Banks' vacuum facial massage is an effective procedure aimed at combating age-related changes. With its help, you can rejuvenate the skin, smooth out wrinkles, remove small defects.
At the place where the bank is installed, the processes of regeneration of skin cells are activated, blood flow and lymph improve. This type of massage is easy to perform, so it can be performed not only in beauty parlors, but also at home. The main condition is to choose the right banks, attentiveness and caution.
Indications for
Cosmetics do not always help moisturize the skin and cope with age-related changes. They do not activate blood flow, do not affect muscles. To improve the flow of oxygen to each cell, it is better to use a vacuum massage. Vacuum massage of the face with cups is aimed at rejuvenating the skin, therefore it is recommended for women of mature age.
The fair half, who is not yet 40 years old, can remove minor problems with the help of masks, serums and other cosmetics. Massage with cups helps to cope with such a problem as a double chin, folds on the skin. Young girls with its help can get rid of early wrinkles that have appeared on the forehead.
Experts recommend taking a course of vacuum massage for men and women with:
- small wrinkles and scars;
- the presence of a double chin;
- sagging skin that has lost its elasticity;
- rashes and swelling;
- dry and fading skin.
A vacuum facial massage with cups restores a healthy look to the skin, removes circles under the eyes, cleanses the sebaceous ducts, and removes shine.
After completing the full course of massage, you can achieve the following results:
- normalize metabolic processes;
- improve blood circulation;
- normalize the functions of the lymphatic system;
- remove harmful substances;
- strengthen muscle tissue;
- reduce wrinkles;
- saturate cells with oxygen;
- improve the elasticity of the skin;
- remove puffiness;
- narrow pores;
- increase collagen production.
After a couple of sessions, it is noticeable how the natural blush on the face returns. To get rid of numerous problems and rejuvenate the skin, a completely completed course, designed for 10 sessions, will help.
To keep the result obtained for a long time, it is imperative to combine it with other cosmetic procedures. You need to remember about moisturizing and cleansing the skin, control the duration of sleep and the amount of fluid you drink per day.
Vacuum facial massage with banks has a number of undeniable advantages over many other cosmetic procedures:
- It normalizes skin turgor due to increased blood flow, and more oxygen is supplied with the blood flow.
- The second chin is completely removed.
Vacuum massage of the face with cups helps to remove the double chin. - Reduced muscle ptosis.
- The complexion is significantly improved.
- All mimic wrinkles disappear completely after the course, because the muscles relax, and deep wrinkles become less noticeable.
- Dry skin will stop drying and flaking.
- The complexion will be fresher.
- The production of collagen and elastin is activated, due to which this type of massage can be compared with revitonics.
- The pores are narrowed.
- Pain syndrome and pathological reflexes arising from the clamping of nerve endings go away.
- Dark circles under the eyes are removed.
- The sebaceous and sweat glands are cleansed.
- Excess fat deposits are removed.
- Immunity improves.
The main plus of massage with cans is the activation of all natural processes in the body, which slow down over the years, the effect occurs without the use of medicines. In addition, if you compare this procedure with many others, then its price is low, especially if you carefully study the technique and conduct sessions at home.
How to prepare for the procedure
Before starting a massage with cans, you need to choose the right product. High-quality cans are necessarily sold with instructions, and the kit contains devices with different diameters. It is also important that the cans are convenient to use, for example, a product equipped with a pump at home is difficult to use.
You also need to pay attention to the material, because banks are:
- glass;
- silicone;
- polymeric.
According to experienced cosmetologists, jars made of silicone are considered the most convenient, because they adhere tightly to the skin, do not absorb oil and its smell, and easily slide over the body. The diameter of the cans is designed for various applications. So, for example, you can remove small wrinkles with a jar with a small diameter, and large ones, respectively, large.
The massage will be effective if the oil is chosen correctly. Its function is to improve the sliding of the can on the skin, soften and nourish the skin with useful substances, reduce discomfort, and normalize metabolic processes.
