Exercises aimed at shaping beautiful, firm buttocks are among the most sought-after in the gym and at home. Most girls are dissatisfied with their appearance to varying degrees and want to add volume to the buttocks or reduce them, or correct their shape by performing various sets of exercises for this.
Where to start
- It matters whether there is excess weight and how many extra pounds. If one to five, then going in for sports, it is easy to get rid of them, but if the BMI (body mass index) is 25% or more, then you need to start with a diet or switch to proper nutrition, while working on the muscles. Otherwise, beautiful elastic and toned muscles will be hidden by fatty tissue.
- It is important what kind of lifestyle is being conducted at the present time. If he is sedentary, inactive, then it is necessary to start with gentle exercises, gradually increasing the load. If physical activity is regular, then you can start with more or less intense loads.
- You should also reconsider your lifestyle, especially if there is an excess of mass. By replacing the elevator with walking, and the bus for a walk, you can speed up the appearance of a visible result.
- Food should contain a sufficient amount of high-quality protein, since building material is needed to form the buttocks. High quality protein can be obtained from meat (chicken breast is especially rich in it), cottage cheese and egg white, milk, lean fish, squid, whey.
- It is advisable to include an anti-cellulite program (scrubs, wraps, creams, massage) into the complex aimed at shaping the buttocks.
- Drink enough water.
- It is worth adding morning exercises to your daily routine - only 10-15 minutes.
- Regular running gives great results.
Basic exercises for the buttocks
Exercises that are designed to build beautiful buttocks and are recommended for girls can be divided into two groups: basic and isolating. Basic, also called multi-joint, are those that are designed to pump the main gluteal muscles, all at once.
If the goal is precisely to create volume, then the proportion of such loads in training should be 70-80% of all exercises. This will not only increase the volume, but also give the pope elasticity, raise the buttocks, and make them rounded.
These exercises include:
- deadlift
- leg press
- squats of various widths, which are done with weights (dumbbells, barbells, in a Smith machine, etc.).
In addition, it is precisely for these exercises that the maximum amount of calories is required.
Isolation exercises for the buttocks
Exercises on the buttocks for girls, which allow you to achieve a beautiful relief and improve shape, are called isolating. Unlike the basic ones, they are designed for a high-quality study of specific small muscles.
This could be:
- flexion and extension of the legs while sitting, standing or lying;
- swings;
- taking to the side or back;
- exercises with a platform for step;
- gluteal bridge;
- reduction and breeding of the thighs.
Dumbbell Exercises
Weights for basic exercises are required, since it is thanks to the regularly increasing weight that is used when performing them that the muscles receive the necessary load that stimulates their growth. Don't be afraid to use dumbbells or a barbell.
A woman who does not use special hormonal supplements will not be able to "pump" just due to the fact that her body does not have the right amount of hormones responsible for the intense increase in muscles.
But the use of extra mass affects the condition of the buttocks in the most favorable way. Isolation exercises are also done with dumbbells or weights.
You can start with very little or no weight at all, gradually increasing the load. All exercises must be performed correctly, observing the position of the legs and body, so as not to get injured or sprained. You should also avoid haste and sudden changes in body position. It is better to do the squat 3-5 times, but correctly.
Absolutely any exercise for girls can be performed with dumbbells or special weights worn on the legs. At home, it is convenient to make swings or abductions with them. Instead, in this case, an elastic band (expander) is also used. If the goal is to reduce the volume of the buttocks, then using dumbbells is not necessary, you can limit yourself to aerobic exercise.
Workout for the buttocks and legs at home
Home workouts can be very effective. They should be done two to three times a week, as the muscles need time to rest and recover. If we are talking about muscle building, then frequent exercises will not give a result, not only faster and better, but also none at all, except for tone.
You need to start any lesson with a warm-up, qualified trainers recommend giving it at least 10 minutes and working out the whole body and joints. Rotation of the head, arms, trunk, swinging legs, running on the spot will make muscles soft, joints flexible and protect from injury.
After that, you can proceed directly to the exercises:
- Squats. This exercise is performed in three versions - with wide legs (feet wider than shoulders), narrow (feet together) and middle (feet shoulder width apart). The toes of the legs look straight ahead or turned outward, you need to sit down until the knee joint forms an even angle. The back is straight, the arms are pulled forward or held near the chest, while the pelvis goes back. To practice the technique, you can stand with your back to the open door, touching it with your heels, and try to close the door with your booty.
Squats are the main exercise for the buttocks for girls, which must be performed regularly - Lunges. There are straight and crossed. In the first version, you need to step straight forward with one foot and sit down. The knee should not go further than the toe when squatting. When positioned correctly in the squat, both legs form right angles at the knees. With a crossed execution, a step is made forward and in the opposite direction, i.e. if the leg is right, then you need to step with a slope to the left. The knee and foot of both legs are in line. For greater efficiency, you can combine lunges with swings: taking the starting position, you should take your leg to the side or back.
- Walking on the buttocks... Simple yet very effective exercise. It is necessary to sit on the floor and, moving the buttocks, "pass" in this way through the room.
- Superman... Lying on your stomach, you should stretch your straight arms forward, raise them and raise your straight legs, holding the position for the maximum possible time.
- The bar is forward and backward. A versatile exercise in which the glutes, legs, abs and arms work. In the classic version, the support occurs on the toes of the legs and elbows, the body is stretched in a straight line, from the heels to the crown. The reverse plank is placed face up, the emphasis is on the heels and palms, the body also holds the plank position, without bends. Stay in position should be as long as possible.
- Steps to the platform. If there is no special equipment, an ottoman or a high chair will do, the main thing is that it is stable. You need to step on it with both legs alternately or in approaches, for each leg separately.
- Machi. Standing on all fours, one leg must be bent into a right angle and, lifting up, straightened. The same exercise is done with a straight leg, the toe is kept extended or at an angle of 90.
- Stool. Standing near the wall and touching it with the heels, buttocks and shoulder blades, they slide down to the position that a person takes while sitting on a chair. They remain in this position for 3-5 seconds and also, without tearing off the anchor points, rise.
- Scissors... Lying on the floor, face up, raise straight legs and, spreading them to the sides, bring them down so that the left leg is higher. The breeding is repeated, but now the right leg should be at the top.
- A bike. The starting position is the same as that of the scissors. The legs are lifted and imitated by pedaling.
- The gluteal bridge. Lying on your back, bend your legs, making an emphasis with your feet (you can hold your heels with your hands for greater convenience), raise the pelvis up. The exercise is complicated as follows: the feet can be put on some kind of elevation or one leg can be raised up so that it looks at the ceiling with its toe. When working with weight, the dumbbell is placed on the pelvis.
During the exercise, the buttocks should be squeezed at the extreme lower and upper points of the position, feeling how the necessary muscles are working. The workout ends with stretching exercises, this will help relieve tension, reduce the soreness the next day.
Workout for the buttocks and legs in the gym
Exercises in the gym give excellent results due to the variety of simulators. For many girls, visiting the gym is a motivating factor that sets them up for fruitful classes.
And allows you to quickly give the buttocks the desired shape:
- Squats... Perform with dumbbells or a bar placed on the shoulders. In the gym, you can work out this exercise in the Smith machine. They are done with different legs, squats can also be performed with an emphasis not on the feet, but on the knees.
- Press platform legs. Works the gluteal muscles and legs. When performed with straight feet, standing next to each other, the load on the biceps of the thigh increases, with widely spread feet and toes outward - the inner thighs are actively worked out, and the narrow stance of the feet gives emphasis on the outer part of the quadriceps.
- The deadlift is useful for shaping firm, well-defined glutes by targeting the major muscles of the body. Starting position feet shoulder width apart without bending the knees. The grip is in the middle of the bar with the knees bent and the pelvis pulled back. The shoulder blades are slightly tucked together and keep the back straight. Looking forward, you need to slowly straighten your back until your body is level. The reverse movement begins with the movement of the hips, not the knees. The Romanian variation is performed in the same way, but on straight legs, and the sumo pull repeats the first (classic), but the stance of the legs is wide, like the hands.
- One-leg deadlift (bulgarian squats, lunges)... It is done in the Bulgarian version of the deadlift, while one leg is on the floor (it is under load), and the other is laid back, bent at the knee and lies on a dais.
- Plie... A kind of squat, while the legs are as wide as possible, the toes and knees are pulled to the sides. You need to squat until your knees form right angles or below (negative plie).
- Hyperextension. It is performed in a special simulator, it makes it possible to pump the buttocks and strengthen the back. When performing, the legs are kept slightly apart.
If the girl has never visited the gym before, it is advisable to take at least 1-2 workouts, which will be held under the supervision of a trainer.
It will cost more than independent training, but a professional will show you how to use the simulators and deliver the technique. Such "extra" spending will save you from injury due to violation of exercise technology and will have a positive effect on the result.
How many repetitions to do
To achieve the goal, you need to follow the training schedule and know how many repetitions of each exercise you need to do. Buttock growth occurs when muscle tissue receives microtrauma (cracks), which the body heals between workouts.
Each exercise included in the workout should be repeated 15 to 20 times with 3-5 sets. The load is selected such that the last two times are done at the limit of forces.
How to increase the load
Another point affecting the result is the correct selection of weight. It is better to start training without weights, working exclusively with body weight, this is important first of all for those girls who have a high BMI (otherwise it will create additional stress on the joints of the legs).
Gradually, getting into tone, add weights. For the start, training with small dumbbells of 0.5-1 kg is suitable, the next day it will be clear as to whether it is worth moving on. Women do not have a muscle refusal syndrome, like men, she cannot really do the exercise with her last bit of strength - this is how the body works.
But with the right weight, the last one or two steps will be very, very difficult to perform. When, after one or more workouts with this weight, there is a feeling that after the last exercise in the approach you can work further, this will be a signal that it is time to throw 0.5-1 kg over the dumbbells.
How to increase efficiency
If a girl is doing well, having good rest and eating right, but there is no result, it means that she only thinks that she is doing it right. An ideal body is not created in a month, but during this time the very first hints of body changes should already appear.
It is advisable to visit the gym or do exercises at home on the same days, evenly distributing the workouts. The human body respects graphics and responds to them gratefully.
Lose weight at the table, not in the gym. Exercise is a quality of the body, and the fight against excess weight is carried out in the kitchen. But an excessive calorie deficit will not lead to the goal. Common sense is needed in menu and diet planning.
If a girl performs exercises on the buttocks correctly and regularly, then the result appears quickly, since anatomically in women, the lower half of the body is more muscular and responds more readily to training than in men.
A positive attitude, regular, intense exercise and proper nutrition are prerequisites for achieving this goal.
Video on how to pump up the buttocks
How to quickly pump up your hips and buttocks:
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How many exercises can you choose for yourself exactly or do you need to do everything at once?