Posture exercises should become regular from the age of 4, when the skeleton is formed and the muscles of the back develop. Their implementation throughout life is a good prevention and method of eliminating spinal deformities. Correct posture is about attractive appearance, energy and self-confidence.
What posture is considered correct
A beautiful posture is a straight back and a straightened chest:
- head with torso - straight vertical line;
- the chin tends forward, the head is raised;
- the shoulders are easily, without tension, laid back;
- blades on one horizontal line, without distortions;
- the stomach does not protrude, it is tucked up;
- in the lower back, the natural physiological bend of the spinal column;
- fully extended knee joints.
Causes of poor posture
Changes in the spinal column are caused by:
- congenital deformity of the spine and joints;
- wrong posture at the table, driving, during work, sleep;
- lack of physical activity;
- insufficient physical development, weak muscle frame;
- wearing uncomfortable shoes, high heels;
- improperly selected school or office furniture;
- the habit of holding a bag, briefcase on one side of the shoulder girdle, in one hand;
- chronic diseases, incl. excess weight.
Consequences of poor posture
Poor posture affects the work of all body systems, spoils the appearance, changes gait:
- internal organs are displaced;
- disturbed cerebral circulation and blood supply to the viscera;
- the outflow of bile becomes more complicated;
- the intestines are pinched, which affects the efficiency of its work;
- the functions of the lymphatic system deteriorate: edema, cellulite appear, poisons, toxins accumulate, immunity decreases;
- it is difficult to saturate the body with oxygen;
- articular cartilage is destroyed due to an increase in the load on them;
- osteochondrosis, scoliosis develops, intervertebral hernias appear;
- heavy gait, clumsy movements;
- facial muscles are deformed: "flews" appear, double chin, bags under the eyes;
- the quality of life is reduced: frequent headaches, back pain, numbness of the hands, vision falls;
- energy is depleted: fatigue, drowsiness, apathy are observed.
Correct posture tests
To check the correct posture, exercises are performed - tests:
- Lean with your back against a vertical surface, feel it as the protruding points of the back of the head, heels, buttocks and shoulder blades. The surface and the lumbar curve create a space where the palm runs freely vertically.Trying to maintain position, you should take a step and immediately return to the wall. If the stance has changed, the posture is not perfect.
- You will need help for this test. Stand in front of a full-length mirror, turning sideways. Helping, notes on the mirror the reflection of the ear opening, the center point of the shoulder, hip, ankle and knee joint. If the line connecting the points is a broken line, it's time to take action, correct your posture.
A set of exercises at home
Exercises that do not take long will form the habit of "holding" your back:
- Within 5 min. draw in and relax the stomach as much as possible.
- Move around the house with a light book on your head. Control the position of the body so that she does not fall.
- Put your palms and knees on the floor. Bend the spinal column - 5-7 seconds, bend in the lumbar region - 3-5 seconds.
A set of exercises in the gym
- Raising the arms back on the simulator. All the muscles surrounding the shoulder blades work. The stronger they are, the straighter the posture. Place your hands on the handles with a horizontal grip, keep your elbows strictly parallel to the floor. Spread to the sides, trying to bring the shoulder blades as much as possible (exhale), bring your hands (inhale).
- Linkage Exercise. The central muscles work, which make it easy to keep your back straight without effort. Place your hands with a grip on top, bottom or parallel. As you exhale, pull the levers to the chest, bringing the shoulder blades as close as possible. On inhalation, retract the levers, reach for them, stretching the latissimus dorsi muscle.
- Hyperextension - strengthening the lower back. Strong muscles form the natural lumbar curve and correct its disturbances. You should sit on the simulator face down. Fix the legs with a roller, hands behind the head. Keeping straight, slowly lower your torso down (inhale). Slowly straighten up (exhale).
Exercises for children
To acquire a beautiful posture, preschool children and students at school can do the same set of exercises. With preschoolers, you need to do in the morning or afternoon, short and low-intensity workouts. With age, the intensity of the exercise should increase.
For adolescents, "adult" simple exercises can be taken, with fewer approaches.
Examples of exercises for preschoolers:
- Fold your arms horizontally in front of your chest, forearm on forearm. Vigorously dilute five times until the shoulder blades touch.
- With your hands connected behind your back, make five tilts in each direction.
- Lying on your back, raise your legs alternately, every three times.
Exercises for students:
- Supine position. Rotate imaginary pedals.
- Lying on your back, rest your feet on the floor. For five seconds, tear the pelvis off the floor and raise it as high as possible.
- Hugging your knees with your hands, roll on your back from your head to your tailbone.
Exercises for girls and women
Exercises for women's posture and a beautiful back are aimed not only at strengthening the muscle frame, but also at forming a thin waist, high chest and elimination of fat deposits in the back. It is important for women to tone the muscles, and not to achieve the manifestation of the muscles.
The load should be smooth and regular:
- Push-ups from the floor (simplified version). Emphasis on straight arms and bent knees. Back, head and buttocks in one line. As you inhale, lower yourself to the floor, touching it with your chest. As you exhale, straighten your arms.