It is better to carry out vacuum massage of the face with banks using the following oils:
Oil | Properties |
Olive | Helps the skin to cleanse better, does not clog pores, nourishes and moisturizes well, activates regenerative processes. |
Almond | Removes flaking, tightens pores, moisturizes. |
Coconut. | This type is considered an excellent choice for sensitive skin, restores cells, smoothes wrinkles. |
From grape seeds | Promotes moisture retention in the skin, has nourishing and rejuvenating properties. |
Avocado | It has an antiseptic effect, improves blood flow, and helps to remove toxic substances. |
Apricot pits | Normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands. |
High-quality oil should not contain any chemical additives or fragrances, and should not have a pungent smell and impurities. Better to stop at cold-pressed oil.
Before starting the massage, you need to prepare for it:
- Cleanse your face from cosmetics, wash it with soap and dry it with a towel.
- It is imperative to make a steam bath, with the help of which it will be possible to open the pores, warm up and soften the skin. Baths can be carried out with any herbal decoction, or simply put a warm napkin on your face, leaving it for 5 minutes.
- Apply a small amount of oil to the face area.
- Treat the jars with alcohol wipes or any other means with disinfecting properties.
Cosmetologists advise, a quarter of an hour before the procedure, sit down, relax, close your eyes and think about something pleasant. After the procedure, it is better not to go out into the fresh air for 3 hours.
Varieties and techniques of execution
There are 2 types of massage:
- Static. It is used to influence specific problem areas for their deep study.
- Dynamic. It is used to work out all areas of the face, neck and décolleté.
Each of the types of massage has a specific scheme of actions.
A static massage session is performed as follows:
- a bank of the required diameter is applied to the nasolabial, the area between the eyebrows or to another area, for which it needs to be slightly squeezed;
- the skin should be pulled in a couple of millimeters;
- leave the jar motionless for 2-3 seconds;
- squeeze a little, holding the skin, remove the jar;
- rearrange to another site.
You can use several cans at once by placing them in different areas. With each new session, increase the amount of time by adding 1-2 seconds. Dynamic massage provides smooth movement of cans along the massage lines. It is recommended to start it from the neckline, smoothly moving higher and higher to the face. All manipulations are performed without haste and sudden movements.
The algorithm of actions is as follows:
- When making a massage on the neck, moving to the chin, one should start from the fossa between the collarbones and to the chin, and then from the ear downward, heading to the collarbones. The holding time is no more than 2 minutes, the diameter of the cans is large.
- It is better to massage the chin with jars with a diameter of 2.2 cm. The procedure should be started from the center of the chin, moving to the left, passing along the contour of the face to the cheekbones. Also go to the other side. Work the chin area in a circular motion.
- Next comes the development of the cheekbones and nose. Following from the chin to the ear, from the edge of the lips to the earlobe, from the wings of the nose to the temporal region, from the middle of the nose to the cheekbones. Repeat all movements several times on each side.
- The nasolabial folds are worked out from above from the wings of the nose and to the lips. Do not move upward, the skin can stretch.
- The area around the eyes should be massaged as gently as possible so as not to harm sensitive skin, because it is in this area that it is the most delicate. The movement should start from the inner corner of the eye and along the superciliary arch going to the outer one, return along the line of the bone of the orbit.
- You need to massage the forehead from the bridge of the nose and to the hairline, from the bridge of the nose to the area above the temple on one side, and then on the other.
Each of the movements should be repeated several times.
Algorithm of conducting
If you do not follow the recommendations and violate the exposure time, as well as apply force, then, as a result, hematomas will appear. Whichever part of the face is massaged, the jar should move easily. Sometimes for this you have to slightly stretch the skin or adjust the strength of the impact.
At home, you can massage with banks by following this scheme:
- Cleanse skin, warm up and lubricate with oil.
- It is necessary to process the skin, going from the center of the forehead to the temples, in vertical movements from the eyebrows and towards the hairline.
