Dark hair does not add beauty to delicate female hands. Removing them completely will not create an attractive effect. Therefore, it is worth knowing how you can lighten the hair on your hands, while maintaining the feeling of naturalness.
Pros and cons of home lightening methods
Before lightening your hair, you should study the positive and negative aspects of any procedure.
The benefits of self-bleaching include:
- Availability. For various reasons (financial side, lack of time), not every girl has a desire to seek help from a specialist in a beauty salon. Homemade methods can be used at any free time, and you do not need to spend a lot of money and time to buy ingredients.
If you approach the problem correctly, then you can lighten the hair on your hands with minimal cost. - Safety. Most methods of lightening hand hair involve the use of non-aggressive natural ingredients.
In addition to the advantages, there are also disadvantages of carrying out home procedures:
- Lack of efficiency... Without special chemicals, it is not always possible to achieve the desired results.
- Incorrect implementation of recipe recommendations... Reasonable care should be taken when carrying out procedures so as not to damage the skin and hair structure.
- Long-term use of the product... Home procedures will not be able to achieve instant results - safe methods of lightening require systematicity and patience.
With proper procedures, hair and skin will not suffer. The result will be influenced by the initial hair color, its structure and the time of application of a particular product.
How to lighten hair without harm: basic rules, contraindications
Hand hair can be lightened in harmless ways at home, the main thing is to know how and with what lightening agents to do it. However, it is not possible to predict the reaction of a particular person.
It is undesirable to use non-professional means in the following cases:
- Pregnancy and lactation.
- Skin diseases.
- The skin is mechanically damaged.
- The presence of benign neoplasms.
- High sensitivity of the skin.
- Diabetes.
The thin hair on the hands allows any composition to penetrate and act on the skin. Therefore, a mandatory preliminary check of the skin reaction is necessary. To do this, any composition that is used for the first time should be applied to the back of the hand for 10-15 minutes. The tool is subject to further use in the absence of an undesirable reaction.
Review of special products for lightening hair on the hands
How to lighten hand hair using special products is the first idea that comes up when looking for an effective method.
To do this, it is advisable to understand the assortment offered on the cosmetics market:
- brightening cream. The most harmless composition is not able to show an instant effect, but visible results will be noticeable in 3 procedures. The composition is applied to the hair and left for a while, then washed off with soap;
- hair dye. A conventional lightening composition can quickly and effectively give hair a light shade, making it as invisible as possible.
The top three in terms of popularity include brightening creams:
- Ultra Kemon Liding (Lunex);
- Oway WithOut (Rolland);
- Invisi-Bleatch (Surgi).
When you sell any of these creams, instructions will be provided detailing the method of application and the method of testing for allergies.
Folk remedies for lightening hair
Without consulting a doctor and salon procedures, you can achieve maximum effect by using folk remedies, which are mostly harmless. The most commonly used products include hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, lemon juice, soda, and herbs.
Choosing sparing products, you will have to sacrifice the speed of obtaining the result, but the advantage will be to provide a gentle effect on the hair structure and skin. Ingredients for the preparation of formulations imply low financial costs and no problems with finding them.
Recipe with soda and ammonia
Soda is an absolutely natural clarifier, but you shouldn't forget about its drying properties. This ingredient alone will not be enough for clarification, so additional components should be used to prepare the clarifying composition.
These include:
- 30 ml of water;
- 1 tbsp ammonia solution;
- 1/2 tsp soda;
- 2 tbsp 30% peroxide.
After mixing all the components, the mixture should be applied evenly and left for 1 hour. A slight tingling and burning sensation may be felt throughout the entire procedure. The composition is thoroughly washed off with soap.
With hydrogen peroxide
Due to its pronounced oxidizing properties, the concentrated peroxide composition should not be used too often. To prepare the product, you will need 2 ampoules of ammonia and 30% peroxide.
After thoroughly mixing the composition in a 1: 1 ratio, you should carefully apply it directly to the scalp, avoiding contact with the skin of the hands as much as possible. For 1 hour, the composition should be kept, then thoroughly rinsed and lubricated with a fat cream.
For very sensitive skin 3% hydrogen peroxide solution can be used. To do this, wipe your hair with a dampened cotton swab and wait until it dries completely.
After the procedure, care should be taken to avoid flaking - it is recommended to use a cream of oily consistency.
With shaving foam
Shaving foam can be used in an unusual way. Providing a softening effect, it will not interfere with hair lightening, but will smooth out the more aggressive effect of peroxide.
To prepare the composition, you will need in equal proportions 30% peroxide and shaving foam. The product is applied to unwanted hair until completely dry for about 0.5 hours. Then the skin should be cleansed and moisturized with lotion or cream.
With lanolin and petroleum jelly
Few know how to lighten hand hair with minimal harm to the skin, but there are time-tested methods. For this, components are used to help moisturize the skin.
The method involves the preparation of the composition:
- 10 drops peroxide;
- 3 drops ammonia;
- 1 tsp shampoo;
- 1/2 tsp each petroleum jelly and lanolin.
The creamy paste is applied to the problem area for ¼ hour.After drying, the composition is washed off, and the skin can be additionally moisturized with a cream.
With toothpaste
Strong mint toothpaste, especially with added dyes, can cause severe burns. This method of lightening cannot be classified as gentle, so it should be used with caution and with a preliminary allergy test. For cooking, use 2 tbsp. peroxide and toothpaste.
The composition is applied to the hair for 15 minutes. with the utmost care. Contact with skin should be avoided. After removing the composition with soapy water, moisturize the skin.
With hydroperite
Good results in lightening hair can be achieved with the help of Hydroperit tablets. This drug is similar in composition to hydrogen peroxide in its usual form, but in the solid state it is additionally saturated with urea.
Cooking components:
- 5 softened tablets of Hydroperite;
- ampoule of ammonia;
- 15 ml of warm water;
- 5 g of shampoo.
The exposure time of the composition is 1 hour. The skin can be cleaned with warm water and soap. This method among home cosmetic procedures has managed to establish itself as one of the most effective.
With lemon and fruit vinegar
The use of natural products does not diminish the effectiveness of obtaining a good brightening result. Hair discoloration is achieved through a natural oxidizing effect and affects the skin in a relatively mild form.
The solution is prepared and used in the following way:
- lemon juice with natural vinegar are mixed in a 2 to 1 ratio;
- the composition is distributed with a cotton swab over the hands.
Women who use methods based on gentle ingredients know how to lighten the hair on their hands with increased sensitivity. The skin may turn slightly pale after treatment, but after a short time, its color will recover on its own. With regular wiping, a good result can be achieved in 7-9 days.
Chamomile recipe
The naturalness and safety of natural herbs makes it possible to use similar methods to lighten hair for people prone to allergies. For coarse and dark hair, this method will be ineffective, and is most often used to lighten light brown hair.
15 g of chamomile should be brewed in 20 ml of boiling water for half an hour. Such a broth, together with the gruel, can be applied and kept for up to 2 hours. Additionally, you can wrap your hand with cling film. After that, the skin is cleansed with water and no additional moisture is required.
Fuller's clay
Fuller's clay, also known as a powerful absorber of fats and dirt, has mild bleaching properties. Clay is a natural substance, so it will not have an aggressive effect on the structure of hair and skin.
According to the recipe, you will need to mix the components with each other to the state of a liquid gruel:
- 10 g of clay;
- 1 tsp water;
- 5 drops of ammonia.
The mass is distributed to the problem area and kept for 10 minutes. This brightening mask is washed off with running water or a damp cotton swab.
Honey and cinnamon
Honey has a good lightening effect, especially in combination with cinnamon. The prepared masks can be used every other day in a general course of 5-10 procedures.
To prepare the clarifier you need:
- 100 g of honey;
- 3 tbsp cinnamon;
- 10 g of hair conditioner or nourishing cream.
The mask is applied to the dark hair of the hands and kept for 30 minutes. After cleansing the skin, lubricate it with a moisturizer.
Lightening with paint
A special lightening composition for hair will help to make it invisible after the first procedure. Better to use paint for highlighting. You can avoid the appearance of an undesirable shade thanks to paint without a toning effect.
The dyeing technique is not very different from the technique for the hair on the head. The composition is applied for 30 minutes, after which it is washed off with water.The result from this method is immediate, but the effect can be unpredictable. Hair can not only lighten, but become yellow, which will draw attention to the hands on a par with dark hair color.
What to do if the skin is lightened instead of hair?
How to lighten the hair on your hands, so as not to damage the skin, will be prompted by the advice of experienced female representatives in this matter. Radical methods of getting rid of hair are not suitable for everyone due to the high financial costs and painful procedures. One of the quickest methods for making your hair lighter is dyeing with light colors.
If the instructions for diluting the dye or the holding time are not followed correctly, undesirable consequences may appear:
- burn;
- peeling;
- hives;
- itching;
- lightening of individual areas.
To avoid this you should:
- It is imperative to check the reaction on the inside of the elbow.
- Do not leave coloring material on hair for longer than the prescribed time.
- After washing off the paint, moisturize the skin with a special cream.
If the skin in the places where the product is applied has lightened, then you should follow the recommendations:
- use wound-healing ointments or regenerating regenerating creams;
- in the absence of wounds and visible foci of irritation, the areas of discoloration should be opened to the sun's rays to cause tanning. In this case, the color will gradually smooth out, comparing with the shade of the usual skin color;
- clarified skin areas with the appearance of wounds, burns or irritation should not be excessively treated with detergents, soap.
If after a while the skin color has not changed, then other, more gentle methods should be chosen for lightening.
Features of lightening dark and long hair on dark skin
To eliminate the effect of surprise when using any method of bleaching hair, you should first carry out a test dyeing. This will help to reveal the degree of the hair's ability to discolor and the effect of the dye components on the pigment inherent in a particular person.
In the presence of dark hair on the body, dyeing them should start with the simplest methods - using natural ingredients. If they are not able to solve the problem, then the clarification is carried out with special ointments and creams, which have passed a number of studies.
Possible effects of home lightening
Hard dark hairs on the arms may appear at certain periods of a girl's life. This is sometimes due to hormonal abnormalities or genetic predisposition.
Most often, hair discoloration is relevant in the spring and summer, when it becomes necessary to wear open clothes. It is advisable to start dealing with this issue in the winter, since then there will be enough time to get results from the use of non-aggressive formulations. In addition, it will be possible to avoid the appearance of unwanted pigmentation from the influence of sunlight on the skin after staining.
If a decision was made in favor of self-lightening unwanted hair, then it is worth knowing about the possible consequences:
- the appearance of skin irritation, dryness and flaking.
- hives.
- burns.
- itching, burning.
Skin contact is inevitable when lightening hair, therefore, after the procedure, recommendations should be followed to reduce the risk of unwanted reactions.
Features of subsequent skin care:
- Gentle removal of the coloring composition from the skin. Cleansing the skin is carried out with warm water using soap, rubbing and injuring the skin should not be.
- Skin nutrition. After exposure to the composition, it is advisable to use moisturizers that can restore the normal moisture balance.
- Reducing sun exposure. You should refrain from sun exposure for the first 2 hours after any hair bleaching procedure.
When performing any of the lightening procedures, one should focus on personal feelings.Depending on the type of skin, the reaction can be different and depends on the proportions of the active substance, the duration of the bleaching procedure. When a slight burning sensation appears, you should not worry, but if the skin begins to burn and the reaction goes beyond the normal range, then the composition should be washed off immediately.
It is not necessary to resort to expensive salon treatments to lighten the hair on your hands. You can fight the problem yourself if you know how to do it correctly. Using the above methods, observing the rules and instructions for use, you will not have to wait long for the result.
Article design: Olga Pankevich
Video about lightening hair on hands
How to make dark arm hair invisible:
I want to share my recipe. I lighten my hair with Hydroperite. I grind 10 tablets into powder, add 1 tbsp of warm water, 1 tsp of shampoo and 2 ampoules of ammonia. It brightens well, I checked it on myself.