Many girls dream of effectively increasing the ass at home. But not all of them know how to do it. What exercises are needed to increase the buttocks and maintain them in good shape, as well as the secrets of visually increasing the priests with the help of clothes and folk remedies, this article will help you to find out.
How to pump up a beautiful ass for a girl at home?
The first step towards a healthy and resilient body is to overcome laziness.
Further, in order to pump up a beautiful ass and bring your legs into shape, you need to follow several mandatory rules:
observe the diet;
train at least 2-3 times a week;
sleep 7-8 hours so that the body has time to recover;
drink 1.5-2 liters. clean water daily;
devote more time to walking.
Such recommendations will help not only tidy up the lower body, but also improve the general condition of the body.
Fast ways to enlarge the buttocks and hips in a week
How to increase the ass at home in just a week, there are several useful recommendations:
Engage in active physical activity for 5-8 approaches per day, lasting from 20 minutes. Choose exercises for training that most effectively help to increase the gluteal muscles and hips. In this mode, you need to train in a 1: 1 schedule. The first day is active training, the next day is rest so that muscles can grow.
Add sports nutrition to exercise... Of course, faster results are achieved if training takes place in the gym, and nutrition is added to them. But you can take it at home, after consulting with a trainer or consultant.
Reduce fat intake by up to 10% of all food intake. And focus on protein foods and complex carbohydrates. They contribute to the growth of muscle mass.
Eat 5-6 times a day and drink plenty of water. Healthy foods in such a diet are quickly absorbed and converted into necessary energy, and water helps to speed up metabolism.
Use linen with special tabs... The easiest way to enlarge the buttocks and hips. But he wears only a visual effect and is good only in the case of ceremonial exits, when you just need to look perfect.
However, doctors warn girls against being carried away by too fast methods of pumping up their priests and hips and advise them to give preference to longer, but safe workouts.
A set of exercises for doing at home
How to increase the ass at home, and tighten the skin on the buttocks and hips will help sports activities.
At home, you can increase the buttocks in 2-3 months, performing a simple set of special exercises aimed at:
losing weight;
increase in muscle mass;
tightening the skin;
Each exercise should be performed only in the correct technique. How to do this, and what effect can be achieved, should be considered in more detail.
This is an effective exercise for losing weight and gaining muscle mass in the buttocks and thighs.
Squat technique:
Put your legs a little wider than your shoulders.
The back is straight.
The arms are extended forward or on the belt.
The pelvis is laid back a little, and the knees should not go beyond the toes in their position.
Starting to squat, you need to make sure that your back is straight, the buttocks and hips are tense, and the body weight is transferred to the heels.
Errors when doing squats:
flattened knees;
back "arc";
fast pace (so the body gets tired faster and the muscles do not receive the necessary load);
collapse of the body back (if you do not transfer weight to the heels);
lack of exercise to warm up before squats.
If the exercise is done incorrectly, the muscles will not receive the required load and the risk of injury increases. The number of repetitions for weight loss should be 3-5 times for 15-20 squats, and for gaining muscle mass: 5-8 repetitions. This number of approaches is optimal for beginners. Further, you can increase the load using dumbbells, as well as the number of squats.
Glute bridge
An exercise that develops the back and promotes the growth of the gluteus muscles, thereby increasing endurance when running and walking.
There are several techniques for performing it, but the simplest one is ideal at home:
Lie on the floor, back straight, shoulders and head firmly pressed to the floor.
Hands are at your sides.
The knees are bent, the feet in a stable position are shoulder-width apart.
The feet are moved as close to the buttocks as possible.
Raising the pelvis occurs with an emphasis on the feet, not the back.
The muscles of the thighs and buttocks are as tense as possible.
During the exercise, you need to squeeze the buttocks.
The execution is considered correct if, after raising the pelvis, the trunk forms one line from the knees to the shoulders.
Lock in this position for a couple of seconds.
You need to lower yourself slowly and carefully, without relaxing the muscles.
For beginners, you should perform at least 5 "bridges" in one approach.
Raising the pelvis with the leg extended upward
After mastering the basic technique of the glute bridge exercise, you can complicate it by switching to the technique with raising one leg.
Features of the exercise:
The head and shoulders are flat on the floor.
Heels and buttocks are at a distance of 25-30 cm.
The arms are along the body in a relaxed state.
On inhalation, the trunk is slowly raised.
In the "bridge" position, you need to straighten one leg, lifting it up so that the toe is as straight as possible.
Slowly lower your torso to the floor without lowering your leg.
In this position, you can do a few more repetitions, with a raised leg and an emphasis on one foot, and then you should change legs.
When performing this exercise, the muscles of the buttocks and less of the muscles of the thighs should be strained as much as possible.
The back and arms are not used at all.
The "gluteal bridge" has a low injury hazard. The main thing in this exercise: do not strain your back, but perform the movements smoothly.
Effectively work out the thigh muscles, tighten the buttocks.
There are several easy techniques for this exercise:
Swing back:
Emphasis on the elbows (or straight arms) and knees.
One leg should be actively lifted, pulling it up as much as possible, as if you need to touch the ceiling with your heel.
You should hold your leg for a couple of seconds and return to its original position.
After repeating several times, you should change legs.
Swing forward:
Stand up straight and press one leg firmly to the floor.
The second leg should be lifted up and down as much as possible.
You need to perform at the same pace, changing legs.
Swing to the side (standing):
Stand up straight and grab the wall with your right hand.
The left leg should be taken aside as much as possible and slowly lowered.
Repeat 10 times on each leg.
Swing to the side (lying):
You need to lie on your side. Support your head with your arm bent at the elbow.
Relax the other hand and put it in front of you.
The leg, which is on the floor, should be extended or slightly bent at the knee (as it is convenient for anyone).
Raise and lower the second leg. It can be straight or bent at the knee.
The inner thigh should work as much as possible.
Repeat on each leg 8-10 times.
For best results, you should combine all types of swings in training, repeating them on each leg 10 times.
A basic exercise not only for the buttocks, but also for balance training. Helps stretch muscles and build bulk.
Execution technique:
Feet shoulder width apart.
The back is straight, slightly bent in the lumbar region. The chin is raised.
The belly is tucked up. Hands along the body or at the waist.
Next, you need to take a big step forward.
In this position, the maximum tension of the gluteal muscles and the back of the thigh should be felt.
The knee of the back leg should be a couple of centimeters from the floor. The back position does not change.
Lean on the exposed leg, step back and return to the starting position.
Do the exercise with an emphasis on the other leg.
You can make the exercise harder by adding weights. To do this, you need to pick up dumbbells (weight 2-4 kg) or replace them at home with plastic bottles filled with sand with a volume of 1-1.5 liters. As the muscles stretch, the hind leg will be straightened more and the stride will increase.
High chair
Exercise not only contributes to the rounding of the buttocks, but also:
strengthens the knee joints;
develops concentration and endurance;
develops the front and back of the thigh.
Technique for girls:
You should firmly press your back against the wall.
The legs are bent at the knees and are shoulder-width apart.
Hands are placed along the body and pressed against the wall.
As you inhale, slide down the wall until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
Holding at this angle (it should be 90 degrees), you need to hold out in this position for 30-60 seconds.
The emphasis should be on the heels. To facilitate the task, the wall must be rough.
Hands can be placed on the hips.
Then return to starting position and repeat.
To enlarge the buttocks at home, do the exercise 4-5 times, at least 30 seconds. several times a week. Later, when the exercise is fully mastered, the load can be increased by picking up dumbbells, squeezing your knees, or performing it on one leg.
This exercise can be easily done at home using a sturdy box or special cabinet. For beginner girls, it is better to limit the height of the box to 30-40 cm. Thanks to this exercise, the muscles of the press and back are actively involved.
Execution technique:
Stand at a distance of 30 cm from the curbstone.
Bend your knees.
After pushing off, jump onto the curbstone, pulling your knees to your chest in flight.
Straighten fully. Relax for a couple of seconds.
No extra effort is required when jumping off. The body arrives in a relaxed position with the knees slightly bent.
During the jump, the hands help the body and make a clear swing.
Repeat jumping without stopping on the floor.
Having honed the skill and technique of this exercise, the height of the cabinet can be increased by 5-10 cm.The maximum height is 70 cm.But for home exercises, you can limit yourself to a height of 50 cm.
A versatile exercise that has several advantages:
strengthening a large number of muscles (back, legs, abs, buttocks);
promotes the process of losing weight;
strengthens the spine;
increases endurance.
There are 2 classic execution techniques:
On straight arms:
Take a position with an emphasis on the palms. The back should be flat and the body should be in a straight line (the buttocks are not lifted up, and the stomach does not touch the floor).
The gaze is directed downward. The legs are straightened at the knees, and the support is on the toes.
In this position, you should hold out as long as possible, but not less than 30 seconds.
When the technique is already violated, the body must be lowered to the floor. Take a break and repeat the exercises 1-2 more times.
The technique of execution with emphasis on the elbows, repeats all the steps described, with the only difference that the arms are bent at the elbows, and the main emphasis is not on the palms, but on the forearms.
The exposure time should be increased with each week of classes by 10 seconds. The maximum time spent in the bar for home exercises is 5 minutes. Ideally, if from the very beginning of the exercise, the exposure is at least 60 seconds.
After mastering the basic techniques, you can move on to other varieties of this exercise:
a plank with a raised hand;
a plank with a raised leg;
based on two points;
with legs brought together;
twist bar;
reverse plank.
Any variation of the plank contributes to weight loss, strengthens the muscle corset and increases endurance.
Move on the buttocks
Fitness trainers who actively use the exercise "walking on the buttocks" know how to increase the ass at home.
Thanks to this simple exercise, a whole range of beneficial effects on the body is carried out:
improves blood circulation in the small pelvis;
strengthens the spine;
promotes weight loss in the thigh area;
effectively tightens the muscles of the buttocks;
serves as the prevention of gynecological diseases.
Execution technique:
You need to sit on the rug. Keep your back straight, and stretch your legs in front of you and bend slightly at the knees.
Lift one buttock and stretch slightly forward. Lower.
Lift the second buttock and stretch it a little further than the first to make a "step".
Hands are in any comfortable position.
Thus, we move forward "reaching" the end of the rug. In the same way, the movement is carried out backward.
Movements should be smooth, and "steps" not too large.
An exercise is performed in 3-4 sets. After that, you can move on to an easier variation of it: rolling from one buttock to another. This exercise will get rid of fatty deposits and prevent cellulite.
A simple exercise for the lower body, it is safe for the spine and therefore ideal for home workouts.
Execution technique:
Lie on your stomach. Stretch your arms forward, palms facing the floor.
Raise your legs and the top of the body as high as possible.
The whole body should be balanced on the stomach in a flying Superman pose.
In this position, you need to linger for a couple of seconds and slowly return to its original state.
It is better to start with 10 repetitions. And increase their number as your physical fitness improves.
The number of approaches and reps
At the initial stage, you should practice at least 2-3 times a week. Exercises should be composed in such a way that they take from 20 minutes in time. Further, the execution time and the number of approaches need to be increased. Beginners should start with 10-12 times for each exercise (except for the chair and plank). And approaches should be done 2-3.
You shouldn't practice every day. For effective growth, muscles need rest. Each exercise should be done smoothly, and before starting the workout, warm up the muscles with simple cardio workouts lasting 5 minutes.
One should not forget about correct breathing: the effort should always be done while exhaling, and relaxation - while inhaling.
If the workouts are done diligently and correctly, and the results are achieved very slowly, this may indicate an improper diet.
Here are some tips from fitness trainers on how to manage your pre and post workout meals:
Before training, you should eat only protein and carbohydrate foods. Since proteins supply amino acids for muscle function. Ideal foods with protein and carbohydrates content: poultry and fish, cereals, omelet.
During training, you need to constantly replenish the water balance. You are allowed to drink freshly squeezed juices or smoothies.
If your main goal is to build muscle, you need to eat immediately after training. During the first 30 min.Otherwise, the workout will be wasted and there will be no muscle gain.
It is not recommended to eat fatty foods immediately after training. It is better to give preference to cottage cheese, fish, vegetable salad.
If you need to lose weight, then you need to eat one hour after training. During any workouts, it is better to switch to fractional meals and eat 5-6 times a day, but no more than 3 hours before bedtime.
