Masks made from olive oils, which appeared in our country thanks to the east, have a proven effect on the skin of the face. Making them at home was a very simple but very effective self-rejuvenation method. Experts all over the world speak positively about olive oil, because it is proven that it promotes deep hydration.
Benefits of olive oil for skin
The effectiveness of this tool depends only on the quality of the raw materials and its correct processing.
In its composition, olive oil contains:
- vitamins A, E. Thanks to them, the skin becomes elastic and tightened in a short time. Also, vitamin E prevents wrinkles and gives the skin a smoother structure;
- fatty acid. In turn, they are responsible for smooth skin with the right tone. These acids help to retain water in the cells of the facial skin. Thanks to this, the skin is constantly hydrated;
- antioxidants. They inhibit the aging process and have a beneficial effect on blood circulation, start metabolic processes;
- trace elements. They enhance the action of antioxidants and help the absorption of calcium, phosphorus and copper into the skin's structure.
Olive oil is a source of many beneficial substances, but this product has some contraindications for using masks at home.
The most important are:
- cholelithiasis. People with this type of disease can aggravate it, because olive oil has an increased choleretic effect;
- this oil has a high concentration of fats, so it is better for people suffering from increased production of sebaceous glands not to use this remedy often;
- it has been proven that when heated, this oil can release toxic harmful substances. Therefore, it is not recommended to heat olive oil;
- the use of oil with other components can cause an allergic reaction;
- individual intolerance.
Rules for the preparation and use of masks
Experts say that a homemade olive oil face mask can help get rid of many skin problems with the right application technique.
To achieve the best result, you should adhere to these recommendations:
- It is necessary to completely remove it from the face with milk or other means for gentle makeup removal.
- It is necessary to apply the scrub with light movements. After 3-6 minutes, wash off with water.
- It is recommended to pre-test the mask on the skin of the hands. This is necessary to detect an allergic reaction to one of the components.
- The mask should be applied by hand, gently warming it with fingertips.
- The recommended time for the full complex action of the mask is 20-25 minutes. Subsequently, it is recommended to wash off the mask with water at approximately room temperature.
For a whole range of useful vitamins, minerals and acids, olive oil is also called “liquid gold”, the king of oils.
For dry skin with baked onions
Skin prone to flaking needs additional nutrition and hydration:
• Olive oil - 3 tbsp. spoons;
• Onions - 1 piece;
• Honey - 3 tbsp. spoons.
Bake the unpeeled onion in the oven for 25 minutes.After the onion is soft, remove the husk and chop the pulp with a blender. Add honey and olive oil to the onion gruel, in the indicated proportions, mix. Apply the resulting mask to the face, being careful not to touch the area around the eyes and leave for 25 minutes. Wash off the composition with water.
For oily skin with tomatoes
This healthy recipe will help those looking to get rid of breakouts and shine on the face. The organic acids contained in the tomato act as a natural exfoliant, and the olive tree nourishes and moisturizes the skin at the same time.
• Olive oil - 1 tbsp. the spoon
• A medium sized tomato;
• Starch - 2 tsp.
Mix tomato pulp and starch until smooth, add olive oil. Spread the mixture over the face, wait a quarter of an hour. Wash with water.
For sensitive skin with parsley and sour cream
A mask using these components will soothe, relieve skin irritation and tone it.It is a good remedy for skin rejuvenation and whitening.
• Extra Virgin olive oil - 3 tbsp. spoons;
• Parsley - 2-3 branches;
• Fatty sour cream - 3 tbsp. spoons.
Grind parsley in a mortar or chop with a blender, mix with the rest of the ingredients. Apply to the face and neck area, leave for half an hour, rinse with cold water.
For mature skin with egg yolk
This product is suitable for tired, aged skin, as the yolk contains trace elements that slow down aging.
• Olive oil - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
• Egg yolk - 2 pcs.
Apply the mixed components to a cotton cloth and keep on the face for 20 minutes. Afterwards, wash off and apply moisturizer.
Mint mask for irritated skin
Peppermint is not only an excellent anti-aging and tonic agent. It also easily copes with minor redness, eliminates rosacea and inflammation.
• Olive oil - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
• Peppermint - 1-2 stems.
Tear off the leaves from the stems, chop and grind with olive oil. This method of preparation maximizes the release of mint essential oils. Keep the composition for 15-20 minutes.
Clay toning mask
The course of such masks will help smooth out small mimic wrinkles, give your face a well-groomed look.
• Green or blue clay - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
• Olive oil - 1 tbsp. the spoon.
Stir the ingredients until creamy. Keep on the skin of the face until the composition dries.
Mask for softening the skin with cottage cheese
Fading, rough skin requires careful attention and special care.
This homemade recipe will soften, moisturize, and tighten the skin:
• Cold pressed olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
• Cottage cheese with fat content from 9 percent.
Mix both ingredients. In consistency, the resulting mask should resemble sour cream. Wash off after 15 minutes. The required course is 10 procedures, twice a week.
From wrinkles with cucumber
This easy-to-prepare product will help whiten and firm your skin:
- Medium cucumber.
- Kefir - 3 tbsp. spoons.
- Olive oil - 1 hour the spoon.
Peel the cucumber and grate on a coarse grater. Then squeeze out excess liquid. Mix the rest of the ingredients, apply to face. Keep for half an hour, rinse with cool water. It is recommended to apply a nourishing cream.
Anti-wrinkle with kaolin
Kaolin contains many useful microelements, the action of which is mainly reduced to reducing skin breakouts, whitening and toning.
By adding some nutrients to the clay, you can stop the aging process of epidermal cells:
• Kaolin - 2 tbsp. spoons;
• Olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
• Egg yolk - 1 pc.
Beat all ingredients with a whisk until smooth. You need to keep it for about 7 -8 minutes. Then it is recommended to wash with warm water, preferably with the addition of chamomile.
Treatment for acne
The ingredients in this recipe not only quickly get rid of acne, but also fight marks from them.
• Extra virgin olive oil - 1 tsp;
• Green clay - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
• Kiwi - 1/2 pc.
Connect all parts together and bring to a mushy state. Apply to previously cleansed face skin, rinse off after 10 minutes. Apply moisturizer.
Moisturizing is extremely important in the fight against imperfections, since the main reason for the appearance of acne lies in the excessive drying of the skin with cosmetics. As a result, excess sebum production and blockage of the sebaceous glands.
From pigmentation
Scientists have proven that olive oils are effective against age spots and freckles.
And preparing such face masks at home is very simple:
• Olive oil - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
• Essential oil of lemon (grapefruit, chamomile, jojoba) - 3 drops.
Apply the resulting mixture to the skin, especially intensively on the areas of pigmentation. You can walk with the composition for a long time, the longer, the more pronounced the result will be.
With carrots and sour cream
This recipe will help restore beauty and youth to dehydrated and dry skin. Especially useful in winter:
• Olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
• Sour cream 25% fat - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
• Medium-sized carrots - 1 pc.
Grate the root vegetable on a fine grater and mix with the liquid ingredients. Keep the resulting composition for half an hour. After rinsing, it is recommended to apply a moisturizing toner or micellar water.
With oatmeal
This composition is used at any age and for any skin type. Nutrition and skin softening with vitamins are guaranteed after the first procedure.
• Oatmeal, chopped in a blender - 2 tbsp. spoons;
• Extra Virgin olive oil - 1 tsp;
• Honey - 1 tsp.
Mix the components until creamy, distribute over the face. Gently wash off the face as time passes. Use oat flour for convenience.
With apricot
A homemade recipe with the addition of fresh fruit brings undeniable benefits by nourishing the upper layer of epidermal cells.
• Olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
• Cream 25% - 2 tbsp. spoons;
• Apricot - 1 pc.
Grind apricot in a bowl, add liquid elements. Keep the resulting composition for a quarter of an hour. Then wash off with warm water.
With honey
Only honey can compete with olive for the first place in the list of the most beneficial products for human health.
And folk remedies prepared on the basis of these two natural ingredients have proven effectiveness.
• Extra virgin olive oil - 1 tsp;
• Honey - 2 tsp.
Apply the mixture obtained afterwards for 10 minutes. After the specified time, wash off with warm water.
Nutritious cream with sour cream
Another recipe that helps to nourish the skin with moisture and vitamins for a long time. This homemade preparation is easy and pleasant to apply on the face due to its creamy consistency.
• Sour cream 25% - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
• Banana - 1/4 part;
• Olive oil - 1 tsp.
Spread the creamy substance over the face. It is recommended to wash off the mask with warm water, since sudden changes in temperature have a detrimental effect on the elasticity of the skin.
Cleansing with lemon
- half a ripe banana;
- 1 tbsp. a spoonful of olive oil;
- a quarter of one lemon.
The banana should be softened with a fork. Gradually add the remaining ingredients to the resulting banana, stirring thoroughly.It is better to wash off this mask with cool water.
Vitamin with vitamins A and E
- olive oil;
- 10 drops of vitamins A and E;
- medium-sized banana.
The banana needs to be softened. Add a small amount of oil and vitamins to the mixture. Apply with massaging movements.
Exfoliating with salt
This mask allows the skin to return to its healthy shine and get rid of flaking:
- Olive oil;
- Honey;
- Sea salt - 1 tbsp the spoon
Salt, honey and olive oil can be used to make a cleansing facial scrub at home
The honey must be warmed up to room temperature. Mix the rest of the ingredients and let cool for 3-8 minutes.
Scrubbing composition with coffee
The mask with coffee fights excess oily skin and controls cell regeneration. This helps to preserve the youthfulness of the skin.
- coffee grounds;
- sour cream - st. the spoon;
- olive oil - 2 tsp.
All ingredients must be mixed and allowed to brew for at least an hour. It is better to apply on steamed skin for better absorption of all components.
Face mask with olive oil helps to saturate the skin with beneficial substances and helps to get rid of excess oily or dry skin. At home, for normal skin, this mask also has significant benefits in maintaining water balance. Following all the above recommendations, after a few applications there will be a tangible change in the skin of the face.
Olive oil mask video
Olive oil for the face. Benefit and Application:
Effectiveness of masks with honey and olive oil:
The salvation from wrinkles and aging of the skin for me was the use of cosmetics - nourishing the skin with the help of nourishing face masks. The use of nourishing masks is a cheap solution to the problem of premature skin aging. Regular application of nourishing masks helps to maintain water processes in the body and metabolism. Also, due to the improvement of metabolic processes and blood microcirculation, the amount of oxygen entering the cells increases, and this helps to maintain cells in good shape. At 43, my skin is firm and elastic, and due to vitamins it has a radiant appearance.