Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) takes part in cellular processes: it accelerates cell division and metabolism. The substance is necessary for the body for hair growth, good skin condition and wound healing, for vitality and combating stress.
Properties of vitamin B12: how its excess and deficiency affect the condition of the hair
The toxicity of vitamin B12 has been verified by studies, but no consequences of overdose have been identified. An excess of vitamin does not have a significant effect on either the hair or other parts of the body. The only exceptions are people with individual B12 intolerance. For them, exceeding the dose can result in allergies in various forms of severity.
The lack of vitamin appears on the hair noticeably: it weakens and loses its attractiveness, and if you do not take care of the problem of vitamin deficiency, then serious problems are possible, including baldness.
The main reason for these changes in vitamin B12 function is:
- Acceleration of the production of red blood cells. When there are not enough of them, the blood does not have time to carry the required amount of oxygen, therefore, the hair roots are not saturated with it.
- Increased rates of cell regeneration and division.
- Impact on resistance to stress. People who are often nervous are more prone to hair problems.
Failure to fulfill these functions leads to problems with the skin and scalp.
The benefits and harms of vitamin B12 for hair
Vitamin B12 for hair is something of an accelerator of vital processes.
- reduces hair loss;
- accelerates growth;
- nourishes hair follicles;
Vitamin B12 for hair nourishes and nourishes the hair follicles. - saturates the scalp with useful substances;
- adds shine.
No negative effects on hair were found.
Indications and contraindications for use
You should think about the cyanocobalamin course not only for hair problems, but also in other situations:
- Vegetarianism or avoiding meat products for any other reason.
- Pallor and dryness of the skin.
- Brittle or flaking nails.
- Planning a pregnancy (in this case, a vitamin course is recommended for both parents at once).
- Fast weight loss.
- Alzheimer's disease.
- Stress, active mental and physical activity.
- Diseases of the kidneys and liver.
- Radiculitis.
- Chronic hepatitis.
- Postponed operations on the organs of the digestive system, problems associated with poor absorption of nutrients in the intestines.
There are also contraindications:
- Individual intolerance.
- The tendency to develop blood clots.
- Pregnancy and breastfeeding (vitamin intake is not completely prohibited, but limited).
Signs of vitamin deficiency
The possible symptoms of B12 deficiency affecting hair, ranging from less severe to more severe, are listed below:
- Slow growth.
- Split ends.
- Lack of healthy shine.
- Hair is frizzy or coarse.
- Dandruff.
- Dropping out.
Usually, not one symptom appears, but their combination, which makes the hair look unkempt.
In what forms is vitamin B12 sold, which are suitable for hair treatment?
B12 is present on pharmacy shelves in various forms:
- In pill form. This form of release is suitable for people who have a lack of vitamin throughout the body and are expressed in several symptoms. When taken internally, the substance is absorbed, enters the bloodstream and is evenly distributed. The tool is suitable as a prophylaxis for vegetarians and people who adhere to diets. Hair improvement will also occur, but more slowly than topical use.
- In ampoules. A very convenient form of release for people with problem hair, since the contents of the ampoules can be used to prepare homemade masks and other procedures without wasting time dissolving the tablets. Ampoules are also used for injections.
- Liquid vitamin in vials. Also a comfortable view. It can be added to masks and shampoos, or taken internally according to the specified standards. The advantage over tablets is that the liquid substance does not need to be absorbed.
- Spray. Similar to the previous product from the bottle, but with a spray. Typically, natural fragrances and foods are added to the spray to enhance the flavor, as sprays are more commonly recommended for sublingual sprays and swallowing.
Hair and scalp will begin to heal with any form of vitamin, but a quicker way is to apply a liquid vitamin topically.
How to use vitamin B12 for hair
To improve the condition of hair, vitamin B12 is most often added to masks, which can be found in cosmetic stores or prepared on your own. Also, a drop of pure liquid vitamin is mixed with shampoo before shampooing.
There are many ready-made products with vitamin B12 for hair care, and these are not only masks, but also a variety of shampoos, balms and oils, often enriched with several vitamin components at once.
Sometimes specialists prescribe vitamin injections from ampoules into the scalp (1 syringe is divided into several doses, which are injected into different zones of the scalp).
With regular and correct use, any of the described remedies will have an effect.
How to use pure vitamin B12 for hair health topically and orally?
Before taking the vitamin orally (orally), you should carefully adjust the set of other vitamins taken, since B12 is quite capricious and is not combined with all substances, sometimes it even conflicts with the vitamins of its group.
What goes well with:
- B5 and B2 - a set of these three vitamins is perfectly absorbed;
- vitamins E, B9, B6 and C;
- calcium.
What is better not to mix with:
- B1 - together can cause allergies;
- vitamins A and B3;
- iron;
- copper;
- manganese.
Pure vitamin B12 is taken in an amount of not more than 2.5 mg per day (for adults and adolescents over 14 years old), use every other day to avoid hypovitaminosis.
After the drop enters the mouth, it is recommended not to swallow it immediately, but to hold it under the tongue. With a tablet - similarly - keep under the tongue until dissolved.
For external use, the above compatibility rules must also be observed.In this case, the vitamin is added to the purchased or prepared cosmetic product, applied and kept for some time until the beneficial components are absorbed. It is possible to rub the vitamin into the scalp and then rinse it off.
Rules for using masks with cyanocobalamin
Despite the abundance of recipes, there are general rules for applying masks with vitamin B12:
- If the procedure will be carried out for the first time, then an allergic reaction test is needed. To carry it out, a few drops of pure liquid vitamin is applied to the wrist (there is delicate skin, but in the case of a positive test result, the allergy will not be noticeable as, for example, on the face). If after half an hour nothing has happened, then you can proceed to the procedure, otherwise (with itching, hives, etc.) you will have to refuse it.
- The mask is applied on clean hair.
- Cyanocobalamin does not tolerate high temperatures, so all components and the vitamin itself should be warm, but not hot.
- The vitamin mixture must be kept at least half an hour (except for the pepper mask and some others) for the ingredients to saturate the hair. The maximum time depends on the ingredients and is different for each recipe.
- To enhance the effect a shower cap or a plastic bag is put on the head, a towel is wound on top.
- It is better to wash off the mask ordinary water or herbal decoction (chamomile, oak bark, etc.), but if you used fatty components that heavily pollute the hair, you can also use shampoo.
- Masks with vitamin B12 are not allowed do it more often than once a week. The most effective course will be a course of 8-10 procedures, and then you need to take a break for about 2 months.
Hair growth mask
Vitamin B12 has a positive effect on cell division, so a mask with it can be used to accelerate the growth of healthy hair, and not just to treat it.
- liquid B12 - 1 ml (1 ampoule);
- red pepper - 5 pods;
- vodka - 0.5 l.
Preparation and procedure:
- You need to prepare the pepper tincture in advance. Wash the pods, grind them through a meat grinder, add vodka, leave in a cool dark place for 7 days. After the infusion, you can use it.
- The mask itself consists of cyanocobalamin and 2 tbsp. l. tinctures. They need to be mixed and rubbed into the hair roots, avoiding getting to the length, as this can lead to excessive dryness of the curls.
- Warm your head.
- Rinse thoroughly after 15 minutes. In case of severe burning sensation, stop the procedure ahead of time.
The peculiarity of the mask is that red pepper stimulates blood flow with nutrients to the scalp, accelerating hair growth.
Hair loss mask
The recipe is based on the joint work of 3 vitamins of group B at once: 2, 6 and 12. Due to a slight decrease in the effect, any one vitamin can be used.
You will need:
- liquid vitamins B6, B12, B2 - 5 ml each;
- raw chicken yolk - 1 pc .;
- burdock oil - 15 ml;
- almond oil - 15 ml.
- Mix ingredients.
- Apply to full length and leave for 40 minutes.
- When washing off, it is better to refuse shampoo. If your hair tends to frizz after washing, you can use a balm.
Mask for strengthening curls
The product is suitable for fragility and loss.
- vitamin B12 - 2 ampoules;
- jojoba oil (can be replaced with avocado or castor oil) - 1 tbsp. l .;
- natural honey - 1 tbsp;
- yolk - 1 pc.
- Honey should be liquid, so if the choice fell on a thick variety, then the product should be slightly warmed up in a water bath.
- Mix everything and apply to clean hair.
- Leave for 60-70 minutes.
Jojoba oil is considered one of the best in caring for weak hair, and with the vitamin and moisturizing properties of honey, the effect of the mask becomes noticeable after 2-3 procedures.
Mask with vitamin B12 and B6 (pyridoxine)
B6 and B12 are well absorbed together, so you can even find ready-made blends of these 2 vitamins in pharmacies.
- vitamin B6 - 1.5 tsp;
- vitamin B12 - 1.5 tsp;
- burdock oil - 2 tbsp. l .;
- egg - 1 pc.
- Mix everything and apply to clean hair roots.
- Insulate.
- Keep for 60 to 90 minutes.
- Wash off.
In the absence of burdock oil or in case of allergies, you can replace it with almond or lavender oil.
Mask for oily strands
Simultaneously with strengthening, cyanocobalamin will help to cope with oily hair.
You will need:
- vitamin B12 - 1 ampoule;
- kefir of any fat content - 100 g;
- lemon / orange oil - 3 drops;
- rosemary oil - 1-2 drops.
- Mix all.
- Apply to hair, wrap up. If the hair is greasy only at the roots, and dry at the ends, then massage the mask over the scalp, avoiding getting to the length.
- Rinse off after 40 minutes.
Kefir is an effective remedy against oily hair and dandruff, but when used in its pure form, a specific smell may remain. In this case, essential oils interrupt him. Citrus oils fight grease.
Moisturizing mask
Suitable for all hair types, but more recommended for dry hair.
- vitamin B12 - 1 ml (1 ampoule);
- egg yolk - 1 pc .;
- castor oil - 1 tbsp l .;
- honey - 1 tbsp. l.
- If the honey is thick, it should be melted in a water bath so that it is evenly distributed in the mask. If it is liquid, you can proceed to step 2.
- Mix ingredients.
- Apply the composition to the hair along the entire length and leave for 60 minutes.
Vitamin B12 for hair in this mask acts as a reducing agent. Honey is also a moisturizing component, this property is also used in masks for the face and feet.
Mask for nutrition, restoring the structure of curls
Improves the appearance of hair and prevents dandruff.
- cyanocobalamin - 1 ampoule;
- still mineral water - 2 tbsp. l .;
- kelp powder - 2 tablespoons
- Mix the products so that the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained. Add kelp powder or min. water.
- Apply to hair roots, distribute the remainder along the length.
- Leave on for 30-40 minutes, then rinse.
Due to ignorance of the properties of kelp in masks, they are used less often than eggs and oils, but you should know that it is very rich in vitamins and minerals, especially iodine. This sea plant deeply nourishes the hair and is available at most pharmacies.
Masks for the density, shine and health of curls
The recipe is based on the properties of herbs. If you alternate this mask and rinsing your hair with herbal decoctions, you can give your hair shine and natural strength.
- dry nettle - 1 tbsp. l .;
- dry chamomile - 1 tbsp. l .;
- dry linden flowers - 1 tbsp. l .;
- B12 - 2 ampoules;
- vitamin A - 1 ampoule;
- water - 250 ml.
Preparation and procedure:
- Mix the plant powders and pour 250 ml of boiling water.
- Insist 30 minutes. During this time, the liquid will also cool down to an acceptable temperature.
- Add vitamins from ampoules, mix.
- Apply for 40 minutes, evenly spreading over the entire length of the hair.
- Wash off.
Kefir recipe is suitable for shine and health of hair.
- vitamin B12 - 1 ampoule;
- kefir - half a glass;
- yolk - 1 pc .;
- cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. l .;
- burdock / castor oil - 1 tbsp. l.
- Heat kefir to a slightly warm temperature.
- Add the rest.
- Apply to scalp, roots and length.
- Insulate and leave for 40 minutes.
Cocoa will give your hair a pleasant aroma and help to thicken it.
Vitamin and honey balm mask
Vitamin B12 for hair is also used in balms that can be used after shampooing, like any other. You can buy honey balm at the grocery store and add vitamins to it, but making it at home doesn't take long either.
- hair balm (the simplest, without additives and fragrances) - 1 tbsp. l.
- honey - 1 tbsp. l .;
- vitamin B12 - 8-10 drops;
- aloe extract - 1 ampoule.
- Mix ingredients.
- Apply to damp hair, spreading over the entire length, avoiding the root area.
- Keep for 15 minutes without warming your head.
Aloe in the composition to strengthen hair follicles and add volume to the hair.
Vitamin B12 hair care products
Vitamin complex of Russian production, which includes B vitamins, including cyanocobalamin, and some auxiliary substances (benzyl alcohol, sodium hydroxide, water). Most often, it is injected intramuscularly, but this method can be used exclusively as directed by a doctor, since the remedy is quite serious.
Available in the form of tablets and ampoules. In order to strengthen the hair, it is recommended to add the preparation to the masks in an ampoule and apply externally, observing the above rules for applying masks with vitamin B12. Contraindications: pregnancy and lactation, heart defects, individual intolerance to the drug, children under 14 years of age (due to the presence of benzyl alcohol in the composition).
Shampoo Avalon Organics Biotin + B-complex
Means for washing hair made in the USA. Contains a full complex of B vitamins, nourishes and strengthens hair, heals the scalp. The manufacturer positions its product as containing only natural ingredients. In the composition there is no GMO, components of plant origin are used, which makes the shampoo available for vegetarians.
Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components. Shampoo can be used 2 times a week. At the same time, it is undesirable to make masks with B vitamins, so as not to cause an overdose.
Conditioner Avalon Organics Biotin + B-complex
Supplement to the shampoo of the same company. It is positioned as a product that thickens the hair structure, making it look thicker and more voluminous. The properties of the conditioner make hair look cleaner for longer. Like Avalon Organics Shampoo, the conditioner is made from natural ingredients.
The composition, in addition to the B vitamins, includes plant extracts (calendula, chamomile, avocado, wheat) and vitamin E.
Shampoo by Madre Labs
Vitamin B12 for hair in this product is not the last, although in addition to it, it contains its neighbors in the group (biotin, Panthenol, etc.), aloe and citrus extract for a pleasant aroma and additional hair protection. The plus is the absence of genetically modified organisms and parabens.
The only contraindication is an allergy to the components. Shampoo can be applied every time you wash your hair. It is not recommended to make vitamin masks during the period of use.
Liquid vitamin complex Angiovit
The tool is more often found in the form of tablets, but this form is aimed at people with cardiovascular diseases, parents planning a child, vegetarians and people who smoke. To help the hair, it is more convenient to purchase Angiovit in ampoules and rub into the hair roots, then leave for 30-40 minutes.
The complex contains vitamins B12, B9 and B6. Suitable for the elderly. Contraindication - allergy to components. With caution during pregnancy.
Expert opinion on the effectiveness of vitamin B12 care products
Professional hairdressers recommend that their clients at least occasionally do procedures with vitamin B12, especially with frequent heat treatment of hair and the use of chemicals. They point out that homemade masks are almost as good as store-bought products when using quality ingredients.
Doctors, in turn, claim that B12 is one of the best natural hair growth stimulants, so masks and shampoos with it are effective. It is only important not to go beyond reasonable use, so as not to provoke allergies.
Many hair specialists it is recommended to use purchased products with vitamin B12 not constantly, but intermittently. For example, when the vitamin shampoo runs out, it is better not to buy a similar one right away, but to wash your hair with a product with other components for some time. This will make your hair care more balanced.
Proper care and timely vitamin enrichment are important for hair. B12 is one of the important substances in this business, so you shouldn't neglect its use.
Video about vitamin B12 for hair
Why does hair need this vitamin:
Hair treatments with vitamin B12:
The whole body needs vitamins. The main thing is to take them correctly and take care of yourself.