- The back is straight, the legs are slightly apart. Raise your right hand, deep tilt to the left with the institution of your right hand in the direction of the tilt. You need to feel the stretch of the latissimus dorsi muscle on the right. Tilt to the other side.
- Supine position, hands free on the floor. Stand on the bridge, leaning on your feet and shoulders.
Exercises for boys and men
For men whose muscles are naturally more developed, a horizontal bar is the best way to form a healthy posture.Exercises on the horizontal bar will not only strengthen your back, but also create a beautiful muscular relief.
The most simple and effective exercises include the following:
- Wide grip pull-up. You need to reach for the chest, not the chin. At maximum lift, it is important to bring the shoulder blades together.
- Pulling up along the bar. Grab the horizontal bar so that your fingers "look" at each other. Pulling up, cross your legs and turn your head alternately relative to different sides of the bar.
- Hang on the horizontal bar relaxing, without swaying.
Amosov complex
Exercises for the back posture of Academician Amosov are performed in 20 approaches:
- Supine position, legs and toes extended, arms along the body. Bring your legs behind your head, trying to touch the floor with your toes.
- Legs straight, tilt the body forward, down, rest your palms on the floor. At the initial stage, it is permissible to bend the knees.
- The legs are slightly apart, the knees are straight. Rotation of the hands in the shoulder joints forward and backward, with a maximum range.
- Position as in the previous exercise. Alternately pull up your legs, trying to touch your knee to your chest.
- Without changing position, connect the brushes, press to the chest. Turn left and right with the upper torso, being careful not to engage the pelvis and legs.
- Sit upright on a chair, feet firmly on the floor. The maximum possible back bend in the spine.
- Perform squats with your back straight. Initially, hold on to the support for balance.
- Pushups. The elbows are close to the body, buttocks and back are in line.
A set of Chinese exercises
Classes relax, develop chest muscles, eliminating stoop:
- Torso straight, rest your fists on your back below the shoulder blades. Make the greatest possible deflection in the thoracic region. Tighten the body, stand in this position for 1-2 minutes. breathing deeply through the mouth.
- Simplified version: lie on your back, place your feet on the floor. Place a roller under the shoulder blades. Put your hands behind your head, relax, take 10-20 breaths.
- Sit on a chair, back equal. Deep breath. Press with palms on the forehead and strain the neck muscles - 5 sec. Relax - 10-15 sec. Repeat 5 times.
Complex of Japanese exercises
Simple exercises that take a few minutes a day to form a graceful posture:
- Stance - straight back, legs together. Raise straight arms, join palms (30 sec), connect with the back of your hand (30 sec). Alternate 10 times.
- Lie on your back on a hard surface. The roller, 40 cm long and 10 cm in diameter, is placed across the body under the waist at the level of the navel. Spread your legs shoulder-width apart and bring your toes together, leaving the heels at a distance. Put your hands behind your head, straighten, turn your palms to the floor and bring your little fingers together. It is in this position for 5 minutes.
A set of yoga exercises
After a week of regular exercise, flexibility will improve, the habit of "holding" your back will appear:
- Lying on a flat surface, try to cuddle up to it with your whole body, pulling in the abdominal muscles as much as possible.
- In the same position, raise your straight legs 45 degrees.
- In the same position, raise your straight legs 90 degrees.
- Supine position, feet on the feet, arms along the body. Raise your head and shoulders above the floor.
- In the same position, raise your chest, arching your back.
- In the same position, tear the buttocks off the floor, arching the back.
A set of exercises for the back and press
Good posture means a strong back and a strong abs. There are universal exercises for the back and abdomen, with which you can maintain your posture in perfect condition.
The exercises are as follows:
- "A bike". Supine position, pedaling imaginary.
- "Birch". Supine position, arms along the body. Raise your legs up, lift your pelvis off the floor, raise your legs and pelvis as high as possible, ideally up to 45 degrees.
- "A boat". Lie face down. Simultaneously tear your arms and legs off the floor. Linger 3 sec.
A set of exercises with a gymnastic stick
Exercises for the prevention of osteochondrosis and the formation of a beautiful back posture:
- Stick in front of you on arms outstretched and raised to chest level. Legs apart, back straight. 2-4 springy slopes, return to an upright position with a back bend - 15 times.
- Holding the stick behind your back, about shoulder-width apart, lean forward, stretching your arms. Move your palms along the stick until they touch. Straighten up. Repeat 15 times.
- Keep the plank at shoulder-blade level behind your back. Stand - straight, legs apart. Turning the body alternately left and right, with a slight forward bend.
A set of exercises with a heavy ball
The medicine ball is used to increase the load, strengthen the muscles for the formation of a beautiful posture:
- Bend over with the ball, put it in front of you, straighten, hands on hips. Bend over, take the ball, raise it above your head, stretch your arms.
- Catch the tossed ball with both hands. This will help stretch and relax the latissimus muscle and strengthen the pectoralis muscle.
- The ball is overhead, arms outstretched, legs apart. Exhale, sit down as if on a chair, turning your hands with the ball to the left. Inhale, starting position. Repeat the other way. The back is straight, the heels are not lifted off the floor.
A set of exercises with dumbbells
After completing a simple set of exercises, it is advisable to complicate them with additional dumbbell weight:
- Lower your arms with dumbbells, raise your shoulders as high as possible. Don't slouch.
- Raise your arms with dumbbells above your head, turning the body in different directions.
- Tilt the body parallel to the floor, hands with dumbbells "hang". Legs are apart, slightly bent. Slowly spread your arms, bringing them to one line parallel to the floor, linger, lower.
"Plank" and "side plank" for posture correction
A difficult exercise to tone the muscles that stabilize the spine. 2-3 sets of 30 seconds are enough to get a good load.
The exercises are performed as follows:
- Emphasis on the forearms (palms clenched) and toes. Arms and legs are separated. The body is in one line (do not lift the buttocks). Perform the plank as long as possible, breathe evenly.
- Lie on your side with your feet together. Emphasis on the arm bent at the elbow joint or on the palm of an outstretched hand. Raise your body off the floor. Strain your stomach, tighten your buttocks, align your body in a solid line. Hold on as much as possible, lower yourself, relax. Repeat the "side" plank on the other side.
Exercises on the horizontal bar
Exercising on the horizontal bar improves flexibility and relieves back tension. This is important for a beautiful posture.
The simplest exercises include the following:
- Hang on the bar, relax. Under the weight of the body, the spine is well stretched, leveled.
- Pull-ups strengthen the upper shoulder girdle, neck. Pulling up, you should stretch your chin up.
- Hanging on the horizontal bar, alternately pull the bent legs to the chest. Complicate the task by pulling them up at the same time.
Exercises against the wall
- Stand against the wall, pressing against it with the protruding points of the gluteal muscles, scapula, heels, and the back of the head. Do not press the lower back, preserving the natural spinal deflection. Hold the position for several minutes, securing the correct posture.
- Press against the wall, move away from it half a step. Turning the body to the left and right as much as possible, try to touch the wall with your hands.
Chair exercise
- Sitting on a chair, left hand behind the back. Deep tilt of the head to the right, you can strengthen the tilt angle with your hand. After 10 sec. return to original. Repeat the other way.
- Sitting on a chair, hands on knees, back straight. Push your head back with your chin until the back muscles of the neck and trapezium are stretched 10-16 times.
- Sitting on a chair, pull your chest up and forward, pushing your shoulders back - 6-12 times.
Exercises stretch the pectoral, cervical, trapezoid muscles, increasing their elasticity, thereby correcting posture.
Push up from the floor
Posture push-ups are somewhat different from the classic version. Hands are placed on the floor, shoulder-width apart, and legs are placed on a gymnastic ball (fitball).
The instability of the ball forces you to balance during push-ups. As a result, the muscles that keep the back straight are strengthened and developed.
Cross split stretch for a beautiful posture
The elastic musculature forms a beautiful posture, a thin waist and an easy gait.
Stretching exercises should be performed after intense warming up of the muscles:
- «Butterfly". Sit on the floor, bend your legs, connect your feet and press as close to the body as possible. Keeping your back straight, bend your body forward, pressing your knees with your elbows to the floor.
Back posture exercises will keep you in great physical shape - «Pancake". Sitting on the floor, spread your legs wide, straighten your knees, socks up. Stretching your arms forward, bend over, trying to touch the floor with your chest. Delay 30 sec.
- Standing, spread your legs wide. Lean forward, legs straight. With springy movements, touch the floor with your fingers, palms, elbows. Place your hands between your legs as far behind your back as possible.
Prevention of incorrect posture
Prevention of posture changes is a complex of measures, including:
- correct body position during sleep: rigid bed base, orthopedic pillow;
- wearing shoes matched to the size, the presence of a low heel;
- regular strengthening and stretching of the back muscles: exercise, walking, sports, swimming;
- control of the correct body position while performing work, walking, sitting;
- uniform load on the spinal column while carrying bags, briefcases, moving weights;
- performing periodic warm-ups with prolonged sitting, standing, repetitive work in order to unload tense muscles.
Expert recommendations
According to orthopedists and instructors, specific physical exercises for posture are:
- the most effective way to correct posture. These complexes are simple, do not take much time, and if performed regularly, will lead to noticeable results in 2 weeks;
- public and effective measures to strengthen posture. There are practically no contraindications to their implementation. In combination with massage, they will eliminate stoop, quickly normalize spasmodic muscles;
- methods recognized by official medicine (in particular, the complex of academician Amosov), which are designed not only to correct changes in posture, but also to treat diseases of the back and spine.
Many of the exercises presented are used in remedial gymnastics programs. To improve your back posture, you need to exercise regularly, and to enhance the effect, you can add swimming.
Back Posture Exercise Videos
Exercises to form correct posture in children:
Back posture exercises in the gym for girls:
I have three children, but at the same time I find time to do a few exercises with them every day. The youngest is only 4 years old, but squats no worse than the older ones. As a result, the children are in great shape, the back is straight and there are no curvatures.