The protruding belly violates the harmony of the figure, creating psychological discomfort. Being overweight makes it difficult to move. It is necessary to get rid of excess fat, as it provokes serious diseases of the internal organs.
Types of body fat
There are three types of fat in the human body. They differ in location and functions performed.
For each type of fat, there is a separate method to combat it.
- Visceral (internal) type of fat. Its layer envelops the internal organs of a person. Due to human anatomy, most of the fat is located inside the peritoneum. In the absence of a skeleton in this area, fat protects the abdominal organs from injury and hypothermia. Therefore, the entire volume of visceral fat cannot be removed. Internal fat is dangerous to health, since the growth of excess mass on the organs interferes with their functioning.
By pulling in the abdomen, you can determine if there is an excess amount of internal fat. Its bulging indicates the presence of some degree of obesity. Visceral fat builds up quickly, but it also burns easily compared to other types of fat.
- The subcutaneous type of fat is folds, which can be palpated. This type is located just under the skin and accounts for 40-60% of the total body fat. Part of the mass exceeding the norm is removed by surgeons through liposuction. Specialists measure the skin fat folds with a special instrument - a caliper. The results are compared with a table showing the rates.
- Sexual type of fat... In men and women, problem areas of fat accumulation are different. It is difficult for men to lose fat around their back and abdomen, and women cannot lose weight in the hips and buttocks. Under the skin, the chemical composition of this fat differs from that of the subcutaneous type. The excess mass of such fat is burned last after getting rid of the visceral and subcutaneous types.
Causes of Belly Fat Accumulation
There are various factors in the appearance of belly fat:
- Frequent nervous tension causes surges in the stress hormone cortisone. This slows down the processing of carbohydrates and fats.
- Metabolic disease. In women, this is due to a disruption in the work of the hormones adrenaline and cortisone. A sharp increase in adrenaline provokes an increase in the amount of insulin. As a result, carbohydrates from food are converted into fats.
- Age-related slowdown in metabolism.
- Disorders of the endocrine system. Polycystic ovary disease causes testosterone to rise. In this case, it is difficult for women to lose weight.
- Eating most of the processed food (sweets, pastries, sugary carbonated drinks) leads to disruption of the pancreas and interruptions in carbohydrate metabolism, the conversion of carbohydrates to fats. Foods with saturated fat increase the amount of visceral fat in the body.
- Alcohol abuse.Alcohol is high in calories.
- Violation of the diet. Skipping breakfast deprives you of energy and slows your metabolism. After a late supper, the energy received does not burn out with low body mobility and is deposited in fat mass during sleep.
- Not getting enough sleep. There is no intake of extra calories during sleep.
- Heredity with the "apple" figure. In these forms, fat initially accumulates on the belly.
- Low mobility and improper distribution of physical activity.
- Lack of desire and weak willpower.
Exercises for the lower abdomen
When doing physical exercise, it is imperative to observe proper breathing and regularity. At the beginning of each workout, a warm-up should be done to warm up the muscles.
- "Scissors". They are done in a supine position with palms under the buttocks, the lower back should not be torn off the floor. Legs, without bending, raise at an angle to the floor 45˚. Raise the left leg to the ceiling, lower the right leg down. Don't put your feet on the floor. Do slow movements 20 times. To improve the effect of this exercise, trainers advise to fix it with 10 jumps on a rope.
- "Fold". Lying on your back, place your hands under the lower back, palms to the floor. Legs bent at the knee joints, you need to pull them to the chest. The abdominal muscles should be very tense. When straightening your legs, the heels should not touch the floor. The exercise should be performed at least 10 times.
- "Painting". From the starting position on the back, alternately raise your legs, bringing each of them up to 10 from top to bottom.
- "Rock climber". The starting position is similar to a push-up. However, one leg must be bent under the stomach, and the other must be taken back. Having jumped, the legs change position - the second jumps forward, the first is retracted. Move the movements 10 times.
- Raising the legs. It is necessary to start from the "scissors" position. Raise straight legs, forming a 90˚ angle to the floor. The body posture should be delayed for 2-3 seconds, then lower the limbs to the floor. Trainers advise to repeat the exercise at least 15 times.
- Squat. Standing up, feet hip-width apart, you need to squat, creating a parallel hip to the floor. It is enough to do 8 to 16 squats. The spine should be straight.
Upper abdominal gymnastics
In the process of training the upper abdomen, on the rise of the body, an inhalation is taken, on the exhale, the body is lowered.
- Twisting with arms extended forward. Lie on your back, bend your legs at an angle of 90˚, take your knees to the sides. Lifting the body, pull your hands forward between the knees. Linger for 2 sec. and lie down again. It is necessary to ensure that the lower back does not come off the floor surface.
- Twisting with hands behind your head... It is performed in the same way as the first exercise. A complication is added - arms bent at the elbows are wound behind the head.
- Twisting with arms crossed on your chest... The initial pose is described above. Arms crossed over chest, palms rest on shoulders. Bending your back, raise your upper body and shoulders towards your knees. Fix the pose for 2 sec. Lower the body.
- Twisting with raised legs. From a supine position, with your arms bent behind your head, raise your legs to the ceiling, creating a perpendicular to the floor. Raise the torso, the shoulders stretch to the hips, the lower back does not come off the floor. Lingering at the top, lie down on the floor. Bending your knees is undesirable.
- Twisting with legs raised vertically. It is performed in a similar way to the exercises written above. However, lifting the body, you need to reach with your hands to your heels. Measure, counting to 3, lower the body down.
Side area
Lateral weight loss exercises without the use of sports equipment are recommended to be performed three times for 10 repetitions.
- Swinging the lateral abdominal muscles. From a lying position on your left side, place your left hand in front of you and rest it on the floor. Bend the other hand, put it behind the head, point the elbow up. Raise the pelvis up, lean on the elbow of the left hand, take a breath. Exhaling, lower the buttocks.
- Twisting of the lateral muscles. Lie on your back, spread your arms in opposite directions. Raise your legs up, bend 90˚. Lower your knees to the left to the floor, raise them to the ceiling, put them on the floor to the right.
- "Mill". Stand up, place your feet to the width of the pelvis. Tilt your torso forward parallel to the floor. The back is straight, the arms are apart. Alternately change the position of the hands, lifting one upward, the second lowering to the floor. Change the position of the hands 20 times, performing three times.
- Seated bends. You need to sit cross-legged in Turkish. Straighten your back. While inhaling, raise your left hand above your head and tilt your body to the right side. As you exhale, sit up straight, change hands. Tilt to the other side. The movement trains the sides, makes the legs and spine flexible.
Exercises for the lateral muscles using sports equipment:
- On the fitball. Leaning your hands on the floor, put your slightly bent legs on the ball. Do rolls alternately in both directions.
- Slopes with weight. Exercises are done with dumbbells in hands of 2 kg or more. Become, legs apart shoulder-width apart, straighten your back. Pull the left hand down from the dumbbells, align, bend over to the right side.
- Turns of the torso with a bar on the shoulders. It is necessary to sit across the bench, spread your legs in different directions. Straighten your back, put the bar behind your head. Turn the body in opposite directions until it stops.
- Effectively breaks down fat in the sides using a hoop. Initially, you need to twist it for 10 minutes. With subsequent exercises, the duration of the spinning time must be increased.
- Turns the body while standing on the disc. According to the exercise technique, the legs turn in one direction, the body in the other. Keep your back straight.
Plank for burning belly fat
How to get rid of belly fat using the plank exercise, follow these instructions:
- Main plank. The body should assume a push-up position. Pull your feet towards yourself, raising your legs on your toes. Keep a straight line of the torso above the floor for 1 min. Perform 3 sets.
- Side plank. You need to lie on your left side, lean on the floor on your bent left arm. Bend your right hand and rest on your right side. On inhalation, raise the buttocks as high as possible, linger. Exhaling, lower. Do the exercise alternately on both sides 20 times.
To complicate the two basic planks described above, while performing the exercise, you must raise and hold the leg and arm up.
Japanese breathing technique
How to get rid of belly fat using the Japanese method, will tell the development of Japanese specialists.
This method of losing weight involves breathing exercises. As a result, the body is actively enriched with oxygen, the lungs increase in volume, and the metabolism is accelerated. At the beginning of the lesson, you need to warm up the muscles with a warm-up. World famous Japanese weight loss techniques 3:
1. The technique of Mika Ryosuke makes it possible to correct the incorrect placement of bones in the lumbosacral region:
- Stand straight, feet touching, shoulders back. Take a small step with your left foot. Stay. Transfer body weight to the right leg. Freeze.
- Raising your arms to the ceiling, take a long breath, counting to three. Then you need to exhale slowly, counting to seven, lowering your hands. Relax.
- Change the position of the legs, and repeat the exercise. At the moment of inhalation, it is necessary to draw in the stomach. When exhaling, all the muscles of the body are tense.
Respiratory gymnastics must be done daily for 2 months or more.
2. The Fukutsuji technique helps the pelvic bones return to the correct position, straighten the spine:
- You need to sit on the mat, straighten your back. A rolled-up towel should be placed behind your hips.
- Lie slowly on your back. Make sure that the towel is under the lower back.
- Spread your legs so that your thumbs touch each other, and your heels are spread apart by 20 cm between them.
- Straighten your arms above your head. The palms should be on the floor, connected by the little fingers.
- In this position of the body, it is necessary to breathe for 5 minutes, do not move.
- Slowly rise.
3. The Imabari technique will help burn fat deposits throughout the body. All exercises are repeated 20 times:
- You need to take the towel by the ends and stretch it along the length. Keep your hands at the height of the pectoral muscles.
- Raise a towel over your head. Make bends of the body to the right, to the left.
- Bring a towel over your head. Stretch it at neck level.
- In a supine position, bend your leg and put a loop of towel over your foot. Straightening the leg, pull the towel with your hands, creating resistance.
Belly Fat Burning Belt
In the system of methods for slimming the abdomen, you can add a belt for burning fat in the abdominal region. The device is recommended for busy people who do not play sports. Several types of belts have been created by various manufacturers.
- The Vulcan belt is made of three layers of different materials: lycra, thermal fabric, nylon. Adhering to the skin, fabrics create a greenhouse effect. Drops of fat with sweat and toxins are removed to the surface of the skin. Fat folds are reduced.
Experts recommend wearing a belt every day for 50 minutes. within 2 months.
- The belt - myostimulator over the entire surface contains current sources. The slight outgoing tension causes the muscles to contract. Blood circulation is activated, metabolism is accelerated, fat cells are burned. Wearing a belt during training has a greater effect. Some models have a current regulator, timer. Battery-powered devices have a short working life, low power.
- The mechanism of the massage belt includes balls that move in different directions under the influence of electricity. The most famous model is Vibroton. By acting on the skin, the balls start the process of burning fat cells. In order not to disrupt the work of the gastrointestinal tract, you need to use a massage belt 1 hour before a meal or 1 hour after a meal. A session of the device per day is no more than half an hour.
Foods to help burn fat
How to get rid of belly fat, nutritionists will consult. There is food that allows you to simultaneously fill and lose weight. In this case, a sufficient amount of food with a small amount of calories enters the body. However, the digestion process consumes a large amount of body energy.
Fats are burned. Certain foods are called fat burning foods. They contain nutrients that speed up the body's metabolism.
Mackerel, cod, herring, tuna, salmon, trout, halibut, seaweed. | They contain polyunsaturated fatty acids that improve the functioning of the thyroid gland. |
Grapefruit | Reduces insulin, suppresses appetite. |
Green tea | Removes toxins. |
Turkey meat, chicken, fish | Requires a lot of energy to digest food. |
Dairy products | Lactic acid bacteria improve digestion. |
Ginger | Strengthens blood circulation, improves digestion |
Horseradish | Improves the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. |
Cinnamon | Reduces blood sugar, lowers appetite. |
Cabbage | Removes toxins, improves digestion, satisfies hunger. |
Papaya | Breaks down cholesterol. |
Raspberry | It removes toxins and excess fluid from the body. |
A pineapple | The fruit contains an enzyme that breaks down proteins, which makes meat easier to digest. |
Apples | Eliminate toxins, satisfy hunger. |
What foods and drinks should be avoided
Losing belly fat includes avoiding foods such as:
- high-grade flour pasta;
- sweet carbonated drinks;
- confectionery;
- bakery products made from wheat flour;
- instant products (chips, instant soup, dry mashed potatoes, corn flakes, dry cereals);
- sausages;
- grapes;
- White rice;
- alcohol;
- sauces (mayonnaise, ketchup, cream dressings);
- sweet fruits, berries;
- potatoes.
Calorie counting
The daily calorie intake for each person is individual. This number depends on age, weight and activity. Exceeding the norm leads to an increase in body weight.
Experts have made approximate calculations of the daily calorie intake for people who want to lose weight:
- for women who are not fond of sports - 1200 kcal, for unsportsmanlike men - 1800 kcal;
- for women leading a sports lifestyle - 2200 kcal, for men involved in sports - 2700 kcal.
To calculate the nutritional value of meals eaten, tables have been compiled showing the number of calories in individual foods.
Self-massage will help to remove the protruding belly. Its purpose is to activate blood circulation in the problem area.
However, you need to know that the procedure is prohibited in case of exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases, cholelithiasis and urolithiasis, oncology, increased body temperature, critical days, during pregnancy, after surgery.
Several self-massage techniques have been developed:
- The pinch method breaks down the fatty layer, improves skin condition. Experts recommend to lubricate the skin with a moisturizer before the massage. Warming up the surface, lightly stroking the skin for several minutes, proceed to the main pinching movements. You need to grab the fold so that the thumb is on one side, and the other fingers are on the other. Movements should be made from the navel clockwise around it, increasing the radius, pinching force. "Draw" loops on the stomach 3 times. Finish the session with light patting, stroking. Performing the procedure every day for 10-15 minutes. after a month you can see the result.
A pinch massage breaks down belly fat. Regular treatment will help you lose fat - The canning method is painful enough, requires the purchase of two special massage cans with a diameter of up to 5 cm. Having lubricated the skin with cream, it is necessary to warm up the problem area with a pinch massage. Then lie on your back, set the cans on your stomach. The skin should be absorbed in a 1.5 cm container. Without removing the cans from the skin, they should be moved to the left side around the navel for 10 minutes. At the end of the session, remove the jars and allow the skin to rest, covering with a towel.
- Honey massage is suitable for people who cannot bear pain. Being absorbed through the skin into the blood, honey in combination with massage enhances blood circulation, lymph flow, removes toxins from the body, saturates with vitamins, microelements, and reduces the fat layer. It is necessary to choose liquid honey. It is recommended to repeat a 20 - minute session once every 2 days. To warm up the skin, before the massage, you need to take a warm shower, massaging the problem area with a scrub. Then, having smeared the surface with honey, start massaging hand movements in a circle, in straight lines, drawing zigzags. At a later stage, press your hand to your stomach and pull it back sharply. Treat the entire problem area with such movements until the skin is red. At the end of the session, wash off the honey, soothe irritation with a moisturizer.
- Water massage is performed using a special shower head... The jet is directed to the abdomen. Changing the pressure of the water, it is necessary to move the stream to the left around the navel. After the session, apply a slimming cream.
How to get rid of belly fat, specialists in SPA-salons will tell. The procedure includes processing the skin with special agents that provoke the burning of fats, removing toxins from the body, and cleansing the skin. With strict adherence to the recommendations of professionals, the procedure can be carried out at home.
The event is held 1 hour after a meal. At the end of the wrapping, you can eat after 1 hour. You must first take a hot shower using a scrub in the problem area. After drying the body with a towel, massage the healing mixture.
Then it is necessary to wrap the abdominal region of the body with cling film, creating a greenhouse effect. It is recommended to wrap up with warm material over the film. The procedure takes 1 hour.The course is 15 sessions every 2 days.
Types of wraps:
- Honey... Honey is used in its pure form, or with additions (mustard, coffee, vinegar, red pepper, salt).
- With algae. The procedures are cold (relieve swelling, fatigue), hot (break down fats), with impurities (clay, honey).
- Chocolate... Chocolate is used in its pure form, or mixed with other ingredients (cinnamon, olive oil, lemon, ginger, seaweed).
- With vinegar. You can add honey.
- With clay. It is used in pure form, or with impurities (kelp, red pepper, essential oils, cocoa, olive oil, vinegar, ginger, coffee, honey, cinnamon).
- With pepper. It is used exclusively with the addition of other components (cinnamon, essential oils, poppy seeds, salt, olive oil).
You should know that wraps have contraindications for certain diseases.
Fat burners
For quick weight loss during training, it is recommended to take fat burners. The drugs are aimed at stimulating metabolism, removing toxins from the body, accelerating the breakdown of fats, suppressing appetite, and increasing efficiency.
Fat burners are divided into:
- Thermogenics... They stimulate metabolism as a result of an increase in body temperature by 2˚C, reduce appetite, activate the activity of the nervous system and thyroid gland. The main components are: caffeine, hydroxycitric acid, guarana, green tea. The drugs excite the nervous system, so they are taken in the morning or before playing sports.
- Lipotropics - sports and supplements. It contains chitosan, orlistat or bromelain. The funds activate the breakdown of fats, remove excess fluid, normalize liver activity, blood sugar levels. Accepted in the evening.
Anorists work on the nervous system to suppress hunger. They have many contraindications.
The best fat burners sold in pharmacies:
- Xenical (Switzerland) is taken 3 times a day in a capsule with food or after meals.
- Reduksin (Russia) is consumed once in the morning, regardless of the meal. The dosage is calculated individually by the doctor. The course of treatment is no more than 3 months.
- Izolipan (France) is taken 1 capsule with meals in the morning and evening for 3 months.
- Clenbuterol is taken with a minimum dosage. Every next day, increase the rate by 20 mcg. Details are described in the instructions for the preparation.
- Hydroxycitrate (USA) is taken in a capsule once a day.
- L-carnitine (USA) is taken 2-3 times a day as a tablet, regardless of food intake. The duration of the course is at least a month.
- Turboslim (Russia) daily tablets are used one after breakfast and one after lunch. Course - month. Nighttime tablets are taken one at a time during dinner for a month.
- Glucobay (Germany). Doctors calculate the dosage. The tablet is taken with the first spoonful of food.
- Caffeine is consumed at 50-100 mg 3 times a day no later than 5 pm. Course up to 3 months.
- Green tea extract is taken 2 tablets once a day with meals for a month.
Stomach shots to burn fat
Beauty industry experts have developed slimming injections. Acupuncture is performed by professionals in special conditions. An individual composition is prepared for the patient, including amino acids, nucleic acids, minerals and other useful components.
The drug is injected deep under the skin in the problem area. The metabolism is normalized, fat cells are destroyed, the volume of the abdomen decreases, the skin tightens. There are 4 types of drugs: homeopathic, testosterone-based, lipolytics, ozone.
To burn fat in the abdomen, injections are used: Aqualix, Phosphatidylcholine, Sodium deoxycholate, Aminomix, Dermaheal LL.
The course of injections lasts up to 15 days. The reduction in body fat occurs slowly, hardly noticeable.However, body shapes become fit and slender.
Pumping fat from the belly
Plastic surgeons will tell you how to get rid of belly fat in an operative way. In special medical institutions, liposuction of the abdomen is performed - breaking and pumping out subcutaneous fat deposits. During operations, the following techniques are used: vacuum, laser, ultrasonic, radio wave, non-surgical.
Liposuction on the abdomen is performed under local anesthesia. The choice of technique depends on the amount of fat mass, the state of health of the person, and his preferences. Depending on the complexity of the work, the procedure lasts up to 90 minutes. Initially, lines of influence of the apparatus are drawn. Then anesthesia and fat cell breakdown drugs are injected.
After anesthetizing the work area, punctures are made in several places of the abdomen. Hollow tubes are installed and connected to a vacuum pump. The pumping out of the fat mass is switched on. After removing the tubes, the incisions are sutured, and drainage is installed.
When a lot of fat is removed, the skin sags. Doctors advise to do abdominoplasty. After the operation, the following consequences may occur: body defects, edema or hematomas, impaired skin sensitivity, blockage of blood vessels.
At the end of the procedure, doctors prescribe rehabilitation. With a small amount of work, the patient leaves the clinic after 4 hours, at the place of residence he is observed by a doctor for 3 days. The restoration of the body takes 2-3 months.
The cost of liposuction depends on the level of the clinic, the chosen technique, the amount of work, and medications. The price fluctuates from 8 thousand rubles to a thousand dollars.
Fasting your belly fat from fasting is fraught with consequences. The skin sags, metabolism is disturbed, immunity weakens, the body lacks vitamins and minerals.
To remove excess weight, but be healthy and beautiful, you must use a combination of methods for losing weight on the abdomen. The most effective methods in this matter and are beneficial to health are such methods as a balanced diet and exercise.
Article design: Mila Friedan
Video on how to lose belly fat
10 home remedies: