Galvanization, as physiotherapy, has been used in Russia since 1801. Thanks to the scientists Galvani and Volta, the process of the movement of electrons was discovered. Now this discovery is used in cosmetology as a powerful biostimulant.
What is electroplating
In apparatus cosmetology, with the help of galvanization, rehabilitation procedures are carried out in case of health difficulties. One of the methods of rehabilitation is galvanization - exposure to the human body with an electric direct current of weak voltage and strength.
Galvanic current, passing through the cells of the body, enters various tissues and organs, affecting the course of natural biological processes... It activates intracellular synthesis, blood circulation and the formation of physicochemical work of the endocrine system. It has a profound effect on both the skin and the entire body.
The procedure is painless. For medical and cosmetic work of galvanization, wherever it is performed: on the head, neck, trunk or limbs; closely watched by a physiotherapist. Before entrusting the problem area to the doctor, you should remove all the metal parts of the wardrobe, and expose - if necessary, that part of the body that will undergo treatment.
After that, it is advisable for the patient to rest for about 30 minutes, and the doctor will observe the response of the body to the influence of electrical signals.
Galvanic current actions
A constant electric current, with a voltage of 30 to 80 V and a strength of up to 50 mA, penetrates the cell tissues using active and passive electrodes. Between these electrodes, directional charged ions are created, moving, they enhance metabolism and regenerative functions in the body.
This flow of ion movement contributes to the occurrence of certain chemical reactions in the human body. The composition of glands, fluids and muscle tissue includes: proteins, colloids, glycogen, salts, and so on. It is their molecules that the current makes them decay into charged ions. This causes irritation of the skin receptors, as there is a jump in ion saturation.
The impulses arising in this case are rapidly transmitted to the central nervous system, and the general positive reaction of the body is not long in coming.
An excellent result of the action of galvanic current shows in conjunction with medicines. Entering into a reaction with each other, they increase the efficiency and increase the positive outcome of the procedure. There are basically two methods of electroplating.
Types of galvanization (iontophoresis, desincrustation)
Galvanization in cosmetology provides for procedures such as: desincrustation and electrophoresis or iontophoresis.
Disincrustation is a procedure in which the face is cleansed thanks to an alkaline solution in combination with a galvanic current. In the pores of the skin, sebum is saponified, which leads to loosening of the skin and its cleansing.
For desincrustation, solutions of sodium bicarbonate up to 3%, sodium carbonate 5% and sodium chloride up to 5% are used.
Electrophoresis or iontophoresis. In this case, charged cosmetic preparations are injected using an electric current. Due to the properties of the current, as well as ionizing agents, the acting particles penetrate through the epidermal barrier and affect the lower layers of the dermis, epidermis.
With the help of iontophoresis, a large concentration of cosmetics is created in the desired area of the skin, which accumulate in the tissues of cells, move into the blood and lymph vessels. There is a kind of process of organized storage of drugs in a given area of skin healing.
Pros and cons
This method of treatment is gentle and not traumatic, there are positive and negative points.
The positive include:
- The procedure is not accompanied by painful sensations and discomfort;
- Injury and skin infection is excluded;
- A quick and positive result is achieved without the intervention of a surgical scalpel;
- Side effects and possible complications are negated.
Unpleasant nuances of exposure to galvanic current:
- Several procedures are required to consolidate the result;
- Slight redness of the skin after the session;
- There may be a metallic taste in the mouth;
- Sometimes there is discomfort after the session, and during it;
- A considerable list of contraindications.
The effect that galvanization has on the body is usually accompanied by an excellent effect and positive results.
Electroplating efficiency
Accurately and correctly performed galvanization procedure entails a plume of positive effects:
- The joints become more mobile;
- The processes of blood circulation are activated;
- Chronic swelling is minimized;
- The formation and metabolism of protein in the body improves;
- Injured tissues are healed;
- Much more oxygen enters the tissue of cells;
- Removal of toxins from the human body;
- Acts as pain relievers;
- Has lymphatic drainage and regenerating effect;
- Water-salt exchange is brought to the proper level;
- Fecal and urinary incontinence is cured;
- Atrophy of muscle tissue is well eliminated.
With the help of such sessions, many people said goodbye to ailments.
Electroplating in cosmetology is used to improve the appearance and in many diseases.
The indications for electrocution are extensive:
- Organ damage;
- Inflammatory processes;
- Fading skin that has lost its tone;
- Pigmentation;
- Scars, comedones, acne;
- Rosacea, acne, seborrhea;
- Muscular hypotension;
- Wrinkles;
- Damage to nerve endings;
- Injuries to various membranes (mucous membranes, eye).
Unfortunately, there is a downside to the coin.
Electroplating can be harmful if you neglect some of the contraindications to such a procedure.
First of all, you should pay attention to the individual intolerance to direct current, as well as:
- Skin inflammations of a different nature;
- Fever;
- The period of feeding and carrying a child;
- Furuncles, cysts;
- Oncological education;
- Eczema;
- Superficial damage to the skin (scratches, wounds);
- Diseases of the blood.
Despite the effectiveness of the procedure, contraindications cannot be ignored, otherwise there will be no benefit, but only harm.
Are there any side effects?
