A wen means a benign neoplasm that is localized under the skin. It does not pose any danger to human health, but gives aesthetic discomfort. You can quickly and painlessly get rid of wen on the face in different ways, including and listed in our article.
What is a wen?
In medical reference books, it is called a lipoma. It consists only of fat cells and can appear both on the surface of the skin and on some internal organs in the human body.
The fat has a slightly yellowish tint outwardly. It is soft to the touch and does not cause pain or discomfort to a person. If nothing is done, then lipomas can remain on a person's skin for life, but at the same time they will not bother him in any way, except that they are visually striking the people around them.
But multiple wen can form, which are localized close to each other and accumulate in one place. In this case, small bumps may appear, which bring pain to their owner. Therefore, it is better to get rid of them at the very beginning and not to allow the situation to worsen.
Varieties of lipoma
How to get rid of wen on the face will help knowing its appearance. Thanks to this, the treatment process will not last long, and the person will again become the owner of beautiful and smooth skin.
Lipomas can be of 2 types:
- milium;
- xanthoma.
If a milium-type wen is formed, then it will be characterized by the presence of solid contents. The lipoma itself is white. It is very similar to a simple eel, which is why people call this type of white eel. The place of appearance is usually the area of the forehead, cheekbones, nose, lips. Milium begins to form as a result of clogging of the sebaceous glands.
Xanthoma has a yellowish tinge and appears most often on the upper eyelids or under the eyes.
The reasons that provoke the appearance of wen
Lipoma cannot manifest itself just like that, there are always certain reasons for this. Which usually lie in the malfunctioning of internal organs or a failure in one of them. In addition, pimples, rashes may appear on the face, and the skin as a whole will lose its healthy and beautiful appearance. The body is trying to show that not all systems work correctly and harmoniously.
How to quickly get rid of wen on the face will tell, first of all, the reason that led to their formation.
Among them:
- failure of the protective function of the body, as well as disturbances in the work of metabolic processes;
- diabetes;
- improper functions of the hormonal system;
- sedentary work and lack of an active lifestyle;
- dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
- improper functioning of the urinary system in general or the kidneys in particular, as well as various diseases developing in them;
- malfunction of the digestive system;
- long exposure to the sun;
- liver diseases that develop against the background of alcohol dependence;
- excessive consumption of fatty and junk food;
- non-observance of the rules of personal hygiene and improper care of oily skin.
Basically, the formation of wen on the skin of the face is caused by a malfunction of metabolic processes, diabetes mellitus and high cholesterol. A person may even have not one, but several reasons that acted as a provoking factor.
In addition, it is very important to choose the right care and cosmetics for oily or combination skin. It should be remembered that they may differ in summer and winter.
How to get rid of a wen quickly?
In order to do everything right and not be afraid of the development of complications or negative consequences, it is best to contact a qualified specialist. If the wen is small in size, then the doctor will quickly get rid of it with the help of injections with a special medicinal composition.
During this procedure, a person will not feel pain or discomfort. The injected drug will simply break down the accumulated fat cells and prevent their re-formation.
How else you can get rid of wen on the face depends on their size and the reason for their appearance. It may even require surgery to remove large lipomas. During the operation, the doctor will make an incision and remove all the contents of the wen, so that in the future the cells will continue to function normally.
To eliminate small wen, it is not necessary to consult a doctor such as a surgeon, cosmetologist or dermatologist. You can remove them yourself at home. You should consult a specialist only in serious cases when the wen begins to grow in size or quantity, and also causes pain.
Removal at home
In order to independently remove a tumor from the skin, the following rules must be observed:
- wipe the skin of the face and hands with an alcohol solution;
- the place of lipoma formation must be treated with lidocaine;
- prepare and disinfect tweezers and a needle;
- fix the wen with tweezers;
- pierce it in the center with a needle;
- press down so that all contents come out;
- wipe the puncture site with a cotton pad dipped in an alcohol solution;
- seal with adhesive tape to prevent bacteria and germs from getting inside.
If it is scary to carry out such a procedure at home or there are obstacles for this, then it is better to seek help from qualified specialists. They will select the best way to remove a wen from the surface of the facial skin in the shortest possible time.
It is worth remembering that with independent attempts to squeeze out a wen, an infection can be brought under the skin, which will lead to complications and the development of inflammatory processes. This will generally only worsen the situation.
Therefore, squeezing out a lipoma can only be entrusted to qualified specialists, but at home it is better to use various recipes and methods of traditional medicine.
Removal by cosmetic procedures
How to quickly get rid of wen on the face with the help of modern procedures will be consulted by cosmetologists.
They usually prescribe one of the following:
- Mechanical face cleansing. In the course of its execution, all available wen are opened. The doctor thoroughly cleanses each of them from the accumulated subcutaneous fat. Thanks to this procedure, lipomas will no longer form in this place.
- Aspiration or puncture method. The doctor prescribes the procedure in cases where the wen is still young and not fully matured. The method is performed using a very thin needle, which is inserted into the middle of the lipoma. Through it, all the contents are removed and the shell is not broken. During the procedure, a person will not feel any painful or unpleasant sensations, but there is a risk of re-formation of a wen in the same place.
- Laser treatment... The most modern and fastest way to get rid of a wen.Only a qualified and experienced specialist can perform the procedure with a laser.
- Coagulation. This method has proven to be reliable and effective. Thanks to him, the risk of re-formation of a lipoma is practically reduced to zero, but a person may experience pain during it. It will take about 2 minutes.
- Chemical peeling. This procedure directs its action not only to eliminate fat from the skin of the face, but in general to improve and cleanse from other problems.
Ointments for the treatment of education
It is most effective and convenient to cleanse the skin on the face from lipomas with the help of medicinal ointments. They are sold in every pharmacy. The finished formulations will quickly stretch and dissolve the subcutaneous fat from the neoplasm, preventing the development of inflammatory processes.
These include:
- Vishnevsky ointment. It contains birch tar, so it has a specific smell. The ointment has such actions as antiseptic and irritating, and will also help to normalize blood circulation at the site of the formation of the wen. The tool promotes the rapid release of subcutaneous fat outward, while not leaving behind a scar or scar. To achieve the maximum effect, it is necessary to apply the ointment to the gauze folded several times and apply to the place where the wen appeared. Seal the resulting compress with adhesive plaster and leave for 12 hours. Then remove and let the skin breathe for 12 hours. Then repeat the procedure again. After a few days, there will be no trace of the wen.
With the help of Vishnevsky ointment, you can quickly get rid of a wen on the face - Ichthyol ointment. Its main purpose is to fight various infections that appear on the skin for various reasons. The therapeutic effect of the ointment is to improve metabolic processes, disinfection and reduce inflammation. In addition, the ointment will ensure proper blood circulation and establish the process of cell regeneration in the place where the lipoma appeared. The drug is best used as a lotion or simply rubbed into the wen.
- Ointment We see... The composition contains retinol, which has established itself as an effective remedy in the fight against various types of dermatitis, eczema, and skin cracks. The ointment will enhance protein synthesis and help break down fats that clog cells faster. Lipoma after applying the ointment dries up and disappears. To achieve this, the drug must be applied to the sore spot with a thin layer twice a day.
- Balsam Vitaon. Thanks to plant extracts and active ingredients such as camphor, it quickly relieves inflammation and has an anti-exudative effect. The medicine helps to relieve itching and pull the contents of the wen out in the shortest possible time. It is recommended to smear the agent with a thick layer on the place of formation of a wen, and then apply a sterile bandage on top. The course of treatment is on average about 5 days.
Each of these remedies is effective for removing fat from the skin surface at home. But they can also have a number of contraindications. Therefore, it is best to read the instructions before use.
Compresses and masks
Folk remedies are distinguished by their effectiveness, and also have practically no side effects. They contain exclusively natural natural ingredients. These funds will help normalize lipid metabolism and blood circulation, as well as remove small defects from the skin surface.
Among the popular recipes, the following can be distinguished:
- Baked onions. To use to get rid of wen on the face, you need to bake 1 onion in foil. After that, let it cool, knead it until mushy. A compress is made from it on the problem area of the skin and kept there for about half an hour.
- Garlic. Take 1 clove and grate it. After that, add a few drops of vegetable oil to it and mix.Apply the composition to the wen and glue it with an adhesive plaster for half an hour. For people with sensitive skin, the area after the compress may turn slightly red.
- Salt and honey. Take both ingredients in equal proportions and mix thoroughly. The resulting mask should be applied to the face and left there until the skin begins to slightly tingle or redden. After that, the product must be gently washed off under running warm water.
In addition, during the period of active struggle with wen on the face, you cannot eat harmful, heavily seasoned and fatty food. The diet should consist of foods rich in fiber, as well as fresh vegetables and fruits. It is also very important to maintain personal hygiene so that lipomas do not return to their original places.
Folk remedies
There are several proven, by more than one generation of people, remedies from traditional medicine that will help you quickly and painlessly get rid of lipoma on your face.
Among them:
- Aloe juice. From the leaf of the plant, you need to extract the pulp and attach it to the area of the skin where the lipoma has formed. For reliability and better effect, it is better to fix it with a plaster and leave it overnight. To completely get rid of the problem on the skin, you need to apply the product for 1 week.
- Kalanchoe. The leaf should be cut into 2 parts and the pulp of one of them should be applied to the formed lipoma, and then fixed with adhesive plaster. The course of treatment is about 7 days.
- Laundry soap and onions. Both components must be grated on a fine grater and mixed together. The ingredients are taken in equal proportions. The resulting composition must be placed in a container and boiled over low heat. Allow to cool and apply to the desired place for half an hour. If the wen is large enough, then the composition can be left for 45 minutes. After this time, the composition is washed off with warm water.
Only a beautician will help determine how to properly and quickly get rid of wen on the face. But without observing the rules of personal hygiene and proper nutrition, this is simply impossible. Therefore, if a decision is made to tidy up the skin of your face and make it clean and healthy, you need to reconsider your lifestyle in general.
Video on how to get rid of wen
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