Bonding tapes is non-surgical method of skin tightening face, tissue rejuvenation and wrinkle elimination. To perform the procedure correctly at home, you must follow the schemes and instructions for their application.
Indications for face taping
Tape is a special plaster, similar in elasticity to the properties of the skin. It is breathable and water resistant. The tape is fastened using acrylic glue, which is hypoallergenic, does not have medicinal or other additives and does not irritate the skin.
Taping as a field of sports medicine has been known for over 40 years. Doctors have successfully used elastic bandages to treat injuries and recover from surgery.
Due to the effect that is created when gluing tapes, the procedure is recommended for use in the following cases:
- dehydration and premature aging of the skin;
- swelling of the face;
- the appearance of facial and age wrinkles;
- drooping of the corners of the eyes and lips;
- asymmetry of the face;
- recovery period after plastic surgery;
- pain, hematoma, inflammation;
- hypertonicity of the facial muscles.
The tape is safe to use at home.
But for its use, there are contraindications that cannot be ignored:
- Diabetes.
- Heart failure.
- Diseases of the lymphatic and circulatory system.
- Stage 3 hypertension.
- Exacerbation of respiratory diseases.
- Skin diseases.
- Scratches, abrasions, irritations.
- Mental disorders.
- Oncology.
- Allergy.
Types of tapes, selection criteria
The soft tapes were created by the Japanese chiropractor Kenzo Kase, who invented an elastic, waterproof adhesive that adheres securely to the surface of the skin without causing irritation. Now more than 10 popular brands of sports kinesio tape are produced.
The main distinguishing features of elastic patches:
- Width and length of the tape. For taping the face, use narrow tapes, ranging in size from 2.5 to 5 cm. To eliminate wrinkles, take narrow tapes. For lymphatic drainage procedures, wide tapes are used, cut into strips with a common base.
- The composition of the plaster base. Quality products are made from natural cotton or artificial soft silk. Such tapes are very elastic, pleasant to the touch and have a satin surface.
- Skin tightness and duration of wearing. The gradation of kinesio tapes for these characteristics depends on the qualities of the glue and the density of the base material of the patch.
- The softness of the glue. For application on the face, use tapes with a soft acrylic adhesive that does not cause irritation.
When buying kinesio tapes, you should not choose cheap counterparts made in China. According to consumer reviews, glue applied to the surface of the tapes often leads to skin irritation and allergies. When choosing, it is recommended to pay attention to the products of proven brands.
For the face, you need to choose not too dense tapes so that the procedure brings physical and aesthetic comfort, and after using the tapes can be easily removed. For sensitive skin, special silk patches have been developed with a fine texture and soft, safe glue.
What tapes help get rid of expression lines on the skin of the face
To eliminate wrinkles, tape plasters are used. Another variety - cross-tapes, have a finer structure. They are non-elastic, lattice-like and consist of synthetic materials. Just like kinesio tapes, they do not contain any medicinal additives.
Schemes, instructions and rules for aesthetic face taping
Kinesiotherapists apply patches based on their knowledge of anatomy and physiology. Home use of adhesive tapes does not require special education, but strict adherence to instructions is important. Only in this case can a positive effect be achieved.
The following recommendations will help to glue the tapes on the face correctly:
- The skin should be cleaned and dried before applying the tapes.
- For sensitive skin, choose special tapes with soft glue.
- The tapes on the face are applied in the direction of the massage lines.
- In order to obtain a certain effect, the plasters are glued with or without tension.
- The setting time of the glue with the skin surface is 40 minutes. After that, you can start counting the exposure time of the tape.
- The glue is activated by smoothing finger movements in the direction of the massage lines.
- The wearing time of the patch is from 1 hour to 10 hours.
- It is necessary to remove the tapes only towards the lymph nodes or along the massage lines.
Taping to get rid of nasolabial folds and lift cheekbones
Correctly glued tape will help lift the cheekbones and get rid of the nasolabial folds on the face. The patches are applied to the zygomatic muscles and the superior lateral muscle of the nose. For the procedure, you will need 3 wide kinesioplastics.
Mounting scheme:
- The end of the wide tape is fixed near the bottom of the wing of the nose.
- The lips are taken away in the opposite direction from the place where the tape is attached and the strip is glued towards the upper edge of the ear along the zygomatic muscles.
- The muscles of the upper surface of the nose are fixed using a tape of tape equal to the height of the bridge of the nose.
- On the strip, the central part is released and glued to the bridge of the nose.
Diagrams indicating the direction of application of kinesioplastics will help to glue the tapes on the face. - The edges of the patch are glued along the edges of the nose without using tension.
Another option for getting rid of nasolabial folds is to apply fan-shaped tape. To do this, the tape, from the nasolabial crease to the area just above the zygomatic bone and 5 cm wide, needs to be cut in half lengthwise and 3-4 longitudinal cuts should be made on each part, leaving the tape anchor.
Gluing scheme:
- The anchor of the patch is reinforced over the zygomatic bone.
- The mouth is opened to the position of the letter "o" and, evenly distributing, thin tapes are applied towards the nasolabial fold.
Taping for wrinkles around the eyes
To get rid of wrinkles around the eyes, you need to remove the tone from the eyebrow region, and fix the area of crow's feet formation.
To do this, you need to measure the strips of the following sizes:
- 2 pcs. length from the central part of the hairline to the area slightly higher than the inner corner of the eye;
- 2 pcs. length from the upper corner of the eyebrow to the point between the eyebrows;
- 2 pcs. equal in length areas of formation of wrinkles in the corners of the eyes (from the outer end of the eyebrow to the zygomatic bone).
For application it is necessary:
- Attach one end of the tape to the center of the forehead at the hairline and run towards the inner corner of the eye.
- Do the same with strip 2, sticking it towards eye 2.
- Anchor at the top of the eyebrow close to the hairline and glue towards the center. Repeat the procedure on the opposite side.
- Release the center of the small pieces of the patch. Strengthen the center vertically on the outside of the eye in the middle of the formation of expression wrinkles. Remove the paper and straighten the ends of the tape in opposite directions.
Taping for horizontal forehead wrinkles
Forehead wrinkles appear as a result of spasm of the frontal muscles. To relax them, you need 2 strips 2.5 cm wide and length from the hairline to the eyebrow. The gluing scheme is very simple.
The stripes should be applied vertically from top to bottom, starting just below the hairline towards the eyebrow. The tapes are glued symmetrically on both sides of the forehead. You need to remove the tapes in the opposite direction, from the bottom up.
Taping for glabellar wrinkles
2 muscle groups are responsible for the facial expressions of the glabellar part and their constant tension contributes to the creation of creases in the form of vertical wrinkles. There are 2 techniques that can be used to relax muscles and eliminate wrinkles.
The first technique involves the use of cross-tep, which is glued directly to the wrinkle area. The skin under the patch becomes motionless and gradually getting used to the new position, smoothes.
Gluing tapes on the face correctly implies not only local elimination of the problem, but also a complex effect on the surrounding muscles. To relieve tension from the muscles of the reducing eyebrows, you need to take a tape 2.5 cm wide and cut it lengthwise, leaving a tape anchor.
The length of the strip should be equal to the height of the forehead. For taping, it is necessary to glue the anchor in the center of the forehead near the hairline and draw the ends to the inner edges of the eyebrows. Light skin tension can be used. To do this, use the palm of your hand to straighten the skin of the forehead, pulling it up a little.
Taping from the wings to tighten the oval of the face
Loss of the contours of the lower part of the face, the appearance of flaps and lowering of the corners of the lips can be both a consequence of stagnant lymph and hyperspasm of the muscles of the lower facial zone.
For work, it is necessary to prepare tapes of the following sizes:
- 1 PC. 5 cm wide and equal to the distance between the middle of the ears along the chin line.
- 2 pcs. 2.5 cm wide, length from the right to the left corners of the lips from the upper and lower sides.
- 2 pcs. 2.5 from the front edge of the jaw to the zygomatic bone.
Lifting type of taping:
- First, the contour of the face is strengthened by gluing the tape from the center of the area under the chin (slightly going to the front of the chin) and then, moving to the lateral surfaces of the jaw and the face towards the middle of the ear.
- Apply the tape from the center, spreading the ends out to the sides.
- Tapes to relieve tension of the circular muscles of the mouth are glued above and below the lips. First, the anchor is fixed in the center of the tape, then the skin is pulled in a small smile and the ends of the patch are straightened to the sides.
- Taping of the depressor muscle, which pulls the corners of the mouth down, starts from the zygomatic bone vertically down towards the edge of the lower jaw. After fixing the anchor, you can slightly lift the skin up with your fingers or slightly inflate your cheek.
- The tapes are activated towards the anchor.
- The tapes are left to act overnight.
