To get rid of blackheads on the face and improve skin condition, women use all kinds of masks. There are many cleansing mix recipes that are suitable for home use.
How to use blackhead masks correctly
A mask from blackheads at home will give the desired effect if you follow the rules for applying it:
- Before distributing the mixture, the skin should be exposed to steam to expand the pores.
- Some formulations severely dry out the skin, so if you feel tight, you need to moisturize the skin after the procedure.
- The mixture is applied to oily skin once a week. (in case of serious skin contamination - 2 times a week), if there are dry and oily areas on the skin - 1 time in 2 weeks.
- Before using the mixture, you should check if there is an allergic reaction to it. To do this, part of the composition is applied to the skin of the wrist and the reaction is checked after a couple of hours. But even after a negative test, there is still a small risk of allergy.
- There is no need to scrub immediately before applying the mask. Experts recommend carrying out the procedure in advance, one day in advance.
- Often, masks are not applied to the entire area of the face, but only to the places where black dots accumulate - the T-zone.
- Non-film masks should be kept for 10-20 minutes, film masks should be kept up to 30 minutes.
- A composition that solidifies in the form of a film may not be removed well enough. But overzealousness leads to damage to the skin. To facilitate the removal of the film, you need to slightly moisten the skin with water.
In the first 1-2 hours after the procedure, the pores remain enlarged, and dirt and infection easily get into them, therefore it is not recommended to go outside during this period.
How to steam your face
Blackheads are better removed if the pores are enlarged before the procedure.
This effect can be obtained using several methods:
- Steam baths. In a small bowl or saucepan, bring about 1 L of water to a boil. A steaming effect will also be achieved if ordinary water is heated, but it is best to prepare a bath based on a decoction of herbs, for example, chamomile, calendula, sage. In addition, it is recommended to add 2-3 drops of essential oil (choose tea tree, eucalyptus, cypress, juniper oil). While the water is hot, you need to tilt your head over the bowl, after removing the hair from the face, choosing a distance so that the steam does not burn the skin, but heats it. Cover the head with a bath towel. The procedure takes 15 minutes.
Before applying a mask of black dots, you must steam your face - Hot masks. There are recipes according to which, during the preparation process, the composition is heated and applied hot. It is not necessary to steam the skin before applying these mixtures.
- Bath and sauna. During these procedures, pores are opened throughout the body, including the face.
- Hot compresses. For a hot compress, you need to prepare a decoction of herbs, for example, as for a steam bath. But the method of application will be different. It is necessary to soak the gauze or fabric with hot broth and make an application on the face. It is enough to withstand the compress for 10 minutes, changing it if it cools down.
Protein one-component mask
Egg white with a blender or an ordinary whisk is interrupted until it turns into a thick foam and smeared with it on the face, applying several layers. They are put one on top of the other, waiting for the previous one to dry out. It is enough to make 3-4 applications.
15 minutes after the distribution of the last layer, the mask is removed with water at a temperature not exceeding 35 degrees. To provide a firming and whitening effect, pour 1 tsp of lemon juice into the mixture. When using the mixture 2 times a week. (the required course consists of 10 procedures) you can cleanse and narrow the pores, so the pores will shrink and the dirt will stop clogging in them.
Soda and Hercules mask
Take 1 tbsp. baking soda and diluted with warm water, taking 1 tsp, mix and apply in circular light movements to problem areas. Then the soda is left for 15 minutes so that it penetrates deeper into the pores, and is washed off with non-hot, but cool water.
The tool greatly dries the skin, so after the procedure, it is imperative to distribute a moisturizer.
If it is necessary to supplement the cleansing properties of the mask with nutritious ones, add 1 tbsp to the composition. rolled oats, crushed to a powder state. Frequent use of the mask harms the skin, it begins to dry and flake off. The recommended frequency of use is once every 2 weeks.
Apple and honey mask
Remove the peel from one apple and grate it with medium holes. Then add 5 tablespoons to the gruel. melted honey. Combining the apple with honey, distribute the composition and leave for 10 minutes. You need to remove the mixture with non-hot water. In addition to cleansing properties, the mask nourishes the skin with vitamins, which are found in large quantities in honey, and softens and soothes inflammation.
Kefir mask with honey and lemon
1 tsp melt honey by placing the container on a steam bath and mix with 2 tsp. 2.5 percent kefir and lemon juice in the amount of 1 tsp. Additionally, salt is introduced into the composition, which acts as a scrub - 1 tsp.
The composition is applied by massaging according to the massage lines. Incubate the mixture for 10 minutes and then rinse. In addition to removing impurities, the mask makes the skin soft, brightens and nourishes the skin.
With cottage cheese
Cottage cheese made from goat milk - 1 tablespoon mixed with 0.5 tsp. black pepper powder, then spread in a fairly thick layer.
Since the mask is burning, it should not be kept for a long time - 5 minutes is enough. Then the composition is removed with warm water.
Fenugreek mask
You need to take fresh fenugreek leaves, chop them, then dilute the gruel with 1 tsp. boiled chilled water, combine the ingredients and leave for 15 minutes, then apply for 15 minutes, rinsing with water after the recommended holding time. Experts advise you to take precautions with this mask. it can cause an allergic reaction.
White clay with pineapple juice
2 tbsp dry white clay must be combined with 2 tbsp. fresh pineapple juice, and the juice must be natural.
The mixture is lubricated on a moistened face 5 minutes after cooling the composition in the refrigerator. Distribute, taking into account the massage lines, so that the skin does not stretch.After 15 minutes, the composition must be washed off.
Egg with lemon juice and sugar
Beat one protein until a cool foam, then add 1 tablespoon to it. brown sugar and lemon juice, mix until the ingredients are completely combined. Then the composition is applied for 15 minutes and removed with cooled boiled water. This compound tightens pores.
With grapefruit juice and oatmeal
3 tbsp grapefruit juice is mixed with 1 tbsp. ground oat flakes and leave for 3 minutes to swell the flakes. The composition is distributed over the face, left for 15 minutes, removed first with warm water, then cool to tone the skin.
In addition to a light scrubbing effect, the mixture fills the skin with vitamins, makes it silky, smooth and elastic.
It is recommended to complete the procedure by applying a moisturizer.
With soda and kefir
A pinch of baking soda should be combined with 1 tbsp. chopped oatmeal, drip into the composition 2-3 drops. boric acid and dilute the mixture with kefir until sour cream texture. The composition is applied pointwise to areas of accumulation of dirt and kept for 15 minutes.
After which the composition is removed with cool water. The mask also has a nourishing effect and increases skin elasticity.
The inside of the tomato, peeled from the skin and seeds, in an amount of 50 ml must be mixed with 2 tbsp. low-fat kefir and 1 tbsp. lemon juice. After mixing the composition, distribute it, leave for 15 minutes, then remove with boiled cooled water.
Mixing 1 tsp. coriander, peppermint and lemon grass - pour them 1 tbsp. freshly boiled water, insist 30 minutes. Then, having filtered the liquid, they use it as a cleansing tonic, wiping the problem areas. A few minutes after the procedure, you need to rinse your face with water, dry it with a towel and apply a moisturizer.
With cucumber and turmeric
One small cucumber should be grated with a fine grater and squeezed out of juice. It will take 1 tbsp. juice, which should be mixed in half with lemon juice and a pinch of turmeric. A cotton pad is impregnated with the liquid, spread over the skin and allowed to dry.
After washing off the mixture with water, apply a moisturizer after the procedure. This tonic not only helps to remove blackheads, it can also be used as a preventive measure. It can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 7 days.
Banana honey
One banana is peeled and kneaded with a fork, 1 tsp is added. liquefied honey, beat with the same fork or blender, spread the composition, leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with water at room temperature. This mixture is said to have excellent cleansing properties.
Cornmeal Milk Mask
2 tbsp corn flour must be diluted with warm milk so that the composition acquires a consistency convenient for application to the face. After distributing the mixture, taking into account the massage lines, you should wait for the composition to harden. Then the crust is soaked in cool water and the mask is removed with a sponge. This composition cleanses the skin, removes oily sheen.
Oatmeal, honey and egg mask
Hercules flakes need to be ground into flour. It will take about 1 tbsp. After filling it in a separate container, break the egg, separate the white from the yolk and add to the oatmeal. Pour in 1.5 tsp. liquid honey, mix all the ingredients and treat the problem areas with rubbing movements with the resulting mass for 5 minutes. Wash off the mask with water.
Apple mask
1 tsp butter must be mixed with salt, and the butter is pre-melted. Then add 4 tablespoons to the mixture. applesauce (grate the apple on a fine grater).
Oatmeal is separately ground into flour (0.5 tbsp is required). Flour is combined first with 1 tbsp. lemon juice, then with an oil-apple mixture, add 4 drops. lavender ether, spread over the skin of the face. Wash off the mixture after it is crusty.
