You can make a figure embossed and fit if you constantly work on it. For sports to be effective, a suitable training plan should be drawn up. For girls, it is compiled taking into account the state of health, endurance, goals.
It also takes into account where the classes will take place: in the gym or at home. When exercising in a gym, it is advisable to use sports equipment, since it contributes to a faster achievement of the goal: losing weight or building muscles.
How to create a training program
The physical condition of each person is unique, therefore, when choosing exercises, weight, number of repetitions, it is important to take into account its characteristics individually. As a basis, you can use an already compiled program, which is universal. But before that, you should slightly correct it (number of repetitions, break, etc.).
The lesson plan is drawn up taking into account the following:
- A training plan for a girl is determined based on the desired result. After determining the goal and objectives, a set of movements is selected. The desired result determines the ratio of strength and cardio exercises in the plan. If the main goal is to eliminate excess weight, then more time should be devoted to cardio, reducing strength training. When the main goal is a relief body, then on the contrary - more attention should be paid to strength exercises in the gym.
- Health and stamina. Some girls are physically weaker than average, but this can be fixed. However, you cannot immediately overload the body; the load should be increased gradually. At first, it is recommended to draw up a plan for only 1 week and then gradually change it, each time including several difficult exercises. First, it is important to work out the correct execution, and therefore a small number of repetitions is set for beginners. Over time, the number of repetitions should become more, and the number of approaches should decrease.
- The time it takes for the body to replenish the expended forces and restore damaged tissues. It is important to take a break between classes - 2 days. Even experienced athletes train only 3-4 times in 7 days, and leave the rest of the days for recovery. However, active recovery with moderate exercise is expected.
It is important to do both strength training and cardio during exercise. Since the result can only be achieved with their combination, beginners should start with a small load and slowly increase it. The plan should include stretching and warm-up. You can draw up a plan yourself, or you can simply edit a ready-made program. The main thing is that it brings results.
The prospects of training are determined on the recommendation of the trainer or independently, taking into account the physical well-being.If the exercises do not bring effect after a month of training, you should choose an alternative option.
What exercises are suitable for warm-up
The gym workout plan for girls contains warm-up and stretch sets. Warm-up sets warm up and prepare the muscles for the main block, which reduces the risk of injury (stretch marks, ligament ruptures). These components of training should be short, so as not to tire the body - it is enough to allocate 15-20 minutes for them.
Suitable for warm-up:
- Circular head movements and side bends.
- Body bends to the sides.
- Mill.
The gym workout plan for girls includes a warm-up. This includes a list of many exercises. - Body turns with arms spread.
- Brush rotation.
- Swing your hands.
- Squats.
- Jumping or skipping rope.
- Run.
These exercises will prepare the entire human body, their order may vary.
The number of repetitions is also determined independently. Warm up should be short and not exhausting.
Features of doing exercises in the first lessons
Beginner athletes make many mistakes, especially in the first few sessions.
In the first days of classes you should:
- Practice each exercise carefully. It is important to remember that quality is much more important than quantity. Since an incorrectly done exercise not only does not lead to the desired result, it also becomes the cause of injury.
- Do not overload. It is more difficult for an overworked person to recover. Therefore, beginners should do 12 repetitions of each exercise.
- Observe safety precautions, especially with exercise equipment.
- Do the exercise in several approaches, recovering in breaks.
- Go according to plan, without changing exercises only at will.
Slimming workout program
The gym workout plan for girls depends on their level of physical fitness. If the body is not yet prepared, then it is necessary to use lighter exercises, which are not so exhausting.
Training program for beginners:
Day | Exercise | The number of repetitions, time |
Monday |
Wednesday |
Saturday |
For beginners, all exercises should be done in 3-4 approaches. It is important not to forget to warm up the muscles beforehand.
The experienced plan differs from the beginner's plan in that it contains more difficult exercises, and also involves a significant number of repetitions, more weight is used.
Lesson plan for physically fit girls:
Day | Exercise | Number of repetitions, time |
Monday |
Wednesday |
Saturday |
Exercises should be carried out in 3 passes. Warm up and stretch sets should be performed before and after training. The presented programs are suitable for many girls. They are aimed at burning fat and giving relief. Any of the exercises listed above can be replaced with a similar one.
Muscle building workout program
Exercises that contribute to the development of muscles are necessary not only for men, they are useful for women to form a relief figure. The plan aimed at developing muscles is almost the same for people who have just come to sports, as for those who have been engaged in it for a long time. It differs only in the number of repetitions and the weight of the weights.
The plan for stimulating muscle growth looks like this:
- Monday: press from the floor, deadlift, deadlift of the block for the head, pull-ups.
- Wednesday: squats, lunges, alternating leg abduction, butterfly.
- Friday: press on the uneven bars, deadlift, lifting the bar with the biceps, squats with weights, dumbbell raises.
The number of repetitions for physically unprepared people should not exceed 12 times in 3 approaches. More experienced athletes need to do each exercise 20-25 times in 3-4 sets. Beginners when working with sports equipment should perform all exercises under supervision and pay special attention to safety.
Workout to keep fit
Even for girls with a good figure, it is important to constantly maintain it and exercise. But the plan in this version is much simpler, training does not require a lot of time and effort.