- Carefully process the transverse seam in the forehead area using circular motions. To maximize the effect, it is better to take cans with a diameter of 32 and 22 mm. First they use large ones, and then small ones. It is better to massage the eyelids with cans with a diameter of 11 mm.
- Lubricate the area around the eyes with a fat cream or oil.
- Set the jar on the tip of the nose, hold it, and then rush upward to the brow crease with a smooth movement.
- It is necessary to process the lower eyelid in the direction from the nose to the temples, moving almost to the hairline.
- The most problematic areas can be treated pointwise, while the impact force should be insignificant.
Chin and neck massage is performed with cans of large and small diameters.
Apply oil to the skin and start the procedure:
- Initially, you should take a jar with a diameter of 32 mm, place it at the base of the neck on the right, move it smoothly without jerking, heading towards the chin. Repeat the manipulations on the other side, without processing the central part of the neck.
- Place the jar in the middle of the chin. You need to draw along several lines: initially moving along the arch of the jaw, then under it, heading towards the earlobe. Repeat the manipulations on both sides of the face.
- Moving clockwise, making circular motions, massage the entire chin area.
- With a fine nozzle, 11 mm in diameter, manipulations are carried out, starting from the inner corner of the eyes near the nose, making circular movements, follow towards the lips, smoothing out wrinkles. Do the same on the other side.
- Opening your mouth slightly, thereby pulling the skin over the upper lip, massage the wrinkles around using a fine nozzle.
If during the procedure there is pain, discomfort, redness that does not go away for a long time, then in this case the massage is stopped.
Experts use two options for the course of vacuum massage with banks:
- In the first case, there can be 10-15 sessions, which are carried out every other day. The courses can be repeated, but only with a break of 30 days.
- Intensive course. It provides for daily procedures. After completing such a course, a supportive massage should be carried out - once a week.
Do not massage before going outside. The best time is before going to bed or 4 hours before the intended walk in the fresh air. After the procedure, the blood vessels expand and changes in temperature outside, high humidity, can harm them.
The first session should not last more than 15 minutes. After that, you can gradually increase the time. The same area should be treated 4 times.
Frequent and aggressive manipulations during massage will not give a quick and desired effect. It is imperative to take breaks to allow the skin to recover, remove microcracks, and rest.
Often after the first procedures, when the hand has not yet adapted, hematomas appear. Potato juice or a piece of raw potato applied to the problem area will help to get rid of them.
Harm and contraindications
Vacuum facial massage carried out with the help of special cans, like most of the cosmetic procedures, also has a number of contraindications.
Due to the specific properties and principle of action, this type of massage can harm people suffering from:
- thrombophlebitis;
- young age;
- herpes;
- varicose veins;
- pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
- dermatitis;
- fungal skin lesions;
- inflamed facial nerves;
- overwork and weakness;
- oncology;
- hypertension;
- special sensitivity of the skin;
- the presence of a large number of moles.
It is not recommended to carry out massage while carrying a baby and lactation. Facial massage with cups can harm the skin if it is damaged: scratches, abrasions, abscesses. The massage should be postponed for those who have inflammation of the lymph nodes, diseases affecting the respiratory tract, with severe acne.
Do not massage immediately after tattooing, peeling, piercing and Botox injections. It is imperative to give your skin a rest.
There are no negative consequences after the procedure, if you do not violate the execution techniques. If the algorithm of actions or the time of exposure were violated, then swelling, bruising, redness may appear. All consequences go away on their own in 2-3 days. If the situation has not returned to normal, then in this case you will need to consult a dermatologist.
Vacuum facial massage after the end of the course will help improve the condition of the skin, remove various age-related problems and rejuvenate for several years. The procedure performed by banks is easy to carry out at home, the main thing is to strictly observe the algorithm of actions, properly prepare the skin, monitor the cleanliness and sterility of the instrument.
Article design:Lozinsky Oleg
Video about vacuum facial massage with cans
Self-powered vacuum facial massage with cups: