The fight against cellulite must be comprehensive - rational nutrition, adherence to the drinking regime, the use of the right cosmetics and procedures that you can do yourself. One of them is honey massage, which fights cellulite perfectly.
What is cellulite
Cellulite is usually called uneven skin on the thighs and buttocks, due to which the effect of the "orange peel" is achieved. In fact, this crust is an accumulation of fluid and fat. To one degree or another, almost all women have cellulite, and not necessarily overweight.
This is due to the special structure of adipose tissue, which has a reticular shape. Fat cells rapidly retain water in themselves, resulting in uneven skin. It is important to understand that it is impossible to completely remove cellulite. To do this, you will need to remove all adipose tissue, which is extremely important for the woman's body.
The benefits and effects of honey massage for cellulite
Honey massage (how to do it correctly is described below) has the following benefits:
- Honey is a natural antiseptic product. It perfectly kills pathogenic bacteria, fights fungi.
- Heals minor cuts, cracks, pimples and insect bites. If the skin lesions are too severe, it is recommended to postpone the massage.
- Honey massage eliminates the main cause of cellulite - poor circulation and fluid accumulation.
- Due to the large amount of vitamins, the honey mass perfectly moisturizes and tightens the epidermis. Improvement in skin color can be seen.
- Honey perfectly removes edema after the first procedure. After the massage, you can see clearer body contours, as well as a slight decrease in volume.
- Massage with honey will allow you to model the figure, especially if problem areas are observed - "breeches", "ears", sides. These are the flaws that can be removed exclusively by manual methods.
- A bonus from the procedure is a pleasant aroma emanating from the body. A honey mixture can be prepared with a variety of additives, such as essential oils. They will not only give a pleasant aroma, but also enhance the effect of the massage.
The essence of the massage is to gently cleanse the skin and its pores from toxins and excess fluid. Honey also removes dead skin particles that interfere with the skin's normal air exchange. Slap movements can accelerate the flow of lymph and improve blood circulation.
Honey massage for signs of cellulite has several negative points, among which the following can be noted:
- Sufficient soreness, especially on the outside of the thigh where most of the fat accumulates. Nevertheless, honey massage is practically the only remedy that will help remove breeches and other figure flaws. Another problem for many women is their sides. A course of procedures will remove fat from this area.
- Possibility of allergies.To avoid redness, irritation, and more serious consequences, a skin test is recommended before the procedure. Some ignore this procedure, but in vain - the use of bee products for allergies can even lead to swelling of the larynx.
- In case of problems with internal organs, it is recommended to consult a specialist. Honey massage has a rather serious effect on the stomach, intestines, liver and spleen.
Anti-cellulite massage with honey is undesirable or prohibited in the following cases:
- Varicose veins, the close location of the vessels to the skin, a predisposition to the formation of spider veins. Due to the warming and slightly traumatic effect, massage can aggravate the course of the disease.
Massage with honey for legs and thighs is contraindicated for varicose veins - Pregnancy and breastfeeding. Expectant mothers are categorically not allowed to do not only honey massage, but also any other that includes a strong study of the body. Only a light massage of the back and cervical spine is allowed. As for nursing mothers, the procedure can affect the quantity and quality of breastfeeding, because honey easily penetrates into milk and can cause allergies in the baby.
- The presence of gynecological tumors, endometriosis, cysts and other diseases of the female genital area. Due to the warming effect, such neoplasms can grow and degenerate into malignant ones.
- For colds and flu, honey massage is not performed, since this technique can cause an even greater increase in temperature. In chronic acute respiratory infections in remission, the course of procedures will strengthen the immune system.
- Diabetes mellitus is a contraindication, because honey contains natural sugar, which easily penetrates into the blood.
- The presence of dermatitis, eczema and diathesis in acute form. Any skin disease is a reason to visit a doctor before procedures.
- Honey massage for cellulite cannot be performed if you are allergic to bee products. In severe cases, the reaction can be fatal.
It is important to do honey massage correctly in order to get rid of cellulite effectively. In this case, after 5 treatments, you can see a significant change in the skin relief. Cellulite is almost completely removed after 14 treatments.
If you combine massage with proper nutrition, abundant water intake and sports, you can completely transform your figure.
For the early removal of fluid and toxins, it is recommended to replace regular tea and coffee with herbal teas. For example, chamomile not only enhances the drainage effect, but also soothes the nervous system.
The effect of the procedures can be minimized if you include high-calorie foods (rolls, cakes) in the diet and lead a sedentary lifestyle. Honey massage should not be performed before visiting the beach, because ultraviolet light will injure the upper layers of the skin, which have already received irritation during the massage.
Violation of the rule threatens to get burns and age spots. Therefore, if the course falls on the hot season, within a month after the massage, sunbathing is prohibited. It is recommended to choose lightweight but closed clothing for casual walks.
Features of massage with liquid honey
It is important to do honey massage correctly, according to the following rules:
- Since honey will cleanse the skin well, no pre-preparation is necessary. The main rule is a comfortable position for the patient. If the massage for cellulite is carried out independently, the only position is standing. The first step is a test - honey is applied to the bend of the elbow. If after half an hour there are no unpleasant sensations (redness, burning, itching), you can continue.
- To begin with, it is important to warm up the skin a little with gentle hand movements.
- Honey in the amount of 3-4 tbsp. l. distributed over the skin. Then he is vigorously rubbed into the skin.
- Now comes the main stage - performing patting movements. The masseur puts his hand to the body and abruptly tears it off. After a while, you can see how honey turns gray - these are dead skin cells, dirt and sebaceous plugs from pores, toxins and slags.
- In 10 minutes. after the start of the massage, you need to take a warm shower with a soft shower gel, then dry off with a towel and rest a little. It is best not to apply any creams - the skin should be allowed to breathe.
Sugar honey massage
It is undesirable to use candied honey for massage, as it loses some of its beneficial properties.
If there is no other way out, then the procedure is carried out almost the same way:
- The honey is melted in a water bath at very low heat. Under no circumstances should you use a microwave oven, otherwise the honey can become very hot and burn your skin.
- Since the effectiveness of the candied product is slightly reduced, it is necessary to cleanse the skin beforehand. For this, a scrub is used, which can be made from ground coffee or coarse sea salt. The recipe is simple - 2 parts olive oil and 1 part coffee or salt. With the mixture, you need to grind the desired parts of the body well, and then rinse it off.
- Before starting the procedure, you need to make sure again that the honey is not too hot. It cannot be brought to a boil, in which case it will become useless.
- Honey is applied to the body with light stroking movements, then it is time for slap movements.
- The end of the massage is a warm shower with a mild cleanser.
Anti-cellulite formulations with honey
Combinations of essential oils can be added to honey to enhance the effectiveness of anti-cellulite massage. To avoid burns, esters are dissolved in a small amount of base oil - olive, almond seed.
In the absence of these types of oils, an ordinary vegetable is also suitable:
- 1 tsp base product plus 2 drops of orange and lemon essential oils. Such a composition will not only remove cellulite, but also improve your mood.
- 1 tbsp base plus 2 drops of essential oils of juniper, geranium and rosemary. A procedure with a similar recipe will improve the relief and tone of the skin, give strength.
- 1 tsp almond oil plus 1 drop of cinnamon essential oil and a drop of orange.
- Base oil - 1 tsp plus a couple of drops of grapefruit and rosemary essential oil.
Mix preparation
All anti-cellulite formulations are prepared in the same way:
- The base oil is exposed at room temperature for 20 minutes. It should be comfortable for the body.
- Then add ethers drop by drop and mix the mixture thoroughly. The finished product should be allowed to stand for a while so that all the components of the mixture are mixed with each other.
- If candied honey is used in the massage, then the essential mixture is added at the very end of the recipe. If you pour the composition into hot honey, the essential oils will evaporate.
How to prepare for the procedure
Honey massage will work better if you follow a few rules when performing it:
- It is recommended to drink a glass of warm water with lemon juice before the massage. This mixture will allow you to better open the pores and remove toxins, toxins and water. Warm herbal teas, such as chamomile and mint, are also suitable. If you have a tendency to severe edema, you can purchase special herbal preparations to remove excess fluid.
- A warm shower warms up the skin much better, therefore, the cleansing of the epidermis will intensify. It is advisable to use a sufficiently tough washcloth.
Honey massage for the abdomen
A honey massage for the abdomen will help if fat from this area cannot be removed with the help of sports exercises and proper nutrition.
Its implementation has its own characteristics:
- Gynecological diseases are a complete contraindication. It is recommended to visit a doctor before starting the course.
- A warm shower and scrub will help open up your pores.A simple homemade peel - 2 parts oil plus ground coffee or coarse sea salt.
- Do not massage the abdomen immediately after eating. One hour before and 2 hours after - the allowed time frame. Ignoring this rule can lead to nausea, indigestion and other unpleasant consequences.
- Honey is gently applied to the skin, rubbed in with light but strong movements.
- Slap movements when processing the abdomen are carried out gently, with a small amplitude, without allowing any effort. The palm should gently roll from one area of the skin to another.
- If you experience discomfort or nausea, the massage stops! In addition, honey should be kept out of the pubic area. The area of female organs should be treated as gently as possible.
- As soon as the honey stops sticking or a third of an hour has already expired, you can take a warm shower with baby soap.
For legs
Since very often the legs are also a problem area, massage can be performed on them:
- Before the procedure, a contrast shower is performed from the bottom up. Water procedures end with hot water.
- Hair removal procedures are carried out no less than 2 days before the honey massage.
- Honey is applied to the skin from the bottom up, rubbed in with light movements.
- This is followed by slap movements in the direction from the foot to the thigh.
- Honey should not be applied to the groin area.
For back
A back massage with honey is performed not only against cellulite, but also to eliminate folds of fat, increase overall tone, and also in the treatment of chronic broncho-pulmonary diseases.
In the latter case, you can obtain permission to carry out procedures only from a doctor:
- It is best to take a hot shower with a washcloth before the massage. There are a large number of sebaceous glands on the back, so cleanse the skin thoroughly.
- The muscles are pre-warmed with strong, kneading hand movements. It is impossible to carry out a back massage on your own. Therefore, such procedures are carried out in salons. In this case, the patient should take the most comfortable position. It is important not to hesitate to tell the massage therapist if any discomfort manifests itself.
- After warming up, the time comes for strong spanking movements, and they should be intensified. For the back, it is permissible to apply a sufficiently strong force.
- After a few minutes, the honey will begin to turn gray, which means that it has begun to take effect. The massage should not last longer than 20 minutes.
For thighs
Since the thighs are most vulnerable to the appearance of cellulite, honey massage is most often performed on them:
- You can warm up your skin with a warm shower or a special massage brush. Another option is to use a strong water pressure in the shower. Massaging the body with a strong jet of water has an excellent effect.
- The honey is rubbed in with gentle movements, followed by a more energetic massage. Particular attention is paid to problem areas, for example, riding breeches. A competent course of procedures is able to remove this lack of a figure.
Completion of the procedure
To get the most out of your cosmetic session, it is important to complete it correctly.
There are several rules for this:
- A warm shower with mild soap will wash away the remains of honey, dead skin and toxins. The water procedure must be carried out thoroughly, otherwise the skin will remain sticky, and all harmful substances will fall back into the pores.
- After a shower, it is best to lie down quietly (15 minutes is enough), covered with a light blanket. The active components of honey will work for about half an hour.
- Warm herbal tea after the massage will allow the skin to continue to flush out waste and excess water. It also replenishes the body's fluid loss.
- If after the honey massage there is an opportunity to sleep, to increase the effect it must be used.
Procedure frequency
It is more correct to do honey massage in a course of several procedures.To almost completely get rid of cellulite, you will need at least 14 sessions. Their frequency is no more than once every 3 days. Everyday massage can lead to unnecessary trauma to the skin, and the epidermis must be allowed to recover after the procedure. The course can be repeated in a couple of months.
An effective remedy for losing weight, improving skin relief, as well as for modeling a figure is honey massage for cellulite. Before carrying out procedures at home, it is important to remember the rules and contraindications so as not to acquire health problems.
Author: vera-antonova
Article design: Mila Friedan
Video about massage with honey
How to do honey massage for cellulite:
from experience, the effectiveness is questionable. I went through a month course and did not notice any changes. Massage without drying and dieting is a waste of money