The female body is considered harmonious if it has the correct and beautiful proportions, extra pounds provide disharmony. In order to always be in the first state, nutritionists recommend that you monitor your diet, so if you need to "dry" your body, you should adhere to a competent menu, compiled special for each girl and calculated for at least a month.
General principles of nutrition
The main words that need to be learned are rigor and discipline.
In order for weight loss to have a positive result, you must strictly adhere to the following principles:
- The amount of protein is calculated by the formula: 2 g of this substance per 1 kg of its own weight. The consumption of protein is a daily diet, you can get it from such products as chicken or lean red meat, egg white, special protein shakes. This protein intake will allow you to burn fat, while maintaining muscle mass.
- The amount of carbohydrates should be low (80 g) or moderate (140 g), this will allow you not to lose the necessary energy and at the same time burn extra pounds. Nutritionists recommend alternating between low and moderate carbohydrate intake, while choosing foods rich in fiber: potatoes, rice, oatmeal, whole grain bread.
- The amount of liquid should be at least 3 liters per day. It is better to use plain water as drinks, however, sometimes it is not forbidden to drink tea.
Drying the body is a real challenge for the body, so it is important for girls to stay motivated all month. In order to adhere to the menu and not break down, it is allowed once a week to replace one meal with your favorite food or drink: pizza, bun, beer.
The usual sweets can be replaced with protein bars and shakes that do not contain carbohydrates and fats. Besides, Photos taken before the diet will help keep you motivated, after all, it will be so nice to compare the result obtained in a month.
Expected results: photos before and after drying
Featured Products
3 products are considered the main ones:
- egg whites - a quick and affordable product that does not contain fats and cholesterol;
- oatmeal - energizes, is rich in fiber and low in sugar;
- green vegetables - help to fill, dull the feeling of hunger, are rich in substances necessary for the body during weight loss: amino acids, vitamins, trace elements.
Other products are recommended.
Among proteins, you can use:
- chicken fillet, white fish (tilapia, pollock),
- squid fillet, cottage cheese (5%).
Allowed carbohydrates:
- buckwheat,
- Brown rice,
- beans (peas, lentils, chickpeas),
- whole grain pasta,
- fruits (apples, bananas, pears), berries.
Unsaturated fat:
- fish (trout, salmon) and fish oil,
- linseed or olive oil.
Not recommended products
Nutritionists pay attention that the following foods must be completely excluded from the diet:
- white bread and any flour products;
- pasta from soft wheat;
- smoked meats and sausages;
- canned goods;
- mayonnaise;
- processed cheese.
Any diet is stressful for the body, so it is recommended to consult a specialist before starting it.
In general, body drying is contraindicated in the following cases:
- chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
- cardiovascular ailments;
- in the presence of a deficiency of muscle mass;
- during the period of nervous overstrain.
Body drying menu for girls for a month
Drying the body is usually calculated for a month: for girls, this is a great opportunity to prepare for an important event. The menu is signed weekly and daily in advance, this will make it more diverse and include all the necessary products. The following is a sample diet that can be used after consulting a dietitian.
First week
The first week is considered the most difficult, since the body needs to reorganize to a new type of nutrition.
During this period, the consumption of carbohydrates should not exceed 2.5 g per 1 kg of its weight., therefore, the menu should contain cereals (rice, buckwheat), vegetables and fruits, fish and chicken (turkey) meat, dairy products (cottage cheese, kefir, sometimes cheese), fresh herbs, citrus fruits (orange, grapefruit).
Second week
In the second week of the monthly body drying, the menu undergoes the following change: 1 g of carbohydrates per 1 kg of body weight girls. It is recommended to consume them before the evening meal. For dinner, only protein food is suitable - fermented milk products.
Third week
The third week is characterized by the fact that the amount of carbohydrates is reduced to 0.5 g per 1 kg of body weight, fruits are completely removed from the diet.
Fourth week
The fourth week suggests complete rejection of carbohydrates.
Only protein food remains, in addition, carrots are removed from the diet.
Drying workout
Drying the body for girls (the menu for a month is presented above) involves mandatory physical training. This is necessary in order not to lose muscle mass.
It is recommended to visit the gym 3 times a week. At the same time, once a week, preference is given to power loads, which will help build muscle mass. Such exercises are performed with dumbbells or a barbell. In the remaining 2 days, you need to do cardio loads, aerobics, exercises with several approaches.
The body drying program for girls, in addition to observing the diet prescribed in the monthly menu, includes classes in the gym with a predominance of strength exercises.
The workout should include running / walking on a treadmill, jumping rope, swinging legs in various positions. Workouts can be done at home, here are suitable: shuttle running, cycling, jumping rope, swimming.
During training, all muscle groups should be engaged:
- For arms and shoulders. Lifting the bar for biceps, bench press, swings and curls with dumbbells, exercises in a block simulator.
- For the chest. Bench press / dumbbells lying, push-ups, exercises in the block simulator.
- For the back. Pull-ups on the bar, vertical and horizontal pull, pullover from the upper pulley with a rope handle.
- For the press. All kinds of vacuum, crunches, bike, leg raises.
- For legs and buttocks. Barbell / Dumbbell Squats, Lunges, Romanian Deadlifts, Mixing and Raising.
Expected results
The diet in question, provided it is carried out exactly, allows you to lose up to 2.5 kg per week. In general, a loss of 1 - 1.5 kg per week is considered the norm. You need to record the results once a week, while it is recommended to weigh yourself at the same time without clothes.
If after 7 days there is no positive trend, then it is necessary to work on the errors... First of all, nutritionists recommend increasing the cardio load: exercise 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening. The next step is to drastically reduce carbs from 2g to 1g (0.5g).
If, after such changes, the weight does not go away, it is worth contacting a nutritionist.
"Exit" from the mode of fat burning
It is important to know that it is impossible to abruptly resume the usual diet, since the weight will rapidly return, it is necessary to leave the diet smoothly. If after 30 days the desired result is achieved, then to consolidate it, you need to start moving in the opposite direction: from the last week to the first, while training can be reduced to 2 times a week.
If the desired result is not there, then in the future nutritionists recommend adhering to the menu for 4 weeks and continuing to train in the same regimen. After completing a month course of drying the body and completely quitting the diet, to maintain a beautiful figure girls should observe the following recommendations when drawing up a menu:
- make an omelet with whole grain bread for breakfast;
- replace the usual dinner with fermented milk products;
- instead of sweets, use protein bars and cocktails;
- reduce the amount of unhealthy fats.
A properly organized process of losing weight will help not only get rid of extra pounds, but also improve overall well-being. Drying the body allows you to bring yourself back to normal in just a month, while it does not require big sacrifices, the main thing is to adhere to its basic rules.
Video about drying the body for girls: menus for the day, week, results for the month
Drying the body for girls: what it is, basic principles, contraindications:
Drying for girls: menu for the day:
Drying results per month:
I really want to lose weight, or get dry. I liked the diet. I think I can handle myself.
Just giving up food is definitely not enough. Drying is a whole complex of actions: exercise, diet, rest and drinking regimen.