Sedentary work and an inactive lifestyle often cause problems with the back and neck-shoulder area, both in men and women. As a rule, this can cause early osteochondrosis.
In order to prevent the disease and to form the correct posture, strengthen the shoulder joint, it is useful to regularly perform special physical exercises for the shoulders. Gadgets and equipment will help you do exercises in the gym and at home.
Rules for doing shoulder exercises
To prevent injury to muscles and joints, any set of exercises, including exercises for the shoulders, starts with a good warm-up. improves blood circulation and optimizes the stress on the heart during exercise. This is important because without a preparatory phase, fainting can occur.
In addition, a good warm-up mentally prepares the trainee for the basic set of exercises.
Steps for a good warm-up:
- Light cardio- will increase heat exchange, warm up the muscles, prepare them for further stretching.
- Joint gymnastics - improves the mobility of the joints, activates the ligamentous apparatus.
- Dynamic stretching - increase muscle elasticity, reduce the risk of tendon ruptures.
During the execution of the main complex, it is necessary to monitor the posture - you cannot bend forward, otherwise the load on the muscles of the neck, shoulders and back will be unevenly distributed.
Contraindications to classes
Any physical activity on the body has contraindications. This set of exercises is no exception.
It is forbidden to load the shoulder muscles if:
- there is an increased body temperature;
- post-traumatic, rehabilitation period, if there was an injury of the shoulder joint;
- myopia in severe form, as well as high intraocular pressure;
- there are problems with the cardiovascular system;
- there are pathologies in the joints, in which even a minimal load will lead to an exacerbation of the disease;
- violation of coordination of movement;
- high blood pressure.
Strengthening the shoulders at home
You can form a beautiful line of arms and back without going to the gym.
Trainers advise doing shoulder exercises at home, which do not require equipment and additional training:
- Pushups Is a very effective exercise because during its implementation, the maximum number of muscles is involved. Depending on the position of the hands, certain groups will be worked out as efficiently as possible, for example, with a wide position of the hands, the muscles of the chest work actively, and with a narrow position, the load goes to the triceps and the shoulder joint.
- Elastic Band Exercises - this type of sports equipment is convenient because it can be used to work on any problem area.In every sports store you can always find such tapes with different load options. For a high-quality study of the muscles of the shoulder girdle with a tape, it is recommended to perform exercises such as: traction, push-ups with rubber, turns with arms, triceps exercise.
- Static exercises are performed without body movements and allow you to strengthen the ligamentous apparatus and increase muscle strength. They are ideal for people with joint injuries and who are unable to do dynamic exercises. The most popular static exercise is the plank.
Plank exercise to strengthen shoulders and whole body
Exercises that are not difficult to perform and do not require additional equipment not only for the shoulders, but also for the whole body - these are varieties of the "plank". At home, it can be done on a gymnastic mat.
The good thing about the plank is that 90% of the muscles are involved in the exercise.
So that the result does not make you wait long, the bar must be performed every day and correctly:
- take an emphasis lying;
- bend your arms at the elbows;
- rest on the floor and hold the weight of the body for about a minute;
- do 3-4 approaches.
How to build shoulders at home with a barbell
Basic exercises are the best for any muscle group. They allow you to simultaneously pump the entire delta. To work on perfect shoulders at home, you will need dumbbells and a barbell. Different weights of the shells will allow you to gradually increase the load.
Experienced trainers recommend basic exercises such as:
- Standing Shoulder Press... This basic exercise is very important for the development of the deltoids and shoulders because makes the deltoid work from start to finish. To perform the exercise, you need to spread your legs shoulder-width apart, bend over and with a single movement tear the barbell off the floor and put it on your chest. From this position, push the bar up without tilting the body. Perform 3-4 approaches for the maximum number of times.
- Press from behind the head... The most effective exercise, according to the trainers. It is necessary to take the barbell slightly wider than shoulder width apart and pull the barbell up without straightening the elbows. It is necessary to perform the exercise without pause at the top point for 3-4 sets, 10-15 times, depending on the weight.
- Raise to the chin... From the position of the feet shoulder-width apart, pull the bar up with a wide or narrow grip, depending on which muscles will be worked out. The wide grip is for the rear deltas, the narrow one is for the trapezoid. Perform 3-4 approaches 10-15 times.
How to build broad shoulders with dumbbells
The deltoid muscles are responsible for the broad shoulders.
To pump them well, 3 exercises for each group with an increased number of repetitions in each approach are enough:
- Bench press "Arnold"... This exercise uses the deltas, triceps, and latissimus dorsi. The exercise is best done while sitting to avoid injury to the shoulder joint. The technique for performing this exercise consists in the correct turn of the palms at chest level. Perform 4 sets of 10-12 reps.
- Rise through the sides... The trapezius muscle is actively involved in this exercise. It is performed with light weight, but for the maximum number of repetitions of 4 sets. It is necessary to lift the dumbbells to the top through the sides while inhaling and return them to their original position at shoulder level while exhaling.
- Rise in slope... Such an isolating exercise thoroughly pumps the back bundle of deltas. To perform, you need to bend to parallel with the floor, arms in free hanging. While inhaling, spread the dumbbells to the sides without jerking, while exhaling, return to the starting position.
Development of shoulders with cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis
Osteochondrosis is a very insidious and unpleasant disease. Inveterate "siduns" primarily suffer from the muscles of the neck and thoracic spine. To prevent this disease, shoulder exercises can be done at home with a minimum of sports equipment, or you can do without it and do stretching exercises.
- Feet are shoulder width apart. Raise your arms, straightening in front of you. On a deep breath, take them back to the maximum, on an exhale, bring your hands together in front and clasp your shoulders. Do the exercise 10 times.
- Spread your legs shoulder-width apart, your arms hang freely below, your back is straight. Bring the shoulders forward to the maximum, rounding the back. For 3 seconds, fix the position and smoothly straighten the shoulders to the starting position, linger for 3 seconds. Perform movements 10 times.
- Stand facing the corner and rest against opposite walls with both hands. Stretch the body to the center, bringing the shoulder blades together and try to stretch the chest muscles. Do the exercise 6 times.
- Smooth turns of the head from side to side, up and down 10 times.
- "Cat's back", on a gymnastic mat, get on all fours and arch your back as much as possible for inhalation, for exhalation - bend your back and bring your shoulder blades. This exercise is performed for 3-4 repetitions.
Physiotherapy for cervical arthrosis
Gymnastic exercises for the treatment of neck diseases, such as arthrosis, are based on the principle of natural movements for a person. They can be performed not only at home, but also at work. The main thing is not to overdo it.
- Stand straight with your arms hanging freely along the body for a count of 2 raise and lower your shoulders and shoulder blades. Perform 7 times.
- Head tilts to one side. Stand straight with your arms hanging along the body, gently tilt your head first to the left, straighten your neck, then tilt to the right. Perform 5 times in one and the other direction
- Turning the head from side to side. The principle for performing this exercise is similar to side turns. Perform 5 times in one and the other direction.
- Shoulders back and forth. Raise your shoulders and move them forward a little, fix in this position for 3 seconds, then pull back as much as possible bringing the shoulder blades. Also fix for 3 seconds. Perform 5 times forward, 5 times back.
- A circular motion in the shoulder joint. Bend your elbows and put on your shoulders. Rotate hands 5 times forward, 5 times back.
Bubnovsky: gymnastics for the neck and shoulder girdle
Treatment of the spine according to the method of Dr. Bubnovsky consists in a complete rejection of medications and their replacement with a set of physical exercises, i.e. motion therapy. According to the doctor, it is possible to achieve recovery of the joints without surgery; it is enough to regularly perform a set of therapeutic exercises.
The number of repetitions of this complex is no more than 6-7 times for each exercise:
- The head works like a pendulum. Movement from side to side with a delay in incline for 30 seconds.
- Lower your head very low and gently pull your neck forward and upward.
- Put your right hand on your left shoulder, and turn your head to the right and sit in this position for 30 seconds. Then do the same, but in the other direction.
- Clasp your arms over your head and rotate alternately left and right.
- From a standing position, you must try to reach your chin first to the left shoulder, then to the right.
Exercises to restore the functions of the shoulder girdle after surgery
Postoperative rehabilitation is an important component of adequate treatment. During this period, doctors recommend that patients undergo a course of restorative gymnastics.
These exercises are designed to restore joint mobility and strengthen atrophied muscles.
Recovery exercises are done 6 times three times a day:
- Tighten the shoulder muscles for 7 seconds, followed by relaxation.
- Lying on your back, put both hands on your stomach. With a healthy hand, hold the operated one and gently raise it over the head, stretching the limbs as much as possible.
- Raise your shoulders as much as possible "pulling your head in".
- Make circular movements with your shoulders in one direction and the other.
- Lean forward and relax the muscles of the arms to swing them in all directions for 1 minute.
Exercises for the shoulders with a sedentary lifestyle and sedentary work
Nowadays, few people can boast of work related to active movement. For office "siduns" there is a set of exercises aimed at relaxing and toning the muscles of the shoulder joint.
These exercises should be performed for 1-1.5 minutes for each:
- Head tilt and rotation. Move your head very smoothly from side to side and in a circle without sudden movements.
Shoulder exercises include mandatory neck exercises such as head bends and turns. - Stretching the shoulders and back from a sitting position. Stretch your arms and lock them. Reach for your arms, rounding your back as much as possible.
- The lock is behind the back. Similar to the previous one, only clasp your hands behind your back and flex your back as much as possible.
- Stretching for the shoulders. Put your left hand behind the opposite shoulder, press with your right hand with an effort on the elbow with your left, so that you feel the stretch.
- Triceps stretch. Bend one arm at the elbow and raise, and bring the other behind your back and try to lock your hands together.
- Tilt with lock from behind in a sitting position.
How to keep your shoulder girdle healthy
In addition to regular physical activity, experts advise:
- provide the body with good sleep on an orthopedic mattress, if possible without a pillow;
- eliminate all bad habits, give up cigarettes and alcohol;
- eat right and balanced, avoid fast food;
- during work, take a break from activities every hour.
If all the above rules are followed, you can preserve the beauty of posture and the health of the spine for a long time.
To maintain the flexibility and mobility of the joints of the shoulder girdle and spine, it is not enough to do shoulder exercises alone, at work or at home. It is necessary to adjust the entire lifestyle, otherwise it threatens with back pain, spoiled posture and premature old age.
Video: shoulder exercises
For basic shoulder exercises, see the video:
A set of exercises for the shoulders with cervical osteochondrosis, see the video:
I have a sedentary work at the computer, and as a result of this, my back and neck constantly hurt. I tried the exercises given in the article, I immediately felt relief, like I rested for several hours. Now I will constantly warm up like this.