Collost is a modern domestic development in the field of cosmetology and aesthetic medicine. Reviews of cosmetologists indicate the high effectiveness of the drug used in rejuvenation programs.
Collost allows you to improve the condition of the skin layer without surgery. Before using this drug, you must familiarize yourself with the composition, a number of contraindications and methods of application.
Collost - definition and composition
Collost (reviews of cosmetologists give an assessment to the drug) is a biological product created on the basis of synthesized type I collagen obtained from mammalian skin. The original biomaterial undergoes a multi-stage purification from ballast substances, is related to the human body, is fully compatible, safe and does not cause allergic reactions.
A unique technology for obtaining raw materials is patented, approved by domestic and international control bodies.
The composition of the biological product has several formulas that differ in the percentage of the active substance:
- 15% native synthesized collagen placed in 10% sterile glucose solution.
- 7% synthesized collagen in 10% sterile glucose solution.
The dermal filler has a yellowish gel-like texture. The collagen suspension is prepared for instant penetration into the dermal layer, physiological restoration of the matrix and full support of internal repair processes.
Release forms
The drug is a bioplastic collagen gel that is used not only in aesthetic cosmetology, but also in other fields.
Due to the widespread use of the biological product, it has several forms of release:
- membranes - plates with a fibrous-porous structure of a pale yellow color;
- harnesses - medical devices of a similar structure containing type I collagen;
- ball - a fibrous-porous ball containing type I collagen protein;
- powder - dry, finely dispersed milky yellow substance;
- gel - a colorless or slightly yellowish opaque suspension for injection containing 7% or 15% of synthesized type I protein.
The advisability of using Collost in one concentration or another is determined by a cosmetologist. It depends on several aspects: the mechanism of action and the purpose of using the drug, individual indications, type and condition of the skin.
Indications for use
Collost gel bioproduct is indicated for use in the following cases:
- horizontal, paraorbital, perioral wrinkles;
- low turgor, loss of skin elasticity as a result of involutional changes;
- with deep ptosis of soft tissues;
- when signs of photoaging appear (hyperkeratosis, dryness and thinning);
- for correction, smoothing of atrophic scars, scars after smallpox, post-acne;
Collost is a universal drug for eliminating atrophic skin changes after acne, surgical surgery - lip asymmetry correction;
- restoration of the volume of deep tissues;
- for modeling the oval of the face.
The drug is used for post-traumatic or postoperative depression of the skin, as well as in a rehabilitation program after aggressive cosmetic procedures.
Collost (reviews of cosmetologists confirm this fact) has a number of absolute and relative restrictions for use.
Absolute contraindications include:
- Positive reaction to the drug after the sample test.
- Diseases of the blood, signs of hemophilia, low coagulation.
- Chronic diseases in the acute stage, inflammation of the oral mucosa.
- Systemic and diffuse connective tissue diseases with the development of autoimmune processes and increased fibroblast formation.
- Tendency to scarring, hypersensitivity to components.
Relative contraindications when it is necessary to use the gel with increased caution include:
- pregnancy and lactation period;
- skin diseases;
- the presence of permanent fillers at the injection sites;
- post-peeling rehabilitation period;
- taking retinoids.
Internal use of the protein complex has relative contraindications for vegetarians.
Side effects
After the introduction of Collost intradermally, side effects may occur:
- Pain at the injection sites.
- Puffiness.
- Eritherma.
If the technology is not followed and the rules of asepsis are violated, after the introduction of Collost, an inflammatory process may develop, which is treated with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drugs.
Benefits of Collost injections over other drugs
Collost has a number of advantages over other drugs:
- Clinically proven efficacy, recognition of the original technology by doctors around the world.
- Natural ingredients, related and safe for the human body.
- Preservation of a long-term cosmetic effect.
- The minimum likelihood of side effects, no rehabilitation period.
- The speed of therapy, the effect after the first injection.
Purpose of use
The main purpose of using Collost in aesthetic medicine is to intensify the processes of regeneration, renewal of structural fibers and restoration of the affected areas of connective tissue.
Once inside, the synthesized structural protein contributes to the correction of the skin frame, restoration of volume, elasticity of the epidermis. There is an activation of slow processes, stimulation of self-healing of the dermis. As a result, the skin is smoothed, flabbiness, dryness and sagging are eliminated.
In medicine, the drug is used to accelerate the healing process of wounds, burns, bedsores, bone and muscle defects.
Effects on tissues
Due to the content of structured fibrillar protein as the main component, Collost acts directly on the soft and bone tissue. In soft tissues, the biological product acts by restoring the affected foci and the integrity of the structural basis.
The collagen implant binds to the focal lesion, and as a result, fibroblasts migrate to the component from the surrounding tissue, invading the implant. Thanks to the creation of the matrix, the immune system is stimulated, the transfer of growth factors released from the cells is improved, the migration of epithelial cells, which are responsible for the integrity of the epidermis, is accelerated.
After the introduction into the tissue, the cavity is filled, the synthesis of its own collagen fibers is activated and the tissue structure is restored.As a result of resorption, the substance is replaced by autotissue. Penetrating into the bone tissue, Collost promotes the migration of osteoblasts, which leads to the restoration of the thickness of the osteoid layer and its strengthening.
Areas of use
Collost, despite most reviews of cosmetologists, is used not only in aesthetic medicine and plastic surgery, but also in other areas.
- In dentistry. It is used to treat gum recession, reconstructive surgery.
- In implantology and maxillofacial surgery - in the correction of congenital and acquired bone tissue defects, sinus lifting procedures.
- In surgery. It is used for the treatment of trophic and venous ulcers, acute wounds, elimination of congenital, post-traumatic soft tissue defects.
The main property of a substance is the intensification of the regeneration process. Due to the unique technology and nature of the synthesized biomaterial, Collost is also used in ophthalmology, burn medicine to restore the integrity of the skin, gynecology and urology.
Preliminary preparation for Collost injections
Procedures using a patented bioactive collagen preparation require preliminary preparation:
- At the consultation, the cosmetologist analyzes the condition, such as the patient's skin layer, collects a detailed anamnesis, identifies the presence of contraindications.
- Before the start of the course (1-2 weeks), a test sample of the reaction to the drug is carried out. A small dose of Collost (0.1 ml) is injected subcutaneously into the forearm.
- To avoid itching and redness, your doctor may prescribe a course of anti-allergic medications that are taken before and after the procedure.
Instructions for use
The biopreparation can be used in two ways - by point and linear injection. Which of the ways to apply is decided by the doctor after examination, identifying the features and degree of the aesthetic problem.
Methods and technology of administration are detailed in the instructions for use of the drug:
- Linear technique. The needle is inserted at a 30 degree angle parallel to the folds of the wrinkles. The gel is injected into the middle or lower part of the dermis, evenly pressing the syringe plunger. During the introduction of biogel, the fold is smoothed out, and by the end of the procedure it disappears. The needle is removed only after the end of the injection. The area of one treatment should not exceed 0.7 cm3 of the material.
- Point method. According to the instructions, the cosmetologist injects the biomaterial pointwise along the lines of the corrected folds without gaps between individual portions. The drug introduced according to this principle in the tissues merges into one continuous line, filling the treated area. After administration, the site is massaged for a tighter adherence of the active substance to the underlying bone structures.
- Correction technology. According to the instructions for use, when correcting nasolabial and perioral creases, the introduction is carried out to the patient in a sitting or reclining position. When correcting the frontal and paraorbital zones - in a horizontal position.
Stages of collostotherapy
Before the start of the session, the biomaterial is prepared. In its normal state, Collost is a thick mass. Before administration, the syringe with filler is warmed up in hot water to 36-40 degrees.
Stages of the session:
- An allergy test for the drug is carried out.
- Antiseptic treatment of the area with chlorhexidine and local anesthesia with anesthetic cream are performed.
- The drug is injected according to the selected method.
Collost should be injected by a qualified technician - The doctor examines and evaluates the effectiveness of the session.
- The next procedure is scheduled in a month.
Stretch marks correction
With the help of Collost, you can eliminate and reduce the severity of stretch marks (stretch marks), atrophic scars. For the correction of surface defects, a 7% gel concentrate is used.For deeper stretch marks and scars - 15% using a point technique with a 27G needle. The required volume for effective correction is determined by the doctor.
Recovery period
Collost (reviews of cosmetologists indicate effectiveness) is a safe method of correction and rejuvenation.
After the sessions it is recommended to follow a number of rules:
- Avoid being in the open sun, do not visit the solarium, sauna, bath for 2 weeks after the procedure.
- Refrain from carrying out physiotherapy and cosmetic procedures for 2 weeks.
- Limit the intake of certain medications (administration is possible after consultation with the doctor).
Collostotherapy is used as a preparation for Botox injections. It can combine and enhance the result of biorevitalization, mesotherapy, various types of peeling and microdermabrasion.
Possible complications after gel injection
Bioplastic protein injection procedures are often accompanied by painful sensations. After the session, lightening or reddening of the epidermis in the treatment areas, as well as hematomas, which disappear within 2-3 days, may be observed. In case of an allergic reaction, itching, rash, fever, discomfort and general malaise may appear.
If the rules of antiseptic treatment are not followed, infection occurs, after which it is necessary to consult a doctor who will prescribe the appropriate treatment.
Effect duration
The effectiveness and duration of the effect after application is strictly individual. Patients may differ in age, lifestyle, type, and structural features of skin tissues.
Also, the effectiveness is influenced by the concentration of the substance, experience, the skills of a cosmetologist, and the injection technique used. When using a 7% protein concentrate, the effect can last up to 3 months, when using a 15% concentrate - up to six months.
Cosmetologists note that the effect of Collost has a cumulative effect.
The course of procedures and the frequency of their implementation
The course with the use of protein gel-bioconcentrate is calculated individually. If 15% collostotherapy is carried out, the course includes 3-5 procedures with a frequency of 2-3 weeks. For 7% gel, the course is similar, but correction in this case may be needed after 2-3 months. To prolong the result, cosmetologists recommend a repeated course of 15% Collost in 5-6 months.
Procedure cost and results
The gel is available in ready-to-use syringes filled with active substance. Therapy is carried out exclusively in the salon by a cosmetologist. The price for one dose of the drug depends on the concentration and volume.
So, Collost 7% gel with a volume of 1 ml costs from 8,000 rubles, 15% concentrate - from 10,000 rubles. Test sample 7% - from 950 rubles. The number of injections, dosage and percentage of the gel are determined by the cosmetologist after a preliminary examination of the patient.
Collost in the course of active use has proven its effectiveness, as evidenced by the reviews of cosmetologists and patients. Injection collostotherapy allows the skin to return to its youthfulness, smoothness and elasticity without heavy rehabilitation and surgery.
Article design: Olga Pankevich
Video about the drug Collost
How Collost works:
The procedure for eliminating wrinkles and atrophic skin changes with Collost:
I myself have never injected Collost, but according to the results achieved by my friend after the procedure, I want to say that the drug is really effective.The skin has become smooth and elastic, no irregularities and wrinkles. Super easy.