Sweating is a normal physiological process that manifests itself in every person. Normally, it does not cause discomfort and remains almost invisible, with the exception of serious physical exertion and stressful conditions.
The unpleasant odor is not created by the sweat glands, but bacteria located on the body's surface are responsible for it. To get rid of both excessive sweating and the smell of sweat under the armpits, there are many modern methods and means.
Hygienic methods of dealing with excessive sweating in women and men
There are several reasons why increased sweat separation and the appearance of an unpleasant odor can occur:
- increased air temperature;
- overheating of the body;
- physical or emotional stress;
- a state of stress;
- genetic predisposition;
- the use of a number of medications;
- health problems (diabetes mellitus, disorders of the endocrine system, neoplasms).
Regardless of which of the reasons caused the problem, the easiest way to deal with it is hygienic.
Faced with an unpleasant odor, it is worth revising your daily body care and making adjustments to it:
- For a person with increased sweating, especially those involved in sports, regular shower should be one of the most important habits.
- It is recommended to give preference to clothing made from natural breathable materials that will not aggravate the problem.
- Removal of hair in the armpits will help to influence the situation, especially in the summer.
- Regular use of high-quality deodorants and antiperspirants that are as safe as possible for health is one of the most effective ways to combat the problem.
In addition to hygiene procedures, it is recommended to follow the correct diet. With hyperhidrosis, a serious diet is rarely prescribed, but there are a number of tips to help improve the situation, especially in cases where excess weight is associated with the problem.
How to get rid of underarm sweat odor can be found in the following guidelines:
- Reducing the calorie content of food by reducing fat, replacing foods with more dietary ones. Excess fatty foods impairs blood circulation, which leads to profuse sweating.
- Avoiding foods rich in extractives. These are hot spices, chocolate, coffee, alcoholic and energy drinks, strong teas, onions, garlic, legumes. Such products are capable of imparting an unpleasant odor to sweat for a long time.
- Introducing foods rich in B vitamins into the diet. They are able to normalize sweating.
- Stabilization of fluid intake. Excessive sweating leads to dehydration, which in turn can also increase bad odor. This problem can be solved by drinking a sufficient amount of clean non-carbonated water. It can be cool or room temperature, but not too hot or cold.
- Balanced consumption of meat and fish, especially varieties rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, phosphorus, iodine and fluorine.
- A sufficient amount of fruits and vegetables in the diet will provide the body with vitamins and strengthen the immune system.
- Eating foods rich in calcium. It includes dairy products, cereals, black bread, carrots, greens. Calcium is essential for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system and preventing the development of harmful microorganisms.
- Reducing the amount of salt in the diet to the required minimum. This step not only improves the elimination of fluids from the body, but also reduces the unpleasant smell of sweat.
Often, hyperhidrosis is directly related to overweight and obesity, especially if a person suffers from endocrine system disorders. In this case, as a result of solving health problems, increased sweating usually disappears.
Vitamins and minerals that reduce sweating
Lack of enough vitamins and minerals in the daily diet can cause a variety of negative consequences, including hyperhidrosis. If the root cause of the problem lies precisely in this, it can be solved with the help of pharmacy vitamin and mineral complexes. In particular, you should pay attention to vitamins B6, B15, A, E, rutin, as well as calcium and phosphorus preparations.
Pharmacy remedies for sweating
In the case when conventional cosmetic deodorants do not give the desired effect, you can resort to more serious drugs with different mechanisms of action. A quality tool should not mask the problem, but get rid of it for a long time.
How to get rid of the smell of sweat under the armpits and on other parts of the body, the experience of millions of people who have already encountered this problem will tell.
Based on it, we can distinguish a number of tools that are most effective:
- Teymurov's pasta. One of the most sought-after pharmaceutical preparations, mainly used for sweating of the palms and feet, but suitable for almost any area. This cream has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, drying and deodorizing effects. One of the main active ingredients is zinc oxide. The cream is applied locally to areas of increased sweating, avoiding sensitive areas of the skin and mucous membranes. Teymurov's pasta is one of the most inexpensive pharmaceutical preparations available to everyone, which influenced its popularity in our country.
Teymurov's paste is used as one of the ways to get rid of the armpit sweat odor. - Zinc ointment. Another popular topical product that effectively relieves sweating and unpleasant odors. It contains only one active ingredient - zinc, which has antibacterial properties. The ointment dries the skin well and is applied locally in the areas of greatest perspiration. This tool costs from 20 to 50 rubles per package. 3. DRY DRY. The widely spread deodorant is actually a drug used for severe hyperhidrosis problems. It prevents the secretion of sweat by narrowing the sweat glands due to the hydrate of aluminum chloride in the composition. It is recommended to use it no more than once a week, as the active substance of the drug, according to some studies, can be harmful to health, including increasing the risk of breast cancer in women. The price ranges from 500 to 700 rubles per package.
