Acne scars negatively affect not only the appearance, but also the self-esteem of their owner. Therefore, this problem must be solved. There are many ways to get rid of scars, ranging from traditional medicine and pumping to surgery.
Causes of acne scarring
Before you start treating scars, you need to pay special attention to their origin.
The most common reasons include:
- Self-removal of acne. This mistake is made more often by teenagers. When extruding, there is a high probability of infection of the epidermis, which leads to the formation of a scar.
- Beautician's mistake. An unqualified specialist can aggravate the situation. Therefore, before signing up for the procedure, you should carefully study the reviews.
- Severe acne. Rashes are different, but if the same pimple does not go away within three weeks, then the skin of the face needs professional treatment. Otherwise, a scar will form.
Types of scars
To remove the marks left by acne, you must understand their origin.
There are the following types of scars:
- atrophic;
- hypertrophic;
- normotrophic;
- keloid.
Each of the points will be considered in more detail below.
- Atrophic scars are static. They do not spread to the rest of the skin and do not get deeper. Outwardly, such a scar looks like a fossa or a small protrusion. Formed by a build-up of connective tissue. These scars are more common after acne.
- Hypertrophic scars localized above the skin surface. The reason for the appearance of such a cosmetic effect lies in the increased level of collagen formation. The scar is pink in color and may peel off.
- Normotrophic scar is the palest and most inconspicuous in comparison with the rest. Its shade almost merges with the tone of the face. The scar is flush with the skin and has an identical sensitivity to temperature changes. Usually, these scars are easy to heal.
- Keloid scar is a protruding tubercle. The hue can range from pink to blue. A distinctive feature is the retraction of the center of education five years after the appearance of the scar. These scars can grow.
Traditional methods of treatment
Acne scars, which are not cheap to get rid of, can be treated with traditional medicine. These methods will not remove the scar, but they can make it virtually invisible. But in order to get a good result, you should adhere to regularity.
Wax is an excellent solution to this problem. Before starting the procedure, it should be melted in a water bath or in a microwave oven. After that, you need to take a cotton swab, dip it in wax and apply to problem areas. It is important to note that the temperature of the composition should not be too high, otherwise you can burn your face.
To prevent the wax from dripping, you need to attach a pre-cut bandage to the skin... The composition should be kept for about 30 minutes. Then you can rinse your face.If the bandage is hard to come off the skin, then wipe the area with vegetable oil and after 15 seconds remove it with a piece of cloth.
You can get rid of acne scars with grapefruit. There are two ways to use it. In the first case, it is necessary to squeeze the juice from the fruit, dip the resulting liquid on a cotton pad and wipe the scars with it.
For another method, it is necessary to cut the grapefruit into two parts and treat problem areas with one of them. A few minutes after the above procedures, you should rinse your face with warm water and apply a moisturizer.
In traditional medicine, various essential oils are often used. This problem is no exception, so it can also be solved in a similar way. Rosehip oil, myrrh, lavender oil are perfect for the procedure.
They should be applied with a cotton swab only on the problem area. Do not rub the composition. It is enough to press on the wetted side for 10 seconds. You can resort to this method about twice a week for a couple of months.
Scar masks
Tomato and cucumber can be used as the main components of a mask that can remove an acne scar. The vegetables must be fresh. The food must be chopped. Add a vitamin E capsule to the mixture.
After that, the mask should be applied to the face and washed off with warm water after 20 minutes. For best results, use this formulation for at least two weeks. The mask can be applied even with fresh rashes. It will soothe and cleanse the skin.
Another effective method for treating scars is badyag in powder form. It can be purchased at any pharmacy. A tablespoon of the drug should be mixed with hydrogen peroxide.
The resulting composition should not be too liquid. Otherwise, it will spread all over the face. The mixture is applied only in local areas. You cannot hold such a mask for more than a quarter of an hour. After that, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse and moisturize the skin with a nourishing cream.
Honey has always been prized for its anti-aging properties. And in this case, he is able to give impetus to the regeneration of new cells. It should be used in conjunction with milk in a 1: 1 ratio. If the mixture is thick, you can dilute it with a little water. The application of this mask should also be local. After 25 minutes, everything should be washed off with warm water.
Clay can be found in many masks. It is also suitable for solving such a problem. Preference should be given to black, white, pink and green colors. For best results, use all of the above clays in turn. For the procedure, mix 50 g of the product with milk so that a mushy consistency is obtained.
This composition should be applied first to the entire face, and after 10 minutes add another layer to the problem areas. After complete drying, the mask must be washed off. This method can be used no more than three times a week.
Plain potatoes can help remove acne scars. To do this, grind the vegetable on a medium grater and carefully squeeze out the moisture through cheesecloth or bandage. Next, place the grated potatoes on your face, paying special attention to those areas where the scars are. The procedure can be finished in half an hour by rinsing your face with warm water.
Treatment with pharmaceutical preparations
Acne scars, which you can get rid of with the help of medicinal ointments, should not be hypertrophied. A dermatologist should select the appropriate drug. Before using the product, be sure to do a test on a small area of the skin.
Some of the most effective topical treatments for scar healing include:
- Contractubex. The gel helps to even out the tone and smooth the scar surface.Effective with prolonged use. The cost is 600 rubles.
- Dermatics. Silicone gel has many positive reviews on the internet. In addition to the cosmetic effect, the remedy relieves pain syndrome and eliminates itching. The price varies from 2000 to 2500 rubles.
- Fermenkol. The drug promotes cell regeneration. The composition contains enzymes that break down the rumen. It is more often used for electrophoresis. Average cost 1200 rubles.
- Mederma. Contains sorbic acid. When applying, it is required to perform massage movements so that the gel can penetrate deeper. The price is 650 rubles.
- Clearwin. One of the cheapest scars to heal. The cream is based on homeopathy. The price does not exceed 200 rubles.
Physiotherapy offers a wide range of treatments for scar healing. Among them, it should be noted the use of electric current, which makes the scar tissue softer. Another technique is electrophoresis.
This procedure is performed in conjunction with drugs and is aimed at improving their properties. One of the components of physiotherapy is cryomassage, which is often used as an additional treatment.
Chemical peeling
Acne scars, which are difficult to get rid of, can disappear after exposure to chemical peels. In this case, the deep and middle types of the procedure are suitable. In the first case, phenol is used, which penetrates into the deep layers of the skin.
Therefore, during the session, the patient experiences painful sensations. The result is achieved after the first visit to the beauty parlor. For about half a month after such a peel, it is necessary to avoid exposure to sunlight.
The second procedure is less aggressive. The main components are acids. During the visit, the patient's skin is exposed not only to exfoliation of dead cells, but also regeneration is stimulated.
However, this type of peeling is less effective. Therefore, it may take up to six treatments to achieve the best result. Usually the beautician will prescribe the next procedure two weeks after the previous session.
This method is quite aggressive and has contraindications. Among them are epilepsy and herpes. The rest of the factors should be eliminated by the beautician before proceeding with the procedure.
During the session, the patient may experience severe discomfort or pain. Therefore, the process should always begin with the application of a special cream to the face. Then the entire skin is treated with special brushes. At this moment, the entire surface of the face is smoothed out.
Dermabrasion can take about an hour. After that, a crust may form, which should pass in a week. Depending on the amount of work, up to three sessions may be required.
The injection technique for treating scars involves the introduction of a special composition with a needle. Under the skin, the drug acts on scar tissue.
There are the following procedures for the injection method of post-acne removal:
- mesotherapy;
- ozone therapy;
- introduction of fillers.
The following is a description of each of the procedures in more detail:
- Injections that are used in mesotherapy contain acids, vitamins and extracts. All these components nourish the skin, even out its tone and surface. The result is noticeable almost immediately after the procedure. The disadvantage of mesotherapy is the need for a second session after six months. This is due to the fact that after the specified time, the problem area will be visible again.
- The main components of injections used in ozone therapy are oxygen and ozone. The effect of the procedure is achieved through active cell regeneration, as well as the smoothing of the skin. It should be noted that
ozone therapy is an ineffective treatment for deep scars.
- Fillers are special fillers that instantly smooth the desired surface. The composition of the injections can be different, the following components are often used:
- hyaluronic acid;
- collagen;
- adipose tissue of the client.
It is important to note that six months after the procedure, it is necessary to perform a correction.
Laser treatment
Laser resurfacing is a rather complex cosmetic procedure. Therefore, before choosing a salon, you should carefully check the availability of permits and certificates, and also make sure that the specialist has the appropriate education. It is important to understand how the preparation and the grinding process itself go. This will provide an opportunity to assess the competence of the cosmetologist.
Before the procedure, the patient must take antiviral medications for a certain time. In addition, the specialist prescribes blood sampling, which is used to conduct several tests at once.
The client must be notified of contraindications, these include:
- pregnancy and lactation;
- diseases of the lungs and cardiovascular system;
- infections;
- the presence of tumors in the body;
- epilepsy;
- diabetes;
- the possibility of the appearance of keloid scars;
- period of premenstrual syndrome.
Also, the use of a laser is contraindicated in the presence of rashes on the face.
Before grinding, clients put on a special hat on their heads and protect their eyes with glasses. The facial skin is first treated with an anesthetic, cooled and exposed to a laser.
During grinding, the patient may feel bearable pain. The procedure takes 30 - 120 minutes. After grinding, the specialist is obliged to give detailed recommendations, including a weekly ban on the use of cosmetics. In addition, it is necessary to protect the skin from the sun for four months.
Removal of scars with surgery
Acne scars, which cannot be eliminated using all of the above methods, should be removed surgically. This method is the most radical and is used to treat deep scars.
There are the following types of operations:
- Undercutting. During the procedure, a specialist separates the scar from the skin, where a place is formed for the formation of connective tissue. As a result, the problem area becomes less visible. In some cases, additional procedures may be required to help completely get rid of the cosmetic defect.
- Excision of scar tissue. The operation involves the complete removal of the scar. Then cosmetic stitches are applied.
- Skin grafting. Used in the most exceptional cases. Unpleasant complications are possible.
Acne scars are difficult to remove. More often, in order to get rid of them, it is necessary to go through painful procedures and a long recovery stage. Therefore, it is much easier to prevent the appearance of scars.
To do this, the following preventive measures should be taken:
- exclude self-removal of acne;
- in case of aggravation of the situation, seek help from a specialist;
- use care products for problem skin;
- carefully adhere to hygiene to eliminate the risk of infection.
It is important to note that fresh scars are easier to treat. Therefore, if a trace remains after acne, it is necessary to immediately begin to remove them.
Treating acne scars is a complex process. Before deciding on a radical method, you should try to get rid of the problem in a more gentle way. Indeed, even the most expensive methods cannot guarantee a positive result, but they can lead to unpleasant complications.
Article design: Mila Friedan
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