A person loses dozens of hairs every day, without even noticing it, and such a loss is considered the norm. But it happens that more hair begins to fall out. Having noticed this, you need to take action immediately, since in the early stages it is always easier to cope with problems. An onion mask for hair loss, which is easy to prepare at home, will help solve this problem.
Hair Loss Causes
Before you start treating hair loss, you need to understand the causes of this process.
There can be a lot of such reasons:
- pregnancy and breastfeeding (during these periods, the woman's body is depleted);
- lack of trace elements, namely iron (can occur due to improper diets or fasting);
- taking certain medications (this is how pressure medications, birth control pills, diuretics, antidepressants, some steroids and, of course, chemotherapy can affect the hair);
- hormonal disruptions (an excess amount of testosterone in a woman's blood provokes such problems);
- infectious diseases of the scalp (seborrhea, dermatitis);
- insufficient nutrition (leads to a deficiency of trace elements and vitamins, which provokes hair loss);
- poor blood circulation in the scalp and directly to the hair roots (the cause of such a problem is the excessive consumption of drinks containing caffeine: coffee, strong tea, or diseases of the cardiovascular system, osteochondrosis);
- stress (constant nervous tension provokes vasoconstriction, this becomes the cause of hair loss);
- high and low temperatures (walking in winter without a headdress or drying hair with a hairdryer in a high temperature mode);
- frequent hair coloring (not only hair is affected, but the bulbs are also destroyed);
- unfavorable environmental conditions (polluted air, various precipitation or background radiation negatively affect the hair).
Medicinal substances in onions
Onions are very useful for humans and everyone knows this since childhood, but not everyone knows what exactly makes it such a valuable vegetable.
Onions contain the following substances:
- iron (an essential element for blood formation and hemoglobin formation);
- cellulose (removes cholesterol from the body, thereby purifying the blood);
- pectin (removes toxic substances from the body, regulates metabolic processes, improves intestinal peristalsis);
- organic acids (restores the acid-base balance of all body fluids);
- potassium (It supplies the brain with oxygen, improves its work);
- calcium (maintains the condition of bones and teeth);
- phosphorus (needed for the full functioning of the brain, and the structure of bones);
- zinc (stimulates the growth and division of cells, normalizing their regeneration);
- fluorine (necessary for the formation of bones and tooth enamel);
- phytoncides (protect the body from pathogens);
- B vitamins (improve metabolism, normalize the immune system);
- vitamin C (participates in the synthesis of hormones and hematopoiesis, protects the body from the effects of stress);
- vitamin E (has a beneficial effect on skin and hair, nails);
- vitamin PP (participates in the redox processes of the body).
Onions also contain such useful substances as: iodine, copper, manganese, cobalt, sodium and ash.
Effects of onions on hair
As well as centuries ago, today onions are considered one of the most effective products for hair rehabilitation at home.
The effects of onions are manifested in the following:
- protects against infections;
- stimulates blood circulation in the skin;
- improves the work of capillaries, which affects the hair, namely, their growth;
- increases blood flow to the hair follicles, this activates them;
Onion masks have a beneficial effect on hair, prevent hair loss, accelerate growth - eliminates baldness;
- improves the secretion of sebum;
- eliminates the appearance of premature gray hair;
- treats dandruff;
- enriches the follicles with oxygen, and this strengthens, accelerates growth and stops hair loss.
Indications and contraindications for onion mask
An onion mask for hair loss has both indications and contraindications.
- signs of baldness;
- seborrhea, dandruff;
- dullness, weakening of hair;
- baldness and its prevention.
- violation of the integrity of the skin (wounds, scratches);
- period after perm or hair lightening;
- an allergic reaction to onions.
Onion mask application rules
Using onion masks, you need to monitor the condition of the skin and your feelings, since the vegetable is quite aggressive.
To get a positive result, you need to follow some rules:
- for the mask, take a juicy and dense vegetable;
- the product should be applied to dirty hair;
- an onion mask is applied only to the root part;
- after applying the product, wrap the head with a plexus or use a plastic bag, then wrap it with a woolen scarf;
- leave the mixture on your head for 10 minutes to an hour. The greasier the hair, the longer the mask can be left on;
- wash off with warm water using shampoo.
If during the procedure a strong burning sensation appears, there is no need to wait for the end of the procedure. Rinse your hair immediately under running water. Failure to do so can result in burns.
Onion mask with honey
- onion (medium) - 1 pc.;
- liquid honey - 5 ml.
The vegetable is interrupted in a blender, honey is added and mixed thoroughly. Rub the scalp with the resulting composition and wait an hour. Then the hair is washed in the usual way.
This mask will help your hair grow stronger.
Onion mask with oil
- juice squeezed out of the onion -30 ml;
- oils (burdock, olive) - 30 ml.
The onion mask will prevent hair loss, fill it with natural shine and radiance
Pour the food into a container and shake well. Apply for half an hour. Then wash it off. At the end of such a course, the hair will be silky, and most importantly, it will stop falling out.
Onion mask with egg
- onion (medium) - 1 pc.;
- chicken egg - 1 pc.
You need to get juice from the onion, and divide the yolk with the protein. Combine the resulting juice with the yolk and beat a little with a whisk. Then apply to the root zone of the hair, rubbing the mask well into the scalp. Do not rinse the mixture for an hour. And then - wash your hair in the usual way.
Carrying out such manipulations regularly, the hair will grow faster, will be softer and more elastic.
Classic Onion Mask
The recommendations of a classic hair loss mask are very simple. You need 1 onion, or rather juice from it, which should be rubbed into the root of the hair. Leave on for 25-60 minutes. This mask accelerates hair regrowth and stops hair loss.
Onion mask with clay
- onion juice - from 1 pc .;
- clay (white, blue) - 15 ml;
- burdock oil - 15 ml;
- castor oil - 15 ml;
- essential oil (optional: orange, ylang-ylang, rosemary) - 15 drops.
Combine all ingredients and mix thoroughly. Clay will make this easier. Apply to hair parting. Withstand an hour, if there are no unpleasant sensations, it can be longer. After the expiration of time, wash off the mask from the hair. Such a mask provokes hair growth, increases blood flow to the follicles. Hair grows back faster and becomes thicker.
Onion mask with kefir
- onion juice - 30 ml;
- low-fat kefir - 30 ml.
Combine the components and rub into the scalp. Keep for half an hour, then rinse. A mask with onions and kefir is suitable for owners of oily hair. The lactic acid found in kefir can help regulate sebum production. Also, this mask fights baldness.
Unscented onion mask
In order to minimize the smell of onions, only juice is used in the hair mask. The pulp is less washed out and gives off a smell. You should also add 5 ml of colorless henna to the mask, which will also neutralize the unpleasant odor.
The effect of the mask with onions and henna will be as follows: hair will become shiny and smooth, growth will increase, and hair loss will stop. The skin will also be hydrated.
Onion mask with kefir, cognac and sea salt
- juice, gruel from the onion - 15 ml;
- cognac -20 ml;
- low-fat kefir - 15 ml;
- sea salt - 15 ml;
- liquid honey - 15 ml.
Mix the prepared products and rub into the root of the hair. An hour later, the mask is washed off. After regular use, the hair stops falling out, becomes stronger and thicker.
Onion mask with cabbage
- onion (medium) - 1 pc.;
- cabbage juice - 45 ml.
Kill the onion in a blender or mince it. Chop the cabbage leaves and squeeze 3 tablespoons of juice. After - join together and rub into the root of the hair. Rub in for a few minutes, then wrap and wait for 30-40 minutes. Rinse with slightly acidified water.
The mask restores the structure of the hairs.
Onion mask with yeast
- onion juice - 30 ml;
- yeast (dry) - 15 ml;
- water - 45 ml.
Combine onion juice and yeast. Then add water and put in warm for 10 minutes. After the expiration of time, the mask can be applied to the hair. Pay special attention to the scalp. You can walk with the mask for no more than an hour, then wash it off. This mask strengthens the hair, makes it thick and durable.
Onion mask with castor oil
- onion (large) - 1 pc .;
- honey - 15 ml;
- castor oil - 15 ml;
- olive oil - 15 ml.
Chop the onion and squeeze the juice out of it, combine with the rest of the ingredients. The mask is applied to the root of the hair and scalp, gently massaging. Wash off after 30 minutes.
This onion anti-hair loss mask is suitable for dry curls. The oils soften the aggressive effects of the onion, and the skin does not dry out. Castor oil has a beneficial effect on hair growth, preventing baldness.
Onion mask with vinegar
- onion (medium) - 1 pc.;
- kefir - 20 ml;
- apple cider vinegar - 15 ml;
- liquid honey - 15 ml.
Grind the onion into a gruel and mix with the rest of the products. Mix well and rub into scalp and hair, rinse. This mask should be used by owners of brittle hair with split ends.
Green onion mask
Only green onion feathers are useful for preparing this mask. They need to be washed and chopped in a blender until a homogeneous gruel is obtained. This mixture is applied to the scalp. Wash off after 1 hour.
A green onion mask will "revive" hair, which is often dyed or permed.
Garlic onion mask
- onion juice - 30 ml;
- garlic juice - 30 ml;
- cognac - 20 ml;
- burdock oil - 20 ml;
- chicken egg yolk - 1 pc.
Mix the products and apply to hair roots for 25-45 minutes. Then wash your hair. This mask should be used at the first sign of baldness. It promotes the renewal of hair follicles.
Dandruff onion mask
- onion juice - 15 ml;
- castor oil - 15 ml;
- vodka - 30 ml.
After mixing all the components, the mask must be applied to the hair roots. Wash it off no earlier than after 30 minutes. This mask is suitable for dry hair with dandruff.
Onion mask for hair shine
- onion juice, from 1 pc .;
- essential oils of ylang-ylang - 10 drops;
- flax oil - 7 ml;
- olive oil - 7 ml;
- castor oil - 7 ml.
Mix oils and juice from onions and apply to hair: first of all - on the roots, and then - distribute over the entire length of the hair.
This mask will give the curls a mirror shine, in addition, it will help to strengthen them.
Onion mask for dry hair
- onion juice -30 ml;
- liquid honey - 20 ml;
- olive oil - 20 ml;
- mayonnaise - 20 ml.
After combining the components, stir everything and spread on the hair roots. Rub well into the skin and wait 30-40 minutes. The mask nourishes dry hair well and stimulates its growth.
Onion mask for oily hair
- onion - 1 pc.;
- rum or rum powder - 15 ml;
- burdock oil - 15 ml.
Kill the onion in a blender and squeeze the juice out of the resulting mass. Mix it with rum and butter. Heat the mask in the microwave and apply. Keep for 30 minutes. With regular use, sebum secretion is normalized and hair loss stops.
Onion mask for colored hair
- onion juice from 1 pc .;
- flax oil - 15 ml;
- olive oil - 15 ml;
- burdock oil - 15 ml;
- oil-based vitamin E or A - 5-7 drops.
All components are mixed and heated slightly. After - you need to rub the mixture over the entire length of the hair, starting from the roots. Wait half an hour and rinse. The composition of the mask nourishes and restores the structure of damaged and depleted hair.
Onion peel decoction
In the initial stages, onion peels help with hair loss. It needs to be collected, filled with water and boiled for 20 minutes. Use the resulting broth to rinse your hair.
Onion peels also fight skin diseases (dandruff, dermatitis), saturates the skin with nutrients, gives the hair a pleasant bronze shade.
How to eliminate onion smell after the procedure
Onion masks for hair loss effectively cope with the task. But they have one drawback - the smell. Fortunately, this problem is solvable.
After removing the remnants of the mask, you need to apply one of the methods:
- rinse your hair with water and vinegar at the rate of 15 ml per glass of water;
- squeeze half a lemon into a liter container with water and rinse your hair;
- Pour 15 ml of colorless henna with water to make a gruel. Let it brew for 15 minutes. Then apply to hair from which the onion mask has just been washed off. Soak for 20 minutes and rinse. You can do it without shampoo.
Expert recommendations
Trichologists recommend the use of juice, pulp and onion husks for hair loss. But there is no universal way for all hair types. Therefore, you should take a responsible attitude to the selection of a mask for each specific type. Better yet, before applying, contact a specialist who will establish the causes of the problems, select the desired mask and the number of procedures.
Onion masks for hair loss are suitable for almost everyone, but still, do not forget about caution.
Before you test your chosen mask on your hair, you need to test it on the inside of your elbow.Apply a small amount of the product, and after 20 minutes check the skin reaction. If there is no redness and other reactions at the site of application, you can safely apply this hair loss remedy.
Video about onion masks for hair loss
Anti-hair loss onion mask with a powerful effect:
Video recipe for an onion mask with honey for hair loss:
My grandmother advised me to strengthen my hair with a bow. I hesitated for a long time, because I was afraid of the nasty smell. All the same, I decided. Now I advise everyone. An onion mask with honey works especially well. The hair did not stop falling out completely, but after combing it is much less on the comb. In addition, the appearance has improved markedly.
Thanks for the helpful and interesting article!
Onion-based cosmetics will strengthen the roots of curls, help in the fight against dandruff and hair loss, that's for sure