration of the exercise depends on personal endurance. For beginners, 15-20 seconds and 3-4 approaches are enough.
Exercise "Horsewoman"
Exercise increases blood flow in the pelvis, strengthens the buttocks and inner thighs.
- Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider, toes turned away from each other.
- While inhaling, you need to slowly sit down: the pelvis moves back, the knees do not go beyond the toes of the shoes, the back is straight, the arms stretch forward, the hips are parallel to the floor, breathing is calm. So you need to stand for 15-20 seconds.
- Return to starting position on exhalation.
Swing legs: forward, backward, backward with a bent leg
Effective exercises for pumping the buttocks - swing legs. At home, to increase the load, you can use weighting materials or fitness rubber bands.
Swing forward:
- Starting position - standing upright. A wall or chair is suitable for support.
- The right and left legs are raised alternately. Ideally, they should be parallel to the floor.
Swing back:
- Turning your face to the support, you need to grab onto it. The back is straight.
- The legs are alternately laid back. If the buttocks are felt during execution, then the exercise is performed correctly.
Swing back with a bent leg:
- Position - kneeling, straight arms resting palms on the floor. The palms are slightly wider than the shoulders, the back is straight, the lower back is naturally bent.
- On exhalation, the left leg rises, while it is still bent at the knee at a right angle. The toe stretches towards itself. The upper point is fixed when the back of the thigh forms a straight line with the back.
The home version of this exercise is performed on a gymnastic mat:
- The starting position is lying on your stomach. Arms are straight overhead, back is straight.
- On inhalation, the legs come off the surface and stretch as high as possible.
- On exhalation, they return to the floor.
If there is an assistant nearby, the exercise becomes more difficult in this way:
- The stomach and legs on the bed, the torso and head hang down. The assistant keeps the legs at the knees and ankles.
- On inhalation, the body drops down, on exhalation, it rises until it reaches the level of the legs.
Plank with leg raises
The exercise works the muscles of the press, back, chest, legs and buttocks. It is done in two versions: in support on straight arms and on elbows.
- It is necessary to stand in a plank: arms or elbows at shoulder level, the body is even, the pelvis does not fall down and does not rise up, the press is tense, the gaze is fixed on the floor.
- On inhalation, the legs rise alternately. The toe is on itself, the heel seems to push the air.
- On exhalation, return to the starting position.
Knee raises from a prone position
An effective exercise that looks like hyperextension. It is performed independently without the help of an assistant.
- You need to lie on the bed face down. The legs and pelvis hang off the floor.
- Legs bent at the knees at a right angle rise upward on inhalation.
- On exhalation, the legs return to their original position.
What exercises will help build muscle in the upper and lower buttocks?
The shape of the buttocks cannot be changed, but you can make them more rounded with the help of exercises. Moreover, when choosing exercises, you need to take into account the structure of your body.
For those who do not have full upper buttocks, the following muscle growth exercises are suitable:
- weight squats;
- swing legs with weights;
- hyperextension on the bed.
For the poorly developed lower part of the buttocks, the following exercises are provided:
- squats - plie, sumo;
- lunges;
- bridge with pancake;
- plank with the rise of legs bent at the knee.
The most effective exercises for losing weight in the buttocks
To reduce the buttocks at home, you can use cardio training. These effective exercises increase endurance, strengthen all muscles and promote fat burning.
For weight loss in the buttocks, the following complex is perfect:
- jumping;
- running with a high hip lift;
- kicks;
- jump squats; swing your legs.
Home exercise equipment for training the buttocks
Home exercise equipment can replace the gym.With their help, you can not only lose weight, but also noticeably tighten the buttocks and legs.
There are these types of simulators:
- Ellipsoid - a universal sports unit that perfectly trains the legs and buttocks. The movements are reminiscent of a skier's run, because the legs move along the trajectory of an ellipse.
- Exercise bike - exercises on it imitate cycling. The main load falls on the calves, thighs and buttocks. A noticeable result will be with 3-4 workouts per week.
Effective exercises for the buttocks at home can be performed on simulators or with the help of available tools. - Stepper - a small-sized simulator that simulates walking up the stairs. With a load regulator, workouts can be progressively harder, thereby increasing endurance.
- Step platform - a small simulator resembling a low step. To work out the buttocks, the following exercises are performed: a basic step, lunges, steps with the legs back.
- Treadmill - simulates natural walking and running movements. These exercises are basic in cardio, so they quickly tighten and raise the buttocks.
The effectiveness of exercises for the gluteal muscles at home will be only if three conditions are met: balanced nutrition, regularity and correct technique. Therefore, it is worthwhile to think over your menu in advance and draw up a training schedule.
Video: effective exercises for the buttocks at home
The 5 best exercises for your hips and glutes:
How to pump up the buttocks at home, see the video clip: