Nail strengthening masks are a great way to keep your hands well-groomed and beautiful. With systematic care, there will be no need to visit beauty salons and give a lot of money for procedures.
What ingredients should be in masks to strengthen nails
To strengthen and restore the nail plates at home, you will need the following elements:
- Vitamins A and E, which help to strengthen and protect the nail plate. Purchase oil-based vitamins, possibly at a pharmacy.
- Sea or table salt, helps to strengthen the nail plate, copes with the problem of delamination.
- Iodine, a chemical that strengthens nails. Iodine-based masks also cope with various pathogenic bacteria, nourish the necessary and missing element.
Masks for strengthening nails at home must be performed regularly. - The collagen present in gelatin restores the structure of the nail and gives it a good appearance. Fights delamination and cracking.
- Natural oils (olive, sunflower and others) moisturize and nourish tissues.
- The citric acid in the fruit juice helps fight yellowness, strengthens and nourishes.
- Natural honey, rich in the necessary vitamin and mineral complex.
What you need: materials and tools for the procedure
Nail care measures include the following tools and materials:
- Liquid for removing decorative coatings, cotton pads, antibacterial agent, mild soap.
- Soft towel.
- Manicure scissors, a scapula for lifting the cuticle, and tweezers for removing it.
- Capacity for comfortable soaking of marigolds.
- Dishes with which the mask will be prepared.
- Blender for thoroughly grinding the mask components.
- Cream, better fat.
- The procedure will also require gloves, cotton or rubber. Cotton gloves are suitable for treatments that include oils that will absorb into the nail. Rubber or silicone gloves are recommended for the thermal effect. To do this, the fingers of the gloves are filled with a prepared homemade mask and put on the hands. The nail will receive useful components in full.
General terms of use
A mask for strengthening nails at home requires certain standards recommended for compliance. It is from the actions described below that the final result will depend.
For the correct procedure, the following points must be observed:
- Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to process the manicure tools to exclude the introduction of infection. For this, rubbing alcohol or other antibacterial agents are used.
- To remove varnish or other coating of nail plates, it is advisable to use the safest products that do not contain acetone in their composition.
- A special strengthening gel polish should also be removed.
- When using firming masks for nails, do not forget about processing the cuticle and using nail tweezers to remove its excess. After removing dead cells, the nail receives the required amount of oxygen.
- After cleaning the nails and cuticles, wash your hands thoroughly using antibacterial soap.
- Before applying a homemade mask, it is recommended to prepare a decoction of medicinal herbs, such as chamomile or calendula. It helps the absorption of beneficial ingredients and is an excellent tonic. Keep nails in a warm broth for at least 10-15 minutes.
Important! The previously prepared decoction should not be poured out after steaming, it can be used to remove the mask. Warm water or milk is also used.
- To prepare high-quality masks, all components must be well grinded using a blender.
- It is recommended to preheat sunflower oil, milk, honey with steam.
- Hands should be dipped into the contents so that the mask completely covers the nail plate and cuticle.
- It is recommended to keep your hands with the components of the mask for 15-20 minutes. This time is enough for the components to be absorbed.
- After removing the mask, the nails should be thoroughly dried with a towel.
- At the end, apply a greasy cream.
- It is not recommended to apply decorative varnish to the nail plate within one day after the home care procedure.
- In order to achieve the best effect, you should change the recipe of the home mask from time to time, as you get used to the same components.
Important! It is advisable to use the ingredients used in the procedure fresh. These requirements are universal and simple, but in order to achieve the desired result, nail care activities must be performed regularly. Sometimes 2 times a month is enough for a good appearance.
Composition for improving the general condition of nails (with lemon)
Masks for strengthening nails with lemon are an excellent regenerating agent. At home, there is nothing better for whitening nails, especially with frequent staining of nails with decorative varnishes. For a firming and whitening mask, cut the citrus into small rings, place them on your nails and hold for a quarter of an hour.
Rinse off with warm water or herbal infusion, after the hands are moistened with a fat cream. For a better effect, it is suggested to squeeze out the lemon juice, about 50 ml, and using cotton pads, the resulting liquid should be carefully rubbed into the nail plate.
The whole process will take about 10 minutes.
You can use an easier method and simply cut the fruit into two equal parts. Fingers are placed in each of them, for 10 minutes. After the procedure, treat the skin with a greasy cosmetic cream.
Natural wax healing mask
A popular mask is a mask that includes natural wax. This recipe is capable of strengthening and repairing nails in several applications. In order for the nails to look well-groomed for a long time (about two years), the procedures should be carried out 2 times a week with a duration of up to five months. A small amount of natural wax is required to complete the procedure.
Having melted it for a couple, fingers are gently lowered into the solution.It is recommended to cool the liquid wax slightly to prevent burns. Next, hands are dipped into a cold solution of medicinal herbs or water. Then they put on gloves and stay until morning. After waking up, the mask is removed and your favorite cream is applied.
Honey and egg mask to strengthen nails
Masks with the use of natural, honey, eggs, olive oil, have a beneficial effect not only on the health of the nail plates, but also on the skin of the hands in general. It is recommended to take equal amounts of honey and olive oil and mix thoroughly.
A beaten egg is introduced into the gruel. The mixture is applied to the fingers for 10-20 minutes, after which it is washed with warm water or a decoction of medicinal plants.
Anti-lamination nail masks with gelatin
Gelatin-containing nail masks contain natural collagen, which has a beneficial effect on the appearance of the skin of the hands and nails.
At the end of the course of gelatinous masks, the nails are noticeably transformed, look well-groomed.
For the recipe, take half a tablespoon of gelatin and dilute it in 200 gr. hot water. After cooling the gelatin mask, insert your fingers into it for about 15 minutes. The event must be held 2-3 times a week.
Mask for weak and brittle nails with iodine
Iodine is considered a great option for strengthening nails. It not only destroys pathogenic bacteria on the surface of the nail, but also replenishes the missing chemical element. These masks are simple and affordable, so anyone can make them.
To do this, about twice a week, the nails are smeared with a small amount of iodine, before bedtime. And after 2 weeks, the condition of the marigolds will noticeably improve, they will become strong and beautiful.
Fortifying formula with salt and iodine
Another excellent method for restoring nails at home is a mask using iodine and salt. To obtain it, 3 drops of iodine and 2 tablespoons of salt are diluted in a glass of hot water.
You can use both sea and regular table salt.
Fingertips are placed in the prepared solution for 15 minutes. After the time has elapsed, hands are washed under warm water and a moisturizer is applied. Important! It should be borne in mind that with cold or cool water, the effect of the mask will be less pronounced.
Fortifying composition of olive oil and lemon juice
A mask for strengthening nails, using lemon juice and olive oil, is recommended at home 1-2 times a week, before bedtime. To prepare it, you need 1 spoonful of warm olive oil and twenty drops of lemon juice. The mask is applied with massage movements, after which cosmetic gloves are put on the hands.
Moisturizing mask for nail growth (glycerin)
The mask with glycerin strengthens and has a good effect not only on the nails, but also on the skin of the hands. To prepare it, you need 1 spoonful of glycerin, lemon juice and 3 tablespoons of rose flower tincture (sold in pharmacies). The components are thoroughly mixed. The resulting cream is applied daily.
Important! It is recommended to store the glycerin mask in the refrigerator.
Nourishing nail health mask (honey)
One of the most effective and light masks is considered to be ordinary, natural honey. This will require 2-3 tablespoons of natural honey. If necessary, it is melted in a water bath. The honey is distributed on clean, steamed hands and wrapped in plastic wrap for 10-15 minutes. The effect will be amazing for both nails and hands.
Important! To preserve the beneficial substances of honey, it should not be heated to high temperatures.
Anti-delamination mask with retinol and honey
Retinol nourishes and strengthens the nail plate. For the procedure, you need to take two ampoules of retinol (oily vitamin A) and 1-2 tablespoons of natural honey. The carefully mixed ingredients are applied to the surface of the nail, gloves are put on top and kept for 40 minutes.You can wash off with warm water or a decoction of medicinal plants.
Potato nail strengthening mask
A mixture of potatoes and juicy cabbage nourishes the nails with a vitamin and mineral complex. To prepare the mask, it is necessary to grind the same amount of each component with a blender. Add cream or sour cream to the prepared mixture. The product is applied to the hands for 10-15 minutes. Washed off with warm water, milk or herbal infusion.
Irritant nail masks (with red pepper or mustard)
Firming masks containing red pepper or mustard promote rapid nail growth. To make it, dilute 1 teaspoon of red pepper in water, until a mushy mixture is obtained. It is also recommended to add cream to the resulting mask. The mixture is laid out for no more than 10 minutes. Rinse off the mask with water, then apply a moisturizer.
Nail care after masks
To maintain the effect after masks, it is recommended to adhere to these tips:
- Refrain from direct contact with household chemicals. Household work involving the use of cleaning and detergents should be carried out with gloves to reduce the effects of chemicals on the hands.
- Give preference to cosmetics for skin nutrition, which include vitamins A and E.
- Eat a balanced diet that includes dairy products, fruits and vegetables. This not only improves the general well-being of a person, but also has a beneficial effect on hair, nails, teeth, and skin.
- Use a base coat in manicure that protects the nail from unwanted external factors.
- In cold weather, keep your hands warm using gloves.
- In the summer, it is advisable to use protective nail products that protect against exposure to ultraviolet rays.
How often can masks be done?
At home, masks for strengthening nails are recommended to be performed 1-2 times a week. However, in the presence of harmful effects, it is possible to take measures more often. To obtain the best effect, it is recommended to alternate the components of the masks, as addiction is possible. Homemade nail creams should be used daily.
Timely hand care means not only strong and well-groomed nails, but also saving money on visits to salons. But it must be remembered that the effect of firming masks is not achieved immediately, but after a certain course of recovery.
Video for firming nail masks
Baths and masks for nails, see the video:
Nail mask for flaking and brittleness:
For me, the most effective remedy is iodine. The nails are strong, the color is even, there are no pigments. And at the same time iodine is always in the medicine cabinet.