Facial massage is the only real method of partially getting rid of wrinkles on the forehead at home. To maintain an attractive appearance, women over 40 need to regularly do the manipulations described in this article.
Following the recommendations, forehead wrinkles will become less noticeable and the skin condition will significantly improve.
What are frontal wrinkles
Before you make a facial massage a daily "ritual", it is important to study its varieties. To achieve maximum results, a woman should determine the type of wrinkles she has. In addition to the main types (superficial, deep, mimic, gravitational, age-related), there are other subtypes of wrinkles.
Localized in the frontal area of the face:
- horizontal ("alarming wrinkles");
- vertical ("angry wrinkles").
Features of massage from wrinkles on the forehead after 40 years
Forehead anti-wrinkle massage is becoming more relevant for women over the age of 40. During this period, the skin undergoes significant age-related changes that affect not only its appearance (the appearance of wrinkles, dryness, pallor), but also its internal properties (a decrease in the level of elasticity, an acute lack of vitamins, moisture).
Forehead massage after 40 years, aimed at getting rid of wrinkles, is desirable to combine with a weekly deep peeling.
This cosmetic procedure will remove the keratinized layers of the epidermis, which will make the subsequent manipulations to maintain youth and beauty more effective.
At this age, women's skin becomes especially sensitive, which means that massage movements should be as gentle as possible. It is important, with the help of a competent cosmetologist, to choose a cream suitable for the type of skin that, with constant use, can increase the effectiveness of the massage.
It is strongly not recommended to press on the skin, stretch it, carry out any other actions associated with severe deformation of the skin. At the same time, the face should be as cleansed of cosmetics as possible.
The considered "beauty procedure" will best show its result if a woman every day, 2-3 hours before bedtime, starting from 3-5 minutes (later - 15-20 minutes), gently, with light movements "drive" the cream selected by a specialist into skin, paying particular attention to the frontal area.
Features of massage for wrinkles on the forehead after 50 years
The deterioration of the condition of the skin after 50 years is associated with hormonal changes in the female body caused by menopause. During this period, the production of estrogen and collagen is minimized, which means the inevitable wilting, aging of the skin.
To maintain your appearance in good condition after 50 years, it is important, first of all, to take care of your health, in particular hormonal balance.
A professional gynecologist will prescribe the appropriate drugs, the cosmetologist will select an age cream, and the woman herself will have the main thing - to nourish her skin every day, deeply moisturize, massage and protect from aggressive influences (mechanical cleaning, midday sun, solarium, and so on).
Carrying out a massage for wrinkles on the forehead at home, it is important to follow the basic rules of exposure to "fading" skin:
- make sure the integrity of the skin immediately before starting the procedure;
- do not stretch;
- do not press;
- do not rub;
- use moisturizing creams when working with "age" skin.
Contraindications to forehead wrinkle massage
Despite the seeming simplicity and harmlessness of forehead massage at first glance, this procedure has contraindications, neglecting which, you can cause irreparable damage to your appearance.
It is highly discouraged to manipulate the skin in the presence of:
- a large number of moles, warts;
- infectious diseases (eczema, herpes, and so on);
- low or high blood pressure;
- excessive "hairiness";
- swelling, inflammation in the area of the intended massage and around it.
Preparation for massage
- Preparing for a massage for forehead wrinkles, first of all, implies thorough disinfection of the hands. This is important, since microbes on the limbs can provoke an inflammatory or infectious process, if they come into contact with even the minimally damaged surface of the forehead skin.
- The next step is to cleanse your face as much as possible with the help of a specially selected cosmetic product. Further, it is advisable to dry the skin and "warm up". It is important to avoid harsh exposure to the towel when drying your face. Light pressure movements are ideal to help remove moisture from your face.
- You can "warm up" the skin with a "steam bath" or "hot compress". This stage is desirable for execution due to the need to soothe the skin, leading to an improvement in the blood supply to the cells of the epidermis. This fact is due to the expansion of blood vessels as a result of an artificial increase in body temperature.
- At the last stage of preparation for treatment, a moisturizing cream selected by a beautician is applied to the frontal area. A small amount of the substance must also be "scooped up" with your fingers and then proceed directly to the massage itself.
Types of massage for forehead wrinkles
Depending on the condition of the skin, a woman should choose the type of massage that is suitable specifically for her:
- cosmetic (classic effect on the skin with light strokes, taps, and so on);
- acupressure (a deeper type of massage that improves skin condition with age-related changes);
- Zogan (Japanese massage technique)
- hardware (using massagers - roller, roller, tablespoon).
Massage with olive, almond and apricot oils
Whatever condition the forehead skin is undergoing home massage, it is highly discouraged to carry out any manipulations "dry". In this cosmetic procedure, it is worth using moisturizers or special types of oils, for example, olive, almond, apricot.
The composition of these oils includes many polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins (B, C, E and others), which makes it indispensable for facial skin care. Due to their light texture and a variety of beneficial trace elements, these oils can be used to increase the elasticity of any type of skin without worrying about possible irritation or allergies.
For a competent effect on the skin with oils, it is important to know the basic sequence of actions:
- cleanse the skin;
- apply oil in a thin layer;
- lightly "pat" oil into the wrinkles on the forehead;
- with circular massage movements "work out" the entire zone in the direction "from the center to the periphery";
- with soft “smoothing” movements, massage the area of the greatest accumulation of wrinkles in the “along” direction;
- repeat each massage movement at least 7-10 times;
- after the end of the massage, if necessary, remove excess oil from the face.
How to remove vertical forehead wrinkles
Massage from vertical, or as they are also called "frown" wrinkles on the forehead, implies a special focus on the impact of fingers on the skin of the face:
- with light "smoothing" movements, work out the bridge of the nose in the direction of the eyebrows - "bottom-up";
- With “tapping” movements, “drive in” the previously applied cream (oil) “from the center of the forehead to the temples”;
- putting two fingers to the bridge of the nose, lightly pressing, "smooth" wrinkles with straight or zigzag vertical movements towards the beginning of the hairline;
- lightly pressing the skin on the temple with one hand, massage the middle part of the forehead with light circular movements.
It is important to perform each of the movements at least 10 times.
Massage against deep wrinkles on the forehead
To combat deep wrinkles, the most effective will be:
- "Hot" massage (light "tapping" movements on the heated oil previously applied to the face);
- "Stretching" wrinkles (by gentle "pinching" of the eyebrows slightly "stretch" the skin of the forehead);
- firmly pressing the hand to the bridge of the nose, make several direct "smoothing" movements on the forehead in different directions.
The main technique of massage with a spoon on the forehead
- Dip tablespoons intended for massage in warm oil.
- In circular motions, "walk" from the center of the forehead to the temples.
- Lightly "press" to work out the eyebrow zone.
- Carry out straight vertical movements from the eyebrows to the hairline, "tightening" the skin.
Massage from wrinkles on the forehead after 40, 50 years with a spoon is very simple and will help to cope with skin stretching
To achieve maximum results, this massage is performed for 5-15 minutes, at least 10 days in a row.
How to get rid of forehead wrinkles with acupressure
Shiatsu massage involves the impact on specific points on the forehead, stimulating lymph and blood flow.
HaveBetter nourishment of the skin helps to “smooth” wrinkles.
- Put the index finger over the center of the right eyebrow, placing it on the longitudinal line, visually dividing the forehead into upper and lower parts.
- Place the middle and ring fingers next to each other. Gently massage the points.
- Place three fingers on the left eyebrow so that the index finger is at the end, closer to the temple, the middle one is in the center, the ring finger is at the bridge of the nose. Press lightly on the points.
- Press three "working" fingers on similar points (see paragraph 3) of the right eyebrow, but already moving them under the eyebrow (index - under the end of the eyebrow, closer to the temple; middle - in the center; ring - under the beginning of the eyebrow at the bridge of the nose).
- Forcefully massage the brow area with three fingers.
This massage lasts no more than 5 minutes.
Zogan massage to eliminate wrinkles on the forehead
The Japanese massage Zogan (asahi) is used not only for cosmetic "smoothing" of wrinkles, but also for tightening the skin, eliminating circles under the eyes, and so on.
In the fight for smooth forehead skin, the following techniques should be used:
- With medium pressure, swipe three fingers from the center of the forehead to the temples.
- Without lifting the pads of the fingers from the skin, from a point near the ears, make a downward movement towards the collarbones.
- Pressing firmly on the skin, “stretch” horizontal wrinkles from the center of the forehead to the temples in zigzag movements.
The steps described above must be repeated at least 3 times.
Exercises after massage
- Open your eyes wide, raising your eyebrows, simulating extreme surprise. Repeat 10 times.
- Gently "pull" the skin of the forehead down with your fingers, while trying to raise the eyebrows, thereby creating resistance and tension of the frontal muscles. Repeat the exercise 5 times.
- "Hug" the head, placing the thumbs behind, index fingers - on the forehead. Move the skin to the center of the forehead while raising the eyebrows. Linger in the described position. Repeat the exercise 5 times.
- Raise your eyebrows with your fingers in the center. Simultaneously with the change in their position, make an attempt to frown. Stay in this position. Change the direction of movement of the eyebrows and muscle tension. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
How often to massage
The duration and frequency of the massage performed depends on the technique and the individual characteristics of the skin. On average, after 40 years, the skin needs no more than 2 courses of intensive correction, 20 procedures per year. In addition, it is necessary to moisturize the skin every day and classically massage (gently pressing, massage in circular movements) an area of special accumulation of wrinkles.
A forehead massage aimed at getting rid of wrinkles, carried out in compliance with all recommendations, will become an effective assistant in maintaining female youth and beauty.
Anti-wrinkle facial massage video
Facial massage at home in 15 minutes:
Facial massage for wrinkles:
I give myself a massage and recommend it to everyone, this is a necessary and integral part of beauty