The condition of the skin begins to deteriorate at the age of 30-35, which is due to physiological processes. To preserve youthfulness of the skin, it is necessary to provide proper facial care: use suitable cosmetics, carry out appropriate procedures.
What age-related changes are observed
As for the lifestyle, the woman is still active and energetic, but the face begins to give out age.
- fine wrinkles in the eye area, the so-called crow's feet;
- forehead wrinkles;
- puffiness (especially morning);
- gray complexion - the blush disappears;
- peeling, irritation;
- bags under the eyes;
- drooping corners of the eyes and mouth;
- pronounced nasolabial folds;
- signs of tarnishing of the lip color, in addition, they look thinner.
The reason for this can be diets, a natural decline in the level of skin moisture. Some women, in order to hide imperfections, resort to using decorative cosmetics, but over time it takes more and more efforts to hide age-related changes, so timely care is better than decorative products.
Stages of facial skin care after 30 years
At the age of 30-35, skin changes are already systemic, so care should be comprehensive, including cleansing, toning, nutrition, moisturizing, protecting the skin from sunlight and other harmful factors.
Cleansing and toning
Facial care after 30-35 years old involves a thorough cleansing of the skin. This procedure is carried out before applying any cosmetics, including home masks.
Purification Purpose: exfoliation of the upper layer of the epidermis, cleansing the pores from impurities. Thanks to this, all the components from the cosmetics applied after the cosmetics are better absorbed into the skin, penetrate deeper and will act more actively.
Cleansing procedures should be carried out in the morning and in the evening with gentle means. Make-up removers are selected based on the type of skin and the cosmetics used. Normal skin can do without special products - it is enough to wash with water, but it must be of good quality - mineral or filtered.
For dry skin care, cosmetic milk and micellar water are suitable. It is recommended to cleanse oily skin with a foam wash.
In the evening, you need to carry out a deeper cleansing with scrubs (they are used not every day, but 1-2 times a week), gommages, home and store masks. Moreover, before applying these funds, it is necessary to carry out the primary cleaning of the face from cosmetics and steam the face. After the procedure, the skin is not wiped off and patted with a towel.
It cannot be stretched or rubbed. After cleansing, the face needs to be moisturized to restore the moisture balance of the skin. Alcohol-free toners are optimal for dry skin, and alcohol-free lotions for oily skin. Massage with homemade ice cubes tones the skin well.
You can freeze ordinary purified water or decoctions of herbs that have antiseptic, tonic properties. These include parsley, chamomile, calendula, sage.Brewing green tea with a few drops of lemon juice is also suitable as a tonic.
Correct makeup removal
Make-up must be washed off with a special product. Experts say that it is categorically impossible to use soap to remove makeup - it dries the skin a lot. After using the cleansing compound, apply a toner.
Serum use
Face care after 30-35 years should include the use of a special nourishing agent - serum with vitamins, hyaluronic acid. It is applied after cleansing. It must be applied periodically, in courses, within 1-2 months.
It will prevent the appearance of age spots and get rid of existing pigmentation, increase skin tone. After that, a cream with a lifting effect is spread over the face - a noticeable transformation effect is given by the BB-tool. Care should be multi-layered.
Day and night facials
It is important to choose a day cream according to your skin type and age. Experts do not recommend using products with anti-aging properties before the age of 35, as they inhibit the skin's natural regenerative capacity. After 30 years, you should select daytime products with a UF filter of at least 30.
These can be cosmetic products that, in addition to sunscreen, moisturizing, tightening effect. Such products may contain hyaluronic acid, vitamins C, E, retinoids (they accelerate skin regeneration).
Of particular importance in skin care after 30-35 years are procedures before going to bed. It is necessary to apply products enriched with collagen, plant extracts, coenzymes, ceramides, peptides and plant esters on the skin. A product intended for night care after 35 years old may contain, in addition to the above components, enzymes, amino acids, phytoestrogens.
The creams are applied after cleansing the skin, distributed with massage patting movements. Moreover, special products are used to care for the skin around the eyes. Cosmetic products are applied to cleansed skin 1-1.5 before bedtime.
Important! Experts do not recommend using products with retinol and ascarbic acid for those with swollen eyelids - this will aggravate the situation. It is better to pay attention to products containing caffeine.
Caring for the skin around the eyes
The structure of the skin around the eyes differs from the skin of the rest of the face, and this becomes more noticeable with age. For these areas, cosmetics that are more delicate in texture are used, which are specially designed to care for this area. Special products give a lifting effect, get rid of bruises under the eyes, edema, smooth mimic wrinkles.
Homemade face mask recipes
Facial care after 30-35 years old should include procedures using home masks. This gives a noticeable firming, moisturizing effect. The course should consist of 7-15 procedures, depending on the mask. Then you should take a break before the next course of masks of a different orientation.
For example, it is useful to combine moisturizing masks with masks that give a lifting or nourishing effect:
- You can clear faces like this: 1 tbsp green tea leaves need to be brewed with 100 ml of water. Then you should take 1 tbsp. cosmetic clay (white) and dilute it with tea leaves so that you get a gruel similar in consistency to a soft paste. The mixture is thoroughly mixed so that no lumps remain, and spread over the face for 20 minutes (the skin must be pre-cleaned and steamed). After rinsing the mask with water, apply a moisturizing cream.
- To prepare a whitening mask with lemon juice, you will need the protein of one egg and 1 tsp. freshly squeezed juice. The mixture of components must be whipped until foam and spread over the face with a thin layer. It is applied in two layers: the second layer after partial drying of the first one. The mask is washed off 15 minutes after the last manipulations with water at room temperature.
Facial care after 30-35 at home requires the application of moisturizing masks - Firming yeast mask. Break one egg into a plate, beat with a fork, add 20 g of fresh yeast, mix until smooth, apply on face for 30 minutes, then rinse with water at room temperature. After the mask, apply any nourishing face cream.
- Anti-wrinkle mask. One small carrot needs to be grated with small holes, add 1 tsp to the mass. potato starch and protein. All components are thoroughly mixed. This mixture can be applied not only to the face, but also to the neck and décolleté. After 30 minutes, the mask is removed with a cotton pad, the skin is rinsed with water, blotted with a towel and a moisturizer is applied.
- With banana for wrinkles around the eyes... In a small bowl, mash ½ part of a banana with a fork, combine the gruel with 1 tbsp. olive oil and stir. It can be applied not only under the eyes, but also distributed over the entire skin of the face. After 15 minutes, wash off the mask with a cotton pad dipped in mineral or ordinary water, and then apply a lifting cream.
- A curd mask has a beneficial effect on aging skin. You need to take 2 tbsp. soft cottage cheese, pour into the mass 1 tbsp. freshly squeezed carrot juice and 1 tsp. linseed oil. The mixture is applied to the face for 15 minutes. Then wash off and apply a moisturizer.
- Nourishing mask. 1 tbsp oats need to be ground in a coffee grinder, mixed with one yolk, liquid honey (1 tsp) and wheat germ oil (1 tsp). Another 3 drops are added. lemon ether. 15 minutes after application, wash off the mask with warmed milk.
- To get rid of wrinkles, it is recommended to make a mask of apples and cottage cheese. A small piece of apple must be mashed and take 1 tbsp. mass, add 1 tbsp. fatty cottage cheese (to remove lumps from cottage cheese, you must pass it through a sieve), yolk and 15 drops. vitamin A. The mixture is applied to a cleansed face after a steam bath for 30 minutes, then washed off.
- Moisturizing eye mask. A bunch of parsley must be chopped and squeezed out of juice. Take 1 tbsp. juice and 1 tbsp. potato starch, mix, add 20 drops. grape seed oil. It is recommended to wipe this area with micellar water before applying the mixture under the eyes. And after 15 minutes it is washed off.
- The firming mask is prepared on the basis of an avocado. A small part of the avocado needs to be chopped in a blender and take 25 g of mass - this is about 2 tablespoons. Add 1 ampoule of vitamin B5 and 15 drops to the avocado. sea buckthorn oil. The mixture of ingredients is gently applied to the face. Wash off after 20 minutes.
- Fruit nutrition for the skin. In the season when fresh local fruits and berries are available, you do not need to make special masks, but simply cut the juicy berry or fruit and wipe the skin of your face with the juicy pulp. Currants, both red and black, gooseberries, strawberries, grapes, raspberries are suitable. The juice is left on the face for 10 minutes and then washed off with cool water. Fruit acids have a light peeling effect, stimulate skin cells to regenerate, vitamins nourish and moisturize the skin, but unlike special chemical peels, such procedures can be performed daily.
- You can wipe your skin with freshly squeezed juices:
- carrot - has healing, nourishing properties, evens out the complexion;
- apple - brightens the skin, evens out tone, accelerates regeneration, tightens pores;
- watermelon - moisturizes, evens out fine wrinkles.
Beautician advice
For those who have crossed the 30-year mark, beauticians advise to follow the following recommendations:
- Apply face masks. They must be done systematically, at least once a week. Moreover, women over 35 years old need to do a weekly mask, which includes collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid and vitamins.
- The cream must be matched to the type of skin. If your skin is oily, you should use products specifically for this type, and change them every 2 months.Dry skin needs moisturizers, panthenol ointment has a good effect on it, and retinol cream is suitable for combination skin.
- Scrubs containing abrasives, cosmetologists recommend replacing them with chemical peels. It also helps to remove the stratum corneum of the skin, but without serious trauma to it.
- To prevent bruising and swelling under the eyes, it is recommended to limit salt intake and increase the amount of water you drink, use delicate products to wash off makeup, and get enough sleep.
- To keep the skin around your eyes fresh for longer, you need to wash off your makeup daily. Moreover, you need to wash it off with the help of special means, which, in addition to cleansing, also have a moisturizing effect.
- For skin care after 30 years, conventional creams are no longer enough. Cosmetologists advise using highly concentrated products, which include serums. It is applied before applying the cream.
- For a good skin condition, proper rest and sleep is essential.
- It is also recommended to play sports. Recommended loads include running, walking, aerobics, squats and push-ups, and stretching.
Daily massage performed in the morning and in the evening helps to activate blood circulation, lymph drainage, smooth wrinkles, and nourish the skin. It is held with your fingertips. They work on the face along the massage lines, beating. The chin is patted with the outside of the palm, after which the entire face is moistened with cream.
Cosmetic care products - which to choose
After 30-35 years, beauticians advise to get rid of the decorative cosmetics of flashy colors and add more high-quality care cosmetics to the cosmetic bag. In the cosmetic bag, there must be a BB cream, a lifting corrector that tightens the skin of the face and masks imperfections at the same time, a cream for the care of the eye area from wrinkles with a moisturizing effect.
It is important to check the expiration dates, not to use outdated cosmetics, after 30-35 years, such experiments are fraught with a deterioration in the condition of the skin.
Care products should contain:
- collagen or substances that promote its production, such as coenzyme Q10;
- vitamins;
- antioxidants;
- retinol;
- hyaluronic acid.
When choosing a product, you need to keep in mind that at the beginning of the list of ingredients are those that are most contained. Moreover, cheap creams usually contain few useful components, even if they are present in the composition.
In order for the skin to remain young for longer, after 30-35 years, it is necessary to carefully consider what skin care will be. Using an inexpensive moisturizer is no longer enough.
The skin needs comprehensive step-by-step care using quality products from trusted manufacturers, with special anti-aging ingredients in the composition.
Video about facial care after 30-35 years
Face skin care after 35+:
Updated Facial Care:
I do massage every day for five minutes, apply morning cream and evening cream. I also do masks periodically, scrub my face
Oh, I agree with you completely, I really want to prolong youth when you are already 36, and in my heart is still 18 ... I seem to be actively involved in sports, healthy lifestyle, and nutrition, but in the mirror I already begin to notice the first wrinkles around my mouth. Sad and sad.But, before it is too late and, even, on the contrary, it is high time to start taking active measures to eliminate the first wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones! I began to study the Internet, read a lot of useful information. I began to look for a cream with a lifting effect and that it contained substances that stimulate the production of collagen in the skin. Found it! Bakzdrav company has released a new series of probiotic cosmetics, including skin care products with peptides that rejuvenate the skin of the face. So far, I stopped at the 35 plus series. The lifting serum suited me perfectly and I already notice the first result - the skin has become more toned and elastic. I also want to try a special remedy from Bakzdrav for the skin around the eyes with a lifting effect. By the way, chin massage, as it is written in the article, I have been doing since I was 20, it just became a habit) Therefore, thank God, there is no double chin and no wings.