The plan includes the following exercises:
- Run.
- Set for a flat stomach (side and cross crunches, with an expander, bicycle).
- Squats with a barbell (dumbbells).
- Press from a horizontal surface.
- Lunges.
- Plank.
- Raising your legs with a simulator.
- Butterfly.
- Mill.
- Jumping in place.
The workout should consist of 6-7 exercises, which were listed above. The program should be changed monthly. Each exercise must be done for 20 rubles, for several approaches. Classes should be held several times in 7 days.
Circular workout cycle
The gym workout plan for girls can be cyclical. Such training helps to actively lose weight, while maintaining relief and fit, increase muscles and increase body endurance. It also saves time.
The difference between a circular set and a regular set is that:
- The components of the set are performed in a short time, immediately one after another.
- The entire workout includes just a few breaks.
- The break times are much shorter than normal workouts.
This kind of training is only suitable for experienced athletes, since the speed of execution should not affect the quality of the exercises performed. The circular cycle is not suitable for girls with poor health, because it puts a lot of stress on the heart and other organs.
Split program
The split program is aimed specifically at increasing the volume of muscle tissue. Training according to this program provides for the alternating pumping of individual sections, since over time the human body gets used to training. It is impossible to work out all areas and all muscles at once in one day.
The split program provides for the following training order: for 1 day, only the muscles of the legs, abs and shoulders are active (lunges with weight, leg bends to the side). In the 2nd lesson, the chest and triceps work (pull-ups, block pulls, push-ups). On the last day, back muscles (vertical stance row, dumbbell row, butterfly).
Novice athletes are not advised to use this plan, as their bodies are not prepared for such a load.
Fat Burning Cardio
If the main goal of sports for a girl is to burn fat, then cardio workouts should be chosen. Also, cardio is good for health, especially for the heart and blood vessels. However, such training is not recommended for those who want to build muscle mass, as muscle tissue is also broken down along with fat.
The most effective cardio exercises are:
- Run.
- Cycling.
- Swimming.
- Rowing.
- Jumping rope.
With cardio, intensity is more important than exercise time, so 45 minutes of high-intensity workouts are sufficient for effective weight loss.
Back exercises
The gym workout plan for girls, at the insistence of experienced trainers, should include several sets of movements that involve the back muscles.
The best ones are:
- Pulling up.
- Deadlift (deadlift).
- Plank.
- Lunges.
- Bridge.
- Traction (lower block).
One of these exercises should be included in any training program. These sets of movements will help you avoid many back problems and maintain your posture.
Abdominal workout
The most effective abdominal exercises are:
- Twisting.
- Scissors and a bike.
- Plank.
- Woodcutter.
- Crossover.
These exercises allow you to work out all the muscle components of the press, including the upper and oblique muscles.
Exercises for the legs
Without the pumped muscles of the legs and buttocks, you cannot achieve a harmonious figure.
The best exercises for these areas of the body are:
- Squats with a barbell, dumbbells.
- Hack squats.
- Lunges with weights.
- Climbing toes.
- Deadlift (deadlift).
What are supersets
Superset is a workout that includes a block of movements performed without rest. Moreover, these are exercises for one group of muscles or for antagonistic muscles (performing different tasks, but located in the same area).
This type of exercise allows you to build muscle volume at a faster pace without overloading the body. In superset classes, the main thing is the number of repetitions, not the weight.
When to change exercises and add new ones
As the training progresses, the human body adapts to the load and reacts to it weaker, so sometimes you need to exclude some complexes of movements from the training program or completely change the entire program.
You need to add and exclude exercises when:
- a new task was set;
- lifestyle changes, in particular physical activity increased or decreased;
- there is no result from exercise;
- have health problems that prevent you from doing some exercises.
It is impossible to say exactly when it is necessary to change the exercises and the program.
When will the result be
When there will be a result from training, depends on the goal, the individual characteristics of the organism, compliance with all requirements and rules, as well as the intensity of the exercises. For most people, the results appear after a month of constant training.
Workout and menstrual cycle
Girls during critical days may feel bad (stomach aches, weakness is observed, some have fever). With such symptoms, it is recommended to abandon training for this time, since there will be no benefit from exercising in such a state, and complications are possible.
Girls, whose days are painless, can continue to train. However, exercises that involve active work in the pelvic area must be abandoned.
Proper nutrition
Training will not be effective without observing, if not diet, then at least the principles of proper nutrition. This is the backbone of both weight loss and weight gain.
Proper nutrition means:
- Avoiding sweets, pastries, fried and canned foods. You should reduce the amount of salt and fat consumed, carbonated and alcoholic beverages.
- It is recommended to eat a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits.
- The menu should mainly consist of seafood, lean meat and cereals.
- It is recommended to drink a lot of pure water.
- Portions should be kept small, so eat more often.
Sport transforms a person outwardly and promotes health. The training plan for girls is drawn up on an individual basis, since training in the gym according to an inappropriate plan will not give the desired effect. The training program can be made up with the inclusion of cardio loads, supersets. Split programs are offered for experienced athletes.
Article design:Lozinsky Oleg
Training plan videos
Training program for beginners: