For the slender legs, many exercises have been developed to bring them into perfect shape. They do not require much space, and they can be done both at home and in the park.
Is it possible to pump up and strengthen the legs, hips, buttocks in a week?
Exercises for slender legs cannot change the appearance of a girl or woman in a week. It takes at least 4 weeks to bring the muscles of the legs and buttocks in order. And it takes even longer to give a beautiful relief. The time it takes for changes in a person's appearance to occur depends on many factors.
These include:
- Trainee's age.
- Physical training.
- Being overweight.
- Human genetic characteristics.
- Training intensity.
With regular training, you can notice the first changes in appearance after 2 weeks of training.
How to select loads?
Before you start working on the muscles of the legs and buttocks, you should choose the right working weight. For girls, the load weight should be more than 3 kg. To accurately determine the desired weight, you need to perform a set with the selected weights. If the last repetition is difficult, the weight is selected correctly.
Exercises for slender legs, like other fitness classes, have their own contraindications.
Common contraindications include:
- spinal injury;
Slender leg exercises are contraindicated for people with spinal injuries. - mental disorders;
- organic heart damage;
- cancer of any location;
- heart attack.
Contraindications for working out the muscles of the legs include any disorders in the spine and joints of the lower extremities:
- knee and hip injuries;
- inflammatory processes in the spine;
- joint diseases such as arthrosis;
- as well as overweight and postoperative period.
Before starting to exercise, it is necessary to consult with a therapist if pain is felt in the spine or legs.
Effective dumbbell exercises for slim legs, firm glutes and beautiful thighs
The muscles of the legs and buttocks work every day. They are accustomed to constant load, so additional loads must be used to pump them. Habitual resistance exercise can speed up the volume reduction process. For classes, you should choose dumbbells weighing more than 3 kg. After the muscles get used to the load, the weight must be increased.
Before picking up weights, it is important to warm up your muscles and joints. This will prevent injury.
With a limited time, you can do only 5 exercises:
- Dumbbell Squats... They differ from performing regular squats only by the presence of weights in the hands.
- Plie squat with dumbbells... To perform these squats, the legs are spread wider than the shoulders, the toes of the feet are directed to the sides. The dumbbell is held in front of you with both hands. When doing any squat, the knees should not go beyond the toes of the feet. You should lower yourself into a squat until the thighs become parallel to the floor.
- Dumbbell lunges... Take dumbbells in each hand. Perform a lunge from a standing position, straighten up. You can do it first on one leg or alternate them.
- Weighted glute bridge... A dumbbell or a barbell pancake is placed on the stomach below the waist and performs a regular bridge.
- Forward bends with weights... Pick up a barbell or dumbbells. Without rounding your back, bend forward, linger for 2-3 seconds. and straighten up.
In addition to these exercises with additional load, you can also do the complexes given later in the article.
Warm up
Exercises for lean legs begin with a full body warm-up. You can start your lower body workout at home with a warm-up consisting of the following exercises.
- running in place;
- jumping with arms and legs apart;
- running in place with raising your knees;
- running in place with a shin whip;
- jumping rope.
Running is considered a good warm-up before starting any activity. When the warmth begins to be felt in the body, you can complete the warm-up and move on to the main part.
Running and slim legs
Running can be not only a warm-up, but also an independent workout for the legs and buttocks. It is important to conduct it not only regularly, but also in a certain way. Jogging strengthens the muscles throughout the body. It helps burn fat in problem areas in women. All this leads to the tightening of the legs and buttocks. With regular jogging, a relief appears on the legs without excess volume.
As with any workout, you should warm up before running. Stretching and warming up the muscles should be preferred. During the warm-up, there should be warmth in the body, but the breathing should remain calm.
However, running is not enough to make your legs slimmer:
- While jogging, accelerate sharply and run at maximum load for about 1 minute. After that, you should run for at least 2 minutes. calmly. Such alternations should take ¼ of the training time.
- Cross country running. The steeper the hill to be run up, the more the muscles of the thighs and buttocks are loaded. If there are no natural obstacles on the route, then you can run up the stairs.
- Alternating jogging with jogging, during which the hips are raised almost to the waist line.
- In the run, you need to include running sections with the back of the lower leg whip.
Such training should be done 2-3 times a week. They can be alternated with workouts in the gym or at home. The duration of the run can be from 30 to 90 minutes. People who are just starting to play sports need to start with a 20 minute workout and gradually increase both the pace of the run and its time. At the end of the workout, stretch the leg muscles.
Main part. First level
Warm-up exercises are suitable for both a beginner and an experienced athlete. However, the main part of the training needs to be divided. For a beginner, each exercise should be done a small number of times to slim down the legs. You can increase the number of repetitions only after the muscles stop responding to the load.
Athlete level | Number of repetitions | Number of sets |
Beginning | 10-15 | 3 |
Experienced | 15-20 | 3 |
Exercises for unprepared people are easy to perform and a small load on the muscles. After completing each set, you must take a break for 1 minute.During the pause, muscles and breathing are restored.
Throwing out lunges
You need to perform these attacks while kneeling down. The pelvis should be on the heels. Put one leg forward, focusing on the entire foot. The knee joint must be bent at an angle of 90C. Tightening the gluteal muscles, you need to rise, while lifting the other bent leg to the waist. Making movements in the opposite direction, sit on your knees. Lunges work well in the muscles of the lower body.
Glute bridge
Lying on your back, rest your feet on the floor, placing them slightly wider than your shoulders. Hands are at the sides, palms down. By contracting the gluteal muscles, raise the pelvis above the floor, stretching the body in one line. Hold for 5 seconds, lower yourself to the floor.
During the execution of the bridge, the following muscles work:
- hips;
- shins;
- press;
- back.
Glute Bridge with Leg Raise
Slim leg exercises aren't just about the muscles in your lower body. Many exercises also strengthen your core muscles. One of them is the gluteal bridge with leg elevation. When performing a regular bridge, alternately raise each leg without lowering the buttocks. The muscles should be tense.
Side jumps on one leg with the torso forward
To perform these jumps, you need to stand up and sit down slightly. The back is straight. Move the center of gravity to the left leg and jump to the right. Having landed on the right leg, bring the left behind the shin of the supporting leg. Repeat the other way. You need to jump out, straining the gluteal and thigh muscles. In this exercise, the legs, buttocks, and bark work.
Chair jump squats
You need a net on the edge of the chair. The arms are downy, the legs are shoulder-width apart, the back is straight. Jump upward using the leg muscles. The feet should come off the floor. During the jump, the arms are raised and connected in the chest area. After landing on the floor, slowly lower yourself onto a chair. The muscles of the thigh and buttocks work here. The static load is applied to the muscles of the abdomen and back.
Main part. Average level
For trained people, more complex exercises are suitable. They can be performed both with their own weight and with additional load.
Diagonal squats
While standing, take one leg back diagonally and at the same time you need to bend it at the knee. Transfer the center of gravity to it. The leg left in front should be straight. Stand straight again, repeat the exercise on the other side.
In this exercise, the main load is on the gluteus maximus and femur. Additionally, the muscle corset is worked out due to static load.
Glute bridge with raised arm
This exercise is done in the following steps:
- Sit on the floor, rest your hands behind your back. The legs should be bent at the knees and spaced 20-30 cm apart.
- Raise the buttocks, aligning the body.
- Raise your right hand while lifting the pelvis. The movement should go to the middle of the body.
- Return to starting position.
- Repeat with the other hand.
This exercise additionally works the muscles of the arms and back.
The exercise is done using a high ground. It could be a chair, bench, or step. Stand directly in front of the bench. The back is straight. Put your left foot on a hill. The foot should be completely at the top of the bench. Do not let the heel hang.
By contracting the muscles of the buttocks, rise above the bench, pulling up the right leg. The jogging leg should be fully extended. Come down. This exercise works well on the front of the thigh, uses the muscles of the lower leg, buttocks and core.
Side lunges
The legs are wider than the shoulders, the arms are joined in front of the chest. Bending your right leg to transfer support to it. In this case, the hips should be laid back. Straightening the supporting leg, transfer the weight to the left leg. It turns out a kind of swing.
This exercise works on the inner thighs.
Curvature of the gluteal bridge
The exercise begins like a normal gluteal bridge.Simultaneously with lifting the buttocks, tear off the left leg from the floor and press it to the chest with your hands. Hold for 5 sec. Get down to the floor. After completing the required number of repetitions, perform on the other leg.
This exercise targets the muscles of the buttocks and legs.
Kneeling steps
Sit in front of a chair on your knees a step away from it. Put your left leg bent at the knee in front of you. By contracting the muscles of the leg and buttocks, rise and step forward with the right leg, place it on a chair. Climb on it while lifting your left leg. The free leg rises to the level of the waist. Performing the exercise in reverse order, sit in front of the chair.
The exercise is done smoothly, without jerking or interruptions. It is performed first on one side, then on the other. The lesson helps to develop fully leg and gluteal muscle groups. The muscles of the core are additionally loaded.
Dumbbell Side Steps
You will need a bench and dumbbells for training. Stand to the bench with your right side. Dumbbells in hand. Step with your right foot on the bench, with the effort of the muscles of the thigh and buttocks, rise up. The left leg does not rest on the bench surface. Come down. The exercise additionally works on the inner surface of the thigh.
Cross lunges
Stand up straight, hands are lowered along the body. Squat on the right leg, while pulling back and to the right with the left leg.
Pushing off with the leg behind, return to a standing position. Repeat on right leg.
Cross lunges with throwing out of the leg
The exercise is performed from a sitting position on your knees. Extend the left leg and use the leg muscles to rise. At the same time, the right leg is thrown forward to the level of the waist. Lower your leg and bring it back behind your left leg. You should lunge back. Get down on your knees. In this case, in addition to the external gluteal muscles, the internal muscles are worked out.
Pistol squat with support
Support can be a chair, table, or wall. Standing near the support, you need to grab it with your hand. The leg of the same name rises a few centimeters from the floor and is held in weight during the exercise. From this position, a squat on one leg is performed. The raised leg at this time rises and does not touch the floor.
This exercise can be done without support.
The exercise is aimed at working out the front of the thigh.
Deadlift on the leg
Standing straight, you need to take one leg back. Keep your back straight. The supporting leg is slightly bent at the knee. Without bending your back, lean forward, trying to reach the floor. Straighten up. After completing the execution on one leg, repeat on the other. The main load on yourself in this exercise is taken by the gluteal muscles and the muscles of the back of the thigh.
Deadlift on the leg with isolation
This exercise will require support:
- Stand in front of a chair or bench. The support should be behind your back.
- Put one leg on a chair.
- Bend the supporting leg slightly at the knee.
- Without bending your back, bend forward, without removing your leg from the support.
- Straighten up.
- Repeat for the other side.
Split squats
The left leg is on the chair, the right leg is a step away from it. Lower into a lunge, bending your right leg. By straining the muscles of the buttocks, return to the starting position. Split squats work well for the muscles of the thigh and glutes.
When doing them, you can form a beautiful shape of the buttocks.
Cross lunges with hand touching the floor
This exercise is performed in the same way as simple cross lunges. While squatting and pulling the leg back, the hand of the same name reaches out to the outside of the foot of the other leg. The exercise is aimed at working out the inner thighs. While performing this type of lunges, the muscles of the core and shoulder girdle receive an additional load.
Farmer's walk in wide stride
The exercise is performed with dumbbells or weights. The weight is on the floor. Bend the lower back slightly, bring the shoulder blades together. Sit down and take the dumbbells in your hands. Step with your left foot.After lowering the foot to the floor, the heel should be in front of the toe of the right foot. When performing the movement, the legs do not cross. It turns out a small step of a long one, no more than a foot.
When performing the exercise, the back is fixed, the arms are "at the seams" and slightly bent at the elbows.
This exercise engages almost all muscles in the body. The main load falls on the buttocks, abs and lower back muscles. Due to the use of weights, the muscles of the shoulder girdle and arms receive an additional load. The exercise is considered traumatic, therefore, when performing it, you must follow the technique and use a special belt to fix the lower back.
Workout schedule for the week
When scheduling your training, keep in mind that you cannot train one zone every day. It is best to alternate between leg workout and full body workout, or alternate between different types of exercise. It should be noted that the muscles of the legs and buttocks are under constant stress due to the vertical position of the human body.
That is why exercises should be changed after the muscles stop responding to them.
To get in shape, you can use the following sequence of exercises:
Day of week | Exercise | Number of sets | Number of repetitions |
Monday | Squats | 3 | 10 |
Load lunges | 3 | 10 | |
Glute bridge | 3 | 15 | |
Steps | 3 | 15 | |
Tuesday | Running day | 30-90 minutes depending on the sports form of the person. | |
Wednesday | Deadlift | 3 | 10 |
Split squats | 3 | 10 | |
Crossed lunges | 3 | 15 | |
Thursday | Running day | 30-90 minutes depending on the sports form of the person. | |
Friday | Lateral steps | 3 | 10 |
Pistol squats | 3 | 10 | |
Farmer's walk | 1 | 1 minute | |
Saturday | Running day | 30-90 minutes depending on the sports form of the person. |
You can schedule your workouts so that there is a rest day in between. This distribution is suitable for beginners in sports.
This type of graph might look like this:
- Monday. Do leg and whole body exercises at home or at the gym.
- Tuesday. Recreation.
- Wednesday. Running training.
- Thursday. Recreation.
- Friday. Leg exercises at home or in the gym.
- Saturday and Sunday rest.
There are a lot of exercises to make your legs and buttocks firmer at home. Having picked up exercises and diluted them with exercises to train the muscles of the whole body, you can get closer to an ideal figure within a month. Depending on the goal set, it is necessary to gradually increase the load on the muscles. You need to work on all muscle groups to create a beautiful, harmonious body.
Article design:Lozinsky Oleg
Slim Legs Exercise Videos
3 Minute Legs Workout: