Curling hair of any length for a long time is a procedure that women use to save time. It gained popularity in the second half of the last century.
Who is suitable for long-term perm
Perming for a long time is a great opportunity not to spend a lot of time on daily hair styling. For each woman, in accordance with the length of the hair, the shape of the haircut, the type and features of the face, you need to choose your own curling option.
General recommendations:
- For short hair, it is better to pick up small curls.
- For girls with large facial features, conservative clothing style and regular facial features, large curls or light curling with waves are suitable. This hairstyle is recommended by stylists for girls with hair longer than the middle of the back.
- For women with sharp features and an elongated face, it is recommended to use a perm with fine spiral curls.
Are there any contraindications
Hairdressers do not recommend curling for those whose hair is severely split and broken, damaged by improper care or previous perms. The structure of such hair lacks natural keratin. Because of this, even when using a high-quality composition, it will not be possible to form a beautiful and durable curl, and the hair will deteriorate even more.
Hair curling for a long time has the following contraindications:
- period of menstruation;
- acute infectious diseases and exacerbation of chronic;
- a state of severe stress;
- treatment using hormone therapy;
- pregnancy and lactation;
- susceptibility to irritation and allergic reactions to chemicals;
Advantages and disadvantages
Modern procedures for long-term curling are significantly different from those that were several decades ago and have a negative effect on any hair.
There are the following advantages of long-term curling:
- curls last for a long time (depending on the composition used - from 1 month to six months), regardless of weather conditions and humidity;
- hair becomes obedient, easier to style and comb;
- perm helps to cope with increased hair oily;
- some formulations are able to heal the hair structure.
Modern technologies and materials make it possible to avoid gross injury to the hair when curling while maintaining the effect for a long time.
At the same time, perm can also harm hair:
- from the harmful effects of chemistry, the hair weakens and requires more careful styling and combing;
- hair care products after a perm are more expensive than conventional ones;
- it will be very difficult to change your hairstyle in the near future;
- such hair should not be in the open sun for a long time;
- most curling compounds can affect hair color if it has been previously colored.
Perms for a long time
Keratin perm
With keratin perm, an analog of human protein is used - cysteamine hydrochloride. The substance is “embedded” in the hair and can change its structure without causing harm. Can be used on dry and fine hair. An excellent option for those who want not only to gain curls, but also to heal their hair.
Hair curling, which is less harmful than chemical, but designed for a long time, is called carving. On dyed hair, it can last up to six months, and on natural hair - 2-4 months. With the help of carving, you can add volume and splendor to your hair, create small curls and large curls at any length. The treatment is ideal for oily hair.
Many hairdressers consider bio-curling as an alternative to carving, although there are differences between them. When biowaving, as with keratin, protein is used.
You can use the following options:
- for thin and soft hair: a moisturizing complex that prevents overdrying and strong stiffness of the hair;
- for damaged hair: with bamboo extract;
- for natural hair: with silk proteins.
With a perm, styling lasts about six months. With its help, you can create any effect: from large elastic curls, long spirals to small curls in the "lamb" style.
Perm has a large number of contraindications; without proper care, it can greatly harm hair.
Acid perm
Acid curling is the most aggressive in terms of the composition of its components, but at the same time the most durable. It has been used for many decades. Ideal for straight, coarse hair that is difficult to curl. Do not use acid if the hair is severely damaged.
Alkaline perm
Alkaline perm is more gentle on hair than acidic, although it has the same effect. Curls with this type of perm look more natural, but do not last so long. Not recommended for hair that is too soft.
Neutral perm
A neutral perm can be used even on dry hair. Due to the optimal pH balance, moisture loss is avoided. Hairdressers often opt for a neutral curl to create large curls on long hair.
Silk curling
With this type of curling, silk fibers are used, which can change the structure of the hair. Silk perm allows you to create beautiful curls and curls without the use of chemically aggressive substances. Suitable for all hair types.
Differences between carving and biowaving
Carving and biowaving are considered to be more gentle hair treatments than perm.
In turn, they have a number of features and differences:
- Materials... For carving, more aggressive chemicals are used, while for biowaving, ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, etc. are not used.
- Price... There are many ways of biowaving for different types and lengths of hair, their cost is higher than the cost of carving.
- Possibility of application. Carving is not recommended on bleached and very damaged hair. Some methods of biowaving are used not only to create styling, but also to treat hair.
- The effect. Carving is recommended for women with fine hair, as the procedure helps to add volume and "fluffiness" to the hair. With the help of biowave, it is possible to obtain natural soft curls.
Is it possible to make a long-term perm at home
For a long time, you can create a perm on your hair at home. Compositions for the procedure can be purchased at specialized stores. The process of creating curls is very laborious and time-consuming, so you need to carefully prepare.
For the first time, it is better to use the advice of a professional or go through a special master class (they are offered by large salons). Do not expect the effect and the level of procedure in the salon from home perm.
What tools are needed
To create long-lasting curls at home, you may need the following tools:
- Curling iron or tongs... Not very often used for long-term curling. Allows you to quickly create curls of the required diameter and intensity on medium to long hair.
- Iron. Not recommended for use on wet or damp hair. Suitable for giving hair light waves.
- Bobbins. Special tools for creating tight vertical curls, small curls. Can be used on any hair length.
- Curlers... For curls using chemicals, only plastic or wooden curlers can be used. Depending on their diameter, small curls or body waves are obtained.
- Papillots. They are a "soft" version of the curlers. Recommended for brittle and damaged hair. Ideal for creating curls on long hair.
How to choose a composition
There are many hair formulations that are suitable for different lengths, thicknesses, qualities and stiffness. Before buying, you need to accurately determine the type of hair, how often it has been dyed and the degree of damage.
There are the following types of compositions:
- for healthy hair that has not undergone similar procedures;
- for normal hair;
- for hair that used to curl;
- for highlighted and bleached hair.
Step by step guide to home procedure
Before using the composition at home, it must be checked for allergies. For this, the substance is applied to a small area of the skin on the arm and the reaction is checked for 3-4 hours.
For the procedure you will need:
- composition for curling;
- curling tools;
- protection: gloves, mask;
- cape to protect clothing;
- fat cream;
- paper towels;
- items for composition: non-metallic bowl, pestle and sponge for application;
- plastic comb;
- shower cap.
The procedure must be carried out strictly according to the following points (similar or similar instructions for the composition contain):
- Hair should be washed without using masks, emulsions and conditioners.
- A greasy cream is applied along the hairline to protect the skin.
- Hair is dried, combed, distributed into equal strands.
- Starting from the back of the head, then the crown, temples and forehead, the composition is applied over the entire length strictly evenly.
- Hair is twisted on curlers (bobbins, papillotes, etc.) as the composition is applied.
- For a natural curling, 10-15 minutes is enough, for strong elastic curls - 20-30. During this time, a shower cap is put on your head.
- The composition is washed off with running water (without removing the curling tools).
- A fixing agent is applied to the hair for 15 minutes (washed off with running water).
- The curlers are removed, the hair is dried without a hairdryer.
Features of the procedure depending on the length of the hair
- On short hair, it is better to make small curls or light waves. Large curls are absolutely not suitable here, they make the hairstyle sloppy and create the effect of "bald spots".
- On medium hair, neat curls of medium diameter or small curls look. It is important to create root volume here.
- For long hair, formulations without chemicals are not suitable. They quickly straighten under their weight.Before the procedure, it is recommended to do a gradient haircut, so the curls look better.
How does a home procedure differ from a salon procedure?
The cost of curling at home depends on the price of the composition used. Often you need to add the price of tools (curlers, etc.) here. Salon prices depend on hair length and type of curling. Perms can cost from 2 to 4 thousand rubles. Biowave - from 4 to 8 thousand rubles. The most expensive are Japanese and silk perm. Its cost is from 6 thousand rubles.
How to curl large curls
Stylists recommend curling with large curls only on thick medium or long hair. Fine hair will quickly lose volume at the roots, and the hairstyle will look messy.
Large curls are created using plastic curlers of wide diameter. You need to twist your hair very carefully so that no creases form. For such a hairstyle, it is better to use chemical methods of curling, since biowave will quickly straighten and give only a "wavy hair effect".
How long does the curling effect last
The duration of the curling effect depends on the stiffness, length, thickness and color of the hair. The thicker and longer the hair is, the faster the effect is lost. Regardless of the type of curling, it lasts longer on dyed and highlighted hair.
The longest effect is observed with acid curling - more than six months. Alkaline - up to 3 months, and neutral - 1 - 1.5. The safest, silk curling is able to keep hair in curls for up to 4 months. With proper care, carving lasts for 3 months, without care - only 1. Most biowaves straighten in 1-3 months.
Home curling can last from 1 to 5 months, depending on the composition, correct application and care.
Hair care after the procedure
Hair after a long-term curling procedure needs special care. It is recommended to refuse from shampoos containing sulfates. Stylists advise using special masks and rinses that will help your hair recover faster and gain shine.
To preserve curls, do not comb wet hair after a perm, and avoid means for straightening and making the curl structure heavier. Dry your hair with a hairdryer with a special diffuser attachment.
Reviews of those who underwent the procedure
Most of the negative reviews about the procedure are associated with an incorrectly selected composition or a poorly performed procedure in the salon. It is noted that the hair becomes more rigid and dry, and in the absence of proper care it breaks and splits badly.
On the other hand, it is noted that long-term curling of hair helps to eliminate the lack of root volume, to make straight and coarse hair softer and more manageable. Many women recommend using a perm for styling thin hair.
Long-term hair curling helps to create the perfect styling for a while and forget about the daily hairstyle. But at the same time, hair requires additional care and attention.
Hair curling video for a long time: biowaving, perm. Secrets to Keeping Curls During Wet Weather
Long hair biowave - long-lasting long-lasting styling:
Permed hair: how the procedure goes:
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Curls are always in fashion, perm is a trend for centuries.