Carol Maggio is an American cosmetologist who is the author of an innovative approach to a non-injection method for visual rejuvenation of the facial skin. After unsuccessful nose surgery, this woman decided to correct her appearance without going under the surgeon's knife.
Having studied the anatomy and physiology of the human body, she came up with facial gymnastics that allows her to tighten her skin, tone her facial muscles, and also look younger than her age.
Role of Exercise in Face and Neck Lift
Gymnastics for the face of Carol Maggio, provided that it is performed regularly according to the above techniques, is not inferior in its results to traditional plastic surgery.
The difference between these two transformation methods is that when exercising the muscles of the face and neck, smoothing of wrinkles and skin tightening occurs due to the increase in muscle mass, rather than cutting out excess skin that has stretched with age.
Another aspect of the role of face-building according to the method of the American cosmetologist in rejuvenating the skin is that exercises provoke spasms in the muscles of a person. Being in prolonged tension, visually the face begins to look like after Botox injections.
Carol Maggio's facial gymnastics technique
Carol Maggio recommends that her clients choose a specific facial gymnastics technique based on their level of advancement in non-injection rejuvenation. The facial muscles training scheme differs in the degree of load, the number and complexity of the exercises offered.
Basic level for beginners
The basic level, recommended for practice by "beginners", includes 14 simple exercises aimed at working out different muscle groups of the face and neck. Despite the fact that this type of facebuilding is simplified, it allows you to use all 57 main muscles localized in the upper body.
For competent distribution of the load during the performance of narrowly focused exercises, the Carol Maggio technique involves the use of finger gymnastics.
To increase the efficiency of the manipulations carried out during face building classes, beginners are recommended:
- focus on the directly involved muscles;
- control the frequency of breathing, thus transporting oxygen to the skin cells;
- relax the muscles after each exercise (take a deep breath, using your nose, then exhale sharply through your mouth, keeping your lips tightly closed);
- while performing the complex, take a static, comfortable pose for yourself (only the muscles of the hips, buttocks and press should be in tension).
Basic level for advanced
The basic level of face building is for people who have been practicing strengthening the muscles of the face and neck for more than 3 months.It includes 9 exercises, some of which are a complicated version of the loads from the basic complex. A course of non-injection rejuvenation should be practiced in the morning, 20-30 minutes after waking up.
During this period, the body concentrates the maximum supply of energy and strength necessary for the correct reaction to the set of exercises compiled by Maggio (transporting oxygen to the cells, setting the required rate of local blood circulation, and so on).
For the convenience of monitoring compliance with the exercise technique, they should be done in front of a mirror, having previously assumed a comfortable body position.
Gymnastics for the face of Carol Maggio is primarily aimed at visually rejuvenating the skin - getting rid of mimic wrinkles, leveling the tone and acquiring a healthy skin color.
In addition to smoothing age defects, the methodology of the American cosmetologist allows:
- strengthen the muscles of the face and neck;
- increase the elasticity of the skin;
- correct the oval of the face;
- tightens the skin on the cheeks;
- transform facial features;
- visually raise eyebrows, increasing the tone of the brow zone;
- minimize the depth and size of wrinkles on the face and neck;
- make the gaze more open by adjusting the shape and shape of the eyes;
- get rid of a double chin;
- slightly increase the size of the lips.
Contraindications to implementation, safety precautions
Considering that the exercises included in the Carol Maggio complex affect the deep layers of the skin, they also indirectly affect blood flow, lymph flow and even brain cells.
That is why their implementation is permissible only if there are no main contraindications:
- injections made in the face and neck areas less than 2 weeks ago (exercises neutralize the injected drug, preventing it from evenly distributing under the skin);
- surgical interventions performed less than 2 months ago;
- abnormalities in the normal state of the facial nerves (for example, inflammation, pinching, and so on);
- high blood pressure;
Carol Maggio's facial gymnastics cannot be performed with high blood pressure. - the presence of open wounds in the face and neck (including minor violations of the integrity of the skin).
Preparation for classes
Gymnastics for the face of Carol Maggio does not require special training. All recommendations related to actions before the procedure are optional and are aimed at simplifying the visual perception of the initial data and the result of the course taken.
The creator of the set of exercises advises his clients:
- before starting classes, take a photo of your face from different angles (including areas that require a more thorough transformation);
- get acquainted with the technique of performing each exercise and, if necessary, watch video lessons;
- choose a comfortable period of time for gymnastics, in which you will need to perform exercises every day;
- adjust the approach to skin and neck care, make it more comprehensive;
- Before exercising, cleanse the skin by rinsing it with cold running water.
Exercise Course Description
Gymnastics for the face of Carol Maggio will be effective only if the technique of performing the exercises included in the complex is strictly adhered to. Neglecting the rules will not only not bring the desired result from the exercises, but can also aggravate the actual condition of the skin.
To enlarge the eyes
To visually increase the size of the eyes, it is recommended:
A basic level of | Advanced level |
1. Having taken a comfortable position for yourself, place your middle and index fingers on the bridge of the nose and outer corners of the eyes, respectively. 2. Cover your eyes. Fix the position for 5-10 seconds, feeling the tension in the muscles. 3. Slowly close your eyes.Wait 45 seconds. 4. Slowly open your eyes. Repeat steps 2 - 4 as many times as necessary. | 1. Place your index and middle fingers on your temples. 2. Pull the skin upward, avoiding sudden movements. Fix for 5 sec. The gaze is directed straight ahead. 3. Look up. Fix for 15 sec. 4. Move your gaze straight ahead. Fix for 15 sec. 5. Look down. Fix for 15 sec. |
For strengthening the lower eyelids
To prevent the lower eyelids from deformed due to age-related changes in the body or the characteristics of a particular person, it is necessary:
A basic level of | Advanced level |
1. Place index fingers on the outer corners of the eyes, slightly squeezing the skin. 2. Firmly squeeze the eyelids without changing the position of the fingers. Fix for 20 sec. 3. Move your fingers to the inner corners of the eyes. 4. Repeat step 2. 5. Move the fingers as many times as necessary. | 1. Put your index fingers to the outer corners of the eyes. Direct thumbs down; close the middle ones in the area of the eyebrows, and the nameless and little fingers, connecting with each other, place them over the nasal bone. 2. Look up. Fix for 20 sec. 3. Squeeze the eyelids tightly. Fix for 40 sec. 4. Remove your hands from your face, close your eyes and relax your muscles as much as possible. 5. Close your eyes for 40 seconds. 6. Relax your muscles. |
For training the eye muscle ring
Exercises to train the eye ring muscle will not only help tone the skin, but also prevent the appearance of "age bags" under the eyes, which do not depend on the person's lifestyle.
The above actions must be performed at least 3 times a day:
- Place your middle fingers in the eyebrow zone, and index fingers on the outer corners of the eyes. Press lightly.
- Look upward, while trying to pull the lower eyelid to the upper.
- Having felt the pulsation of the muscles, fix the position for 30 seconds.
- Relax the muscles slightly. Fix for 15 sec.
- Close your eyes as tightly as possible for 50 seconds.
- Remove your hands from your face, close your eyes and relax your muscles for 20 seconds.
For puffiness under the eyes
Regular training of muscles in the area of the eyes, as well as stimulation of blood and lymph flow can help prevent the appearance of puffiness under the eyes (appear due to improper lifestyle or health problems).
- Open the lips, forming an oval or circle from them. It is important to make sure that at the moment of being in a rounded position, the lips do not stretch forward, but are pressed as tightly as possible to the teeth.
- Slightly squint your eyes, trying to change the shape solely by pulling the lower eyelid to the upper (should remain in its original position).
- Close your lips as tightly as possible. Exhale without loosening their "coupling".
- Relax facial muscles for 10 sec.
