Special exercises form the basis of the training program for reducing the volume of the hips. They allow you to accelerate the transformation of subcutaneous fat in the specified area.
How to properly organize and perform fat burning exercises for the hips and buttocks at home
You cannot lose weight in one part of the body, but you can tighten the problem area. The "ears" on the thighs and buttocks are fat deposits that are burned through aerobic exercise and dietary revision. However, not all so simple.
During training, fat will be removed from the entire body, and not just from the desired area. Therefore, the hips are often the last to lose weight. To speed up the process, you need to do exercises that will strengthen the muscles in the breeches, give them elasticity and strength.
It is best to work out in a gym under the supervision of a professional trainer. However, not everyone has this opportunity. The training ground can also be organized at home. The main thing is to understand the need for self-control and discipline. Classes should be held regularly and supplemented with a healthy diet.
Training is best done in a large room, cleared of foreign objects. Hip exercises include lunges and fitball exercises that require freedom of movement. The equipment will depend on the exercise.
The minimum set consists of:
- sportswear;
- rug;
- dumbbells;
- barbells;
- jump ropes;
- fitball;
- step platforms;
- stopwatch.
The first thing to understand before starting classes is that the result will not be instantaneous. Strengthening muscles is a long process. Do not torture yourself with excessive stress, it will only harm. Muscle tone depends on regular exercise and the gradual complication of the program.
Hip reduction exercises are done 5-6 times a week. The first 5 days include standard workouts: cardio, strength and gymnastics. It is recommended to take the last day for swimming. This will consolidate the result, improve overall well-being.
The daily load distribution is as follows: 2 cardio workouts, 1 strength workout and 1 gymnastic workout. Each exercise is performed at least 15 times. At that moment, when it seems that your strength has dried up, you need to strain and do another 1-3 repetitions.
Rest between sets should not exceed 30 seconds. A long break reduces the effectiveness of the session. You need to train in such a mode for at least 3 months. When the result is noticeable and the muscles are sufficiently strengthened, you can switch to the "maintenance mode". It requires 2 strength and 1 cardio workouts per week.
During the first sessions, the body adapts. Therefore, it is important to monitor your well-being and not to bring the body to exhaustion. The pace should be increased gradually. If the exercise is easy, it's time to increase the reps.
Men also need hip correction.They can lose their shape due to obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, hormonal imbalance, age and poor diet.
Heredity plays an important role. Men are shown running, exercise bikes, boxing or swimming. The workout should take at least an hour. Standard hip exercises will also be helpful. For the muscles to get stronger, you need at least 5 sets of 15 reps.
The success of your workout directly depends on proper breathing. Lack of oxygen will lead to weakness, vomiting, and fainting. The breathing technique includes inhalation at the beginning of the exercise and exhalation at the point of highest tension. For example, during a dumbbell exercise, inhale while raising the arm and exhale when lowering.
Simple and effective exercises to reduce the size of women's hips and buttocks
Before starting classes, you need to lay a rug and stock up on a bottle of water. Water balance must be replenished throughout the workout. Clothing should be comfortable and lightweight. It is better to opt for tight leggings and a T-shirt. This will reduce the likelihood of injury.
Warm up
Warm-up is necessary to prepare the body for the load. It starts with a warm-up. You need to straighten your back and walk in place, alternately pulling your knees to your chest. The higher you can lift your leg, the better. Walking is continued for a minute.
After that comes the turn of the "Stars". Starting position: legs together, arms pressed to the sides. Then they make a jump in place with the legs spread to the sides. At the same time, they clap their hands over their heads.
The arms and legs need to be moved synchronously: the return of the legs to their original position should be accompanied by a clap. Jumping is repeated for a minute. "Zvezdochka" not only warms up the muscles, but also trains the vestibular apparatus.
Running is a proven way to lose fat. Centimeters go not only from the hips, but from the waist and buttocks. Beginners are encouraged to run 7 minutes at a moderate pace. When the body gets used to the activity, the run time is increased to 45 minutes. The main thing is to make the transition gradually! 45 minutes of jogging can burn up to 470 calories.
You can limit yourself to 1-3 runs a week or do them every morning. During training, you need to carefully monitor your knees. Weight from foot to foot must be transferred in such a way that pain and discomfort does not arise. After finishing your run, it is recommended to walk at a calm pace. In 10 minutes, the heart rate will fully recover.
Exercises based on different types of squats are the best way to reduce fat in the thigh area and also to build muscle. However, squats require caution. If you break the technique, you can damage the knee joint.
Legs are spread shoulder-width apart, hands are placed on the back of the head and locked into a "lock". They try to transfer body weight to the heels. While doing the exercise, they lower themselves as if they want to find a chair with their buttocks. The body is tilted forward. At this point, you need to closely monitor the knees. They should not twist and change positions. The rise begins slowly, with an emphasis on the heels.
For beginners, two sets of 10-15 repetitions are enough. Over time, their number will increase. When squatting becomes easy, you need to add a few reps or pick up weights.
