With a huge assortment of industrial cosmetics, home masks made from natural ingredients do not lose their popularity. The combination of low cost and high efficiency makes a homemade face mask attractive for women of all ages.
Rules for applying masks at home
To get the maximum effect when applying masks, it is important to follow some rules:
- Before using the mask, you must make sure that there is no allergy to its components.
- The mask is applied to thoroughly cleansed skin that is not damaged.
- For deep penetration of nutrients, it is advisable to lightly steam the skin or at least rinse it with hot water.
- The mask is not applied to the lips and especially vulnerable area around the eyes (except for specialized masks).
- The mask is applied along the massage lines, without pressing or stretching the skin.
- For application, you can use special brushes, sponges, scoops.
- After applying the ingredients, it is advisable to take a comfortable position and relax the muscles of the face.
- The interval for applying the mask is on average 10 to 30 minutes.
- It is advisable to apply masks in courses.
- The mask is removed with a wet cotton swab or sponge along the massage lines, then the remaining fragments are removed with water: warm or room temperature.
- After removing the mask, it is advisable to nourish the skin with a cream selected for the condition of the skin.
Cleansing masks with peeling effect
Face masks at home can act as a peel. Periodic exfoliation is an essential part of skin care. Removal of the keratinized upper layer of cells together with the accumulated impurities cleanses the pores, improves blood flow, and starts the process of cell regeneration. These masks can be applied twice a week.
For sensitive skin, peeling is performed less frequently and in a gentle version (small scrub).
- Kefir peeling. The active ingredient is lactic acid. It not only cleanses, but also moisturizes and soothes the skin. Kefir is applied for 20-40 minutes.
- Milky gelatinous. Gelatin cleanses the face and relieves inflammation. Gelatin (1 tsp) is poured with milk (1 tbsp) and in a water bath with constant stirring is brought to a homogeneous state. The cooled mass is left on the skin for a quarter of an hour.
Gelatin face mask will refresh and cleanse the skin well. - Lemon yoghurt. The active ingredient is citric acid. This formulation is not suitable for sensitive skin. A 1: 1 mixture of unsweetened yogurt and lemon juice is applied in a thick layer for a quarter of an hour.
- Clay peeling. The clay penetrates deep into the pores, perfectly cleansing the skin. White or blue clay is poured with boiling water until the consistency of sour cream. 1 tbsp the cooled mass is mixed in equal proportions with grated cucumber and a few drops of olive oil, kept on the skin of the face, neck and décolleté for 20-25 minutes.
Acne and acne masks
Acne is a consequence of the subcutaneous inflammatory process.
To treat acne and relieve inflammation, it is necessary to carry out antibacterial treatment of the skin, drying.
- Masks using aloe. The healing and anti-inflammatory properties of aloe are effective in fighting acne.You can use pure aloe juice - it is applied for 15-20 minutes. You can mix the juice in equal proportions with the infusion of medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula, celandine), soak the fabric mask with a warm composition and, pressing tightly, leave it for a third of an hour. A mixture of egg yolk and 10 ml of kefir with 20 g of grated aloe works well - the action time is 15-20 minutes.
- Honey masks. Another unique natural anti-inflammatory and soothing agent is honey. You can use pure honey by applying it to the prepared skin for 20-25 minutes. Lemon juice mixed in half with honey will enhance the anti-inflammatory effect of the mask. A mixture of honey and oatmeal works effectively - a spoonful of oatmeal for two tablespoons of honey. The mask is applied for 20-25 minutes.
- Egg white. The mask dries the skin well, relieves redness. The protein whipped into a strong foam is left on the face for a quarter of an hour. You can enhance the effect by adding 2-3 ml of honey.
- Yeast. A mask of yeast diluted in warm milk in a 2: 3 ratio soothes the skin.
Blackhead masks
Blackheads are formed when the skin pores are clogged with a mixture of dust, sebum, and keratinized cells. In addition to a cosmetic flaw, blackheads create preconditions for pore enlargement, the appearance of inflamed acne, pigmentation.
Before the procedure, for maximum effect, you need to steam your face.
- Soda mask. Dilute baking soda with warm water in a 2: 1 ratio. Soda is gently rubbed into the skin of the face and washed off after a quarter of an hour.
- Lemon and cucumber. To obtain the composition, mix 15-20 ml of cucumber and lemon juice, add a pinch of turmeric. The composition is applied to the face and left to dry, then washed off. The recommended course is a month and a half. The cucumber must be taken from the open ground, the juice of greenhouse cucumbers is ineffective.
- White clay mask - effectively dissolves blackheads, prevents the appearance of new ones... The clay is diluted to a mushy state with cool water and applied to the face for a quarter of an hour. To enhance the effect, water can be replaced with natural pineapple juice.
- Kefir mask with honey, lemon and salt. In addition to removing blackheads, it has a slight brightening effect. In 1 tbsp. kefir is added in 1 tsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice, salt and honey. The gruel is applied to the face with a simultaneous light massage of the places of accumulation of blackheads, washed off after 10 minutes.
From enlarged pores
Home face masks can help you tighten up enlarged pores. Enlarging pores not only worsens the appearance, but also increases the likelihood of blackheads and acne.
Properly selected ingredients will cleanse the skin, normalize the acid-base balance and tighten the pores of the face.
- Clay mask. It is necessary to mix 5 ml of aloe leaf juice, green tea, boiled water. Clay is poured into the mixture until a slurry is obtained - best of all, white or blue, but you can use other types of clay. The clay mass is applied for 20 minutes.
- Oat and sour cream with aspirin. Steamed 2 tbsp. flakes "Hercules", mixed with 20 ml of sour cream, pour in a crushed aspirin tablet. Apply for half an hour.
- Potato and tomato. Remove the skin from the tomato, knead it in mashed potatoes, chop the peeled raw potatoes on a fine grater or in a blender, combine tomato and mashed potatoes, adding a few drops of vegetable oil. The composition is applied for 25-30 minutes.
- Protein and berry. Protein tightens pores well, berries (viburnum, currants, cherries, sweet cherries) will enhance the effect and nourish the skin. 40-60 ml of freshly squeezed berry juice is gently mixed with the whipped protein. Keep the mask for 15-20 minutes.
From wrinkles
The appearance of wrinkles is inevitable, but regular use of masks will significantly slow down their appearance and development.
- Yolk oil mask for dry skin. This type of skin needs to be nourished to prevent wrinkles. The yolk is rubbed with 20-25 ml of olive oil, kept on the skin for 15-20 minutes. The nutritional properties will be enhanced by adding 2-3 ml of lemon juice.
- Oatmeal oil for oily skin. 3 tbspground "Hercules" is mixed with 20 ml of olive oil, add a third tsp. lavender oils. This mask slows down the development of wrinkles and dries up oily skin.
- Eye masks... Thin skin ages quickly and requires special care. You can lubricate it overnight with sea buckthorn oil. Wrinkles under the eyes are well removed with a mixture of 50 g banana puree with 1 tsp. softened butter. To enhance the nutritional effect, vitamin E (oil solution) is added.
- Pea for deep wrinkles. This mask is designed for ages 50+. 2 tbsp dry peas are washed, dried and ground into powder, then mixed with 20 ml of natural yogurt and 20 ml of water (filtered or boiled). Keep warm until the mass swells (about 10-15 minutes). The mass is left on the face for half an hour.
Under the influence of dry air, solar radiation, temperature changes, the open skin of the face easily loses moisture. Lack of moisture leads to early aging of the skin - wrinkles appear, peeling, a feeling of tightness, turgor decreases. Regular moisturizing masks restore moisture balance.
It is better to apply them in courses of 10-15 masks, with an interval of 2-3 days.
- Curd and milk mask. Fatty cottage cheese is ground with milk in a 1: 1 ratio. Apply for 20 minutes.
- Kefir-citrus. 1 tbsp kefir is mixed with the same amount of sour cream (preferably fatty), orange and lemon juice is added to the mixture - one slice each. The composition is applied for 20 minutes.
- Apple and carrot. Mix 20 ml of apple and carrot puree, add 5 g of potato starch to fix the mass. Remove the composition after 20 minutes.
- Banana milk mask (for aging skin). The pulp of a ripe banana must be crushed with warm milk into a homogeneous mass. Action time - 20 minutes.
Face masks at home are the best option, if necessary, to nourish tired facial skin, especially in the winter-spring period.
Saturating the skin with useful substances, nourishing masks not only improve the appearance, but also slow down the aging process.
- Kelp mask. 2 tbsp crushed kelp for 5-10 minutes pour 60 ml of hot freshly brewed green tea. Rye flour is added - until mushy. Stir in 1 tsp. sea buckthorn oil or peach seed oil. 2-3 drops of vitamins A and E (oil solutions) will help make the mask more nutritious. The mixture is applied for 30 minutes.
- Curd and egg with aloe (for any skin). 2 tbsp high-fat cottage cheese is ground with an egg and 1 tbsp. sour cream into a homogeneous mass, stir in 20 ml of aloe juice, apply the mass for half an hour.
- Nourishing for oily skin. Knead half a ripe banana, add 1 tbsp. oatmeal flour. You can stir in 5 ml of almond oil. Then it is required to dilute the composition to a semi-liquid state with a decoction of plantain, nettle or green tea. The mixture is applied for 20-30 minutes
- Nourishing for dry skin. Combine 20-25 ml of milk, high fat cottage cheese, olive oil, grind the ingredients. 5-7 ml of jojoba oil is poured in, half of the grated medium-sized boiled carrots are added. The resulting puree is kept on the face for up to half an hour.
Pull up
With age, the oval of the face loses its clear outlines, giving out the woman's age, and sometimes adding it.
Masks can be used to tighten the skin and maintain its tone.
- Gelatin mask No. 1. Gelatin is a natural collagen with an effective tightening effect. 1 tsp gelatin is diluted in 20 ml of warm milk, 20 ml of kefir is mixed in. Oat or wheat flour is added to the gelatinous mass until the consistency of sour cream. Lubricate the face and leave the mask to dry completely, then remove the formed film.
- Gelatinous No. 2. Gelatin (1 tsp) is diluted in 20 ml of aloe leaf juice, 5 ml of peach oil is poured in, 5-7 drops of Aevit vitamin are dripped, mixed thoroughly.The composition must be left to dry, then remove the formed film.
- Starch... Potato starch is an effective tightening agent. 2 tbsp starch is ground with milk to a mushy state and applied to the face for a quarter of an hour. A mixture of starch and lemon juice in a 2: 1 ratio will also give a whitening effect, but it is applied for no more than a quarter of an hour. After washing off the mask, be sure to use a nourishing cream.
- Oatmeal mask with dill and linseed oil. Mix in 1 tsp. chopped oatmeal, mashed dill, flax oil. The composition is applied for 25-30 minutes.
Home face masks help to remove age spots, redness, acne marks, and uneven skin tone. But such masks are applied only to perfectly healthy skin, without irritation and damage.
Cosmetologists recommend doing them in the evening, so as not to expose the skin to the sun's rays immediately after bleaching.
- Citrus mask... Prepare mashed potatoes from a third of a medium grapefruit, add juice squeezed from half a lemon to it, pour starch to a state of gruel, stir until smooth. Keep the mass on your face for a quarter of an hour.
- Cucumber-lime. Grind medium cucumber and lime (along with zest) in a blender. Wheat bran is added to thicken the mixture. The mashed gruel is applied for 20-25 minutes.
- Parsley mask. Parsley is an excellent bleaching agent. A bunch of parsley chopped in mashed potatoes is diluted to the state of gruel with whey. The mask is applied in 3-4 layers, allowing each layer to dry. Wash off after the last layer has dried.
- Tomato Oatmeal Mask... Tomatoes also have a bleaching effect. You need to grind the tomato, add oatmeal for thickening. The composition is applied in a dense layer for 25-30 minutes.
It is impossible to stop the aging process, but anti-aging masks will help to significantly slow them down.
They nourish and moisturize the skin, activate intracellular processes, maintaining the tone of the skin.
- Vegetable-fruit, milk masks. Cosmetologists recommend frequent use of masks made from fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as dairy products for rejuvenation. Especially effective are cucumber and strawberry masks (gruel from the grated product is placed on the face for 20-25 minutes), as well as layer-by-layer means of curdled milk and sour cream (for 15-20 minutes). These ingredients are suitable for all skin types at any age.
- Cucumber-sea buckthorn (30+). Rub a medium cucumber, squeeze the juice, mix with ½ tsp. sea buckthorn oil. The mixture is applied for 20-25 minutes.
- Coffee and egg (40+). Mix in 1 tsp. ground coffee and bitter cocoa, grind with 5 ml of honey. Then you need to drive two quail eggs into the mixture, grind to a pasty state. You can keep the mask on your face for up to an hour.
- Yeast (50+). 50 g of yeast is diluted in warm water until thick. Drive the yolk from a quail egg into the mixture, you can add a pinch of cinnamon. Apply the composition to the face for 25-30 minutes.
A homemade face mask will help relieve inflammation, redness, itching, and rashes.
If the cause of their appearance is not some kind of disease of the internal organs.
- Blue clay mask. The required amount of clay is diluted to a mushy state with mineral water. You can mix in a few drops of rose oil. The mixture is applied in a dense layer and kept until dry. You can dilute the clay with sour cream and drip a few drops of tea tree oil. They use different types of clay, but blue, black, green are the most effective in relieving inflammation.
- Sulfuric. 1 tsp sulfur is required to be mixed with 1 tbsp. kaolin, add mineral water to a mushy state and add 5 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide. The composition is applied for 20-25 minutes.
- Starchy herbal. 1 tbsp. boiling water is brewed with 3 tbsp. herbal tea from chamomile, plantain and peppermint in equal proportions. Filter the present broth, dilute 1 tsp in it.starch, the resulting mixture is brought to a boil and cooled. The composition is kept on the face for up to half an hour.
