Banana is rich in substances that help get rid of wrinkles on the face, tone the skin, make the face fresh and blooming. To enhance the properties, additional components are added to masks made at home. It is prepared with oils, dairy products, fruits.
What determines the effectiveness of masks
Banana fruits contain vitamins: A, C, E, B1, B2, PP, K, as well as minerals:
- potassium;
- phosphorus;
- magnesium;
- iron;
- iodine;
- sodium.
Banana contains the following ingredients:
- tannins;
- cellulose;
- pectin;
- fruit acids;
- enzymes.
These substances act as follows:
- Vitamin A - has an antioxidant effect, normalizes blood circulation in the skin, thereby producing a rejuvenating effect. At the same time, it strengthens the cell membranes and accelerates skin renewal.
- Vitamin C - increases collagen production, and the skin becomes firmer, smoother. In addition, vitamin C reduces the skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet light.
- Vitamin E - stimulates the processes of skin regeneration, including the healing of scratches and cuts, and also slows down aging.
- Vitamins B1 and B2 - help in the fight against age spots, flaking, acne marks. At the same time, they participate in the saturation of the skin with oxygen, as a result, the complexion is refreshed, the skin tone is increased.
- Vitamin K - helps against spider veins, reducing their severity.
- Vitamin PP - improves complexion.
- Fruit acids - give a whitening effect.
- Pectins - help cleanse the skin.
- Flavonoids - prevent inflammation, the formation of new wrinkles due to the antioxidant effect.
- Starch - possesses moisturizing properties, which is important for aging skin.
- Macro and microelements - give a nutritious effect.
Cooking features
Preparing a banana face mask consists in grinding all the ingredients and then mixing them. It is more convenient to knead a banana at home with a fork or interrupt with a blender along with the rest of the ingredients.
Tips for preparing an anti-wrinkle mask:
- Ripe fruits should be chosen, but with pulp without signs of blackness.
- If the mask uses dairy ingredients, such as yogurt or cottage cheese, they buy the most natural products, without adding preservatives and dyes.
- The banana mask cannot be stored, since the mass oxidizes upon contact with air, darkens and loses its beneficial properties.
Application features
During the procedure for applying a mask with a banana, several rules should be followed:
- Most masks should be kept on the skin for no more than 20 minutes.
- Hair must be removed from the face as much as possible and secured with hairpins.
- Before applying the mask, the skin surface is cleaned with a scrub, tonic or lotion.
- The mask is applied with massage movements.
- To prevent the mixture from crusting, it is best to cover your face with a piece of cloth.
- When applying the mask, it is necessary to take a horizontal position, and raise the lower limbs higher to ensure blood flow to the face.
- You need to remove the mask with warm plain water, mineral water or herbal decoction.
Anti-wrinkle banana face mask at home, depending on the ingredients added to the composition, it is indicated for a variety of problems:
- To care for dry skin prone to flaking, as well as aging skin, oils and dairy products with a high percentage of fat content are added to the mask. Thanks to them, wrinkles are smoothed, and the contours of the face are tightened.
- Banana masks with the addition of lemon juice, apple cider vinegar and hydrogen peroxide help with age spots.
Banana face mask is an excellent remedy for shallow wrinkles. It is easy to prepare and use at home. - To refresh the complexion and saturate the skin, it is necessary to add honey, rolled oats, egg yolk, wheat germ.
- For oily skin, masks with a banana and slightly fatty milk components, egg white, and fruits are suitable. They have a matting effect, remove excess fat, and prevent inflammation.
- The addition of cosmetic clay, coffee, yogurt, yeast, cocoa to the composition will help to tighten the oval of the face.
The mask with banana from wrinkles has practically no contraindications for use at home, with the exception of individual intolerance, which is expressed in an allergic reaction to the fruit.
Before applying the mask to the face, it is recommended to do an elbow test to exclude the possibility of an allergic reaction.
Banana masks
After 50 years
After 50 years, not only wrinkles are formed on the skin, but other problems are also observed: age spots, dull skin color, therefore masks of complex action are used for face care.
Banana mask with honey, yolk and sour cream... Take ½ banana pulp, chop it with a fork, 1 tsp. honey is melted in a water bath to a liquid state and mixed with egg yolk, then 1 tsp is introduced into the honey-egg mass. sour cream and banana puree. The composition is applied to the face for 20 minutes, then washed as usual and nourished with a cream.
Apple mask with banana... In addition to smoothing wrinkles, it helps to lighten age spots. Mash the banana with a fork and grate the apple on the finest grater. Then the ingredients are combined in a 1: 1 ratio, 1 tbsp. l. olive or sunflower oil.
Beat the yolk lightly with a fork. It should be injected into the mixture just before applying it to the face. The mixture is then washed off with warm, but not hot, water.
With cottage cheese and banana
Recipe 1 (with protein)
One of the recipes, which includes banana and cottage cheese, is supplemented with egg white.
For cooking, you need to take ½ a banana, mash it into a gruel with a fork or interrupt with a submersible blender. Then add 1 tbsp. cottage cheese and chicken egg white.
If there is a blender, beat the ingredients all together, if not, try to mix the ingredients until the consistency is as homogeneous as possible with a fork or whisk.
Apply on clean face skin for 20 minutes. Then washed off with water at room temperature. The mask restores firmness and smoothness to the skin. The course of application is 2 weeks.
Recipe 2 (with yolk)
Another recipe involves adding milk and egg yolk. Banana (half) should also be mashed into a puree. Then the yolk and 2 tbsp are added to the mass. high fat cottage cheese.
Dilute the mass with milk by eye to achieve a sour cream consistency. The thoroughly mixed mixture is applied to the face for 30 minutes.
First washed off with warm water, gradually lowering the temperature. Finally, rub your face with an ice cube.
The mask according to this recipe should be done 21 times every second day., i.e. this course will take approximately 1.5 months. After that, fine wrinkles will be smoothed out, the skin will become velvety, elastic.
Banana mask for face and skin around the eyes
To tighten the eyelid skin, moisturize it, remove crow's feet, use the following recipe with yolk and coconut oil. Coconut oil (1 tablespoon) must be softened by heating in a water bath, mixed with mashed banana (1 tablespoon) and add a little beaten egg yolk.
Apply a mass to the skin of the eyelids for 30 minutes. It should be removed with a cotton pad dipped in milk. The course of application of this mask is 2 weeks.
Banana mask with starch
Recipe 1 (with lemon)
This mask is designed to eliminate oily sheen and soothe inflamed skin. To knead the mass, you need to prepare starch: 1 tbsp. powder must be poured with the same amount of warm water - you get a paste. Whipped protein and 0.5 tsp are poured into the mass. lemon juice.
Since lemon juice has an aggressive effect on the skin, the mixture is applied for only 10 minutes, then washed off with warm water.
Recipe 2 (with cream)
According to another recipe, add sour cream (1 tablespoon) or heavy cream and 1 tablespoon to the softened banana mass. starch. Before applying the mask, the skin around the eyes must be protected with a nourishing cream. The puree is applied to the face in a layer about 3 mm thick. Then they wait for the mass to begin to harden and apply a second layer.
Cover the mask with gauze so that it does not slide off the face. After 30-40 minutes after the first application, the composition is washed off with mineral water or chamomile decoction.
With banana, milk and oatmeal
The mask with milk and oatmeal cleanses the face of dead cells, so that the skin becomes elastic and wrinkles are smoothed... Knead the banana until puree is formed, add 1 tsp each. milk and honey, oatmeal before adding to the mass must be crushed at home, turning into flour, for example, in a mill or coffee grinder, to improve the properties of the mask.
The mass is applied to the face with massage movements, moving from the chin upwards. After 15 minutes, the mask layer is moistened with fingers, a light face massage is done again and the mixture is washed off with warm water.
Banana and apple mask
Recipe 1 (with olive oil and yolk)
Mashed banana must be mixed with 1 tsp. applesauce, where you should also add the same amount of olive oil, 1 tbsp. flour to maintain consistency and the yolk of a chicken egg. All ingredients are mixed, after which the mass is applied to the face, previously cleansed with tonic or lotion, for 15-20 minutes.
The mass is washed off first with water at room temperature, then with cold water - this is useful for vascular tone. After 3-4 days, the procedure should be repeated.
Recipe 2 (with milk and honey)
One of the variations of the banana and apple mask recipe is a combination of a mixture with honey and milk. For cooking, take ½ a banana and an apple, grind on a fine grater, mix with honey (1 tsp) and milk (1 tbsp). Having achieved a uniform consistency, the mass is applied to the face for 15-20 minutes. After the mask, wash with plain water and apply the usual cream.
Banana mask with orange
Take 1/3 of the pulp of a ripe banana, add 1 tbsp. mashed orange pulp without skins and mix. Since the mask contains acid, it should be applied avoiding the eye area for 15 minutes. Wash off with plain water.
With kefir
The toning mask, which at the same time gives a whitening effect, is prepared from banana and kefir.
A little kefir (several tablespoons) is added to the chopped pulp of one banana, but so that a consistency suitable for application is preserved.
Kefir must be fresh. After 15 minutes after application, wash your face.
With chocolate
You will need ½ a standard bar of good quality dark chocolate, the more cocoa the better. The bar is crushed into squares, placed in a metal mug, placed in a water bath and heated until the chocolate melts, mashed banana is added. The fire is turned off.
Apply the mass to the face when it reaches room temperature. After 15-20 minutes, wash off and smear face with cream.
With ginger
The multicomponent mask with banana and ginger won many rave reviews - it is visually capable of rejuvenating the face.
You will need:
- banana - 1 pc.;
- ginger - 50 g;
- mint - 25 g (fresh leaves);
- spinach - 100 g;
- honey - 60 g,
All components are ground in a blender and applied to the face twice a week for 20 minutes. The mixture can be prepared for future use and stored in a cool place.
With clay and olive oil
According to reviews, an excellent effect on wrinkles is given by a mask of banana and cosmetic clay with the addition of olive oil, cooked at home.
½ part of the banana must be combined with 1 tbsp. olive oil (can be substituted with castor oil), then add cosmetic clay powder, preferably white, blue or green for a comfortable texture.
Apply the mass to the face with rubbing massage movements for 20 minutes. Then the mask is washed off.
Banana face mask is popular for its main ingredient availability and excellent skin smoothing effect.
It will not help in the fight against deep wrinkles, but it will remove fine mesh around the eyes or other first wrinkles.
Video about face masks for wrinkles with a banana at home
Homemade banana face mask:
Banana mask for wrinkles around the eyes:
Banana masks perfectly refresh the skin. And it smells delicious.
I have very dry skin on my face, so I use moisturizing ingredients for masks, which are found in products such as butter, egg yolk, dairy products
Before applying any cosmetic products, it is imperative to do an allergy test on the skin of the hand. After application, you should wait about 30 minutes and carefully examine the skin area. If there is no redness, burning or rash, then the mask can be applied to the face. Often an allergic reaction is caused by honey, citrus or individual intolerance products.
The exotic fruit has many beneficial properties to be successfully used in cosmetology for hair care when applied correctly.
Banana contains ascorbic acid.
Fruit gruel from it moisturizes hair, eliminates brittleness, restores damaged ends and color of strands. At the same time, the banana substance helps protect the hair from external influences, making it healthier. The B vitamins restore elasticity and strength to the roots. They enhance the beneficial effects of ascorbic acid. All this prevents the appearance of early gray hair.
Banana contains a lot of potassium, and it penetrates into the very structure of each hair, contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes, cell regeneration. In addition, banana masks give the curls a pleasant scent.
I really like to make face masks for wrinkles. They really have an effect. An excellent selection of banana-based masks, I used it with pleasure!