- Repeat steps 1 - 4 at least 30 times.
To raise the forehead
To lift the forehead, as well as increase the tone of the muscles located in the area of the eyebrows, scalp and nape, the American cosmetologist suggests performing the exercise below 3-4 times during the day.
It helps to relax, distract yourself, and increase the flow of oxygenated blood to the brain:
- Place index fingers over eyebrows, turning them horizontally to form parallel lines.
- Direct your gaze upward.
- Slowly pull your fingers down without lifting them from the skin. Simultaneously with the displacement of the fingers, it is necessary to provide resistance with the brow muscles, pushing the eyebrows up.
- Repeat steps 1 - 3 from 7 to 10 times.
- Raise the eyebrows as high as possible and fix their position with the index fingers for 40-60 seconds.
- Relax your facial muscles.
For shortening the nose
Carol Maggio's gymnastics can also be used to correct imperfections in the appearance of the face. For example, to shorten the nose, do the exercise below 3 times daily for 3 months.The peculiarity of this effect is that it can be done at any time, regardless of location and external circumstances.
- Place the index finger on the tip of the nose, tucking it up.
- At the moment of pulling up the nose, push the nostrils down, providing maximum resistance to the actions of the index finger.
- Fix the position for 5-10 seconds.
- Repeat steps 1 - 3 at least 35 times.
A slight burning sensation during exercise is normal, as it is caused by a sharp flow of blood to the nose.
To correct the shape of the cheeks
To correct the shape of the cheeks, the main annular muscle should be strengthened. Bringing it into tone, it will be possible to raise the lateral parts of the face, visually minimizing the existing sinking of the muscles.
Rounded shapes will make your face look younger and fresher:
- Position yourself vertically in front of a mirror.
- Lower the lower jaw as much as possible, folding the lips into a rounded shape for this.
- Place the index fingers on the upper points of the cheeks and press lightly.
- Stretch your lips in a smile, without changing the position of the jaw.
- Return to original position.
- Repeat items 2 - 5 at a fast pace at least 45 times.
When performed correctly, the exercise should feel extreme tension in the muscles of the neck and pulsation in the cheek area.
To improve the cheekbone line
To improve the line of the cheekbones and give the oval of the face the greatest contour, Carol Maggio also included a special exercise in her technique:
- Take an upright position in front of a mirror.
- Stretch the lips to the sides as much as possible, imitating the pronunciation of the letter "and". Fix the position for 15 seconds.
- Place the middle fingers on the protruding areas of the cheeks ("cheek apples"). Press lightly.
- Pull your lips forward, imitating the pronunciation of the sound "y". Fix the position for 15 seconds.
- Change the position of the lips at least 20 times.
It is not recommended to put excessive pressure on the cheekbones. This can lead to excessive stretching of the skin and, as a result, loss of its elasticity in the future.
To improve the contour of the mouth
To improve the contours of the mouth, avoiding age-related changes, during which the corners of the mouth descend, you can use the regular exercise from Carol Maggio.
- Pinch your lips, imitating a sad expression, without clenching them.
- Place the index finger in the middle of the lips.
- Dynamically tap your lips with your finger until a slight burning sensation appears in them.
- Remove your finger from your mouth.
- Slightly clenching and unclenching your lips, perform 40 pulsating movements.
- Pull the lips forward, simulating the sound "y". Exhale.
- Repeat steps 1 - 6 at least 15 times.
A similar effect can be achieved with the help of a dynamic repetition of the "y" - "and" cycle (lips are pulled into a tube - maximally stretched) for 1 - 2 minutes.
To eliminate nasolabial folds
There are several exercises from the nasolabial folds in the Carol Maggio complex.
The most effective of them, which does not require a detailed understanding of the execution technique, is:
- Give the lips a rounded shape, simulating the reproduction of the sound "o". The lips should be pressed against the teeth as much as possible.
- Having achieved maximum tension in the nasolabial region, place the index fingers at the edge of the lips.
