Dandruff can be caused by inappropriate nutrition, inappropriate hair care, or as a result of skin conditions such as fungal infections of the skin, eczema, dermatitis, and other diseases. Also, the cause can be mental overstrain of the body.
But there are universal inexpensive pharmaceutical and folk remedies for dandruff that will help to cope with an unpleasant problem even at home.
Drugs from the pharmacy
In pharmacies, you can find ready-made dandruff remedies in the form of ointments, pastes and balms. Their action is aimed not only at cleansing the skin from dandruff.
Using these products, you can get rid of excess oily hair or excessive hair loss.
Effective remedies:
- Sulsena. A drug with a therapeutic and prophylactic effect. Eliminates excess sebum production. Effectively fights dandruff and strengthens hair roots. The active ingredient is selenium disulfide. It actively destroys fungi, has a disinfecting effect and cleanses the skin well. The drug is available in the form of a paste, shampoo and oil.
- Salicylic ointment. The main action of the ointment is aimed at eliminating the fungus, which causes flaking of the scalp. The ointment is effective for seborrhea and psoriasis. It should be applied to dry hair roots with a thin layer. After half an hour, the ointment is washed off using shampoo. During the procedure, a slight burning sensation may appear. If it intensifies, the ointment must be washed off and no longer applied. This is a sign of an allergic reaction to the drug.
- Zinc ointment - has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and healing effects. Also, zinc ointment dries out the skin and hair, so it is used exclusively with any oils, such as fir, linseed, olive or ordinary lean. With this ointment, oily seborrhea is treated. Apply the product only to dry hair. An hour after application, the ointment is washed off with warm water.
- Sulfuric ointment - is an antiseptic that is used to treat dry dandruff. The drug has a disinfecting effect. In advanced cases, 33.3% ointment is used. To eliminate dandruff of medium intensity, an ointment of 10% concentration will be enough. The ointment is rubbed into the hair roots, leaving only for 5 minutes. After washing the hair with water. The duration of treatment should be a week. Then take a break for 1 day and repeat the weekly course again. It is better to use sulfuric ointment only if no other remedy has helped, since it adversely affects the hair. After treatment with this remedy, you need to undergo a monthly course of hair restoration in order to avoid hair loss.
- Dermazole cream. The drug is effective for seborrheic dermatitis. It contains a substance called ketoconazole, which has antifungal properties. In addition to dandruff, this cream is used to treat pityriasis versicolor, epidermophytosis and candidiasis of the skin. The course of treatment should be at least 2 weeks.
Dandruff Treatment Shampoos
Home remedy for dandruff can be in the form of shampoos.They are more familiar and easier to use.
In pharmacies, shampoos with medicinal properties are sold, and in cosmetic stores with a preventive effect.
Effective shampoos:
- Nizoral. Antimycotic shampoo, which not only eliminates the external manifestations of the disease, but also treats the cause of their occurrence. Therefore, the results of treatment, as a rule, last for a long time. The main active ingredient is ketoconazole at a concentration of 2%. The shampoo is effective in cases of dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis and pityriasis. It effectively removes itching, flaking and pigmentation on the head and neck. Nizoral is applied in the usual way and kept for 5 minutes. The hair is then rinsed with water. For the treatment of dandruff and dermatitis, you need to wash your hair with the product 2 times a week for 2-4 weeks.
- Sebozol. The main active ingredient of this shampoo is also ketoconazole, at a concentration of 1%. It has antifungal and antimicrobial effects on the scalp, eliminating both the symptoms and causes of dandruff. Regular use of Sebazol will prevent relapses. After applying the composition to clean, damp hair, you need to keep the shampoo for 5 minutes. The course should consist of 2 stages. 1st - treatment - should last a month, shampoo should be used 2 times a week. 2nd - prevention - during this period, the remedy is applied once a week.
- Keto plus. The active ingredients of the shampoo are ketoconazole (2%) and zinc pyrithione (1%). Zinc enhances the antifungal effect of the agent. The shampoo quickly relieves itching and flaking on the scalp. It is enough to wash your hair twice a week in the usual way, keeping the shampoo on the head for 3-5 minutes. Increased hair loss can sometimes be a side effect.
- Algopix. The main active ingredients of the shampoo are tar and salicylic acid. Because of this, the agent has a strong antifungal and antimicrobial effect. Salicylic acid is also good at defatting the skin and hair. The shampoo has a pungent, not very pleasant smell, but it does its job well. The best effect is achieved with complex treatment. Apply the composition to the hair for 5-10 minutes. Then it should be washed off with warm water. The use of Algopix is contraindicated in the presence of wounds on the scalp. If after application to the skin, a strong burning sensation is felt, the shampoo should be washed off immediately and not used until the lesions are completely healed.
Anti-dandruff soap
A home remedy for dandruff can treat dandruff as well as a salon treatment. One of these products is soap.
Effective soaps:
- Tar. There is only 10% birch tar in tar soap, but a positive result will be even with severe dandruff. The soap has antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties. Tar also stimulates blood circulation, promotes exfoliation of scales and heals wounds on the scalp. Due to the drying effect, the soap cannot be used more than twice a week, because it can aggravate the situation and dandruff, on the contrary, will increase. Lather is applied to the hair, you cannot lather your hair. The foam is rubbed into the skin for 5 minutes, then rinsed thoroughly. It is important not to use hot water when washing your hair with tar soap, otherwise a plaque will form, which is very difficult to get rid of. After washing, it is better to use a hair balm, so you can avoid excessive dryness and stiffness of your hair.
- Household. Using this soap, you can also achieve the desired result, but you should use it very carefully. Laundry soap has a high concentration of alkali, which is unsafe for hair. It can be used no more than 1 time per week. For prevention, wash your hair with laundry soap once every 3 weeks.To prevent your hair from drying out, after using laundry soap, you need to apply a nourishing mask.
Traditional methods of getting rid of dandruff
Dandruff remedies can also be found in traditional medicine. They are easy to prepare and use at home.
The most famous and effective are described below:
- Salt. This tool is used to eliminate seborrheic manifestations. After the main shampooing, it is required to lubricate the root part of the hair with a handful of salt and rub it in in a circular motion. Salt has a destructive effect on fungi and other microorganisms. The massage will help exfoliate the scales and increase the blood supply to the scalp. You need to do the procedure 2-3 times a week. This method of getting rid of dandruff will not work for people with dry scalp.
- Apple vinegar. Vinegar contains organic acids that cleanse the skin well and prevent the appearance of seborrhea. Apple cider vinegar improves the acid-base balance of the skin, destroys the fungus, which is often the source of dandruff. Also, vinegar contains vitamins A, C, group B, minerals, pectin and organic acids. These elements saturate the follicles, making the hair healthy. Vinegar (6%) is applied undiluted to the skin. After 15 minutes, it is washed off. Then you should wash your hair in the usual way.
Apple cider vinegar is an effective home remedy for dandruff. - Lemon. Reduces the amount of sebum secreted, improves the acid-base balance, and this contributes to the disappearance of dandruff. Also, lemon quickly relieves itching and removes the remains of shampoos and other detergents, which are not always washed out to the end. One of the easiest methods to get rid of seborrheic manifestations is lemon cut into thin slices. It should be applied to the head and rubbed against the skin. The procedure should be carried out until the juice from the slices no longer stands out. If the hair is dry, moisturize the scalp after the procedure.
- Aspirin. It also helps in the fight against dandruff. Aspirin relieves inflammation, restores blood flow to the hair follicles, reduces the amount of fat secreted by the skin and prevents fungus from spreading. With aspirin tablets, you can get rid of dandruff, as well as dullness and hair loss. 4-5 tablets need to be crushed, add a little water to them to make a gruel, and apply on the head. Keep the composition for at least 20 minutes.
- Soda. One of the most affordable dandruff treatment. Soda does not irritate the skin, removes dandruff flakes qualitatively, makes hair more manageable and smooth. You need to take 1 tbsp. soda and mix it with 2 tablespoons. water. The gruel is applied to the hair. You can add a little shampoo to the mixture.
- Onion. The constant use of decoction of onion husks will help get rid of dandruff. Pour a handful of husks with a glass of boiling water and cook for 10 minutes. When the liquid has cooled, it must be rubbed into the scalp. Onion peel not only eliminates dandruff, but also heals the skin, strengthens the hair follicles and makes the hair silky.
Anti-dandruff essential oils
A home remedy for dandruff can be made with essential oils. If you use oils correctly, you can forget about dandruff forever.
All oils are used in the same way: add 4-5 drops of ether to a single dose of shampoo, apply the mixture on the head and rub in for 5 minutes, then rinse.
Best oils:
- Tea tree oil. This oil is the leader among all essential oils in the fight against dandruff. It has the strongest anti-inflammatory effect, and also actively fights against fungus and cleanses the skin of impurities and old scales.
- Eucalyptus oil. This ester thoroughly cleanses the skin and refreshes it, has an astringent, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect.
- Ylang Ylang Oil - used for fungal infections of the scalp. Also, the oil will help eliminate hair loss and reduce inflammation.
- Juniper oil is a natural antiseptic, normalizes sebum secretion, effectively cleanses the skin from impurities and scales.
- Rosemary oil - it is used in case of dandruff, in case of hair loss, to give hair elasticity and shine. This oil normalizes the amount of fat produced by the scalp, cleanses it and relieves inflammation.
Homemade mask recipes
Complete relief from dandruff can be achieved only if you apply masks regularly and for a long time. After 1.5-2 months, you should take a break for the same period, and then repeat the course.
Effective recipes:
- Garlic mask. This mask is suitable for treating dry dandruff. It is better to do it on weekends, as it leaves a pungent smell. For cooking, you need a head of garlic and a little burdock oil. The garlic is passed through a press and combined with oil. Then you need to grease the head with the composition and wrap it with plexus. After 2 hours, the hair is washed well with shampoo. It is recommended to flush twice.
- Mask with kefir. This mask will help get rid of dandruff and give your hair a natural shine. It is suitable for dry hair. You need to take kefir and olive oil (3: 1) and add the yolk, removing the film from it. Everything is mixed and applied to the head. You need to keep it for at least an hour. Then they wash their hair in the usual way.
- Mask with aloe juice. Aloe juice is used to treat oily dandruff. You need to cut 3-4 leaves from the bottom, wrap with paper and put in the refrigerator for 3 days. Then juice is squeezed out of them and applied to the head. There is no need to wash off the composition.
Dandruff herbs
By choosing the right plant and preparing a decoction from it, after 2-3 weeks of using it, you can achieve the desired result. At the same time, during treatment, expensive auxiliary means are not required.
An excellent solution to the manifestations of dandruff and seborrhea is herbs such as:
- lavender;
- rosemary;
- calendula;
- chamomile;
- mother and stepmother;
- burdock;
- nettle;
- birch leaves;
- sage.
When choosing a dandruff remedy for home use, you need to consider the type of hair, as well as the type and cause of dandruff. Do not neglect the instructions for use. Improper use of the product can only aggravate the situation.
Article design: Oksana Grivina
Dandruff remedies videos
Getting rid of dandruff at home:
This problem is not familiar by hearsay. But I got rid of it with my regular dandruff shampoo. Unfortunately, I don't remember the name, but it was an ordinary tool, not a special one.
Rather, it would be to buy a special shampoo at the pharmacy. I myself took horse force forte with ketoconazole and my dandruff quickly passed.