- DRY DRY. The widely spread deodorant is actually a drug used for severe hyperhidrosis problems. It prevents the secretion of sweat by narrowing the sweat glands due to the hydrate of aluminum chloride in the composition.It is recommended to use it no more than once a week, since the active substance of the drug, according to some studies, can be harmful to health, including increasing the risk of breast cancer in women. The price ranges from 500 to 700 rubles per package.
- Algel. The Russian analogue of DRY DRY, which also received many positive reviews. Its duration of action is limited to three days, but it also contains natural fragrances and extracts. The cost is about 700 rubles.
- Formagel. Like other formaldehyde-based drugs, it has serious contraindications, but it is very effective in severe hyperhidrosis, so it is better to consult a specialist before using it. The price is about 200 rubles per tube.
- Galmanin. It is in the form of a powder with a very simple talcum powder formulation. It is used once a day on clean skin and has no contraindications, with the exception of allergic reactions with individual sensitivity. The cost of the drug is 50 rubles.
- Odaban. A pharmacy antiperspirant produced in various forms, the most convenient of which is a spray. The active ingredient is aluminum chloride, which is safe for the functioning of the sweat glands. Thanks to the use of this product, the problem area remains dry, but the protein-aluminum complex that forms upon contact with the skin does not penetrate and does not stay in the body. The cost of the drug ranges from 600 to 900 rubles per package.
Features of the use of external pharmaceuticals:
- it is recommended to do an allergy test before using;
- any of the above drugs is applied only to a small surface of the skin;
- all products are used only after a shower, the skin must be dry and clean;
- if the armpits are processed, then it is better to apply ointments and creams not with your palms, but with a napkin or cotton pad;
- most of these drugs are contraindicated for use during pregnancy and lactation;
- it is important to follow the instructions and observe the frequency and duration of use;
- avoid contact with mucous membranes.
There are also a number of oral medications available to combat hyperhidrosis.
But most of them are primarily sedatives and sedatives, so they are available only with a prescription and have a number of serious contraindications. If sweating is associated with excitement and stress, you can try the safest herbal preparations: motherwort and valerian.
Hydronex for sweating
Unlike other pharmaceuticals, Hydronex is two products at once: spray for external use and concentrate for oral administration. The concentrate is taken on an empty stomach, and the spray is applied to clean skin twice a day. According to the instructions for use, the drug has no side effects or contraindications.
How to get rid of the smell of sweat under the armpits without surgery is known to the manufacturers of Hydronex. According to them, the drug is able not only to destroy harmful microorganisms, but also to normalize hormonal levels, improve the condition of the skin, affect the functioning of the endocrine glands, and restore damaged tissues.
The composition includes a huge number of components, most of which are of plant origin. Among them are Icelandic moss, verbena, reishi mushroom, ylang-ylang and lapacho.
According to experts and reviews of real buyers, one should not completely trust this drug, since many of the manufacturer's promises (for example, lifelong getting rid of hyperhidrosis after a full course) look deliberately impracticable. The cost of the bottle is 990 rubles, the course of treatment includes 4 packages.
Folk remedies
Since excessive sweating in most cases is not a serious disease, simple folk remedies that have been proven over the years can be used to combat it. It is most difficult to get rid of the smell of sweat under the armpits, since it is in this zone that a significant number of sweat glands are localized.
You can work on them locally with homemade natural lotions based on the following plants:
- Chamomile. Possesses excellent disinfecting and antibacterial properties, contains essential oils in its composition, eliminating unpleasant odors. To prepare liquid chamomile deodorant, you need 6 tablespoons of flowers and two liters of boiling water. After insisting for an hour, add 2 tablespoons of baking soda.
- Oak bark. Enough 1 teaspoon of bark to prepare the broth. After cooling down, fresh lemon juice is added to it and the homemade deodorant is ready to use.
- Horsetail herb. It is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent, but it has toxic properties, so it should be used with great care. A vodka-based tincture (in a 10: 1 ratio with grass) is prepared within 10 days. The finished composition is applied to the skin with a cotton pad.
Some folk remedies for sweating are taken internally. The most effective among them are sage leaves and a mixture of clover and dried leaves. Ready-made infusions can be purchased at the pharmacy and taken according to the instructions.
Antiperspirant natural soap
How to get rid of the smell of sweat under the armpits, knew our distant ancestors, on whose experience you can rely. If the usual hygiene procedures do not give the desired effect and do not give a feeling of freshness for a long time, you can resort to using natural soap.
The most effective yet inexpensive option is tar soap. It is completely natural, does not contain fragrances, dyes and other chemical components. It is highly regarded for its drying, disinfecting and healing properties.
The only noticeable drawback of this product is a strong, pronounced odor, which, however, disappears very quickly and does not cause significant discomfort. To combat increased sweating and unpleasant odor, it is enough to use tar soap at every shower, applying it to problem areas. It is also used to prevent this problem.
Oddly enough, the undeservedly forgotten laundry soap - the cheapest possible means - gives very good results.
It is most effective for sweating feet as it can dry out the delicate skin of the armpits unnecessarily with regular use. When buying laundry soap, you should carefully study the label: the best results in the fight against hyperhidrosis will give a product with the designation 72%.
If you have a desire and free time, you can prepare a deodorant soap yourself, adding components to your taste. The base is usually taken with baby soap, to which essential oils (such as chamomile), liquid tar, lemon zest and olive oil are added.
The list of ingredients is selected individually, according to personal preference. Thus, you can create a natural product with unique properties and a pleasant aroma, completely safe for health.
How to remove odor on clothes
How to get rid of the smell of sweat under the armpits, both scientific research and the experience of traditional medicine can tell. But this is not the only problem for people with hyperhidrosis.
Due to increased sweating, clothes also suffer, especially those that are in direct contact with the body. The best way to get rid of sweat odors on your clothes is with a regular machine wash, but in some cases this is not enough.
The following steps will help improve your results:
- careful examination of the label on the garment;
- preliminary soaking in soapy water of admissible temperature;
- increasing the dose of detergent during washing;
- using a prewash program;
- adding a small amount of vinegar to water (if the fabric is not delicate);
- double wash.
You can also resort to the following available tools:
- Salt. Natural fabric can be easily removed from the smell of sweat by rubbing it with a solution of table salt. The concentration of the saline solution depends on the density of the tissue. It should be applied locally so as not to damage the material. After thorough application, the salt is gently washed off.
- A mixture of salt and ammonia. This product is used for white items in areas without designs or prints.
- Vinegar and citric acid. Lemon juice helps when the smell has not yet eaten; in more serious cases, a mixture of citric and acetic acid, diluted with a little water, is used.
- Pure vinegar. If the sweat odor persists after more delicate measures, you can treat the problem areas with clean food vinegar. It is most convenient to use a spray bottle that will distribute the product evenly over the fabric. After processing, the item should be thoroughly rinsed with water. The smell of sweat should disappear completely as a result.
- Shampoo. Regular hair shampoo effectively degreases sweat stains and at the same time eliminates unpleasant odors. The main thing is that it does not have a lightening or toning effect that can ruin the color of the fabric.
- Laundry soap. This simple remedy not only helps you sweat, it also removes unpleasant odors from your clothes. It is enough to thoroughly lather the areas of clothing affected by sweat and leave for 5-10 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.
- Sunlight. Drying your washed clothes in the fresh air under natural sunlight can help you ventilate them perfectly and give them a fresh scent.
- Baking soda. If the smell of sweat is very strong, you can sprinkle the problem areas with dry baking soda and rub in gently. After 20 minutes, the soda is washed off with water.
- Special means. The modern chemical industry provides a wide range of highly targeted detergents. Among other things, you can purchase innovative formulations that quickly and effectively remove the smell of sweat from any clothing.
- Stain removers and bleaches. These products not only get rid of stains, but also effectively remove odors, penetrating into the structure of the fabric and acting between its fibers.
Unlike casual wear, outerwear is usually not washed regularly. But even on it, an unpleasant smell of sweat may appear, especially if you wear a jacket or coat for a long time without removing it. As a preventive measure, it is recommended to regularly hang out outerwear in fresh air for ventilation. Thanks to this approach, you can significantly reduce the number of washes.
If an unpleasant odor still occurs, it is not necessary to wash the whole thing, you can treat the armpit area separately and then dry thoroughly. It is possible to use the same folk remedies that help get rid of the smell of everyday clothes. The main thing is to avoid the appearance of white streaks after a partial wash.
Household chemical stores also sell special products designed to remove odors from outerwear without having to wash them.
It is not very difficult to get rid of the smell of sweat under the armpits, both on everyday clothes and on outerwear. Most often, simple measures and proven folk methods are enough, which will not only refresh the fabric, but also preserve its color and structure.
Video on methods of getting rid of the smell of sweat on the body and clothes
5 recipes for eliminating odor:
Removing sweat odor from clothing:
Laundry soap perfectly removes the smell of sweat from clothes! I had a pair of blouses that absorbed an unpleasant smell and a simple wash did not help in any way. Just a few hours after putting on clean clothes, an old smell began to appear. But preliminary soaking and washing in laundry soap solved this problem! I also bought myself such a soap in the form of a powder for washing in the machine. The smell is specific, but it does its job well.
Dry Dry Deo deodorant well eliminates the problem of excessive sweating. It works much longer than conventional deodorants and contains beneficial aloe vera and silver ions.