- Without changing the position of the mouth, draw a line with your fingers from the lips to the temples. Similar movements can be done along the entire length of the nasolabial folds, as if manually smoothing the skin in this area.
- Tear off your fingers at your temples. Without relaxing the lower part of the face, repeat steps 2 - 3 at least 20 times.
To strengthen the jaw
Given the depth of the impact of the exercises included in the non-injection complex of rejuvenation from the American cosmetologist, with their help you can not only tighten the skin, but also strengthen the muscles that support the functioning of vital parts of the body.
For example, to strengthen the jaw it is necessary:
- Raise your chin as high as possible.
- Press your lips together like this.
- Stretch your lips in a smile so that your teeth are not visible.
- Place the right hand in the neck.
- Gently pull the skin down.
- Turn your head to the right. Fix for 15 sec.
- Turn your head to the left. Fix for 15 sec.
- Raise your head up. Fix for 15 sec.
- Relax the muscles for 20 seconds, then repeat items 1 - 8 10 to 20 times.
To stimulate the neck area
To stimulate the neck area with the exercises designed by Carol Maggio, you need to take a horizontal position. It is best to use the floor or other hard surface for support.
The manipulations described below should be performed 3 to 5 times a day for 2 months:
- Place the hands on the neck, grasping as much of its skin as possible.
- Tear off the head from the support surface by about 1 cm. The chin should be directed upward. Fix the position for 40 seconds.
- Return slowly to the original position.
- Repeat p. 1 - 3 30-50 times.
Double chin
A double chin can occur not only due to an improper lifestyle (insufficient amount of activity, consumption of a large amount of harmful products, and so on), but also as a result of the physiological characteristics of a particular person's body.
If the formation of a double chin is provoked by the structure of the body, you can correct the visual defect as follows:
- Press your lips together as tightly as possible.
- Stretch your mouth into a smile, without exposing your teeth or lifting your lips from each other.
- Place the palm of your right hand at the base of the neck.
- Gently pull the skin towards the floor.
- Look up.
- Tilt your head back until you feel a sensation of extreme tension in the neck and chin. Fix for 15 sec.
- Slowly take the starting position. Relax your muscles.
- Repeat step 1 - 7 30 times.
For lip shape correction
To correct the shape of the lips, you must:
- Press your lips together. Roll them in as much as physiology allows.
- Stretch your mouth into a smile, without changing the position of your lips.
- Place your index finger on your chin. Press lightly and draw a vertical line upward without lifting your finger from the skin.
- At the same time, gently massage the corners of the mouth from the bottom up with the fingers of the other hand.
- Repeat steps 1 - 4 20 - 30 times.
For face contour correction
To correct the oval of the face (for example, visually widen or narrow the face), you should:
- Take an upright body position. Move the chest forward slightly.
- Stretch your neck forward as much as possible.
- Round the lips to simulate the sound "o".
- Stretch the upper lip in a smile, pressing it as much as possible at this moment to the teeth.
- Slightly squint your eyes.
- Fix the position for 50 seconds.
- Relax your facial muscles.
- Repeat p. 2 - 7 40 times.
To improve skin tone
To keep the facial skin toned for as long as possible, despite the effects of external factors, Carol Maggio recommends:
- Take a horizontal position.
- Place the index fingers of both hands near the corners of the mouth.
- With massage movements combined with light pressure, move your hands to the cheekbones, then to the temples, and then completely outline the oval of the face.
Carol Maggio has developed a set of exercises that provide multidirectional development of the muscles of the face and neck. Compliance with the technique of performing gymnastics guarantees a visible result in tightening the skin, improving its general condition and strengthening the facial muscles after 4-5 months of regular exercise.
The appearance of the face and neck after undergoing the course of an American cosmetologist will be identical to the skin condition after numerous "beauty injections".
Article design:Lozinsky Oleg
Carol Maggio Face Gymnastics Video
How Carol Maggio Facial Gym is performed: