Guarana grows in the equatorial forests of South America. This is a climbing liana, in the fruits of which there is such a high concentration of caffeine that small animals perceive it as a toxin, and people use it to prepare strong coffee and energy drinks.
What is Guarana
A creeping vine up to 10 m long with large leaves and bunches of light flowers looks bright and extravagant during the period of seed ripening. Orange-red, hazelnut-sized "tomatoes" are tightly knotted into clusters or long cobs. When they burst, it seems that tens of hundreds of eyes are opening - these are dark glossy seeds in white "pockets".
Extracted, they resemble small chestnuts, only soft. With the growing popularity of plants, it began to be grown for industrial processing. 1 vine gives about 3 kg of seeds. They are peeled, dried, and ground into powder. Each manufacturer exposes the raw materials to various degrees of purification and adapts them for the production of food products.
Guarana has long been prized in its homeland for its high content of guaranine, a substance similar to caffeine. By its volume (2-6%), the liana has bypassed the coffee tree by far.
The composition of the fruits of the plant is also found:
Substance | Share per 100 g of raw materials,% |
Protein | about 10 |
Carbohydrates | 5-6 |
Fat | 0,3 |
Starch | 5-6 |
Tannin | 0,5-1,2 |
Theophylline | up to 0.3 |
Theobromine | 0,2-0,4 |
Benefits of Guarana
The American Indians, many centuries ago, already knew how to use the stimulating power of the plant. The fruits of the lianas stifled feelings of hunger, fatigue, healed infections, headaches, fever, spasms, intestinal disorders, and joint pain. With the advent of civilization, and with it strong alcohol, herbal drinks, the aborigines eased the suffering of hangover.
Guarana is such a successful combination of nutrients and taste that it has found wide application:
- in the preparation of chocolate, sweets, coffee;
- the production of energy, alcoholic, dessert drinks;
- the manufacture of cosmetics, hygiene products;
- in teas, alcoholic extracts, capsules, tablets, elixirs to increase sports endurance, weight loss;
- in medicine (selected countries).
Laboratory studies have shown the antioxidant, antibacterial properties of guaranine. Clinical trials of the plant extract in dosages of 37.5-300 mg have demonstrated a positive effect on cognition (perception of new things), memory, tone, and mood of a person.
Scientists in the United States did not recognize the medicinal potential of guarana, but agreed on the advisability of using it as a dietary supplement.
Undesirable effects are rare unless the concentrated product is overused. The exception is individual rejection. Safety for human health has been confirmed by the US Department of Medicines and Foods.
Contraindications for admission
Guarana natural products with various additives cannot be used in the following cases:
- pregnancy, feeding a newborn;
- chronic migraines;
- neurological diseases;
- ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, hernia of the esophagus, high acidity, reflux (ejection of gastric juice up the tract);
- cardiovascular disorders, arrhythmias, tachycardia, hypertension;
Guarana is categorically contraindicated in hypertension. - diabetes of both types;
- glaucoma;
- insomnia;
- taking drugs with theophylline (since the plant also has it).
Energy preparations do not need to be used by children, boys and girls under 18, adults over 50.
Daily rate
Guarana is such a common plant for the South American population that they do not adhere to special norms of use. Residents of other regions who are not genetically adapted to an exotic product, it is better to accept for themselves the rigid upper limit of the daily volume - 3 g of pure extract, not one iota more.
Application in sports nutrition
Guaranine helps professional athletes and amateur athletes to achieve their goals faster, increase endurance, and more intensively remove excess lactic acid, which causes muscle pain.
Experienced athletes adhere to a daily dosage of 200-800 mg (0.2-0.8 g), as well as an interval between doses of at least 8 hours... A surge of strength comes from half an hour to an hour after receiving the funds. The energy effect lasts up to 5 hours.
The German drug Guarana 1.800 shots from the well-known company Z-Konzept Nutrition is popular in sports circles. It is not considered doping, but it perfectly stimulates a surge of strength for martial arts, high-speed, strength, game sports.
The energy potential of the drug is enhanced by vitamins, fructose. This composition is suitable for those who advocate vegetarian food. 1 ampoule of liquid oral preparation is enough per day.
How to take for weight loss
Thanks to its fortifying, stimulating effect, guaranine accelerates metabolism, promotes the elimination of excess fluid, waste substances. The ballast components of herbal preparations perform a cleansing effect when passing through the digestive tract.
By dulling the feeling of hunger, guarana caffeine facilitates the transition to a limited diet, forcing the body to draw energy from fat reserves. By increasing physical activity, endurance, nutritional supplements help to more efficiently use fat during fitness. After a month, you can lose up to 6 kg if you regularly devote time to charging.
From the first days of taking the extract, food supplement, there is a surge of strength, a more optimistic mood, an incentive to work and movement.
For those looking to lose weight, Guarana comes in the following form:
- liquid extract;
- capsules;
- tablets;
- drops, ampoules;
- powder for drinks;
- dry substrate for tea.
Popular dietary supplements in capsules with vitamins Lida, Herbalife NRG, which remove excess fluid, stimulate fat burning up to 2-10 kg per month.
Liquid extracts with vitamins in ampoules, such as Power System, Narinin, Multipower Guarana Shot, are absorbed faster. Each manufacturer has its own original formula of the product, so you need to apply the dosage regimen indicated in the instructions on the labels.
Instructions for using the extract
With regard to guarana extracts (in other words, liquid chestnut), the average daily intake is 300 mg. For weight loss, the recommended dosage is 1-2 capsules (ampoules) per day with food. The alcohol extract is drunk 10 drops with water 3-4 times. 1 reception should be timed to the first, most active half of the day.
The second - no later than 17.00, otherwise the body will not have time to use the charge of vivacity, the quality of sleep will worsen. To increase the effectiveness of physical activity, the specified amount is drunk 1 hour before charging, training. The duration of the course is 1 month, a break is required before reuse.
Guarana capsules (tablets) of different brands for removing from such unpleasant conditions as asthenic syndrome, psychological fatigue, you may need 3-6 pcs. This amount cannot exceed the limit of 400 mg of guaranine. Their course is shorter - 2 weeks.
All preparations are stored in a dark, cool place, where the temperature is not higher than + 20 ° C.
There are many black, exclusively guarana teas on sale, as well as black and green types mixed with ginseng, passionfruit, orange, mate (Paraguayan holly leaves), pomegranate flower petals, sunflower. Dry tea leaves are packaged in single bags, sticks, in bulk in boxes of 100 g, bags of 0.5 kg.
All teas have a tonic, invigorating effect. They eliminate or significantly alleviate the symptoms of depression, stress fatigue, lack of sleep
The water for brewing is prepared - brought to a boil, allowed to stand so that the temperature drops to 85 ° C. A glass, earthenware, porcelain teapot is poured over with boiling water, 1 tbsp is poured. (or according to the recipe on the package) loose tea leaves, pour in 250 ml of prepared water.
Pif desired, you can add fresh mint, a slice of lemon, lime. It should be insisted for 5-10 minutes. to the desired fortress. Bags, sticks, like ordinary tea, are dipped directly into a cup of hot water.
Energy drink
Canned, bottled energizer drinks, of which there are many on the shelves of all stores, are the cheapest products. It may contain real guarana extract, but it is full of harmful flavors, dyes, preservatives, sweeteners.
The quality of the more expensive sports drinks is much better. Together with guaranine, they contain vitamins, minerals, juices, harmless sweeteners. Potassium sorbate (E202) serves as a preservative. It is considered not dangerous if the content is in the range of 0.01-0.2% of the volume of the drink. Energy drinks drink chilled 200 ml per day, less saturated tonics - no more than 2 bottles of 0.5 liters.
Guarana extract powder is used to prepare homemade drinks. It is diluted with water, infusing for 10-15 minutes. or follow the instructions on the package. There is a practice to enrich your favorite juice, yogurt, fresh milk with a small amount of powder. Most extracts are not designed for high temperatures, so the drink should be kept cold.
Preparations in tablets with guarana
Tableted, encapsulated extracts are sold in plastic jars of 30, 60, 90, 100, 120, 180 pcs. with the same wide dosage line, for example 900, 800, 500, 106.2 mg
Depending on the strength of the impact, they can be assigned:
- patients with weakened immunity as an addition to the treatment program;
- for the recovery period after surgery, trauma, long-term illness;
- to reduce appetite for obesity;
- with hypotonic IOP, loss of strength of various etiologies.
It is convenient to take the tablets with you to the gym, on the road, if you need to stay vigorous during the day and night. The absorption of the active substance can be extended up to 1 hour. If it is necessary to speed up the process, they are drunk on an empty stomach or after meals after 1-1.5 hours.
As part of vitamins
Guarana is such a healing potion that gives a synergistic (mutually reinforcing) effect with vitamin preparations. German manufacturers produce complexes based on a scientifically balanced formula. One of the equivalent components is good quality guaranine.
Univit® Energy effervescent tablets are available. They contain 9 vitamins, minerals calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, coenzyme Q10. Guarana is present here as a stimulant and as an enhancer of absorption and assimilation of other components.
The drug increases efficiency, physical activity, helps to withstand in conditions of strong psycho-emotional stress. We recommend taking 1 pc., Dissolved in a glass of water.The course is 1 month.
The intended purpose of Complivit® SuperEnergy with Guarana is to provide the body with a complex of substancesnecessary for energy and other types of metabolism, strengthening immunity, stimulating vitality.
The composition includes the majority of B-vitamins, vitamin-like substance L-carnitine, selenium, zinc, green tea extract, catechins from the group of antioxidants. Tablets are used in a monthly course of 1 pc. during breakfast.
Guarana is such a strong concentrated substance that certain rules must be followed.
- Liquid chestnut is dangerous to consume at the same time as alcohol, there is a risk of cardiovascular problems.
- Excessive, long-term consumption of funds can have the opposite effect - reduce productivity, make it difficult to quickly concentrate, the perception of information. This is due to overexcitation and subsequent fatigue of the nervous system, muscular apparatus.
- Deterioration of health can be provoked by counterfeits, as well as additives in energy drinks, preparations: synthetic - because they are harmful, they entered the body in large quantities; natural (vitamins, minerals) - because they violate the physiological balance in the direction of an excess of any biochemical elements.
- People who have health problems should be more careful when energizing. It is more logical for them to limit contact with guarana to 2 times a week or consult a doctor regarding an individual dosage. But even those who are in excellent health should not get carried away, but soberly assess all the changes in their condition.
- Exit from the course use of guaranine should be gradual. An organism left without a stimulant can respond with at least a headache, irritability, restless sleep.
Side effects
It is believed that guarana and its preparations have a softer effect on humans than coffee.
Indeed, side reactions are not common, but they coincide with signs of immoderation in the culture of coffee drinking:
- increased breathing;
- acceleration of heart rate, turning into rhythm disturbance;
- tinnitus;
- frequent urination;
- indigestion up to vomiting, diarrhea with pain in the intestines;
- dry mouth;
- fading sensations in the eyes;
- body twitching, spasms, tremors;
- redness, hypersensitivity of the integument, circles under the eyes;
- overexcitement, anxiety, passing into attacks of unmotivated panic;
- sleep disorder or vice versa drowsiness;
- feeling hot or cold sweats.
These symptoms can be single, combined, different in intensity. If discomfort occurs, it is recommended to reduce the dosage, gradually bringing them to 0. In case of severe discomfort, consult a doctor.
Are there analogues?
Plants containing caffeine (coffee, black, green teas), as well as a special type of glycosides (Paraguayan holly, ginseng), have a similar effect. In this series, coffee stands out as the most aggressive, the rest give an adrenaline-like effect much softer.
This is explained by the fact that in guarana and teas, caffeine is bound by other substances to form a poorly soluble compound. An interesting type of glycoside, mateoside, has been found in the raw material of holly. Experts believe that thanks to him, mate tea is able to invigorate in the morning and calm down in the evening.
Reviews about the effectiveness of guarana
Many who have come into contact with the energy potential of guaranine are unanimous in the opinion - you really want to move, there is a mood to solve the accumulated questions, to fulfill the backlog of affairs, to generate plans for the future.
Those who, taking herbal supplements, are not lazy to do gymnastics every day, walk, note an accelerated rate of weight loss, strengthening of muscles, an increase in resistance to colds and infections.
Nature has accumulated such extraordinary and very useful possibilities in guarana. A person can only use it wisely for his own good.
Article design: Mila Friedan
Guarana video
Review of sports energy drinks with guarana: