Hydrogen peroxide is familiar to many as an effective antiseptic. And only a few use it to get rid of wrinkles, acne, freckles, pigmentation. Although this tool does an excellent job with these problems, provided it is used correctly.
Useful properties of peroxide
Beneficial effects of peroxide on the skin:
- exfoliates dead tissue without injuring the skin, as mechanical peels and scrubs do;
- relieves pigmentation;
- promotes recovery and rejuvenation of the face;
- "Pushes" dirt from cells to the surface;
- kills bacteria and fungi;
- controls the production of sebum;
- improves skin color;
- refreshes the skin.
Operating principle
Once on the skin, peroxide instantly breaks down into atomic oxygen and pure water. Oxygen atoms do not exist in free form and require urgent connection with other particles. Capturing dirt and bacteria, oxygen brings them to the surface from the deep layers of the skin.
Free oxygen also has the property of a natural oxidizing agent. Therefore, it cannot be used on areas with damaged skin. This increases the risk of tissue death and prolonged healing.
Indications, contraindications
It is recommended to use hydrogen peroxide for the face against wrinkles:
- if the skin is prone to oily;
- with the frequent appearance of abscesses and large acne;
- with acne;
- with a large number of age spots, freckles;
- with black dots;
- with enlarged pores.
Not everyone can use hydrogen peroxide even with caution.
In addition to individual intolerance, there are contraindications to the use of liquid:
- severe dryness of the face;
- the presence of peeling;
- infectious and allergic skin diseases;
- injuries to the skin.
Pros and cons
Hydrogen peroxide for anti-wrinkle face has advantages:
- The substance is available - it can be bought at any pharmacy, it is cheap.
- Hydrogen peroxide can be used in several areas of cosmetology at once: to combat skin imperfections, whiten teeth and lighten facial hair.
- This is one of the best means for disinfecting and cleansing the skin.
- The tool has fewer contraindications, unlike other antiseptics.
- Hydrogen peroxide is odorless and tasteless; when it comes into contact with whole skin, it does not burn and feels like ordinary water.
Hydrogen peroxide for the face from wrinkles has disadvantages:
- Together with dangerous bacteria and dirt, peroxide also destroys the beneficial microflora of the skin - this leads to a decrease in local immunity.
- Too frequent use of peroxide can have the opposite effect - the skin will age faster.
Side effects
Overuse of hydrogen peroxide can cause side effects:
- the skin begins to peel off;
- a large burn may appear on the face;
- the skin becomes more sensitive;
- small cracks may appear;
- allergic reactions occur (when using peroxide in masks).
How to use pure peroxide for wrinkles
Pure peroxide can only be applied pointwise, it is not suitable for mimic wrinkles around the eyes and corners of the lips.
Liquid is used according to the scheme:
- Wash your face with cool water and rinse off your makeup.
- The skin is defatted with alcohol or lotion;
- With a cotton swab, peroxide is applied pointwise to the wrinkle.
- After 20 minutes, the face should be washed with running water.
Bodyagi recipe
The bodyagi powder must be mixed with peroxide to a thick porridge. After a few minutes, bubbles will begin to appear in the mass. This indicates that it is ready for use.
The mask is applied with cotton swabs or discs, lightly rubbed into the skin along the massage lines. Then the mass is left on the face for 10-13 minutes. Masks are recommended to be done in courses 1 time per week for 2-3 months.
Peroxide and clay mask
The mask is recommended for cleansing and smoothing wrinkles. To prepare it, you need to mix cosmetic clay, magnesia, borax and ordinary talc in a ratio of 5: 4: 4: 3. The ingredients are mixed together. Then hydrogen peroxide is poured in to make the mixture like a thick slurry. The mask is applied to the face for 10 minutes.
With yeast
The mask can be used for sensitive and dry skin - yeast, reacting with peroxide, protects the face from burns and breakouts.
To prepare the mask, both substances are mixed in equal proportions. After the substance reaches a thick consistency, it can be applied to the face. You can hold such a mask for no more than 15 minutes. Otherwise, pigmentation and redness may appear on the face. For the preparation of such a mask, only fresh yeast is used.
With cottage cheese
To prepare the mask, you need to knead the fat granular cottage cheese until smooth and add one egg yolk to it. After the mixture is ready, 10-15 drops of hydrogen peroxide are added to it. The mass should be applied to the face with an even thick layer. If the skin does not have freckles and age spots, 10 minutes is enough, in other cases the mask needs to be kept for 20 minutes.
With potatoes
A potato mask will help fight not only age-related skin changes, but also swelling, as well as an uneven complexion. For its preparation, peeled medium potatoes must be grated on the finest grater. Then one teaspoon of warm castor oil and dry potato starch is added to the mass (you can use another "thickener", for example, odorless baby powder).
Before applying to the face, 10 drops of peroxide are added to the mask. It is necessary to wash off the mass from the face thoroughly after 10-13 minutes with plenty of water, the starch residues dry the skin very much.
With yolk
Recommended for skin with frequent inflammation and rashes. Beat one yolk for the mask. Then a teaspoon of liquid honey is added to it. The mass is mixed again until smooth.
After that, 1/2 tsp is poured into it. hydrogen peroxide. The mass is quite sticky and difficult to apply with fingers or a cotton swab. For these purposes, it is recommended to use a cosmetic brush. You can wash off the mask after it starts to dry.
With oatmeal
Oatmeal helps to gently exfoliate dead tissue and tighten facial skin. For the preparation of the mask 2 tbsp. oatmeal is ground into powder using a blender. Next, you need to add 2/3 tsp to them. hydrogen peroxide. The mass is applied only to problem areas of the skin for 10 minutes. To increase the effectiveness of the mask, the skin needs to be massaged several times.
If desired, add half a teaspoon of baking soda to the mask. In this case, wash it off the face 5 minutes after application.
With avocado
Avocado moisturizes and nourishes the skin.The pulp of this fruit is recommended for use with flaky and problem skin. To prepare the mask, you need to mix one ripe fruit into the gruel, add 10 drops of hydrogen peroxide and half a teaspoon of potato starch to the mass.
The mask is applied to the face in the thickest possible layer. You can wash it off after 15-18 minutes.
With soda
A mixture of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda is ideal for aging problem skin. The mask has a peeling effect and exfoliates old and dead cells, cleanses and refreshes the skin.
For cooking, you need to add a few drops of peroxide to a tablespoon of baking soda to achieve a creamy consistency. The mass is applied to the face for 4-5 minutes with massage movements, and then washed off with plenty of running water.
How to treat acne and tighten pores with peroxide
A budget solution to combat acne and tighten pores is to use a salt solution in hydrogen peroxide. Both substances have antiseptic properties, and salt dries out the skin and tightens pores.
For cooking, you need 1 tsp. add peroxide salt to the tip of a knife. After complete dissolution in the liquid, a cotton pad is moistened. The skin should be wiped only in places where acne or blackheads accumulate.
After rubbing, rinse your face with cold water several times and apply a moisturizer.
Skin whitening with peroxide
Skin whitening with hydrogen peroxide is recommended in the following cases:
- a large number of scars and scars;
- in the presence of many freckles;
- with unsuccessful tanning or self-tanning application.
If peroxide is used to whiten the skin, masks must be applied with caution: do not allow the substance to get on the eyelashes and eyebrows.
This leads to lightening of the hair.
- Whitening with yeast. A similar mask is used for a facelift, but with additional ingredients, it can also be used to whiten the upper layers of the epidermis. Dry crushed yeast, fresh lemon juice and peroxide are mixed in equal proportions. The liquid is applied with a cotton swab for 5-10 minutes.
- Lemon mask. Lemon juice enhances the action of peroxide, but this is dangerous for burns and peeling. Therefore, such a mask is recommended to be used only pointwise, on age spots and freckles. To create it, you need to mix the juice of one lemon, a tablespoon of peroxide and a teaspoon of alcohol or apple cider vinegar. On the face and décolleté, the liquid is applied with a cotton pad and a stick. Washed off after 5 minutes.
Hydrogen peroxide for the face from wrinkles around the eyes should not be applied to all areas of the skin, but only to those that need treatment. - Aloe and honey mask. It is used to even out the skin tone of acne scars. It is necessary to mix a teaspoon of fresh liquid honey and hydrogen peroxide. Then there is added the pulp of 1 "leaf" of aloe, crushed to gruel. The mask is applied to the face for 5 minutes.
Reviews of doctors about peroxide as a way to get rid of wrinkles
Most cosmetologists believe that it is possible to use peroxide for skin imperfections at home, while others believe that it is harmful to the skin. But everyone agrees that it is necessary to be extremely careful with this substance.
For wrinkles, cosmetologists recommend using hydrogen peroxide not every day - it can be harmful for the face and lead to burns and severe irritation. It is imperative to combine masks with peroxide with other cosmetic products for rejuvenation and use a regenerating or protective product for the skin every time.
Hydrogen peroxide is an effective face treatment for wrinkles. But it must be used carefully and always do an allergy test before applying it to the skin.
Peroxide mask videos
Peroxide mask:
Mask for age spots:
I robbed the peroxide mask really cleanses the skin and is not strange.