Exercises to reduce the hips necessarily include lunges. They adjust the silhouette and develop posture. Muscle effort is made on exhalation.
In one workout, you need to do 2 types of lunges:
- Forward lunges. Starting position: back straight, feet connected. First, the abdominal muscles are strained, then they make a sharp lunge forward. You need to try to make it deep. The supporting leg should remain straight and the knee “working” - exactly at heel level.It is very important to keep your back straight. The exercise is repeated, alternately changing legs.
- Side lunges. Starting position: back straight, feet together. First, lunge to the side with your right foot. The left one is slightly bent at the knee and slightly tilted the body forward. 15 reps are done on each leg, then they are changed.
During lunges, you need to control the position of the knees. They should not turn out and go beyond the toe.
Leading the leg back
This exercise is a great way to improve stretching and strengthen your thigh muscles without adding bulk.
Leading the leg back is carried out on a hard surface. Starting position: standing on all fours, arms and legs slightly apart. The working leg is pulled back, lifting it as high as possible. The knee joint should be bent to a comfortable position. At the highest point, the leg is held for 10-15 seconds, then lowered. The effectiveness of this exercise lies in the tension of the gluteal muscles.
One-legged glute bridge
The glute bridge is a technically easy exercise.
It is good because it gives a load to several muscle groups:
- gluteal;
- calf;
- dorsal.
"Bridge" is performed on a rug. First of all, they lie on the floor, pressing their lower back to it. Then the knees are pulled apart. They should be at a short distance from each other. Hands are laid along the body, feet are on the floor. At the moment of inhalation, the back and hips are lifted so that a straight line (with the shoulders) is obtained.
The buttocks and abs are tense. The legs are held in weight for a couple of seconds and, with an exhalation, return to the floor. During the greatest tension, the buttocks are squeezed as much as possible. The “bridge” is repeated at least 30 times a day (2 sets of 15 times).
The rainbow is performed on all fours. Legs are shoulder-width apart, wrists and shoulders are straight. Hands should be firmly on the floor. The left leg is pulled back, slightly moving it to the left. She should describe a semicircle. Then the leg returns to the floor. At this point, the gluteal muscles should be as tense as possible. Then a change of legs is made.
Plie squats
Plie squats not only burn fat, but also train balance. Legs are placed shoulder-width apart, turning the socks out. The arms are extended forward, making sure they do not fall below the shoulder joint. Then they slowly squat without lifting the heel off the mat. The legs continue to be parallel to the surface. You need to return to the original position slowly, controlling the position of the knees.
This exercise may not work the first time. You can simplify it by taking a long stick, which will become a support.
Swing your legs
Hip reduction exercises do not have to be technically difficult. Simple and powerful exercises include leg swings. They train the outside and inside of the legs, giving the muscles elasticity.
Swings forward do not require additional inventory. It is enough to grasp the wall or other support with your hand. Before lifting the leg, you need to shorten the foot, feel the muscles tighten, then "throw" the leg forward, raising it to the maximum height. If the back is involuntarily "rounded", you need to slightly reduce the amplitude.
Swings to the side are no less useful. Starting position: back straight, legs together, hands on the belt. The left leg is pulled to the side, trying to turn the heel out. The abdominal muscles are tense.
If there is no pressure in the abdomen, then the technique is violated. During the last repetition, the leg is raised to the maximum height and remains in this position for 10-15 seconds. Then they change the leg.
Swings to the side can be done differently. You need to sit on your side, resting your head on your hand. The other hand is put in front of you. The lower (supporting) leg is slightly bent at the knee to fix the body. Then they contract the muscles of the foot and begin to raise and lower the leg. Each set should include 15-20 reps.
Exercises to reduce the outer thighs
To correct the outer side of the thighs, the exercises described above are suitable.
- swings lying on the rug;
- lunges;
- taking the leg back;
- plie squats.
Reverse hyperextension can be added to this list. She will quickly tighten the area of the buttocks and breeches. The exercise is performed in a soft-seated chair or a low bench. Starting position: the stomach rests on the seat of the chair, hands clasp its sidewall.
The legs are straightened to the end, the socks rest on the floor, the feet are brought together. Simultaneously with inhalation, the legs rise sharply up and remain in this position for a couple of seconds. The movement should be accompanied by tension in the buttocks. On exhalation, they return to their original position.
Exercises on the outside of the thighs are complemented by stretching, cupping massage and balanced nutrition.
Exercises to reduce the inner thigh
The inner thighs are well reduced by the plie squats, horizontal swings, and side lunges described above.
You can add a few more exercises to them:
- Crossing the legs while jumping. Starting position: back straight, legs together, arms pressed to the sides. During the jump, the legs are crossed so that one of them is in front. In this case, the knee and toe should be turned in the same direction. During the second jump, the legs change. The knees do not need to be straightened "all the way".
- Squat and step to the side. Starting position: back straight, arms pressed to the body, feet - to each other. Then they step to the side while doing a squat. Hands are straight, fingers are linked in a "lock". Toe and knee pointing in the same direction. They return to the starting position with an exhalation.
- "Scissors". This exercise is a horizontal leg swing. To begin with, you need to lie on your back, press your back to the floor, tighten your abdominal muscles, raise your legs and point your socks to the sides. Legs are spread shoulder-width apart, after which they are crossed. Thus, the working leg should be on top and the other on the bottom.
Despite the simple execution technique, the effect will not be long in coming. The main thing is to do at least 5 times a week and repeat each exercise 30 times (in 2 sets).
Program for reducing hips and buttocks in a week
Regular hip reduction exercises will give first results in a week. To maintain discipline, it is helpful to have a plan of action.
Day of week | Workout |
Monday | Cardio (running up to 5 km) |
Tuesday | Gymnastics |
Wednesday | Dumbbell Workout |
Thursday | Skipping rope exercises (from 40 jumps) |
Friday | Pool |
Saturday | Gymnastics |
Sunday | Bathhouse visit, cupping massage or wraps |
Over time, exercise difficulty and repetitions should increase. If the workout is easy, you need to add sets.
Women will have to take into account the peculiarities of physiology. With the onset of critical days, they take a break from classes. After the condition has stabilized, you can resume training.
Reduction of body fat by 10 cm per month
The rate of fat burning depends on the individual characteristics of the body. Some women manage to achieve fantastic results. With regular exercise and balanced nutrition, the figure of 10 cm is quite real. Especially if you add workouts in the gym, cycling, jumping rope to your homework.
It is recommended to start the morning with a 40-minute walk or pedaling. Jumping rope is a great exercise for strengthening your legs and especially your calf muscles. Fitness instructors recommend doing at least 40 jumps a day.
Cardio workouts will require increased endurance. For quick weight loss, you need to run up to 10 km a day. Once every three weeks, you need to arrange a cross-country run at high speed.
Exercises to reduce hips need to be practiced not only at home, but also in the gym. They are complemented by cardio and strength training. Rapid weight loss is only possible under the supervision of a trainer.He will create an individual program that will allow you to safely get rid of excess fat.
Nutrition, massage and body wraps play an important role. One day a week should be devoted to wellness procedures.
Getting back in shape after childbirth. Training principles, training schedule
After childbirth, it is often necessary to put the body in order. However, this should be done carefully and slowly. If childbirth was easy, they start training in 2 months. In case of caesarean section and complications - after 3-4. Before drawing up a lesson plan, you should consult with your doctor. It will help determine the intensity of the load.
Each exercise can be repeated no more than 10-20 times. Excessive stress will negatively affect your well-being. The first 3 months after the start of classes should be done in a gentle way. The number of training days should be increased from 3 days to 5.
Experts advise to limit yourself to a simple set of exercises:
- "star";
- swings to the side (in a standing position);
- swings lying back (in the position - on the side);
- "rainbow".
It is better to refrain from lunges and squats for a couple of months. After childbirth, group classes with an instructor will help you recover: yoga, water aerobics and Pilates. If there is an opportunity to practice under the supervision of a specialist, you need to use it.
Dumbbell classes
Once your muscles get used to lunges, you can use dumbbells to make your workout harder. Weights are taken in each hand. It is recommended to start with a weight of 2-4 kg. Lunges are done according to the above described scheme. Each leg has 2 sets of 15-20 reps. The break is given no more than 30 seconds.
Dumbbell rowing in a standing position on one leg has proven itself well. To begin with, you need to take a weighting agent in each hand. Then stand steadily on your right leg, pulling back your left. With a smooth push, the working leg is lifted up and held for a couple of seconds on weight. This action is accompanied by tension in the buttocks. On each leg, 15-20 repetitions are done in 2 sets.
Another good exercise is side dumbbells. This will require a bench or step platform. They stand sideways to her, hold dumbbells in their hands. The right leg is placed on a platform, transferring weight to it as you exhale. The left leg is pulled up to the chest. Hands with dumbbells can be bent or left along the body. On each leg, 10 repetitions are done (1-3 sets).
Exercise with fitball
Fitball exercises develop the vestibular apparatus, coordination of movements, and strengthen the hamstrings. The lesson begins with the fact that they lie on the fitball with the upper part of the body, resting against it with the neck, shoulders and head. For weight, you can pick up dumbbells (1-4 kg).
The legs are slightly bent at the knees and begin to lower the body down. Then the hips are lifted up so that the chest and knees form a straight line. At the top point, the gluteal muscles are strained. The fitball should remain in place during exercise. For beginners, 3 sets of 10-11 reps will be enough. Their number is increased as necessary.
In addition to those listed above, there are many more exercises for the hip area. Their effect on reducing excess body fat depends on the individual and the intensity of training.
Article design: Mila Friedan
Hip Exercise Video
5 simple exercises for slim thighs: