Thorough care of the female body is necessary at any age. Complex caring procedures help to keep the skin beautiful and elastic, avoid premature skin aging and the appearance of early wrinkles. General recommendations and anti-aging care will be discussed later in the article.
General recommendations for the care of the female body
Key recommendations:
- Correct balanced nutrition - in case of improper nutrition, various rashes and pimples may appear on the skin, which significantly spoils the appearance of the skin. In addition, unhealthy food leads to a set of extra pounds, which also affects the appearance in the best way, and being overweight increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
- Physical exercise - in order for the body to be slim and fit, regular physical activity is needed. Exercising will help you lose extra pounds and energize you for the whole day. Whether it is home workouts or classes in a fitness club - it's an individual matter. Doctors and fitness trainers recommend exercising 2-3 times a week.
- Cold and hot shower - it's very helpful. Thanks to such a soul, the work of all systems in the body is activated, the contrast shower also invigorates, and a charge of energy for the whole day is guaranteed. Don't forget about special shower gels (instead of soap). They are pH neutral and do not dry out the skin.
- Feet care - it is necessary not only to choose comfortable shoes, but also not to forget to nourish the skin of the feet with creams and lotions, in order to avoid the appearance of corns and calluses. After a long day, the legs need to be allowed to rest and immerse the feet for half an hour in a decoction of any herbs. It will not be superfluous to do an acupressure relaxing massage.
- It is necessary to use special care products - regular use of skin care products helps to maintain the elasticity and youth of the skin. For example, coconut oil nourishes and moisturizes the skin very well, and also removes minor skin breakouts. Coconut oil is not only good for the body, but also for the hair. It is a versatile care product that can replace almost all others. When choosing a care product, you should pay special attention to the composition. It is preferable to choose natural remedies to avoid allergic reactions.
Coconut oil is a product essential for the care of the female body. - It must be understood that the skin of the body is different from the skin of the face. There are much fewer sebaceous glands on the body than on the face and care products must be selected for each part of the body separately.
- So that self-care does not become a burdensome duty, you can make a schedule of treatments for a week or a month. This will help not only to look after your beauty with pleasure, but also not to forget about the regularity of the necessary procedures.
- Do not forget about leaving during the winter period. In winter, the skin of the body needs extra care more than ever. The heating season, cold weather - all this is stressful for the skin. This means that in the winter season it is impossible to overdo it with moisturizing and nourishing the skin. You can visit the bathhouse once a week. This will make the skin more receptive to subsequent care. In winter, it is also recommended to take vitamins to avoid vitamin deficiency.
Women's body care after 20 years
At the age of 20, all layers of the skin are functioning correctly, due to which it remains firm, elastic and capable of rapid regeneration. Signs of aging may not be observed for a long time, but heredity should not be discounted.
The first wrinkles and skin problems can be seen after 25 years.
The skin begins to dehydrate, loses its former elasticity, so at this time it is already worth thinking about proper systematic care. The female body, regardless of age and skin type, must be cleansed and toned daily, as well as regularly moisturized. Don't forget about sunscreens (in summer), as direct sunlight can damage your skin.
To make the figure slim and fit, do not forget about sports. However, this recommendation is relevant for any age. Salon procedures at such a young age are rarely performed, usually according to indications. For example, to get rid of cellulite, which cannot be eliminated with nutrition and exercise.
In order to remove subcutaneous fat deposits, the following methods are used:
- Manual massage - is done to activate blood circulation, breakdown of fatty deposits, as well as to release stagnant excess fluid. This massage is done manually and very actively, with the help of patting, rolling and rubbing the skin.
- Lipolytic injections - a special solution is injected into the problem areas, which increases blood circulation and helps the breakdown of fat cells.
- Wraps - therapeutic mud based on seaweed is applied to problem areas under the film. The film creates a thermal effect, and metabolic processes are triggered in the skin, blood circulation is increased and this helps to break down fat cells.
Proper body care consists of 3 steps:
- Cleansing - 2 times a week, the skin needs deep cleansing. This can be done with a scrub. At 20 years old, the use of scrubs with coarse particles is allowed. But it is better to alternate the use of a scrub with coarse particles once a week and a gentle scrub once a week. Also, do not forget about the washcloth, it removes sebum well, dead epithelial particles from the body.
- Toning - after the skin is cleansed, you need to soothe it with tonic or lotion. In addition, such products tighten pores and refresh the skin, restore the acid-base balance after taking a bath.
- Hydration and nutrition - full body care is impossible without the use of creams. After the first two steps of skin care, a moisturizer should be applied to the body. This will relieve the skin from flaking, redness and dryness. If the water in the house is hard, then you need to apply a nourishing cream to the body after each shower.
You can also make moisturizing face masks, both factory-made and prepared at home.
For example, an apple mask: half an apple, 1 yolk, 1 tbsp. honey and 1 tsp. olive oil. It is good to move all the ingredients and apply on the face for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. This mask perfectly nourishes the skin and moisturizes it. There are a lot of recipes for home masks, and all of them will give no worse result than salon procedures if they are used systematically.
Stretch marks problems can occur during pregnancy. Therefore, from an early date, doctors recommend using creams and lotions against stretch marks for prophylactic purposes. If such a nuisance could not be avoided, then after the birth of a child, you can try to get rid of them at home.
To do this, you can use various pharmacy creams and scrubs prepared yourself. If the stretch marks are too large and noticeable, then it is worth resorting to the help of beauty salons.
Salons offer several solutions to this problem:
- Chemical peeling - carried out on the basis of fruit acids or phenylic acid.Peeling removes the upper scales of the epidermis and stimulates collagen production, due to which the skin acquires tone and elasticity.
- Massage and body wraps with seaweed - perfectly increase the tone and elasticity of the skin.
- Mesotherapy - during the procedure vitamins and other beneficial substances penetrate into the skin, which contributes to rapid recovery. This procedure is contraindicated in pregnancy and breastfeeding.
- Scar resurfacing - such a procedure will help make stretch marks on the skin less noticeable, or even get rid of them altogether.
If none of the above methods helps to get rid of stretch marks, then only plastic surgery will help. It is important to weigh the pros and cons before such a responsible step.
Body care for women after 30 years
Procedures carried out at home, with their regularity, can give good results, and a woman in her 30-35 years old will look no worse than at 25 years old. Starting at the age of 35, the body should be monitored more consciously and scrupulously, since it is at this age that hormonal changes begin in the woman's body, the metabolism slows down and the water balance is disturbed.
At this age, it is very easy to gain excess weight, but getting rid of it is no longer as easy as at 20. If a woman leads a sedentary lifestyle, then the muscles lose their elasticity and become flabby, and it is much harder to tone them up.
To look attractive and have a beautiful body after 30 years, experts advise the following:
- Correct balanced nutrition - the diet must contain the necessary vitamins, trace elements, proteins and fiber. It is recommended to exclude unhealthy foods: soda, fast food, fatty foods, fried foods, and various canned foods.
- Sport - This is a mandatory component for women over 30 years old. You can practice both at home and in the gym. Classes should be at least 3 times a week. Also, do not forget about daily morning exercises.
- Healthy lifestyle - in order to preserve the beauty and youthfulness of the skin, it is worth forever abandoning such bad habits as smoking and drinking alcohol.
- After 30 years, women often have a vascular mesh on their legs.... This occurs as a result of blood stasis. In order to avoid venous insufficiency, doctors recommend not to sit cross-legged, not to wear clothes that are too tight on your legs, and to play sports.
- The female body needs daily care at home (masks, wraps, scrubbing, caring baths).
- It is recommended to visit a beautician once every 3-4 months. If there are no special problems with the skin, then you can do with home care.
- The female body needs regular massage - massage itself is very useful, and after 30 years it becomes necessary, especially in problem areas (stomach, thighs). You can sign up and take a massage course with a specialist, but you can do the massage yourself at home. Here, as elsewhere, regularity is important.
- Anti-aging cosmetics. The skin of the body, like the skin of the face, must receive the necessary care. In 30 years, all the same stages of care: cleansing, moisturizing and nutrition. Only cosmetics should be selected according to age. Anti-aging products contain special ingredients that slow down the aging process of the skin.
Body care after 40 years
The rules for caring for the body after 40 years remain basically the same as in 20-30 years. When choosing care products, you must also remember about possible contraindications, even if they are natural cosmetic products.
Here are some recipes for self-care at home:
- Coffee - honey scrub - the thickness of freshly brewed drunk coffee can be mixed with honey in equal proportions. Coffee particles perfectly exfoliate dead cells, and honey nourishes the skin and makes it silky. This scrub can be used 2 times a week.
- Soda and salt peeling - you need to mix 1 tbsp.table salt and 1 tbsp. baking soda. Add some water and shower gel to the mixture. Mix well and apply to dry skin. Massage the body in a circular motion, then rinse with warm water. After exfoliation, apply a moisturizer or coconut oil to the skin. It is good to carry out this procedure before bed, so that the skin has time to nourish. The next morning, the skin will be smooth and velvety.
- Herbal baths - to take such a bath, you will need 1 liter of herbal decoction. You can take any herbs: chamomile, string, calendula, yarrow, or herbal bath collection. Herbal baths will help to relax, and also have antimicrobial properties, will promote rapid healing of wounds, acne (if any).
- Wipe your face with ice cube and green tea every morning - this will help keep the skin toned.
Women over 40 years old in the summer need to use sunscreen cosmetics.
After 40 years, irreversible processes occur in the skin, and age spots may appear on the body under the influence of the sun. Also, due to the strong effect of ultraviolet radiation, additional wrinkles may appear on the skin. A problem that often occurs in women after 40 years is increased sweating.
To reduce sweating, it is recommended to take a contrast shower in the morning and evening. In addition, it is not forbidden to ingest special herbal preparations. The female body after 40 years needs careful water balance. You must drink at least 2 liters per day. clean water.
Since the skin is quickly dehydrated at this age, non-compliance with the drinking regimen can lead to dry skin, as well as to additional wrinkles. In addition, it is important to follow the sleep schedule, because it is during sleep that skin cells are actively restored.
The sleep rate for human health is 8 - 9 hours.
In adulthood, a woman needs to follow a healthy diet, because the metabolism slows down, and even the most beautiful figure can very easily deteriorate. If you have extra pounds, then it is better to lose weight slowly, as rapid weight loss can provoke sagging skin (and excess skin is removed only by surgery).
Particular attention should be paid to foot care. Upon reaching 40 years of age, a woman may face such troubles as swelling of the legs, varicose veins and salt deposits. To avoid such problems, first of all, it is necessary to bring the weight to a normal state, as well as regularly use venotonic cream and, of course, choose comfortable shoes.
After 40 years, it is worth giving up wearing high heels in favor of more practical shoes with a low (no more than 5 cm) heel.
Do not forget about the hands, because they give out the woman's age. After 40, the skin on the hands becomes dry and thinner. Therefore, you need to apply a moisturizer several times a day, and in the winter season it should be oily nourishing creams and lotions. To avoid dryness and irritation of the delicate skin of the hands, all household work must be carried out with household gloves.
Hand masks at least 2 times a week will be a great addition. It is not necessary to resort to expensive funds or go to the salon, you can take available tools. For example, apply kefir or sour cream on the skin for 5 - 10 minutes. These simple masks will leave your skin incredibly soft and velvety.
Care measures for the female body after 50 years
The female body changes dramatically by the age of 50. Such changes in appearance must be treated philosophically and understand that aging is inevitable. However, with proper body care you can prolong youthfulness. After 40 years, hormonal changes occur in a woman's body, and the skin does not remain unaffected.
It begins to peel off, become thinner, wrinkles appear, tone and elasticity are lost, dark circles may appear under the eyes. That is why many women after 40 - 50 years have flabbiness, a double chin and changes in the oval of the face.You can remove the chin and tighten the oval of the face by doing special daily exercises for the face and neck.
These exercises take no more than 10 minutes. Here, as elsewhere, regularity of actions is important. Only then will there be a result.
When choosing cosmetic care products, you need to pay attention to the markings "50+".
Due to its composition, such cosmetics affect the deep layers of the skin, which improves its condition.
Anti-aging cosmetics usually contain ingredients such as:
- vitamins A, B and C - retain moisture and increase blood flow;
- retinoids - penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis, exfoliate and cleanse it;
- amino acids;
- collagen;
- elastin;
- hyaluronic acid.
Scrubbing the whole body is allowed no more than 1 time per week and only with a delicate scrub. Such a product should consist of small scrubbing particles, because at this age the skin can be easily stretched and damaged. Scrubbing with large particles will irritate the skin and begin to peel off. After scrubbing, apply an intense moisturizer to your body.
The female body after 50 years also needs salon procedures.
The most popular procedures for women of mature age:
- Thread lifting - very thin threads are inserted through micro-incisions into the skin. Some people compare this method with contour plastic. This type of lifting visibly emphasizes the contour of the face and gives the skin tone. The effect lasts for several years.
- Hardware cosmetology: Thermage - radio frequencies affect the deep layers of the dermis, thereby increasing collagen production. Thus, the face skin is tightened. The effect of this procedure lasts 5 years.
- Fraxel laser - the rejuvenation course is designed for 4 - 6 procedures, but a noticeable effect will be after visiting the first procedures. The laser acts on the skin by increasing the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid.
After 50 years, it is recommended to reduce the consumption of meat, and completely eliminate fatty varieties, because meat products at this age become too heavy food for the body. Meat is allowed to be eaten no more than 2 times a week. It is also worth giving up eating fatty, fried, smoked and salty foods in favor of stewed and baked foods.
Increase the amount of complex carbohydrates in the diet, fresh fruits and vegetables, fiber, low-fat fish. Once every six months, you must take a vitamin complex.
In order for the female body to please for a long time with its shape and beauty, it is necessary to adhere to all recommendations. Looking 60 at 40 is not a myth at all. This is facilitated by careful self-care from an early age. Useful and correct body care habits will help a woman stay young and beautiful for a long time.
Author: Svetlana Eliseeva
Article design: Oksana Grivina
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