No complications or side effects occur if the conditions are met. Otherwise, deep tissue can be burned, and such damage will not heal soon, causing discomfort.Discarding the malaise of a viral or infectious nature, the likelihood of a surge in this ailment in a severe and protracted form increases.
Can electroplating be combined with other procedures?
The combined effect of the procedures enhances the regenerative effect in the body. The positive effects of physiotherapy sessions add up to the restoration of balance lost during illness. Either the influence of one procedure, in whole or in part, neutralizes the effect of the other.
The combination of procedures depends on the nature, course and stage of the disease. The general and functional state of a person is taken into account.
After galvanizing on the same day, it is not advisable to do:
- Mud applications;
- Radon, sulfide and carbon dioxide baths;
- Darsonvalization is undesirable;
- Use a high pressure shower.
Galvanization can be safely combined with other procedures:
- Magnetotherapy;
- UHF and microwave - therapy;
- Mineral, gas, medicinal and aromatic baths;
- Heat therapy;
- General Franklinization;
- Ultrasound therapy.
Electroplating in cosmetology goes well with ultrasound therapy
Do not forget that many procedures are not a guarantee of a speedy recovery of health, sometimes it turns out the other way around.
Preparations for galvanization
When galvanizing in medicine and cosmetologists, they use solutions of elastin and collagen in ampoules. All preparations are prescribed by the cosmetologist individually. Herbal preparations show a good effect.
Biogenic stimulants are used, prepared from:
- Animal tissues;
- Plant extracts;
- Estuary mud.
Acids used:
- Ascorbic. Takes an active part in the creation of procollagen, collagen, improves capillary permeability;
- Salicylic. Acts as a distracting, irritating and antiseptic agent;
- Nicotinic. Shows a vasodilator and stimulating effect;
- Caffeine. Breaks down fats into fatty acids under the influence of the lipase enzyme.
Various special purpose buffers, drugs and serums are used. The result from such procedures is much more effective than from the regular application of cosmetic substances to the skin.
How does the face galvanization procedure take place?
There are no difficulties in carrying out the procedure.
But there are certain rules that should be followed:
- The face is cleansed of makeup and impurities with the help of cosmetics;
- A special solution is applied to the skin for current permeability;
- Wrap the electrode with a cloth soaked in disinfectant. The electrode usually has the form of a roller with a surface similar to an ordinary sponge, which absorbs the electrolyte solution;
- The forehead, nasolabial area and problem areas are worked out by an electrode with a negative charge;
- The treatment procedure takes place along the massage lines;
- Then the polarity of the electrode is reversed to restore the acid-base balance;
- After the procedure, which lasts an average of 30 minutes, the skin is invariably covered with intensive regeneration products.
During the session, the patient holds the neutral electrode in his hands, which is necessary for the current to arise. After the procedure, it is advisable not to use cosmetics for 10-12 hours. For about 5 days, the skin will be sensitive to both mechanical and chemical influences, as well as to ultraviolet rays.
For the speedy skin regeneration, it is necessary to use regenerating, moisturizing masks and creams.
In cosmetology, such procedures are not accompanied by painful sensations. Mild tingling and tingling is possible. The next session is best done in a week. A total of 4 such sessions will be needed, depending on the condition of the skin.
Is it possible to carry out the disinfection procedure at home?
Galvanization at home is no different from procedures in a beauty parlor. To do this, you need the device itself, strict adherence to instructions and a disinfectant gel. You can use a baking soda solution.The number of sessions depends on the condition of the skin and the result of the procedure.
The use of iontophoresis for the treatment of hyperhidrosis of the palms and feet
In cosmetology, for the treatment of sweating of hands and feet, iontophoresis is used. During the session, current flows through the first electrode into the water bath. The patient immerses his hands and feet in the bath, and a second electrode is attached to his body. Thus, a person performs the role of an electrical conductor for about 30 minutes.
Water for such events is taken from the tap. But if it is soft, then a little soda or anticholinergics are added to the bath. For the treatment of armpit hyperhidrosis, characteristic pads are used, which should be held during the procedure.
Application for the body against cellulite
If you do not adhere to a diet and do not drink enough water, even the best galvanizing apparatus will not help you achieve the desired result.
In the fight against cellulite, galvanization helps:
- Maintaining skin tone;
- Eliminates wilting;
- Deprives it of excess fat.
Drugs are injected into the problem area into the skin. Under the action of a galvanic current, they penetrate deeply inside and are deposited, producing a lipolytic effect. The procedures last half an hour, every other day.
Apparatus for home use
To carry out galvanization at home, try to use a compact and efficient device.
There is a wide selection on the market of electroplating devices:
- Nevoton AK - 201;
- Potok-BR;
- Gezatone “Beauty Lifting”;
- Elfor -Prof;
- Electroplating UMS-12 "Golden Spoon"
- AGP - 33.
Today the action of direct electric current is the most common lifting method.
As a result of aging and deterioration of the body, all processes occurring in the cells slow down, which affects the state of health and appearance. Galvanization will help to restore the previous biological rhythm, heals and rejuvenates the entire body.
Thanks to the use of galvanization in cosmetology, the path to solving many problems is shortened, without painful procedures at minimal cost.
Video: electroplating in cosmetology
What is galvanization:
Microcurrent therapy (galvanics) in cosmetology: