Unfavorable environmental factors, weather conditions and not always useful cosmetic procedures have a detrimental effect on the hair, testing it for durability. Homemade masks using castor (ricin) oil are an indispensable tool in hair care to maintain their beauty, strength and health.
Benefits of Castor Oil for Hair
Castor oil is readily available so it can be easily applied at home.
The product has many beneficial properties for hair:
- glues hair scales, strengthening the structure (fragility disappears);
- promotes growth;
- makes hair shiny, removing dullness;
- nourishes the follicle with vitamins and minerals.
You can use it without additives or as part of masks, supplementing with other ingredients.
Do not use castor oil if you have rashes, allergies or abscesses on the scalp.
Procedure rules
Castor oil's action depends on how it is used. Allergic reactions are rare when castor oil is used without additives.
- You should not wash your hair before the procedure.
- To be more effective, the oil should be slightly warmed up before use.
Using film will enhance the effect.
- The effectiveness will also increase if you do a head massage before the procedure.
- Spread the oil evenly over the entire length of the hair.
- When removing oil, it is recommended not to wet your hair before shampooing. Rinse your hair 2-3 times to completely wash out the oil.
- It is not recommended to use a hair dryer after the procedure.
- If the hair remains oily after several soaps, this means that castor oil is not recommended for pure use in this case. For such hair, you should combine the ingredients, choosing the right composition.
- Masks with castor oil and various additives at home are used for any type of hair.
Castor oil masks for hair
Firming Vitamin E Mask
This mask nourishes the hair follicles, strengthens the curls and gives them shine, makes the hair strong and elastic.
Mask for weak hair: mix heated oils (16 ml of burdock and castor seeds), add 5 ml of vitamin E, A and 3-4 drops of Dimexide. Spread the composition over the entire length of the hair and leave under a plastic cap for 1 hour. The procedure is performed every 7 days.
Hair growth mask with egg
Add 2 chicken yolks to the heated oil, grind until smooth. Rub the composition into the hair roots and distribute to the ends. The mixture will be absorbed into the hair, which will promote their active growth.Keep the composition on the hair for at least 1 hour. The mask for promoting growth with honey is more effective, but it has a slight lightening effect.
With kefir for dry hair
Prepare a composition of 15 ml of heated oil, yolk and 20 ml of fermented milk product with a fat content of not more than 2.5%. After application, wrap up with foil, hold for an hour.
With lemon for oily hair
Mix equal proportions of vodka, warm oil and lemon juice. Keep on hair for 40-60 minutes.
With cognac for shine
Mix oil and cognac in a 1: 1 ratio and apply to hair for 30-50 minutes. A more effective mask that affects shine and growth rate has the same composition, only with the addition of 1 yolk.
With olive oil for split ends
Keep an equal amount of warmed oils (olive and castor) on the head under a film for 1 hour.
With yeast and onions to prevent hair loss
Dissolve 8 grams of dry yeast in warm water, add the same amount of onion juice and castor oil. Rub the composition into the roots and keep under the cap for an hour.
With burdock oil
Burdock (burdock) and castor oil are two "magic" agents that affect the speed of hair growth and hair volume.
The ratio of these oils in hair masks at home:
- 1: 1 - restore damaged hair, give elasticity to brittle curls, volume to the roots.
- 2: 1 - burdock and castor oil in this ratio and when heated can easily be removed from the head. The composition will add shine to the hair, strengthen the roots.
- 1: 2 - for dry scalp prone to flaking.
Composition for damaged and dull hair: mix 15 ml of oil (burdock and castor) and hot pepper tincture, apply to hair for 30-40 minutes.Softening and revitalizing mask: Mix olive, burdock and castor oils in equal proportions and apply to hair for 2 hours.
With honey
Mix 40 grams of butter, 20 grams of warm honey and 1 egg. Whisk the mixture. Distribute the mass over the curls, leave for 15 minutes under the cap.
With mustard
Mustard powder dries hair, but this deficiency is compensated by castor oil, which in tandem with dry mustard strengthens and nourishes the hair roots.Growth accelerator mask: mix castor oil, mustard and warm water 2 tablespoons each, add the yolk of one egg and 25 grams of sugar. Leave on hair for 25 minutes.
Mustard powder and red hot pepper tincture have a similar effect on hair, therefore, these two components are interchangeable when preparing masks. The mask with mustard powder is facilitated by adding yolk or a small amount of grape oil to it.
Before washing off this composition, it is recommended to pour hot water over your hair and only then use shampoo.
With glycerin
- Lamination effect mask: prepare a composition of ½ tsp. apple cider vinegar, 5 ml glycerin, 35 ml castor oil and 15 ml argan oil, apply to hair for 1 hour.
- Moisturizing and nourishing mask: warm oils (burdock and castor oil, 40 g each), mix with the yolk and 15 ml of glycerin. Leave on hair under a film for 40-50 minutes.
With Dimexidum
The drug helps the hair to absorb useful elements. It strengthens hair, promotes its accelerated growth.
Recommendations for using a masked medicine:
- the effect of use will be only in the absence of vitamin deficiency and fungal diseases;
- use is recommended only on clean, dry hair;
- when working with Dimexidum, gloves must be used;
- it is not recommended to carry out procedures more often than once a day for 7 days, then withstand a break of 4 months.
How to prepare and apply masks:
- Growth stimulant: Stir castor oil (50 ml) with Dimexide (16 ml).Keep under the film for 1.5 hours.
- Firming mask: Add Dimexide (16 ml) to the heated oils (burdock and castor oil, 25 ml each). Apply the composition to the roots for 40 minutes.
- Restoration of damaged hair: Combine warm essence of vitamins A and E (16 ml each) with yolk and vitamin B6 (16 ml), then add Dimexide (16 ml). Apply for about 40-50 minutes.
With avocado
Use only very ripe fruit, puréed with a blender or fork.
Hair nutrition: a composition of castor oil (10 ml), honey (1 tsp) and mashed one avocado to keep on hair for 30 minutes.
With red pepper
Burning red pepper accelerates hair growth. However, it should be noted that this ingredient is highly allergenic. Excessive use of pepper can lead to loosening and hair loss. It is not recommended to maintain the mixture for more than half an hour.
How to prepare and apply masks:
- Growth and shine stimulant: 1 tsp each ground pepper and mustard combine with 2 tbsp. warm water and 10 grams of sugar, 35 ml of castor oil and yolk.
- Firming mask: freshly ground pepper (1 tsp), oil (35 ml), liquid honey (1 tsp), mix and distribute on the hair evenly.
With parsley
Parsley is suitable for all hair types, it reduces oiliness of the skin, regenerates hair and treats seborrhea.
Mask recipe: Place finely chopped parsley (3 tablespoons) in oil (15 ml), add willow-herb extract (10 ml) and vodka (5 ml). Soak under polyethylene for half an hour.
With parsley seeds
Mask against split ends: mix the infusion of parsley seeds (2 tablespoons) and castor oil (160 ml), heating over low heat for half an hour. Keep the resulting composition on the strands for 30 minutes.
With yolk
Treatment for weak damaged hair: Prepare a mixture of warm oil (35 ml), 1 yolk, acetic acid (1 tsp) and glycerin (1 tsp). Distribute on hair for 40 minutes.Mask for moisturizing hair and scalp: heated castor oil (20 g) and 3 yolks, mix and apply for 1 hour.
With seaweed
In cosmetology, seaweed is used dry. You can buy it at the pharmacy.
Mask for shine and hair growth: use a porridge of seaweed powder (50 g) and water with the addition of warm castor oil (35 ml) for 40 minutes.
With sea salt and banana
Nourishing mask: Mix 1 banana puree, castor oil (16 ml) and sea salt (25 g) and apply on hair for 50-60 minutes.
With dandelion root
Moisturizing mask for dry ends: mix infusions of chamomile, dandelion root and mallow in equal proportions with castor oil (1/2 tbsp.). Soak on the tips for about an hour. Repeat the procedure every other day.
With pepper tincture
- Hair nutrition and growth acceleration: a mixture of pepper infusion (1 tablespoon) and oil (35 ml), apply to the hair roots and scalp under polyethylene for 40 minutes.
- Hair Growth Composition: prepare a mixture of pepper tincture (1 tablespoon), oil (35 ml) and shampoo (2 tablespoons), keep on the hair for an hour.
- Strengthening hair: mix pepper tincture (1 tablespoon) with oils (castor and burdock, 5 ml each), place on the hair under polyethylene for an hour.
With vodka
Firming mask: evenly distribute an equal amount of vodka and castor oil on the hair and keep for 2.5 hours.
How to remove castor oil from hair
Removing the oil is difficult because it is practically immiscible with water. To quickly remove oil from your hair, it is recommended to rinse it off with the hottest water possible, then wash your hair with shampoo 2-3 times.
Tips for washing out castor oil:
- Egg yolk will make it easier to rinse out the castor oil after using the hair mask at home. Do not rinse your hair with hot water if yolk is used, as it can curl and become much more difficult to wash off the hair.
- It is strongly not recommended to use soap, otherwise it will nullify the entire recovery procedure, since it has a pronounced drying effect.
- Essential oils in masks (grape, almond, etc.) provide easy rinsing of castor oil.
Expert advice
- If it is not possible to heat the castor oil, you should add peach or almond oil to the mask.
- Preference should be given to cold-pressed oil with a rich yellow color.
- Castor oil should be in a dark glass bottle.
- The storage period of the oil should not exceed 2 years.
- Store the opened bottle in the refrigerator.
- A spray of castor oil, mineral water and ylang ylang ester can be sprayed on your hair every day.
- It is advisable to carry out procedures with hair masks based on castor oil at home every other day for 3 months, for prevention - once a month.
- Skin circulation will be improved by massaging with a mixture of castor and lavender oils once a week.
Castor oil hair mask videos that are easy to make at home
Best Castor Oil Hair Mask Recipes:
Mask for split ends from castor and olive oil. How to do it at home:
A good recommendation is to wash off the castor oil with egg yolk. I tried it, I liked it.