To solve the problem of oily hair, its owner cannot do with just one shampoo. At home, you can fight it, but for this you need to go a long way, and find suitable ways to reduce the production of subcutaneous fat.
Causes of excessive glandularity
Oily hair is a consequence of the increased work of the sebaceous glands. Normally, the secreted secretion forms a hydrolipidic film that protects the scalp from drying out, ultraviolet radiation and bacteria.
The work of the sebaceous glands is embedded in the genetic code, but the following factors influence the increased production of subcutaneous fat:
- improper and unbalanced nutrition;
- hormonal changes during adolescence, pregnancy, menopause;
- disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, reproductive, endocrine, nervous system;
- improper hair care (inappropriate shampoo, frequent use of nourishing masks and oils);
- smoking and drinking alcohol.
Proper nutrition as a way to get rid of oily hair
Nutrition is the first step in the fight against oily scalp.
Therefore, you should minimize consumption:
- spicy, fatty, smoked dishes;
- fast food;
- carbonated drinks;
- sweets and pastries;
- coffee.
The nutrition system should include the maximum amount of healthy foods
The diet should contain:
- fresh vegetables, herbs and fruits;
- cereals;
- eggs;
- dairy and fermented milk products;
- nuts;
- flaxseeds;
- a fish;
- boiled or steamed meat.
Taking vitamin complexes
Lack of vitamins A, B, C, H, as well as zinc, iron and magnesium can provoke oily hair.
Therefore, in the fight against this problem, it is recommended to drink a course of a vitamin preparation. By the end of the intake, you can notice a decrease in the greasiness of the scalp, strengthening the hair follicles and accelerating hair growth.
Effective vitamin complexes:
- Nutrikap contains vitamins of group B1 and C, as well as microelements: silicon, zinc, sulfur.
- Perfectil is a complex of vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, H, C, and also contains biotin, folic acid, zinc, magnesium and silicon.
- Fitoval is a multivitamin complex containing B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, zinc, copper and iron.
Sulsen's pasta
Sulsena is an inexpensive pharmacy that allows you to fight the problem
dandruff and oily hair at home. All you need to do is wash your hair, rub the paste into the wet roots and rinse it off after 15 minutes.
There are 2 concentrations of the agent: 1% (used to prevent itching of the scalp and dandruff) and 2% (aimed at treating oily seborrhea).
The active substance of the paste, selenium disulfide, performs the following functions:
- fights fungus;
- reduces the increased production of subcutaneous fat;
- blocks the growth of epidermal cells and accelerates the exfoliation of dandruff and dead skin cells.
The course of treatment according to the instructions: 2 times a week for 3 months. The paste works best in tandem with the shampoo of the same name.
Herbal infusions for oral administration
Medicinal herbs are used in traditional medicine to treat hair and skin problems from the inside out.
The course of taking the infusion will give the following results:
- reducing the oiliness of the scalp;
- accelerated hair growth;
- awakening of dormant hair follicles.
Collection 1:
- You will need to mix the herbs in the following proportion: 80 g of stony bones, 60 g of narrow-leaved fireweed and 40 g of red clover flowers.
- Brew like tea: 1-2 tsp. for a cup of water. Drink 0.75-1 liters during the day. The course of admission is 2 months.
Collection 2:
- Mix the following herbs in equal parts:
- root of ginger, burdock, dandelion;
- chamomile;
- mint;
- raspberry leaves;
- horsetail.
- Brew instead of tea: 1 tsp. for 250 ml of hot water. Drink three cups a day. The duration of the course is 6-7 weeks days. After a week's break, the reception can be repeated.
Rubbing vitamin formulations into the scalp
Rubbing in is a great way to dry the hair roots.
There are some simple recipes:
- From orange, lemon, strawberry or pineapple squeeze out the juice, and rub it in the partings. To do this, it is drawn into a pipette and evenly distributed over the entire scalp. A gentle massage is done with your fingertips. This method is suitable for freshly washed hair as it prolongs its cleanliness.
- Liquid honey and aloe gel mixed in equal parts. The mixture is rubbed into the hair roots for half an hour before shampooing.
- Aloe tincture done this way: 5-6 fleshy leaves of the plant are poured with 100 g of vodka. It should be infused for 6-7 days. Rub in before shampooing. The course of procedures is up to 2 months.
Homemade clay masks
Clay, due to its absorbing agents, is a wonderful aid in the fight against oily hair. At home, masks can be made on its basis. They cleanse the pores of the scalp, relieve inflammation and irritation, eliminate dandruff and add volume to curls.
Simple but powerful recipes:
- In a non-metallic container, mix the clay with water or herbal decoction until the consistency of thick sour cream. Before washing your hair, distribute it over the roots, capturing several centimeters of length. Leave to dry completely and rinse hair in the usual way. Make a mask no more than 1-2 times a week.
- In a 1: 2 ratio, mix the clay into kefir or yogurt. Rub the resulting mixture liberally into the scalp and keep it for about half an hour.
Salt scrub
Mechanical exfoliation of the scalp is a must when caring for oily hair. The accumulated fat covers the scalp with a film, thereby disrupting the metabolism in the follicles and not allowing oxygen to pass to them.
Therefore, on a regular basis (no more than 3-4 times a month) it is necessary to do a salt scrub. It will not only remove dirt residues, but also improve blood microcirculation.
The fastest way to make a scrub is to mix fine salt with water until it becomes sour cream. Use it on shampooed hair. The resulting mixture is rubbed in with light movements along the partings, after which it is washed off with water. At the end, the hair must be washed again in the usual way.
Masks with healthy oils
Oils are not a taboo in the care of oily hair. In fact, they will help in the fight against them. They contain substances that dissolve subcutaneous fat and reduce the production of skin secretions.
Light oils are suitable for masks: grape seed, almond, sesame, broccoli, macadamia. They can be used individually or mixed together in equal proportions. For better penetration, they must be heated in a water bath, then applied to the hair roots and rubbed into the scalp, while doing a massage.
You can also make more complex masks with oils:
- By 3-4 st. l.base oil add 4 drops of essential oil: pine needles, bergamot, eucalyptus, mint, rosemary or orange.
- Mix equal proportions of grape seed oil, almond oil and liquid honey. Add 3-4 drops of grapefruit or lemon oil to the mixture.
Rinsing with decoctions of herbs
Each shampooing can be completed by rinsing clean hair with herbal decoctions. They relieve irritation, strengthen the follicles and smooth the hair cuticle.
Suitable for these purposes:
- Oak bark;
- thyme;
- horsetail;
- nettle;
- burdock root.
The preparation of the broth is quite simple:
- Before shampooing 2 tbsp. l. herbal collection is poured into 1 liter of boiling water.
- The broth settles for 40-50 minutes.
- Then you can rinse your hair with a cool broth.
Oak bark and horsetail are not just steamed, but boiled for several minutes.
Vodka and cognac masks
Vodka and cognac do not deliver nutrients to the scalp, they have a different purpose: to dissolve the secreted fat and improve the action of other ingredients included in the mask.
The following mask is made on the basis of cognac:
- Cognac, honey and clay powder are mixed in equal proportions (1 tsp each). 1 chicken yolk and 3-4 drops of essential oil are added to the resulting mixture.
- Apply the resulting mask along the partings; any base oil is suitable for the length. After 20-30 minutes, wash off with shampoo.
Vodka mask:
- Mix 1 tbsp. l. vodka, lemon juice and liquid honey. Then stir in 1 chicken yolk.
- Such a mask lasts no more than 20-30 minutes on the hair and is done once a week. The course lasts 2 months.
Potato mask
A simple but effective mask for oily hair is made on the basis of potatoes. For her, you need to grate 2-3 potatoes on a fine grater, and carefully squeeze the juice out of them. To prevent pieces from falling into the mixture, it must be passed through a fine sieve. Then a glass of kefir is added to it.
The mask is applied generously to the roots with massage movements and left for half an hour. To eliminate the smell of kefir, and at the end, the hair can be rinsed with acidified water.
Bread mask
The easiest way to make a universal mask for oily hair at home is to make it from rye bread.
First recipe:
- Soften the bread by soaking it in hot water.
- Strain the liquid from the resulting crumb.
- Rub the softened bread crumbs into the hair roots and wrap your head in a plastic bag and a towel.
- After 30-40 minutes, wash off with shampoo.
Second recipe:
- Pour kefir over a few slices of bread and set aside in a warm place.
- When the bread swells, the mixture should be thoroughly mixed until it becomes porridge.
- Moisten hair roots with water from a spray bottle and apply a mask on them, leave it for 30-40 minutes, then rinse.
Mustard mask
The mustard mask not only dries out the oily scalp, but also strengthens the hair. Due to its warming properties, it quickly exfoliates the skin and stimulates local blood circulation.
The mask is done this way:
- In 2-3 st. l. water dissolve 1 tbsp. l. mustard powder and 1 tsp. Sahara. Add 1 yolk and 2-3 tbsp to the mixture. l. base oil.
- To protect the length of the hair, rub in any mixture of oils and apply a mask to the roots.
- For the first procedure, it is enough to withstand the mixture for 12-15 minutes, then rinse it off with cool water. It is best to do this while standing under the shower so that mustard fumes do not burn the mucous membrane and respiratory tract.
If the mask bakes badly, then wash it off immediately.
Drug treatment
Often, special medications are used to treat oily seborrhea and dandruff. The trichologist prescribes tests to determine the cause of the disease, and then prescribes the necessary therapy.
If the disease has arisen due to a disturbance in the work of the central nervous system, then the doctor will prescribe to take sedatives.They will relieve the effects of stress, which will later reduce the greasiness of the scalp.
These include:
- magnesium and B vitamins;
- valerian;
- new-passite.
For scalp treatment, antifungal ointments or creams are prescribed, the active substance of which is:
- terbinafine;
- tromethamine ketorolac;
- bifanozole;
- sulfur.
To treat severe seborrhea, doctors use hormonal ointments and gels.
Also, for proper cleansing and elimination of the fungus, such shampoos are prescribed:
- Sulsen;
- Sebiprox;
- Mycozoral.
Top 5 best shampoos for oily hair
The most popular shampoos designed specifically for washing oily hair, according to the statistics of mentions on forums and many sites about the use of products in the cosmetology sector, are the following:
- DNC shampoo for oily hair.
- Nano Organic shampoo for oily hair.
- Savon Noir Shampoo for Oily Hair.
- Savonry Meadow Freshness Shampoo for Oily Hair.
- Shampoo GREEN MAMA for oily hair "Black currant and nettle".
Cosmetology procedures
Home care is just one way to tackle oily hair. Long-term and lasting results are ensured by completing a course of cosmetology procedure.
To reduce the active work of the sebaceous glands, the following therapy is suitable:
- Ozone therapy. Ozone molecules have bactericidal properties, reduce the increased activity of the sebaceous glands, and accelerate skin regeneration.
- Mesotherapy. It involves the introduction of injections into the scalp, which contain enzymes, vitamins and medicines.
- Cryotherapy. Liquid nitrogen is used, which shocks the hair follicles due to the extremely low temperature. Under its influence, the blood vessels contract and expand, which saturates the cells with oxygen.
- Darsonval. The device acts on the scalp with an impulsive current, thereby expanding blood vessels and affecting the nerve endings.
- Laser shower. Accelerates cell regeneration through exposure to quantum radiation, infrared rays and electromagnetic fields.
- Plasma therapy. For the procedure, the patient's plasma is taken, which is injected into the scalp by injection. It activates stem cells and boosts local immunity.
Trichologists advice
Competent and thorough care is the first thing that oily hair requires. Trichologists will tell you what to do at home.
Experts give the following recommendations:
- Cleanse the scalp as soon as it becomes dirty.
- Only warm water is suitable for washing oily hair.
- Use gentle transparent shampoos or remedies.
- Do not apply cosmetic masks and balms close to the scalp.
- Exfoliate your scalp regularly.
- Clean your comb daily and change your pillowcase as often as possible.
- Reduce the use of hair dryers and other hot styling appliances.
- Maintain water balance throughout the day.
Oily hair requires careful maintenance. Therefore, at home, you need to follow all the recommendations of a trichologist for the care of curls and scalp. It is necessary to regularly do masks and peels, use suitable shampoos, and observe the dynamics of changes.
Video on methods of dealing with the problem of oily hair
Why hair gets greasy quickly and what you can do about it:
How to wash your hair properly:
Thanks for the advice. I tried many methods, but did not notice much of the result.I bought myself a horse force shampoo with collagen and lanolin. At least you can wash your hair often with it. it does not dry out the skin. And the hair looks well-groomed at the same time