The vitamins that enter the human body are necessary to increase performance, improve mood, raise tone and reduce stress levels. The rhythm of life inherent in people today is a real load on all systems of the body, especially the nervous one. You simply cannot do without help from vitamin complexes.
How vitamins and minerals affect the human condition
Each vitamin has its own value for the normal functioning of the human body. Nevertheless, it is quite possible to do without some, and the absence of others can cause serious damage, threatening the development of stress, depression and other pathological conditions.
The effect of vitamins on the body:
- FROM: improves mood, maintains vitality, increases resistance to infections. Promotes the production of norepinephrine, which increases the speed of reactions and the productivity of thinking, especially in stressful situations.
- AND: improves well-being, rejuvenates tissues and organs, acts as the main antioxidant.
- IN 1: positively affects the emotional stability of a person, renews the cells of the brain. Develops memory, increases endurance, promotes energy production, relieves apathetic state.
- AT 7: helps in the proper assimilation of substances necessary for the functioning of the body and converts them into energy. Reduces fatigue, solves sleep problems, helps to concentrate.
- AT 9: acts as a protector of the body from the harmful effects of stress, increases optimism. It is a source of inexhaustible energy.
- D: promotes oxygen through the blood vessels, cleanses them of decay products. Promotes the recovery of the body after prolonged physical and emotional stress.
The effect of minerals on the body:
- Copper: regulates metabolism.
- Magnesium: is the key to excellent sleep and relaxation. Controls energy metabolism.
- Iron: participates in the supply of oxygen to cells and tissues.
- Selenium: strengthens the central nervous system.
- Potassium: supports muscle strength and proper heart function.
- Iodine: eliminates fatigue, even of a chronic nature, increases immunity and the level of mental abilities.
- Chromium: regulates the correct functioning of the central nervous system and brain.
- Magnesium: involved in each of the metabolic reactions, eliminates the feeling of fatigue, lethargy.
Vitamins to improve mood and activity
Vitamins to improve performance are something that is difficult for a modern person to do without. Low mood and lack of activity - negatively affect the human body, exacerbating existing problems.
The following complexes are considered optimal in terms of the composition of vitamins:
1. Vitamin C: despite the presence of only one element in it, it has proven its high efficiency.Especially in the autumn-winter period, when the mood is at zero. An important advantage: protecting the body from seasonal colds by increasing immunity.
2. Energy alphabet: contains an almost complete composition of vitamins necessary to maintain vitality. An additional effect is achieved due to the presence of Eleutherococcus and Schisandra, known for their tonic effect.
3. Vitrum energy: positively affects the work of almost all body systems, especially the cardiovascular and immune systems. In addition, it differs in that it increases the overall endurance of the body, the activity of the brain and muscle tone. The immunomodulatory composition increases resistance to the development of diseases, and the balanced composition enhances the supply of oxygen to cells.
- the best vitamins to improve performance
4. Dynamisan: promotes the activation of all processes in the body, increases resistance to infections and bacteria. Has excellent antioxidant properties. Has the ability to increase mental and physical performance.
5. Supradin clean energy: a well-adjusted composition allows the body to properly assimilate nutrients, increasing activity, efficiency and mood.
Vitamins and drugs that relieve fatigue
Vitamins help a person not only to improve performance, they are taken to relieve fatigue.
Such complexes are especially effective:
- Selmevit: multivitamin preparation, which, in addition to 13 vitamins, includes several minerals. This composition allows you to increase the body's capabilities, allowing it to defend itself against stressful situations.
In addition, the body's endurance increases and any signs of fatigue disappear completely.
- Bion 3: this biologically active food supplement strengthens the gastrointestinal tract, the immune system, eliminates the signs of vitamin deficiency and anemia, which lead to a constant feeling of fatigue. Contains beneficial bacteria that normalize intestinal function, due to which the absorption of vitamins is more efficient.
- Duovit: the balanced composition promotes the active assimilation of each vitamin and is indicated during periods of increased emotional and physical stress, malnutrition and general fatigue.
- Berocca plus: thanks to the active normalization of the cardiovascular system, it helps to improve physical activity. Gives a person strength, removes emotional instability. Acts as a guarantor of concentration and a calm state, improves memory and gives strength.
Vitamins that give vigor
Vitamins to increase efficiency, invariably give vigor, and return, what was lost, the desire to act, work and create.
The pharmaceutical industry produces many different complexes, to restore vigor, the following are best suited:
1. Energy alphabet: thiamine, which is part of it, along with folic acid fills a person with cheerfulness, due to which he begins to be active. Natural extracts enhance brain activity and improve attention and memory.
2. Doppelhertz enerotonik: the most effective during the off-season, when a pronounced lack of vitamins reduces human activity. Due to its high-quality composition, the complex has a beneficial effect on overall endurance, improves mood and increases concentration.
3. Vitus energy: This is a real complex that contains substances that have tonic and energetic properties. Regular intake helps to renew strength, relieve fatigue, increase activity. These vitamins increase the body's protective functions.
4. Duovit energy: used during periods when intensive restoration of lost strength is required. People note an increase in efficiency, emotional upsurge. The body begins to respond correctly to the occurrence of stressful situations and copes with all the stress.
Vitamins and drugs to improve mental performance
Mental activity requires no less effort from a person than physical activity. Such tension, in the absence of competent support with the help of vitamins and minerals, can emotionally devastate a person, exhaust him and deprive him of strength. Such a recharge is especially important for students, schoolchildren during exams, as well as for people who are constantly engaged in mental work.
Drugs that improve the mental activity of the brain:
- Brain booster: a complex of vitamins, minerals and herbs with medicinal properties. It has an effect that enhances blood circulation in brain cells responsible for mental work. Increases the activity of nerve impulses, due to which cells are more actively enriched with oxygen and assimilate information much faster.
Orthomol mental: the active ingredients of the drug help to eliminate problems with sleep, increase the level of performance, reduce adaptive processes. In addition, regular intake of the complex helps to get rid of the feeling of fatigue, depressive state, as well as improve visual function and shorten the process of assimilating information.
- Glycine: an amino acid that increases brain activity. In addition, it increases stress resistance and reduces stress.
Phenotropil: it can only be purchased with a prescription. The drug is very popular among students, it is able to stimulate short-term memory and enhance concentration.
- Phosphatide Complex: promotes the acceleration of metabolic reactions in the body, increases the learning ability of people, the ability to quickly concentrate attention and accelerates mental development (especially in middle school age).
Vitamins and drugs that increase physical performance
Vitamins, which are actively prescribed to increase physical performance, are used by both professional athletes and people employed in industries with hard work.
Such drugs will come to the aid of such people:
- Glutamevit: It is prescribed during periods when a person is experiencing intense physical exertion. Glutamic acid, which is part of it, especially contributes to the increase in endurance.
- Alphabet effect: it is equally effective for both women and men who are involved in sports of any kind at a professional level. 13 vitamins, energy elements and a dozen of minerals that make up its composition contribute to an increase in this type of performance.
- Vitrum performance: This preparation is specially designed for the stronger half. It is prescribed during a period of decreased immunity, with active physical work, which provokes the onset of chronic fatigue. The complex causes an increase in tone, stimulates the metabolism in the body.
- Velman: Another male complex that is used during periods of overwork, in the presence of headaches and stressful situations.
- Animal pack: maintains muscle tone and energy in the body during intense sports activities. Improves performance and endurance.
Vitamins against depression and apathy
Depressive and apathetic states can become companions of suspicious people, but timely started therapy, in close connection with the regular intake of vitamin complexes, can significantly improve a person's condition.
To combat such mental disorders, the following are used:
- Glycine: regulating the movement of nerve impulses from the brain to the cells of the body, improving mood.It is able to reduce the emotional lability and irritability of people, increase the ability to concentrate and improve memory.
- Neuromultivitis: the active components of this complex eliminate vitamin deficiency, improve metabolism, eliminate damage to the central nervous system and stimulate the development of natural processes to restore all body systems.
- Bodrovit: increases the tone of the body, helps to accelerate the processes of tissue regeneration. This complex energizes a person, reduces susceptibility to stress and increases performance.
Vitrum super stress: is actively prescribed to people who have neuropsychiatric disorders, chronic sleep disorders and high physical loads. The drug does an excellent job with the tasks assigned to it and restores the body after injuries and illnesses.
- Doppelherz active magnesium: a useful element that is part of the drug helps to relieve fatigue, normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system and eliminates drowsiness.
Diet to improve performance
Synthetic vitamins are not always enough to increase performance., sometimes natural products are more beneficial, containing certain substances:
- nuts, especially almonds and walnuts: equalize sugar levels, saturate the body with omega 3 acids, which improve brain function;
- milk products: increase energy, heal the digestive tract, increase local immunity;
- avocado: potassium, which is part of it, improves the functioning of the urinary system in general and the kidneys in particular. This product accelerates the body's creation of new cells and the renewal of old ones, normalizes blood pressure;
- olive oil: monounsaturated fats suppress excess hunger and slow down the aging process;
- blueberry: rich in antioxidants, destroys free radicals, strengthens vision and activates the renewal of brain cells;
- dark chocolate: the cocoa content in it must exceed 90%. It causes a sharp increase in the amount of endorphins in the blood, which leads to an improvement in mood and performance. In addition, it removes damage to the cellular composition of the body and reduces blood pressure;
- citrus fruit: are a natural stimulant of human activity. Sugar, which is in their composition, already after half an hour provides the body with energy and increases efficiency. Fiber and carbohydrates saturate the person and dull the feeling of hunger.
Diet against stress
Some people prefer to "seize" stressful situations with food. Indeed, it is possible to help the body in a difficult period for it if you use the right foods, in quantities, not exceeding the therapeutic dose.
1. Chocolate: cocoa contains compounds that contribute to the production of endorphins that lift the mood, fill a person with a sense of happiness and joy. The antioxidants found in this product lengthen the life of cells.
2. Nuts: the walnut look normalizes the adrenaline level, which allows you to avoid excessive excitement. To improve mood and vitality, you should regularly eat hazelnuts, and almonds help in adapting the body to changing external conditions and stressful situations.
3. Greens: relieves irritability, does not allow depressive states to develop. It has a general strengthening effect on the body, due to the magnesium contained in it, and increases the level of stress resistance. It is a natural mild tranquilizer.
4. Oats: porridge based on this cereal is recommended to be consumed daily by people who are constantly exposed to stress.Its carbohydrates contribute to the formation of serotonin, which is responsible for a good mood. In addition, oatmeal helps to normalize the gastrointestinal tract, which is important because the cause of some depressive conditions is the decreased acidity of the stomach. The feeling of satiety that remains after consuming it gives the person a sense of peace and increases his ability to resist stress.
5. Sunflower seeds: rich in folic acid, which has a positive effect on the central nervous system. The release of serotonin helps to calm the person and improve their mood.
6. Seaweed: an irreplaceable source of iodine helps prevent the development of stress, helps the body to adapt to new conditions and relieves chronic fatigue syndrome.
7. Red vegetables: contain beta carotene, which strengthens the cerebral vessels and improves blood circulation in them, which increases the supply of oxygen to the latter. As a result: a person has an excellent mood and protection from stress.
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I really love the effect that Vitrum gives, these vitamins to increase efficiency and strengthen the body, invariably give a positive effect. I take it in spring and autumn, sometimes in winter. I am constantly in a great mood, what is stress or depression - I don’t know in principle!
I go in for sports actively. Lately it has been hard to get out of bed, let alone train in the gym. On the advice of a friend, I started taking Berocca plus. Now I am already in the gym in the morning, strength and energy - more than enough!
All winter I suffered from chronic fatigue. A month ago I started drinking Doppelherz. My problem is gone: I am always on the rise, ready for any job and in a great mood.
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