Foods and dishes that should be completely excluded from the diet:
soft wheat pasta;
mayonnaise and ketchup;
sweet pastries;
fat meat.
They promote the accumulation of fat and waste products, and also slow down the conversion of healthy foods into necessary energy.
How to keep your buttocks toned without exercise?
To maintain muscle tone without playing sports, you can learn a number of simple rules that should be followed in everyday life:
Walk more. Hiking helps keep your butt and legs in shape. This form of physical activity helps improve blood circulation. The minimum walking time is 20 minutes. in a day.
Replace using the elevator with going up the stairs. Of course, if the girl does not live or works above the 8th floor. The daily descent and ascent of the stairs perfectly keep the butt in shape, even without regular exercise.
Develop a diet. Proper nutrition helps to keep the body in good condition, and excellent metabolism promotes rapid absorption of food, without converting it into fat deposits.
Drink more water. Water has many beneficial properties, one of which is to keep the skin firm.
These recommendations are suitable for all girls who dream of keeping fit without spending money on a fitness club and who do not have time for regular classes at home.
Cosmetics for buttock augmentation: types, names, instructions
There are a number of cosmetics for buttock augmentation. These include specialty sprays and creams.
Here are some popular remedies that girls use to solve the problem of ugly buttocks:
1. Brazilian Bum. Indian spray, which, according to the manufacturer, tightens the buttocks, gets rid of the "orange peel", and also improves the overall condition of the skin.
Instructions for use:
Spray from bottom to top and rub in with massage movements. Apply 1-2 times a day.
2. Latina Star. Brazilian spray that helps the production of lipids, which increase tissue elasticity. Suitable for all buttock shapes.
Instructions for use:
Apply in circular massage movements, 2 times a day. The results are visible after a month of use.
3. Hip up cream. Light cream that does not affect hormonal changes. Gives the skin firmness and elasticity. Increases the volume of the buttocks by 1-2 cm.
Instructions for use:
Apply daily, in the evening on clean skin, until completely absorbed. The first results should be visible after 2 weeks of use.
These funds are very popular with girls due to their ease of use.
But before buying such a remedy, it is better to consult a doctor. Also, they should be used in conjunction with sports exercises for greater efficiency.
"Right" clothes: jeans, trousers, dresses, heels
Special clothing helps to visually enlarge the ass in volume and emphasize the beauty of the buttocks.
With the help of clothes, you can emphasize the butt, but not in any way increase it physically
Things to visually enlarge the buttocks
How the effect is achieved
Jeans with push-up effect
Special tabs or firmware.
Jeans with high waist and pockets on the bottom
Pockets visually add volume and a high waist slimmer.
Dense elastic fabrics and tabs help tighten the buttocks.
Wide-leg flared trousers
The hip flare always expands the lower body.
Balloon dress
This shape visually makes the butt and hips area bigger.
Avoid tight-fitting items made from thin knitwear, as well as from dense fabrics. They will only highlight the existing problem.
Folk remedies for maintaining the tone of the buttocks and visual augmentation
How to increase the ass at home without sports activities, but only thanks to a few small tricks, they know folk secrets.
The first secret for a beautiful buttocks is gait. When walking, you should put your feet as if the girl is walking along an invisible line. First you need to put forward the foot, and then the body. The steps should be small. Such a gait is called "feline" and gives grace to a girl with any figure.
The second popular way to enlarge the buttocks is wraps. For them, you should use a variety of oils (flaxseed, olive, lavender), puree from berries or seaweed. They are also used as a peel.
Oil or fruit puree is applied to clean skin for half an hour. A part of the body is wrapped with a film and covered with a blanket (for heat exposure). After, everything needs to be washed off with warm running water.
A contrast shower also helps to keep the skin on the buttocks toned. This procedure stimulates blood circulation and promotes the production of collagen necessary for the skin.
All of the above exercises, tips and tricks will help any girl to increase flat and inelastic buttocks at home. And take care of caring for them after achieving the desired result.
Author: Bellatrix_L
Article design: Mila Friedan
Video on the topic: How to pump up the ass at home in 5 minutes