Yeast based mask
To prepare this mask, you will definitely need raw yeast - 1 tsp.and a little hydrogen peroxide (3%). With this mask, you can remove blackheads and even out the surface of the skin. The components of the mask must be connected and distributed to problem areas for 10 minutes.
Then the composition is removed with warm water and, to make the pores narrow, rub it with an ice cube, which can be prepared from herbal decoctions. Hydrogen peroxide in this mask can be replaced with a wateryag. But then inflammation on the skin will be a contraindication to using the mask.
From soda and salt
The soda-salt mask will not only cleanse the skin, but also soften and make it silky. The composition is two-component: soda and salt, 1 tsp each.
A mixture of dry ingredients is applied to the skin, after having soaped the face with baby soap. Leaving the mixture on the face for 10 minutes, after a light massage, wash it off with warm water.
From rice
Homemade blackhead mask prepared with just two ingredients: steamed rice and water... You need to cook 1/4 tbsp. rice and rinse thoroughly beforehand. Pour boiling water over the groats overnight so that the water completely covers it. And to avoid rapid cooling, the container must be covered with a lid and wrapped in a towel or blanket.
After about 8 hours, the excess water must be drained (you can drink it as it cleanses the digestive tract, especially on an empty stomach), and knead the rice with a crush. The mixture gives a slight scrubbing effect, removes impurities from the pores, eliminates swelling. For several minutes, the composition is distributed over the face in a circular motion, then held for 15 minutes. You can remove the mixture with plain water.
Film masks from blackheads
These masks differ from the previous ones in that the applied mixture hardens and turns into a film. This is due to the gelatin added to the composition. Film masks are great for removing blackheads from pores. they literally pull dirt out of the skin. Additional components contribute to skin firmness and elasticity, remove inflammation.
With milk
1 part of gelatin should be poured with 8 parts of warm milk (for lack of milk, you can do with water) and leave to swell for 30-40 minutes. According to the instructions, the mixture is heated over low heat until the powder is completely dispersed.
It is most convenient to spread the mass with a brush.
To make the film dense and easier to remove, you need to make several layers. The mask is not applied to the area around the eyes and eyebrows. When all layers are well dry, the tip of the film is separated on the chin and the mask is removed from the bottom up. Finishing the procedure, moisturize the skin with lotion and lubricate with cream.
With coal
The proportions of gelatin and milk are used the same as in the previous recipe - 1/8, but you will also need activated charcoal (1 tablet per 1 tsp gelatin). First, combine the gelatin powder with milk, leave to swell for 30-40 minutes, as indicated by the instructions.
Then dissolve it over low heat. Activated carbon is added to the liquid, having previously turned the tablet into powder. The mask is spread over the face with a cosmetic brush layer by layer and, after drying, is removed from the face, starting from the chin. At the end of the procedure, you should apply caring agents to the skin.
With green tea and chamomile
Strong green tea leaves (3 tablespoons) must be mixed with 3 tablespoons. decoction of chamomile and dilute them with 20 g of gelatin. The mixture should stand for 30 minutes, then it should be heated over low heat until the gelatin powder is completely dissolved.
Add 1 tbsp to the cooled solution. fresh cucumber juice and 2 tbsp. aloe juice. After mixing the composition, distribute it with a brush in several layers. Then, after 15 minutes, letting the last layer dry, remove the film.
Black mask
A mask for blackheads (you can make it at home from available products and essential oils) is called black because it contains activated carbon. It is he who gives it black.
It will take 2 tab. preparation for 10 ml of water. You also need freshly squeezed lemon juice (10 ml).Add 3 drops there. tea tree oil. After mixing the ingredients, apply on the face and leave for 20 minutes, then rinse.
Adding yogurt to the composition will help soften the mask, which must be natural, free of chemical additives that may cause an allergic reaction. In this case, take 1 tsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice, 1 tbsp. coal powder, prepared by grinding tablets and 4 tbsp. yoghurt.
According to the recipe, the composition is required to be applied to steamed skin for 15 minutes. Time should be monitored, as lemon juice may irritate the skin with prolonged exposure. This mask also whitens the skin by removing age spots.
An anti-inflammatory mixture containing charcoal is prepared with aloe juice and sea salt. To prepare it, you will need two crushed tablets of activated carbon, 2 tablespoons each. water and sea salt, as well as 1 tsp. aloe juice.
When mixing the ingredients, the sea salt is poured in last so that it does not dissolve, but has a scrubbing effect when applied. After 15 minutes after application, the mask is washed off with water. This composition, due to salt and aloe, will remove dirt from the pores, soothe inflammation.
Another composition, but already based on black clay, is a mixture of clay powder with water, if desired, you can also pour 2-3 drops there. essential oil. By mixing the powder with water, you need to achieve a fairly liquid consistency, but that it can be applied to the face. The gruel is applied for 20 minutes, and then removed with water.
A mask for blackheads at home can be prepared according to a different recipe: you need to combine protein, 30 g of black clay and 10 ml of lemon juice. The mixture is covered with problem areas. In addition to impurities, the mask effectively fights oily skin and inflammation.
According to a more complex recipe, you need to dilute 2 tbsp. clay powder decoction made from chamomile, yarrow, calendula, sage and St. John's wort, add 2 drops each. lemon extract and tea tree ether. After carefully combining the components of the mask until smooth, apply the composition to the face and leave for 15 minutes.
Soda and honey mask
According to reviews, this mask will help get rid of the characteristic dark-colored stains in the pores, even in very advanced situations.
The proportions of water, soda and honey are in the ratio 1: 2: 5. The composition must be thoroughly mixed before application, and the honey is pre-heated a little in a water bath.
With aspirin for oily skin
2 tab. acetylsalicylic acid will require 2 tbsp. sea salt and 1 tbsp. warm honey of liquid consistency.
The mixture effectively removes blackheads, but it is not recommended to use it on dry skin.
Oatmeal mask
To prepare an oatmeal mask, freshly squeezed lemon juice and boiled cooled water are mixed in half. With this solution, crushed oatmeal is diluted so that a thick gruel is formed. This mass is spread on the face for 15 minutes. Remove with lukewarm water.
Based on Polysorb
Polysorb is a drug in the form of a powder, which is used for poisoning. It relieves the symptoms of intoxication of the body, acts as a sorbent, i.e. similar in action to activated carbon. The powder is diluted in an arbitrary amount with water so that a liquid mass is obtained, and is applied selectively to the places of accumulation of contaminants. The mask must be kept for 15 minutes.
From sea salt
A solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide must be combined with 1⁄2 sea salt and a small amount of water. Next, the composition is distributed to the required areas and left for 10 minutes.
With potato starch and aloe juice
A mask from blackheads, made at home from potatoes, has a complex effect.
It helps to eliminate blackheads, inflammation, and therefore acne.To create a mixture, you will need aloe juice, potato starch and glycerin - each ingredient 1 tbsp. The mixture must be kept on the face for 20 minutes.
Herculeic with boric acid
Thanks to the addition of egg white to this mask, it gives a noticeable cleansing effect, but at the same time, it gently acts on the skin, gently and deeply cleansing the pores, saturating the surface layer with useful substances and moisture.
Herculean flakes act as a light scrub.
For cooking, you need to take the protein of a chicken egg, after separating the yolk, 1 tbsp. oatmeal crushed into small crumbs and 1 g of boric acid.
Be sure to whisk the protein first, and only then add the rest of the ingredients, and after adding the chopped flakes and acid, beat it with a whisk again, mixing the ingredients. After 30 minutes after distributing the mixture, you can wash it off with warm boiled water.
White Clay Aloe Vera Mask
The blackhead mask according to the following recipe is easy to make at home, because it consists of only 4 available ingredients:
- White clay deeply cleanses pores, eliminating visible impurities.
- Oatmeal helps not only unclog the pores, but also remove small flakes from the surface.
- Aloe has an anti-inflammatory effect.
- Kefir whitens and nourishes.
Juice must be squeezed out of the aloe leaf - it is recommended to keep it in the refrigerator for several days in order to achieve the concentration of nutrients. The extracted juice is mixed with 1 tbsp. clay powder, 1 tbsp. milled oatmeal and dilute the dry mass with kefir to the desired consistency. The composition is lubricated on the face and left for 15 minutes, and then washed off.
Coffee peeling
For peeling, you can use freshly ground or dormant coffee, but with the condition that sugar and milk were not added to the coffee during preparation. If the coffee is dormant, then you can use the grounds, and if freshly ground, then you need to add a small amount of water.
Then, in circular motions, coffee should be rubbed into the skin for 5 minutes and left on the face for another 10 minutes. Then it is washed off first with warm, then cold water. In conclusion, you need to wipe the skin with a tonic made from a decoction of herbs that have soothing properties, such as chamomile.
Due to the fact that there are many recipes for masks from blackheads, you can always prepare an effective composition at home from those components that are found at home. However, it is important to select a blend based on your skin sensitivity, as some blends, such as lemon or baking soda, can cause irritation.
Article design: Vladimir the Great
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