- Remove the tapes in the opposite direction, holding the skin with your fingers.
Taping lips for wrinkles around the mouth
The owners of vertical wrinkles around the mouth caused by muscle spasm, using a course of simple taping procedures, can get rid of problems in this area. To work, you need to measure a strip of tape 5 cm wide and from one corner of the lips to the opposite.
Cut the resulting segment into 3 strips of the same width.To apply the patches, release one end of the tape and stick it over one corner of the mouth, and then, without tension, run the strip over the upper lip to the opposite corner.
You also need to do with the second strip, gluing it under the lower lip, just start from the opposite side of the mouth. If discomfort appears when applying the tapes, you must remove the tapes and glue new ones. You can wear the applique for 8 hours.
Face taping schemes for rejuvenation
Gluing the tapes on the face correctly is important not only for getting rid of wrinkles, but also for general rejuvenation of the face. Complex application of adhesive tapes is performed along the main massage lines, which are mainly directed from the center of the face to the sides and slightly upward. Areas of skin creases can be fixed with cross tapes.
The principle of the elastic bandage used for tissue rejuvenation:
- Raises the skin over the muscles, eliminating muscle spasms
- Frees up space for free circulation of blood and lymph.
- Creates the possibility of natural regeneration and nutrition of the skin and adjacent tissues.
- Forms new muscle memory of the skin and muscles.
- Keeping the skin immobile eliminates the formation of wrinkles.
Face lymphatic drainage taping schemes
If lifting taping is performed in the direction of massage lines, then lymphatic drainage therapy is performed by applying plasters towards the main lymph nodes on the face. The value of lymphatic drainage taping is to improve the outflow of lymph from tissues and normalize its natural circulation.
As a result of lymphatic drainage, swelling is removed, swelling is eliminated.
For the general scheme, you will need 2 pieces of a wide patch 5 cm wide and length from ear to wing of the nose. The corners of the tape should be rounded and cut into 7-8 narrow strips, leaving a common base-anchor.
The scheme for applying the lymphatic drainage application is very simple. The anchor must be fixed on the front side near the ear and evenly in the form of a fan, distribute the legs of the tape over the entire surface of the face, starting from the forehead and ending with the chin.
How to remove tapes?
The glue holds the elastic bandages very securely for a long time. Therefore, sometimes there may be concerns about their painless separation.
For a successful tape separation procedure, you need to remember:
- Do not soak the patches with water or alcohol, as after the tape is peeled off, the glue will remain on the skin and will be more difficult to wash off.
- There is no need to use jerks and sudden movements.
To remove the patch correctly, you must:
- Warm up the surface of the tape with your fingers or slightly warm it up with a hairdryer.
- Start lifting from the center towards the lymph nodes along the massage lines.
- When peeling off, slowly raise the edge of the tape at an angle, while gently pressing on the skin underneath.
- If the removal causes discomfort, you need to soak the patch with a special spray or baby oil.
After removing the tape, slight redness may remain. This is due to the fact that blood circulation increased at the place where the tape was attached, as occurs during the massage. After a while, the redness will disappear. You can apply a nourishing cream to your skin.
The effectiveness of the procedure
The effect of the procedure does not appear immediately and the first changes are noticeable after 2-3 sessions. Face taping has a cumulative effect. The muscles and skin gradually adapt to the new position, which begins to manifest externally. The use of plasters to improve the condition of the skin of the face, eliminate mimic wrinkles, relieve edema is carried out in courses of 10 sessions.
There is a break of 2-4 days between courses. It should be remembered that the swelling of the face is due to internal causes, and the imposition of lymphatic drainage applications is only temporary. To get rid of edema, complex therapy and treatment of the internal cause is necessary.
How long will the result last
Kinesio taping procedures are recommended to be carried out in courses of 8-10 days with intervals of no more than 4 days. For the long-term preservation of the result, it is important to form new muscle memory. This will take some time.
The effectiveness of taping procedures, depending on the duration of use, is described in the following table:
Usage time | the effect |
2 hours | Mimic wrinkles look smoothed out, but almost immediately return to their previous position, thanks to the usual work of the muscles. |
4 hours | Wrinkles are smoothed out by relaxing the muscles. But due to the lack of formation of new muscle memory, creases appear again after 1-2 hours. |
8 ocloc'k | The lifting effect lasts for a longer time, as the muscles begin to remember the new state. |
8 hours in a weekly course | The skin is smoothed, the muscles relax and get used to the new position. |
8 hours a day for a course of 21 days | During this period, the skin is completely renewed, a new habitual position is formed, both for muscles and for the skin. |
Possible complications
One of the frequent manifestations of the negative effect of the use of tapes is skin irritation or individual intolerance to the components of the glue.
When using kinesio taping, in order to avoid complications, it is recommended to observe the following rules:
- It is important to use certified products from trusted brands.
- Stop using elastic bandages if burning or itching occurs.
- If you feel discomfort while gluing the tapes, you need to remove the applique and apply it again.
- It is important to strictly follow the tape application schemes. If in doubt, it is best to consult a specialist.
- Do not wear patches on your face for longer than the allowed time. Pathogenic bacteria that can cause a rash on the skin can begin to accumulate in places where the ribbons are kinked.
- Avoid the use of cheap imitations that can irritate and impede skin breathing.
The best face tapes. Description and cost
Companies that have proven themselves in the sports kinesio tapes market carry out the production of their products under careful technical and sanitary control.
Signs of quality products:
- The presence of individual packaging with the application of the manufacturer's address, batch number, product specifications, composition of the base material, glue components, information on the release date and shelf life.
- The presence of a nested description in Russian on the use of bandages, their purpose and duration of use.
- The base fabric should be made of natural cotton or rayon.
- Kinesiolent glue should contain only 100% acrylic and not include medicinal and pharmacological additives.
SFM (Germany)
The products are manufactured by the German company SFM Hospital Products GmbH.
- tapes have different sizes, both in width and length;
- plasters are individually packaged with an attached description;
- products have a certificate of conformity of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;
- base composition - cotton with the addition of nylon for elasticity;
- glue - 100% acrylic;
- price - from 5 rubles. for 1 m.
Kinesio Tex Classic (USA)
The manufacturer is Kinesio Holding Corporation. Kinesio tapes are manufactured according to the company's own patented developments. The texture of the tapes is close to the elastic properties of leather. Nano-adhesion makes the use of kinesio tapes as comfortable as possible and allows them to be applied for a long time.
Characteristics of tapes:
- the patch is provided with individual packaging with an attached description;
- hypoallergenic latex-free glue is applied to the surface of the bandages;
- the base is made of high quality breathable cotton;
- the price of a roll 5 cm wide and 4 m long is 1500 rubles.
Bb tape (BBalance) (Korea)
One of the most popular brands in Russia, thanks to the optimal price-quality ratio.
Product characteristics:
- the base contains natural breathable cotton;
- increased elasticity corresponding to the elastic parameters of the skin;
- the waterproof glue consists of soft acrylic and does not contain latex;
- the wavy structure of the glue application improves the therapeutic effect;
- teips are presented in a wide range of colors, as well as in design;
- the price for a roll with a width of 3.75 cm and a length of 5 m is about 500 rubles.
Kinesio Tex FP (USA)
The high-quality products of the Kinesio Holding Corporation with a 30-year history have established themselves all over the world due to the unique properties of the weaving of the fibers of the base of the bandages and hypoallergenic glue. The products are presented in a wide range of colors and sizes. The cost of a roll, 5 cm wide and 5 m long is 1000 rubles.
Bt tape (Korea)
Popular quality tapes produced by the Korean company EPOS TAPE.
- the base contains 100% cotton;
- the adhesive is made of medical grade acrylic, activated by the heat of the skin;
- the tapes are breathable and waterproof;
- the price of a plaster in a roll 5 cm wide and 5 m long is 540 rubles.
K-active sensitive (Japan)
A well-established brand that produces products in various sizes and colors, from classic tapes to premium products. Kinesio tapes meet all the requirements for comfortable use. Contains cotton and acrylic glue. Breathable tapes are waterproof. The cost of a tape measuring 5 cm by 5 m is 1350 rubles.
Kinexib pro (China)
Products manufactured in China under the Russian brand of the Kinexib pro company have individual packaging. The composition includes 100% cotton and acrylic glue, which is activated by body temperature.
According to reviews, the products are capable of causing allergic reactions, do not fix on the skin, leave traces of glue and cause itching. The cost of a package measuring 5 cm by 1 m is 200 rubles.
Alternative methods of facial rejuvenation carry a scientific basis and help in an integrated approach to the problem. Face taping, as a non-surgical lifting method, is based on the correct gluing of elastic patch strips to the skin surface.
Video about the effectiveness of face taping
Video review of the use of face tapes: