Due to the harmful effects of the environment, age-related changes, improper lifestyle, signs of aging appear on the skin of the face: pronounced wrinkles, flabby cheeks and chin, loss of freshness. When it is no longer possible to cope with such symptoms with the help of cosmetics, a circular facelift will come to the rescue.
This is a plastic procedure that allows you to correct the oval of the face as a whole, as well as smooth out wrinkles. You can see the results of the procedure using the before and after photos, the changes in which can be seen with the naked eye.
What is a circular facelift and the cost
The essence of the operation is to tighten the entire muscular-aponeurotic layer, including the skin and soft tissues.
Circular facelift surgery allows you to achieve a long-term effect of facial rejuvenation, namely:
- removal of deep folds of the skin;
- returning a clear outline to the face;
- smoothing out wrinkles of medium depth;
- restoration of the aesthetic angle between the neck and chin;
- special attention is paid to wrinkles around the eyes, lips, forehead and cheeks.
In general, the face visually becomes 5-10 years younger, depending on the primary condition of the skin and individual anatomical features. It is important that in addition to the rejuvenating effect, the circular facelift (before and after photos) slows down the appearance of new wrinkles and other signs of skin aging.
The cost of the procedure depends on the complexity and volume of the upcoming procedure, as well as on the pricing policy of the plastic surgery center itself. Taking into account all the nuances, the price variation scale is quite high: from 190 to 360 thousand rubles.
Indications for the procedure
These are the following disadvantages of appearance:
- the appearance of pronounced nasolabial folds;
- lowered corners of the eyes and eyelid tissue;
- fuzzy contours of the chin, the appearance of a double chin (its presence is manifested in the appearance of a seal between the chin and neck when lowering the head);
- sagging cheeks and neck (this problem can appear not only due to aging of the skin, but also in connection with a sharp weight loss);
- pronounced wrinkles;
- floating oval of the face;
- flabbiness of the skin, which occurs due to the loss over time of reserves of elastin and collagen in the epidermis).
There are a number of contraindications for facelift:
- Pregnancy. This contraindication is mostly due to the fact that the procedure will turn out to be a waste of money: during pregnancy, women gain weight, and after the birth of a child, the total body weight begins to decrease sharply, and therefore the problem of sagging cheeks may appear. That will reduce the efficiency of the operation to zero.
- The presence of oncological diseases.
- Poor blood clotting functionality.
- Severe illnesses associated with infections.
- Reduced elasticity of the skin.
- Acute diseases of the cardiovascular system.
Potential negative effects of a facelift
A circular facelift, photos before and after which clearly demonstrate this, can lead to the following complications:
- Swelling of the face. As a rule, the edema disappears after 2 to 3 weeks from the operation, but in some cases this period may increase. Most of the problems associated with edema occur due to fluid stagnation, and are solved by the doctor through various instruments: drainage tubes, compression mask, lymphatic drainage massage. However, increasing swelling that is accompanied by pain can cause more serious problems, such as internal bleeding.
- The formation of hematomas. During the operation, the surgeon can touch the vessel, the blood from which spills and forms a hematoma. In most cases, these problems are solved by themselves, disappear in 3-8 days, like a normal bruise. However, in some cases, when the hematoma does not go away on its own, the intervention of a doctor may be required to remove blood clots and seal the damaged vessel.
- Death of skin areas (necrosis). This complication can appear both due to the individual characteristics of the patient (poor blood circulation, diabetes), and due to poorly performed surgery (excessive skin tension). Signs of necrosis can be seen on the changed skin color, loss of sensitivity. Treatment is carried out both medicamentous and surgical - depending on the stage of the disease.
- Nerve damage. The blame for the emergence of this problem falls entirely on the shoulders of the surgeon. The consequences of nerve damage can be different: from loss of sensitivity to paralysis of an individual part of the face. Treatment can be surgical or medication.
- Pronounced scars. A similar problem arises from the individual characteristics of the patient's skin. Therefore, before prescribing an operation, you should consult a doctor for the presence of reasons that could cause this complication. Also, scars can appear with improper skin care after surgery. Depending on the size, scars can be removed with special creams or laser removal.
- Loss of hair. Often, the hair that is at the seams weakens and falls out, but other areas of the cover can also suffer losses. To treat the problem, it is necessary to identify the cause of its appearance: scars, stress, etc.
At what age can a lift be done
This operation is often recommended for women over 35-40 years of age. At an earlier age, there are still no prerequisites for the procedure that could not be solved with the help of cosmetic preparations.
Types of circular facelift
A circular facelift can be divided into 2 groups, depending on the area of intervention and the technique of the procedure. Photos before and after the procedure will clearly demonstrate their difference.
Place of operation
- Upper face... This type of surgery includes lifting of the upper eyelids, forehead and eyebrows. An endoscope is used for the procedure, which allows the operation to be carried out with the lowest risk of any consequences. The doctor's goal is to rid the patient of excess skin with the help of special instruments and tighten the muscles, with their further fixation with self-absorbable sutures. Complete healing of the stitches occurs in 2-4 weeks, after which practically no traces should remain.
- Middle part of the face. It affects the area from the lower eyelid to the upper lip: the area around the eyes, nose, cheeks and corners of the mouth. With this type of operation, it is necessary to move tissues along the vertical axis.
- Lower face and neck. To this area, surgeons include everything that is located below the corners of the mouth, including the chin, partly the cheeks and neck.In this type of operation, the doctor does not work with the skin, but with the muscular-aponeurotic layer. Its implementation is justified in the presence of a pronounced sagging of the skin. The task of the surgeon here is to make several incisions (under the chin, slightly below the ears along the hairline), thread fixing threads through them, which are then pulled up and fastened together.
Operation methods
The operation is carried out:
- Threads... The procedure takes from 30 minutes. up to an hour, depending on the complexity of the problems. It is carried out in a day hospital. It is allowed to leave the hospital in 3-4 hours after the operation. With the help of special threads, the surgeon forms a framework, which is necessary to hold the tissues in the desired position.
- Laser. The procedure time is usually limited to 60 minutes. To protect the patient, he needs to arm himself with special glasses from radiation. Waves of different lengths help to solve various problems: destruction of adipose tissue, sealing of blood vessels, lifting effect. Most effective for lower face surgery.
- Radio waves. This operation is carried out up to 3 sessions for 30 minutes. each. The essence of the procedure is as follows: radio waves of various lengths penetrate the skin, heating the skin and strengthening the collagen layer.
Preparing for surgery
The patient does not need to carry out any special preparatory procedures, it is only necessary:
2 weeks before the operation, refuse:
- alcoholic beverages;
- tobacco products;
- drugs of medicinal origin.
- solariums, baths and saunas (with laser surgery).
The day before the operation:
- do not eat heavy food;
- do not apply any cosmetics on the face and hair;
- eat diet foods in small quantities.
On the day of the actual operation, the patient should not consume liquids and food at all.
Is anesthesia used
A circular lift (before and after photos) implies anesthesia in all forms, except for the procedure using radio waves. Since it does not cause any pain and does not require punctures and incisions in the skin. As a rule, only a surgical procedure is performed under general anesthesia, other types of operations are carried out under local anesthesia, which is administered with the help of injections.
However, in some cases, for example, if the patient has hypersensitivity, other types of circular facelift may be performed under general anesthesia.
Operation technique
Technique for a circular facelift with threads
The sequence of the operation:
- The introduction of anesthetic. For this, the surgeon puts special injections on the area where the operation will be performed. The injection lasts from 5 to 10 hours, protecting the patient from discomfort and pain.
- Disinfection. In order to avoid contamination and microorganisms from entering the punctures, the patient's face is treated with special substances.
- Marking... At this stage, the doctor determines in which areas of the face the punctures will be made.
- Thread injection. With the help of thin needles, the surgeon pulls the threads through the punctures, after which he adjusts the tension force and holds them together.
Laser procedure
The sequence of the procedure:
- Accommodation. Before starting the procedure, the patient must take the required position. It is laid facing the ceiling so that the body is at an angle of 30-40 degrees. In this case, the muscles should be completely relaxed.
- The introduction of anesthetic. With this technique of performing the procedure, as a rule, a local layer-by-layer anesthesia is used. However, in some cases, general anesthesia may be used.
- Cleansing the skin. For this, the skin of the face is treated with products with a degreasing and antibacterial effect. Then you need to wait until the substance is completely dry.
- Division of the face into sections. Before the procedure, the doctor marks the necessary lines and points where the incisions will be made. This stage allows you to make the procedure most accurate.
- Application of the gel. This substance has a heating effect and is used to obtain the greatest effect from a laser.
- Direct application of the laser. This stage of the procedure is the main one. The laser is directed to the necessary areas of the skin, with different wavelengths.
Radio wave lift without surgery
This circular facelift is the only method where incisions are not made. However, this, as you can see from the before and after photos, does not make it less effective.
The sequence of the procedure:
- Cleansing and toning the epidermis. To do this, a special gel is applied to the surface of the face, which activates the cells responsible for the production of elastin and collagen - fibroblasts.
- Lifting effect. At this stage, the patient's face is covered with a special substance that has a lifting effect. Coverage areas are selected based on the criteria for exposure to microwaves. Then you need to wait until the product is completely absorbed.
- Heating the skin. At this stage, 1-3-20 minutes are allocated. The temperature is selected depending on the complexity of the problems. It is worth considering that by choosing an incompetent doctor, you can get burned at this stage. Therefore, you should not start from the cheapness of the procedure when choosing honey. center.
- Moisturizing the epidermis... Each specialist chooses moisturizing products in his opinion. However, as a rule, various vegetable oils are used for these purposes.
Surgical procedure
- Anesthesia. Since this operation is the most painful in comparison with the others, it is performed under the influence of general anesthesia.
- Cleansing the epidermis... In this case, all tissues of the face and those adjacent to them, including the chin and neck, are processed.
- Direct operation. The stages of the operation include exfoliation of the skin with the help of incisions. They are made as follows: first, an incision is made in the temporal region, which continues to the ear. Then the incision is brought to the back of the head, which contributes to the detachment of the dermis of the cheeks, neck, temples and chin. Then the surgeon redistributes the muscles, epidermis and fat deposits to the required positions. Further, a pull-up is used, with the help of which the skin is fixed in the desired position. The final stages are the removal of excess fat and securing the result with sutures. The incisions are sutured with special threads, which exclude the appearance of scars.
- Bandage application. It must be changed every few days.
The duration of the procedure varies from 60 minutes to 1.5 hours.
Rehabilitation period
A circular facelift (before and after photos) affects patients and the rehabilitation period in different ways, depending on the chosen method of the procedure.
How is rehabilitation going:
- Thread lift... The most difficult period lasts 3 days. At this stage, it is necessary to exclude active movements of the oral cavity, including chewing food. It is best to refuse solid foods at this time, and cut the rest into as small pieces as possible. At least 3 times a day, punctures should be treated with peroxide in order to avoid infection. The plasters should be removed no earlier than 1 day later. Full rehabilitation takes an average of 4 weeks.
- Laser lifting. Edema in the places of laser exposure disappears on average after 3 days, and feelings of stiffness and discomfort - after 13 days. In order to avoid complications, it is necessary to give up alcoholic drinks and hot showers, and also to control the pressure. When severe hematomas appear, the use of special gels is allowed.
- Lifting by radio waves. With this method of tightening the skin, there are no consequences or restrictions - the patient can immediately return to their usual way of life. For 3 days after the procedure, skin redness may appear, but soon it will go away on its own.
- Surgery... In the first 3 days, the patient is recommended to remain under the supervision of doctors in case of complications. For a week after the operation, it is forbidden to use any kind of cosmetics. The dressing should be removed every few days and replaced with a new one. The stitches are removed after 2 weeks, and the total rehabilitation period takes up to 1 month.
The general rules for any type of facelift are:
- limiting exposure to UV rays;
- do not engage in heavy physical labor;
- refuse to visit saunas and steam rooms.
Proper skin care after the procedure
There are no special recommendations on this score: the main thing is to follow the recommendations for the rehabilitation period. After the expiration of the recovery period, skin care can be the usual procedures: cleansing, toning, moisturizing and nourishing.
How long does the effect last
The duration of the effect depends on the selected area and the method of operation. In general, the average duration is 3 years. However, the radio wave method has the shortest retention time of the effect.
Modern technologies provide several methods for circular facelift, most of which involve minimal surgery.
With such a variety, everyone can find the best option for themselves, and the photos before and after will help determine their choice.
Facelift video (circular facelift)
How is the operation of a circular facelift:
A circular facelift today and 10 years ago:
I'm 54. There is still nothing on my face, but a wrinkled pouch hangs under my chin. Probably, I will decide on a facelift.
About five years ago I did a facelift in St. Petersburg. At first, it seemed there was nothing, but in the end, after a year, there was a feeling that nothing was done. Therefore, when we moved to live in Moscow, the first thing I did was to look for a new doctor. to bring the face back to normal. According to the reviews, I decided on a facelift in Frau Clinic with Dr. Tumakov Gleb Igorevich. And then in the clinic itself and from his clients, I heard only positive reviews. And I myself was very pleased with the result. The clinic is beautiful, the equipment is the newest, the wards and postoperative care are excellent. I advise.
I am not that old, but the sagging of the oval of my face was strong, I know what was there ... genetics or something else ... But I did a facelift, and I myself did not expect such a result, very beautiful and aesthetically pleasing! Thanks to my doctor Golovanev)