The problem of impending eyelids worries both girls under 30 and women aged. Eyes with drooping eyelids give the face a sad look. After 40 years, the skin of the eyelids is stretched and overhanging due to age-related changes.
At a young age, a drooping eyelid is observed in those who have it from birth. Since the hanging eyelid causes physical and aesthetic inconveniences, they try to get rid of it with the help of surgery, the use of creams, ointments and folk remedies.
How to adjust habits
- You must drink enough water throughout the day - 8-9 glasses. Especially active fluid intake should be in the first half of the day. 2 hours before bedtime, stop consuming water in an intensive mode, as this leads to the appearance of edema the next day.
- You should adhere to a full rest regime, i.e. sleep at least 7-8 hours a day.
- Before going to bed, decorative cosmetics are carefully removed from the face, including from the skin of the eyelids; for this purpose, it is recommended to use hypoallergenic makeup removers
- Cosmetics, both care and decorative, are selected strictly according to the type of skin.
- They adhere to the principles of a healthy diet: exclude salty, fried, smoked, fatty foods, include more plant foods in the diet.
- Refuse smoking and frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages.
If the problem of the impending century is not solved by conservative methods, since there is a significant overhang, then the only effective way to eradicate the problem is an operation called blepharoplasty. In the process, an incision is made along the eyelid and excess skin is removed. The procedure is performed with a laser, thus avoiding blood loss.
The duration of the operation is from 1 to 3 hours. It can be done under local or general anesthesia. The rehabilitation period lasts 5 days. The cost of the operation depends on the severity of the cosmetic defect.The effect lasts for 10-15 years. Then the elasticity of the eyelids decreases and the operation must be repeated.
There are several contraindications to the operation:
- blood clotting disorder;
- increased intraocular pressure;
- endocrine diseases;
- infection;
- dermatitis;
- oncological diseases;
- critical days.
The benefits of blepharoplasty are:
- increasing the viewing angle;
- reducing the number of expression lines;
- inconspicuous seam;
- minimal possibility of complications.
- severe discomfort after surgery for some time;
- deterioration of vision during rehabilitation.
Salon treatments to remove drooping eyelids
To get rid of the impending eyelid, salon procedures, such as:
- Lymphatic drainage - is a massage aimed at removing edema. It is performed manually or using special devices.
Laser – promotes skin regeneration, accelerates metabolic processes, eliminates the first signs of aging. The skin of the eyelids is toned and tightened.
- Fillers - drugs that are injected under the skin and stimulate collagen production contain hyaluronic acid.They fill the skin with moisture, which lifts the eyelids.
- Microcurrent therapy - the skin of the eyelids is affected by an apparatus that produces an electrical discharge, as a result the regeneration process is accelerated, a tightening effect is provided.
- Collagen serum injection. The procedure should be performed regularly, then the skin will tighten, the muscles will tone up, the problem of the hanging eyelid will disappear.
- Botulinum toxin injections - gives a good effect, but even more drooping of the eyelid is possible.
- Radiofrequency thermolifting. A thermal laser is used, which dissolves the seals and makes the sagging skin tighten.
Ointments and creams
A significant result is given by medicinal ointments and creams with highly active components in the composition:
- Ointment Relief... Contains shark fat, which helps to lift the eyelids, eliminate edema, crow's feet.
- Zinc ointment... It prevents the appearance of early signs of aging, protects against UV rays, and has a lifting effect.
- Heparin ointment... Removes edema, a net of wrinkles, tones the skin, helps to lift the eyelids.
- Blepharogel... Thanks to the hyaluronic acid in the composition, it gives a moisturizing effect, helps to tighten the eyelids, removes puffiness and bruises under the eyes.
- Roller cream "Black Pearl". Moisturizes the skin. Recommended to eliminate the first wrinkles, tighten the skin of the eyelids.
- Cream from Green Mama Lemongrass and Parsley. It has a moisturizing and tightening effect, gives it a healthy look, tones, and gives a feeling of freshness.
- Cream from Avon "Energy charge"... Moisturizes, tones, lifts drooping eyelids.
To get rid of hanging eyelids, they resort to massage, as it allows you to restore the lost skin tone:
- For 10 minutes, steam the face over a steam bath filled with either ordinary hot water or herbal decoction, while covering the head with a blanket or a terry towel. For a steam bath, you can prepare the following composition: 3.5 liters of water are poured into a container, a handful of geranium flowers, sage grass, linden flowers and 40 grams of birch bark are poured. Place the container in a water bath and boil for 25-30 minutes. If you don't have time to do a steam bath, you can simply wash your face with hot water.
- After steaming the skin, apply a cream specially designed for the eyelids. The cream provides the necessary tactile contact between fingers and skin. It improves the elasticity of the skin, increases the degree of sliding of the fingers, so that massage is beneficial, and not additionally stretching the skin. The cream is rubbed gently to avoid getting the composition on the mucous membrane of the eyes.
- Manipulations start from the wings of the nose. In the direction from the bridge of the nose to the outer corner of the eye, hold the ring fingers simultaneously from both sides. Do not press hard. Having passed the fingers in this way about 30 times, they perform the movement in the opposite direction.
- Massage is performed for 4-5 minutes, daily, 2 times a day, in the morning and in the evening.
Massage gives an excellent effect in combination with exercises from the impending century.
Exercises for skin tone
The movements of the eyelids are controlled by muscles, so training the eye muscles gives a good result:
- Blink frequently as a warm-up.
- Then the eyes are opened wide and kept in tension for 3-4 seconds, then the eyes are closed tightly for 4 seconds. Do this 15 times.
- The index fingers fix the position of the eyebrows. Then they try to move their eyebrows to the right, frowning. Prevent this movement with your fingers - tension will arise, which will create the desired effect. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
- With pinching movements, the upper eyelid area is worked out in the direction from the bridge of the nose to the temples. It is enough to make 8 passes.
You can do another set of exercises that are also aimed at strengthening the eye muscles:
- Close the eyelids, rotate the eyes clockwise and counterclockwise 5 times in one direction and the other.
- Without opening the eyelids, they look up-down-right-left.
- They blink frequently.
- They open their eyes wide, fixing the position in tension.
- Raise their eyebrows as much as possible, then close their eyes, lingering for 2 seconds, lower their eyebrows and open their eyes. The exercise is done correctly if, when closing the eyes, the skin of the eyelids is felt.
The effectiveness of folk methods
After a month of systematic use of exercises, masks, massage in the complex, it is possible to raise the eyelid by 1-2 mm, make the skin more elastic, remove mimic wrinkles.
Folk recipes
Half a 200-gram glass is filled with chopped fresh parsley. Then they additionally knead it with a crush. Fill the glass with water to the brim, completely pour the mixture into a small saucepan and boil with constant stirring for 2-3 minutes.
Parts of the plants are removed by straining the broth through cheesecloth. After waiting for the broth to reach room temperature, pour it into ice molds and put it in the refrigerator until it solidifies, the resulting ice cubes are recommended to be used when performing morning procedures to wipe the skin of the eyelids.
It is not recommended to use parsley broth if the skin is thin, as it contains bleaching agents.
The direction of circular movements when treating the skin of the eyelids with ice: from the inner corner of the eye to the outer one, from the bridge of the nose along the lower eyelid, then from the outer corner to the bridge of the nose along the upper eyelid. Processing should take no more than two to three minutes, otherwise bruising may occur.
You can also make ice from plain water or from a decoction of other herbs such as chamomile, sage, lemon balm.
Mix chamomile flowers (35 g) and chopped oak bark (45 g), pour 1 tbsp. boiling water and insist 3-4 hours. One part of the broth must be cooled, and the other must be heated.
With the help of cotton pads, contrasting lotions are made, alternately applying cold and hot applications. A hot compress lasts 3 minutes, a cold one - 1.5 minutes. Do from 7 to 10 changes of compresses per procedure. Apply the remedy daily before bedtime.
Eyelid tightening masks
A drooping eyelid (how to get rid of it with ointments and creams was described above) is successfully corrected using masks:
- Mix 75 ml of milk with 3 tbsp. soda. Beat the composition with a blender and a mixer and chill in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. Then cotton pads are soaked in milk and a compress is applied to the skin of the eyelids. Keep the applications for 20 minutes, then wash themselves alternately with hot and cold water. The procedure ends with a cold wash.
- Grate raw potatoes on a grater, transfer to cheesecloth and squeeze the juice. Then take the same amount of sauerkraut juice and mix with potato juice. To make the consistency easy to apply, a certain amount of flour is added to the composition. Apply the mixture to the upper eyelid for 5 minutes, and then wash off with cool water. You can add a little olive oil to the mixture.
- Tear off two leaves from the aloe, squeeze the juice out of them, add a moisturizing eye cream (1 tsp). It is kept in the refrigerator until cooled, the cotton pad is soaked in the composition, and then it is applied to the upper eyelids and the compress is kept for 15 minutes, then washed off with water.
- Take two new bags of green or black tea. They are dipped in hot water, cooled and applied to the eyelids for 7-10 minutes.
- Grate half a medium potato, add one raw egg, beat thoroughly with a fork. The mask is applied to cotton pads, and then applied to the upper eyelid.
- In equal proportions, liquid honey is combined (if it is sugared, you need to melt it), cream and cottage cheese. Outweigh the ingredients with a fork and apply to the skin around the eyes. Keep the composition for 30 minutes.
- The yolk of one egg is mixed with cold-pressed olive oil and applied to the eyelids for 20 minutes.
Cucumber masks will help get rid of drooping eyelids, but the result may not be - Grate half of the cucumber without peeling, dilute the composition with 0.5 tsp. eye cream, add 2 drops. lemon juice and make applications. Keep the composition for about 15 minutes.
Makeup recommendations
- In order to apply the shadows correctly and create competent, beautiful makeup, they are applied only with an open eye.
- Mascara is used only on the upper lashes.
- It is necessary to abandon highly matte and slick pearlescent shadows - both are undesirable.
- The arrows should be thin on both the upper and lower eyelids.
- The outer edge of the arrow should point up.
- It is recommended to lighten the lower eyelid with light shadows.
- It is recommended to use cosmetics in natural shades.
There are a lot of techniques that help get rid of the overhanging eyelid, from masks and compresses to blepharoplasty. Folk methods will not change the situation drastically, since excess skin will still remain, it can only be tightened by restoring its tone.
Laser correction is suitable for those who strive for a perfect result.
Video: how to get rid of the impending century
Exercises against the impending century:
5 rules of makeup for impending eyelids: