Hair loss often becomes a problem for many women after 40 or after pregnancy. What to do in order to urgently restore the normal growth and health of the hairline should be decided with the help of a specialist - a trichologist.
In complex therapy with vitamin complexes and pharmaceutical preparations, home masks for hair loss, as well as other methods of treatment, which will be discussed below, will also be effective.
Hair Loss Causes
The main factors of loss are divided into 2 groups: anagen (sudden) and telogen (gradual) loss.
Anagen hair loss is influenced by:
- powerful chemicals;
- medicines;
- radiation.
Hair loss occurs after chemotherapy... Hair follicles, with mild exposure, regenerate over time. There is no cure for such a loss. Recovery occurs after the termination of the harmful effect.
Telogen loss is expressed in acute or chronic forms. The acute stage lasts about six months, after which it stops. The chronic stage lasts more than six months and may not end for several years.
Causes of acute telogen hair loss include:
- Changes in hormonal balance. This loss is especially characteristic after childbirth in the first few months. In women who are on HB in the absence of a balanced diet.
- Health abnormalities: infection, blood loss, fever, injury, surgery. Incorrectly selected diets, unbalanced nutrition.
Recovery occurs a year later, after elimination of the causes.
Chronic loss occurs as a result of:
- Long period of drug use.
- Low content of iron, zinc, selenium in the body.
- Chronic diseases (arthritis, psoriasis, hepatitis, hyperthyroidism, tumor, etc.)
- Severe stressful condition.
- Improper hair care, frequent use of a hairdryer, thermal exposure to an iron, curling iron.
Why do women lose hair?
Hair loss in women due to physiological reasons and changes in hormone levels, for example, during pregnancy. What to do depends on all the influencing factors. Doctors advise not to panic over this case.
If there are no other pathological causes of hair loss, the condition of the hair is restored with the normalization of hormonal levels.
On average, after six months, these symptoms disappear. And with subsequent pregnancies, the loss becomes less pronounced.
The reasons for loss during pregnancy can be:
- stressful conditions, lack of sleep, chronic fatigue, a decrease in plasma protein levels;
- often an unbalanced diet becomes a reason for loss;
- a woman during pregnancy and lactation receives a great load on the body;
- lack of trace elements, especially calcium, zinc, iron, leads to poor blood circulation, respectively, to insufficient nutrition of the follicles;
- women who have undergone surgery, instead of natural childbirth, also observe a similar process;
- during lactation, a hormonal change also occurs in the body: the amount of the female hormone - estrogen, which is responsible for the condition of the hair, falls.
Hair falls out in all healthy people, but in small amounts. With good scalp condition, normal blood circulation, excessive blood loss does not occur. This unpleasant process quickly stops. If the process of prolapse after childbirth persists for a long time, it is necessary to establish the cause. This phenomenon is often a symptom of the disease.
Diseases in which hair falls out
Hair loss often becomes a symptom of a number of diseases:
- Nervous feelings and stress. With a long stay in a state of stress, excitement, metabolic and blood circulation processes are disturbed. Vessels expand or narrow, including on the head. With poor nutrition, the bulb weakens and the hair falls out.
- Stomach problems, in particular ulcers. Since the presence of the disease requires adherence to a certain diet, the body does not receive a number of essential components and vitamins. For example, it is forbidden to eat oranges and citrus fruits, which have a huge amount of vitamin C. A similar situation develops with dairy products containing large amounts of calcium.
- Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Any disturbances in the functioning of the digestive tract leads to a malfunction in metabolism, not assimilating the necessary vitamins and minerals. Pancreatin leads to an imbalance of vitamins that hair needs.
- Infections. They are able to cause conditions and start processes that have a negative effect not only on the hair, but on the entire body as a whole. A large amount of energy is spent on the elimination of the "foreign" component, there is an increased loss of vitamins and microelements.
- Intoxication. The reasons may be different: the presence of helminths, poisoning (food, chemical), improper intake of medicines, etc. Metabolic processes are disrupted, which has a negative effect on the condition of the hair.
- Dysbacteriosis. If the intestinal microflora is disturbed (there is a predominance of pathogenic bacteria over useful ones), the absorption of valuable components and vitamins decreases. Hair will fall out if the problem becomes chronic.
- Burn. When exposed to high temperatures, the follicles are damaged. In most cases, hair will no longer grow in such areas.
- Physical injury in which deep damage to the epidermis occurs. If the injury touches the bulbs, they are unable to recover.
- Skin diseases. For example, oily scalp seborrhea.
Treatment with pharmaceutical preparations
The prescription of drugs is carried out by a doctor. Dosage, duration of admission is set exclusively depending on the degree of the disease. It may be necessary to take advantage of the advice of other specialized specialists (endocrinologist, neuropathologist).
Hormonal drugs can be prescribed in the form of oral Diana, Yarin, Janine.
Non-hormonal drugs are also used for treatment. This series also includes zinc preparations.
They are presented in the form of oral preparations, balms, shampoos:
- Nutrikap - bioactive additive. It is taken in the morning and in the evening, one tablet each.
- Rinfoltin. The main composition is natural ingredients. However, it is not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation. Can cause allergies. It is prescribed 1 tablet a day.
- Selencin - consists of natural ingredients. It is prescribed for severe hair loss and baldness. 1 tablet should be drunk three times a day.
- Hair Expert - a natural component. Not recommended during pregnancy and lactation.1 tablet is taken twice a day.
- Pantovigar - a natural preparation, the course of administration is designed for three months, 2 tablets daily.
- Perfectil - a complex of vitamins. Not recommended for hypervitaminosis. Take 1 tablet a day.
- Revalid - a natural preparation produced in pills, the dosage is 2 pieces every day.
Effective hair masks
Hair falls out (what to do at home depends on the cause of hair loss) depending on seasonality, or other reasons not related to the disease.
Then, to strengthen any type of hair, masks from natural ingredients have an effective effect:
- Egg: mix aloe juice (25 ml), yolk, honey (35 g). The aloe leaf should first lie in the cold for about three days. If you are not afraid of the smell of garlic, you can add a couple of drops. It helps to revitalize the follicles. Distribute the mixture through the hair and massage into the skin. Withstand half an hour.
- With cosmetic and essential oils. The basic rule: take base oil (burdock, castor, olive, etc.), add essential oil (ylang-ylang, fir, mint, bitter almond, etc.). It is necessary to mix in parts 1: 5. Some essential oils are powerful. If desired, you can add aloe juice, honey. Masks with essential components are recommended to be kept on the head for no more than half an hour. Base oil masks can last for an hour.
- Yeast with fermented milk products has proven itself well. Mix kefir (35 ml) with yeast (15 g) until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Add the yolk.
It is recommended to cover your head with plastic and a towel. After shampooing, rinse with lemon or vinegar water.
Decoctions and infusions to strengthen hair
Hair falls out often for trivial reasons. Some cosmetologists advise: what can be done at home to nourish and strengthen hair with medicinal herbs. As a rule, decoctions of herbs are included in the composition of masks, applied to the hair for a while, or simply used as a rinse.
Plants from which decoctions are made:
- The chamomile decoction is effective on the hair Has anti-inflammatory effect, gives hair shine and strength.
- Nettle is a means of accelerating blood circulation and nourishing hair. The follicle is strengthened, growth is enhanced.
If the hair falls out, it will help eliminate the problem of herbal decoctions. - Mint and calendula, in addition to nutrition, have antiseptic properties.
- Burdock helps to strengthen hair and prevent hair loss.
- Mother and stepmother is effective against hair loss and dandruff.
Broths are prepared by brewing, preferably in a thermos. It is necessary to soak for about 2 hours. Strain before use.
Tar shampoo
Hair falls out for various reasons. Cosmetologists have found that using tar shampoo makes hair better and solves a number of issues, including the problem of hair loss. At home, it is convenient and easy to use. Its main effect in the treatment process is to strengthen weak roots.
For a greater effect, you must choose a shampoo with the most natural composition. Main component: tar and soap solution. Extracts from plants (string, celandine, burdock) are often added.
A distinctive feature of the product is its smell.
Since it is a drug, a number of tips must be followed when using it:
- Mitigate. Shampoo is tough. It is recommended to use a balm after use.
- You can wash it 2 to 4 times a week. The frequency of use depends on the neglect of the disease. Increasing the frequency of use can adversely affect hair.
- The course of application is up to 7 weeks.
- After a break, you can take a preventive course again.
- Can be used as a mask. After soaping, leave without rinsing for a quarter of an hour.
When using it is recommended to massage your head well. Such manipulations help to increase blood circulation.
Brewer's yeast
The yeast is based on fungi, which are a source of valuable microelements.
They contain:
- vitamins B, E, PP, F, D;
- organic protein;
- amino acids;
- lipids;
- trace elements (iron, zinc, selenium, etc.);
- enzymes.
Perfectly absorbed and have a beneficial effect on the body and hair. Lack of biotin is one of the main problems of hair loss, as the division and regeneration of hair cells are reduced. It is the yeast that has the right amount of biotin, which is able to qualitatively influence the hair structure.
Ways of receiving funds:
- Consumption internally. Consumption of dietary supplements based on yeast helps strengthen hair from the inside out. The body as a whole is healed. Consumed in the form of pills, capsules.
- Outdoor use. Dry or fresh yeast is included in hair masks. Their effect is enhanced by additional components of the mask.
Head massage against hair loss
Healthy hair provides blood supply to the scalp, which leads to nourishment of the hair follicles. One of the methods of treatment is head massage. It allows you to relieve tension, headache, increase blood circulation and, accordingly, nutrition of the follicles.
The massage is carried out in the direction of growth.
It is important to get into a comfortable position. Essential oils are often used in massage. It is advisable to carry out such a procedure at night, since the work of the sebaceous glands is activated.
Massage methods:
- With your hands. It is considered the most effective, especially for damaged and falling hair. It starts with stroking the forehead, eyebrows and temples. Then move to the back of the head along the hairline. Particular attention is paid to the region of the crown, where a large number of active points are located. After that, make rotating movements in the direction from the temples to the behind the ear. Pulling the hair gently also improves blood circulation and nutrition of the hair follicles.
- Massage with a brush. Chosen from natural materials: wood, bristle. With massaging movements, direct from the temples to the back of the head, from the temples to the forehead. Movements are soft so as not to injure the skin.
- Using a laser comb. The energy of the laser beams is used. This procedure improves protein synthesis and speeds up metabolism.
- With a Darsonval comb. Exposure to high-frequency current accelerates blood circulation, increases the nutrition of the hair follicle.
Vitamins against hair loss
Hair health is ensured by the presence of a number of vitamins in the body:
- Vitamin A normalizes metabolic processes, promotes regeneration, slows down the aging process of cells.
- B vitamins. Since stress is often the cause of hair loss, it is B1 that strengthens the nervous system. B2 is responsible for the regeneration of cells, including the scalp, improves the condition of the hair follicle. B3 helps to improve metabolism, providing nutrition to the hair roots. B5 - strengthens the follicle. B7 regulates carbohydrate and fat metabolism. B9 enhances cell regeneration. B12 is responsible for supplying oxygen to cells.
- Vitamin C improves immunity, helps to normalize blood circulation, which has a beneficial effect on the nutrition of hair roots with useful substances and oxygen.
- Vitamin E enhances the work of dormant bulbs, enhances growth.
How to stop hair loss after childbirth
Despite the fact that postpartum loss is a completely natural process, efforts must be made to keep them healthy.This is easy enough to do at home using masks, oils and proper nutrition.
Home care tips boil down to the following guidelines:
- To maintain and strengthen your hair, you must follow the rules of hair care. Do not comb them when wet, in this state they are more injured. Try not to dry your hair. Minimize thermal effects on hair.
- A balanced diet is an important parameter in hair restoration. To keep your hair healthy, you need to consume foods with a high content of vitamins A, E, groups B, C and D, rich in calcium, iron, zinc.
- Masks made from natural, essential oils with the addition of plant juice, herbal decoctions are well strengthened, enhance hair growth.
- If necessary, you can drink a vitamin complex. But taking medications, even vitamins, must be performed strictly after consultation with a specialist. Even common vitamins can cause allergic reactions in a breastfed baby.
How to deal with seasonal hair loss
Hair loss: what to do at home with periodic hair loss, depending on the season, depends on the causal factors. The basic rule is a balanced diet. The rest of the recommendations are developed depending on the season. It is recommended to massage the skin to improve blood circulation and follicle nutrition.
In winter
Growth slows down in cold weather. The body accumulates the necessary energy, the nutrition of the internal organs is activated, the blood circulation is centralized, and the remote areas are fed less. Accordingly, the nutrition of the bulb weakens. Also, being in the cold without a hat can become the cause of loss. The temperature drop provokes vasospasm, the nutrition of the follicles decreases.
It is necessary:
- be on the street in a headdress, preferably made of natural material;
- does not go outside after shampooing, it must cool down.
In the spring
There is an acceleration of metabolism, an increase in growth. Loss and fragility is due to a lack of essential vitamins. To prevent hair loss, improve the diet, if necessary, use vitamin complexes.
During this period, growth is significantly enhanced due to the abundance of vitamins and a varied diet. Metabolic processes are accelerated. But the reason can be aggressive exposure to sunlight. Hair dries up, its density decreases. Become brittle.
- use products with a high level of sun protection;
- wear a headdress;
- wash off salt water when relaxing at sea;
- consume enough moisture.
Loss is due to a decrease in the body's protective function to various viruses. The process is especially intensified after an illness. The autumn depression can have a negative effect. It is recommended to use the methods of hair nourishment with masks, oils.
Determining the cause of hair loss will help determine what needs to be done. Often you can cope with this phenomenon at home on your own.
Article design: Oksana Grivina
Hair Loss Videos
Why women can lose hair:
Home mask for hair loss:
Vitamin complexes helped me to cope with this problem in due time.
I did a head massage and a mask that melts Horse Force.And the hair loss gradually decreased and stopped.