- Aspirin honey mask. It is necessary to crush 2 aspirin tablets, stir in 5-7 ml of boiled water, dissolve 20 ml of honey. The thoroughly mixed mixture is kept on the face for a third of an hour.
Home masks are indispensable if you need to quickly get a fresh and attractive look. Fatigue, illness, lack of sleep, and poor nutrition affect the skin condition. Only elimination of these causes can fully restore the skin to health. But at least partially, a toning mask will help to solve the problem, which activates the internal processes of the skin.
Nourishes and moisturizes it, giving it a fresh and healthy look:
- Universal toning mask. In the case of dry skin, take 20 ml of sour cream with a high percentage of fat content, for oily skin - 20 ml of yogurt. 40 ml of lemon juice is added to the composition. The mass turns out to be liquid, so it is convenient to use a gauze base - it is applied to the face, and the mask is applied to the gauze. The exposure period is 10-15 minutes.
- Toning for oily skin. 3 ml of honey is diluted in 20 ml of water. Pour 1 tbsp of kaolin with honey water, squeeze the juice of a quarter of a lemon, grind until smooth. The protein whipped into a cool foam is gently mixed with the resulting clay mass. The mask is applied in a solid layer for 15 minutes.
- Toning for normal to dry skin. 1 tbsp sour cream is mixed with the zest of one lemon (or orange) crushed in a blender, ground with yolk until smooth. Apply in a dense layer for 15 minutes.
- Mustard mask. Grind the yolk with 5 g of mustard powder, then grind the honey with olive oil - equally, 5 ml each. Combine both mixtures, stir, heat in a water bath. Apply the mask warm, keep for 10-15 minutes.
The best mask recipes for oily and dry skin
When choosing ingredients for a mask, it is necessary to take into account the type of skin, otherwise you may not only not help the skin of the face, but also worsen its condition.
Masks for oily skin dry it, correct the work of the sebaceous glands, remove excess sebum.
For oily skin, egg white, clay, dairy products, salt, mustard powder, lemon juice, honey are useful.
- Aspirin mask. A decoction of thyme (60 g of herbs per 100 ml of boiling water, brew for an hour) is filtered, 10 crushed aspirin tablets are added. After dissolving the tablets, you need to wipe the skin with a decoction several times.
- Kefir and protein. Combine 60 ml of kefir and 5 ml of honey, add 2 tsp. starch, grind until smooth. Beat the egg white into a stiff foam, carefully add the mixed ingredients. A particularly dense layer is applied to areas of high fat content - chin, forehead, nose.
- Lemon-creamy. Rub 60 ml of cream with yolk, add 40 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Apply a homogeneous mixture to the face using a gauze base for 1 hour.
- Egg and cucumber mask. Grind two yolks with salt (no more than 1 tsp), add grated cucumber, mix. Apply for 30-35 minutes. To prevent the mask from dripping, you can put a gauze base on your face.
Dry skin needs help in maintaining the moisture level, otherwise the appearance of early expression lines and redness is inevitable.
Masks for dry skin may contain vegetable oils, fatty dairy products, yolks, berries.
- Egg and carrot mask. The whipped yolk is mixed with medium-sized carrots chopped on a fine grater, wheat flour is added to the state of gruel. The composition is kept on the face for up to half an hour.
- Sour cream with herbs. Rub in mashed potatoes on a bunch of dill and parsley. Complement the composition of 2 tbsp. high fat sour cream and 1 tbsp. ground into flour "Hercules". The mixture, stirred until smooth, is kept on the face for up to a quarter of an hour.
- Avocado mask. The pulp of an avocado half chopped in mashed potatoes is ground with 1 tbsp. honey and 1 tsp. almond oil. Apply the mixture for 15 minutes.
- Oil mask. 60 ml of olive oil, heated in a water bath, is mixed with the contents of two capsules of Aevit vitamin.The fabric base is impregnated with an oil composition and pressed tightly to the face for 20 minutes.
Comfortable conditions, natural products, no unnecessary spending make the process of using masks at home not only useful, but also enjoyable. They are indispensable for maintaining the beauty and youthfulness of the facial skin.
Article design: Mila Friedan
Face mask videos
Whitening face masks:
Face masks at home:
I have a habit of wrinkling my forehead, and the wrinkles are already pronounced. The mask with “Zvezdochka” balm helps a lot. I mix olive oil with yolk in a water bath, add only 2 drops of liquid "Star", keep it in the bath for 10 minutes. Of course, a water bath is troublesome, but the result is worth it.
I highly recommend ice cubes made from chamomile decoction. I wipe my face every morning, let it dry, and then remove it with tonic. The skin looks really fresh.
As a teenager, my sister and I taught me to use home masks. It's simple - I bought a strawberry, smear one berry on my face. When you cut a cucumber, wipe your face with a fresh slice. The main thing is to get used to it.