A beautiful athletic body is always in fashion. Special sports nutrition, used for weight loss and when pumping up muscle mass, will help to tidy up the figure. At the same time, the process of choosing such a product must be approached thoughtfully by choosing the menu individually, guided not only by personal preferences, but also by the recommendations of nutritionists.
Nutrition for weight loss and fat burning
To switch to sports nutrition, you need to understand the difference between burning fat and losing weight. At first glance, both processes are similar, but they have a number of differences.
- Losing weight is a process when calorie intake is reduced, and the body begins to draw all its energy reserves from previously accumulated fat. Often, muscle mass is also involved in the process, which begins to grow by reducing the amount of food consumed. If the body does not receive calories for a long time, then when returning to normal nutrition, the lost kilograms quickly return.
- Fat burning is a process in which not only fat burning occurs, but also muscle contraction. The process starts during strength training. Sports nutrition accelerates fat burning.
All the pros and cons of nutrition for weight loss
Using sports nutrition, you can achieve good success in losing weight. But sports nutrition has its own factors "For" and "Against".
The reasons for sports nutrition are as follows:
- The diet of athletes contains a large amount of protein. It is necessary to eat it in large quantities, even if the basic composition of the food is limited.
- Sports nutrition for weight loss for women is quite diverse, but in order to compensate for the missing substances necessary for fat burning, protein shakes are used. They are useful, while helping to lose weight without feeling hungry.
- Sports nutrition for weight loss for men and women contains many vitamins. Modern food products sold in stores do not contain as many vitamins as sports nutrition. By consuming it, you do not need to add vitamins to food.
Slimming sports nutrition for women can be harmful to the body. This is due to contraindications that you should pay attention to when starting to use them.
In addition to the positive aspects, it is worth noting the negative ones:
- The drugs have a bad effect on a person with diseases of the kidneys and urinary system. It is forbidden to use sports nutrition for patients, as it puts additional stress on the organs.
- If there are contraindications to the components of the drug, you should refuse it.
- Food is harmful if you exceed the prescribed dosage prescribed in the instructions.
Before using sports supplements, you must read the instructions for use, as well as know the biochemical composition of the product.If a person decides to go in for sports using sports nutrition, then he will need advice not only from a professional trainer, but also from a nutritionist.
What is sports nutrition for weight loss?
Fat burning drugs can remove excess water from the body and reduce the amount of fat under the skin. Sports nutrition used for weight loss should contain caffeine, red pepper, synephrine, or forskolin. In order to reduce weight when using the drug, it is necessary to play sports in parallel.
The main preparations for sports nutrition:
- L-carnitine - refers to fat burners. In fact, it is vitamin B. Using it, you can quickly achieve weight loss and maintain the result for a long time.
- Amino acids help reduce appetite. Thanks to him, the decay of fat cells occurs, while no effort on the part of the person is required.
- Vitamins are an integral part of the weight loss process. Using them, the body fights faster with fat deposits, splitting them.
The main goal of sports nutrition is to lose weight or build muscle mass. Using even a minimal set of fat burning drugs can achieve significant results.
Types of fat burners and their features
All fat burners are conditionally subdivided into drugs that affect the human body in different ways.
- Slimming sports nutrition for women speeds up the metabolism. They increase metabolism and increase calorie consumption. The most popular among athletes and those who want to lose weight is L-carnitine. It is the only supplement capable of producing a fat burning effect. The drug has a beneficial effect on the heart and nervous system. Taking it, you need to exercise, as well as follow the principles of proper nutrition.
- Thermogenics are one of the few drugs that cause side effects. After taking it, the body temperature rises and the metabolism increases, it dulls the feeling of hunger. To increase the fat burning effect, manufacturers add ephedrine to it. Therefore, this tool is not recommended for use.
- Carbohydrate and fat blockers prevent the absorption of carbohydrates, the absorption of fats from the digestive tract. The use of the drug can lead to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive organs.
- Preparations to stimulate the thyroid gland - due to their intake, the hormonal level rises. But they also have contraindications. It disrupts the endocrine system.
- Appetite suppressants - promote weight loss. In addition to this effect, fat burners also reduce appetite.
- In order for the fat burning process to pass without complications, it is necessary to drink diuretics, which contribute to the elimination of fluid from the body. If the drugs are used for a long time, then when they are canceled, serious edema may appear, which is not so easy to cope with.
According to research, apart from L-carnitine, none of the drugs provide safe weight loss and fat burning.
The importance of amino acids in sports nutrition
For quick recovery of the athlete's body, it is recommended to use amino acids. They help a person recover in the event of a grueling workout.
The use of amino acids has several advantages:
- the work of the immune system is stabilized;
- the mental and physical tone of the body increases;
- in the shortest possible time, muscle tissues are restored if they are damaged;
- active participation in the process of burning fat.
The human body cannot produce amino acids on its own, in the required amount. With intense training, the breakdown of substances occurs 80% faster, which requires their intensive recovery.Therefore, a food supplement must necessarily contain an amino acid.
These substances are divided into 2 types:
- Replaceable - their body can produce on its own.
- Indispensable - they enter the body from the outside when eating.
In total, there are 20 types of amino acids, and 8 of them are irreplaceable. A large number of substances are found in the L-arginine preparation. It can be sold as a sports nutrition supplement or in pure form. The rate of use depends on the purpose of using the product. The main task of L-arginine is to gain muscle mass, when you need to take up to 9 g of the substance per day.
The role of protein
Protein is an active supplement used in sports nutrition for burning fat. Consuming it along with other fat-burning foods increases the effectiveness of your workout.
Its reception depends on the goal that the athlete wants to achieve. If you need to gain body weight, you must take protein.
They consume it during the day and at night. Protein can be taken with fat burners. It is recommended for the person following a low-carb diet.
Protein as a fat burner
Protein is an important component that must be supplied to the human body in sufficient quantities. Its use is useful if you need to lose weight.
The main sources of protein are:
- milk;
- meat;
- seafood;
- a fish.
Depending on the type of food consumed, the process of its assimilation by the body also changes. The substance contained in milk and eggs is better absorbed.
The need for protein intake in the body depends on the age of the person. White in the daily diet should take up at least 12% of the daily calorie intake. If a person goes in for sports, then the need for protein increases to 2.5 g per 1 kg of body weight per day.
L-carnitine has gained popularity 40 years ago. It is a vitamin-containing substance used as a medicine and a fat burner. The drug goes directly to the heart, where it starts the process of breaking down fats. Therefore, it is widely used for therapeutic purposes for strokes, delayed physical development in babies. For the elderly, it is prescribed for inhibition of brain activity.
Due to its properties, the substance has a complex effect on the functions of the head organ:
- the aging of brain cells slows down;
- improves memory;
- physical endurance and performance increases;
- cholesterol levels are reduced, excess fat is burned.
If there is not enough L-carnitine in the body, a person can often experience:
- tachycardia;
- fast fatiguability;
- lowering blood pressure.
To assimilate the drug, it is necessary to add vitamins B6, B12, A to the food. The product has contraindications, therefore, a consultation with a doctor is required before use.
Contraindications to fat burning nutrition
When using drugs for fat burning, you need to pay attention to contraindications.
It is forbidden to take funds for people with problems:
- heart disease;
- vascular disease;
- high or low blood pressure;
- diabetes;
- prostatitis in men.
Do not use drugs at night because they cause insomnia. If you experience an allergic reaction, headaches, the use of funds should be stopped.
Adverse reactions and complications
Drugs can cause negative reactions and complications:
- increased blood pressure;
- nervous excitement;
- irritability and nervous breakdowns.
If at least one sign appears, you must stop taking medications. It is best to consult a doctor to determine the correct dosage.
The maximum consumption time for fat burners is 2 months. If it is necessary to increase the period of admission, consultation with a specialist is necessary.
Types of drugs - fat burners
There are groups of drugs that burn fat:
- Adrenomimetics. Increase the release of adrenaline, which accelerates the process of burning fat. These drugs include Clenbuterol, Yohimbine, Caffeine.
- Lipotropics. The funds increase the rate of lipid metabolism, as a result of which the fatty cells are broken down. Examples of drugs: Betaine, Selenium, Ubiquinone.
- Thermogenics. Pharmacological complexes increase the heat production of the body, due to which the fatty layer is burned. Effective remedies: Nutrend, Vader, Olympus.
If you experience a rapid heartbeat or an increase in blood pressure, you should stop using the drugs.
Fat Burning Capsules
Convenient to use in capsules.
- Clenbuterol. The drug is widely used when weight loss is needed. It stimulates fat burning receptors, but can also cause side effects - insomnia, nervousness, anorexia. The drug is used according to the instructions. Failure to comply with dosages entails the development of complications that disrupt the work of the whole body.
- Metformin. It affects the work of the pancreas by suppressing insulin secretion.
Protein blends
Protein blends differ from other preparations in that they are high in protein. They are applied immediately after training for 30 minutes.
- Gainer. Contains a large amount of carbohydrates, used 1.5 hours before the start of the workout. If the main goal of your workout is to burn fat, then you should take a carbohydrate-free shake.
- Hydrolyzate. The product contains a lot of protein, it is applied 30 minutes before the start of the workout.
When choosing a protein blend, you can seek the help of a professional trainer.
Cocktails at home
For sports to be effective, you can use cocktails.
- Watermelon and strawberry is prepared at home. To prepare it, you will need a piece of watermelon and 1/3 of a glass of strawberries, you can add ginger root. Mix everything and pour a glass of mineral water.
- Peach and Kiwi Smoothie - You need 1 peach and 2 kiwi. Mix everything in a blender, add green tea and lemon. This cocktail will help you quickly get rid of excess fat if you drink 300 ml of it daily.
In order not to prepare a cocktail on your own, you can buy a ready-made mixture - Turboslim. This drug will help you lose weight in 2-3 months.
The best fat burners and their cost
If the athlete does not have a desire to independently prepare food that will help get rid of fat, then you can buy special preparations in pharmacies that will not require any effort in preparation.
- Olimp Thermo Speed Extreme is safe for humans and does not cause allergic reactions. The drug acts on body fat due to the high content of plant components in it. It contains a lot of caffeine, so the remedy is contraindicated for people with hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. The average cost of the drug is 1100 rubles.
- Thermo Drine Complex. Its average price is 560 rubles. The drug was produced by an American company.
It contains a number of ingredients that will help you reduce excess weight by removing body fat.
Sports Nutrition Basics
To lose weight, you need to know which foods can be consumed and which are prohibited.
Among useful products:
- Protein food - meat, eggs, dairy products. Protein should form the basis of all nutrition.
- Vegetable fat - butter, fish (fatty grade), butter. They are included in the diet if necessary to increase muscle mass. When losing weight, it is better to exclude them.
- Carbohydrates are required to normalize energy processes. A large amount of these substances are found in sugar, buckwheat, millet and fruits.
- Drink plenty of water when exercising or losing weight. During the day, you must drink at least 2.5 liters of liquid (coffee, black tea and sugary drinks are not included in the calculation).
- Vitamins must be included in the menu. When they enter the body, muscle growth and recovery occurs, and nutrients are absorbed in greater quantities.
Fat Burning Day Menu
To shift the weight down, you need to make a menu for a week. Every day, it is advisable to change the diet, modifying dishes or replacing them with new recipes. Sometimes food intake can go up to 7 times a day.
- 1st reception: 1/2 cup oatmeal, half a banana, 1 tbsp. berries, 2. egg white.
- 2nd reception: 100 g of chicken breast and 150 g of asparagus.
- 3rd reception: 0.5 tbsp. beans and 1/2 part avocado.
- 4th reception: apple.
- 5th reception: 200 g of boiled chicken or turkey with herbs.
- 6th reception: cottage cheese with cinnamon - 0.5 tbsp.
Foods should be low in calories and high in protein. Sports nutrition, applying for weight loss for women, should follow the rules specified above. In this case, the process of burning fat will begin immediately after the introduction of food into the diet.
Useful videos about sports nutrition for women
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In order to make your results even more pronounced, you can use sports nutrition. Fat burners for women differ in composition from those for men.