Fats on the face appear imperceptibly, do not hurt at all and do not lend themselves to squeezing. The main disadvantage is an unpleasant appearance: white growths violate the structure of the skin, over time, their number can increase.
What is a wen
Zhiroviki is the popular name for a formation that consists of adipose tissue under the skin or on muscle tissue, known in medicine as a lipoma, which looks like a soft, mobile ball with clear boundaries under the skin. These are subcutaneous dense neoplasms of small size, related to benign tumors.
The most common types of formations:
- Miliums.
- Lipomas.
- Xanthelasma.
- Xanthomas.
- Atheromas.
Fats on the face appear mainly in 2 varieties:
- Miliums (millet) - white seals that protrude under the skin. They are mainly located on the nose, cheekbones, cheeks, chin (less often on the forehead and eyelids). They can reach 3-5 mm in diameter. They have no tendency to overgrowth, are painless, and are exclusively a cosmetic defect.
- Xanthelasma - soft lipomas with a yellow tinge. Consist of sebum. Mostly located on the eyelids. Mostly women over 50 are exposed to them. They tend to grow.
Causes of the appearance of wen on the face
According to dermatological research, lipomas are promoted by:
- Excessive amount of cholesterol in the circulatory system.
- Disorders in the kidneys and liver.
- Disorders in the functioning of the endocrine system.
- Diabetes.
- Menopause.
- Violation or non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.
- Bowel diseases.
- The presence of bad habits (the use of tobacco, alcohol, as well as excessively fatty or sweet foods, vitamin deficiency).
- Frequent mechanical impact on certain areas of the skin.
Neoplasm treatment regimen
The method of treatment directly depends on the size and growth rate of lipomas. Diagnosis of a neoplasm is performed using an absolutely painless procedure - a puncture from a wen. In rare cases, ultrasound may be needed.
Treatment methods:
- Injection method.
- Surgical intervention.
- Hardware procedures.
- Medication therapy.
- Folk remedies (ointments, masks, decoctions).
- Special diets.
Drug therapy
Fats on the face appear with a diameter of 1-2 mm to 20-25 cm and more. This technique is used when the lipoma does not exceed 3 cm in diameter. The fatty tissue is pierced with a syringe. A capsule "Diprospan" is injected inside (in pure form or together with "Lidokoin" for pain relief). The course of treatment includes 3 or more procedures.
Contraindications for carrying out are:
- Hypertension.
- Herpes.
- Diabetes.
- Individual intolerance to the drug.
- Nephritis.
- Psychosis.
- Kidney disease.
- Poor blood clotting.
- Stomach ulcer.
A significant disadvantage of such therapy is that you can see the result only after 2-3 months.
Pharmacy products for external use
The most effective drugs for eliminating neoplasms are:
- "Vitaon" (ointment) - helps with lipomas, is an antiseptic, and also has antimicrobial and softening effect. The drug is applied in a thin layer, without rubbing into the fabric. It is used until the formation is opened, after which its contents are carefully squeezed out, and the wound is disinfected with brilliant green.
- "Vitaon" (tincture) - used as a cleansing tonic for the face, helps to reduce the number of formations on the face.
- "Vishnevsky ointment" - has the ability to draw out formations deep under the skin due to the content of tar, castor oil, xeroform powder. A thick layer of the drug is applied to a gauze swab, which is fixed on the damaged area of the skin at night. The course is 7-10 days.
- "Levomekol" - is used after the wen has been squeezed out at home to relieve inflammation. The ointment is applied to a cotton swab and attached to the site of the former formation.
- "Ichthyol ointment" - it is used to break through the neoplasm and further disinfect it. A cotton-gauze swab is made, an ointment is applied to it and attached to the skin. The course of treatment is 7-14 days.
- "We see" - ointment containing retinol, due to which the contents of the wen are split and its size reduced.
- "Gistan" - ointment with anti-inflammatory effect, also prevents lipomas from growing.
- "Iodine solution" - used to eliminate the wen by moxibustion. The solution is applied to a cotton swab, after which it is applied to the skin and cauterized. On the 6th day, the resulting crust must be removed with a needle, and the contents squeezed out, and then cauterized with iodine.
Cosmetological assistance
With the appearance of wen on the face, cosmetologists can offer a large selection of effective removal methods.
The most effective ones include:
- Laser therapy - gives a positive result at any stage of the development of education. The beam disinfects and opens the skin directly on the wen. After that, the whole capsule is removed. The procedure continues for 5-20 minutes. During the conduct, general anesthesia is used. The positive aspects of the application are the absence of postoperative scars due to the imposition of special intradermal sutures, the complete exclusion of the possibility of bleeding, and high accuracy. The disadvantage is the high cost of the procedure. Contraindications are malignant tumors, dermatitis, pregnancy and lactation, the presence of diabetes mellitus.
- Mechanical removal - carried out if the formation is not more than 3 cm in diameter. The essence of the procedure is that the lipoma is opened with a thin needle, the contents are squeezed out, after which the capsule is cleaned and the surface is disinfected. The method is very painful, after its application, scars remain, relapses of the disease occur, and it does not allow removing xanthomas. Contraindications are open wounds on the skin of the face, diseases of the cardiovascular system, low blood clotting, exacerbation of herpes, the presence of cancerous tumors.
- Electrocoagulation - it is used in the case of the presence of small wen that does not grow. Lipoma is cauterized with a needle electrode. The procedure lasts no more than 10 minutes. and allows you to remove neoplasms even on the eyelid and ciliary edge. The process is painful, so local anesthesia is used. Subsequently, a crust forms in place of the wen, which is highly undesirable to remove. Recovery takes 2-3 days. Among the positive aspects, it is worth noting a small possibility of relapse and a short rehabilitation period.Contraindications are acute dermatitis, diabetes mellitus and malignant tumors.
- Chemical peeling - allows you to remove small white formations, wen. Special formulations are selected individually for each case. After the procedure, a small crust forms, which disappears within 1-2 weeks, and a new layer of the epidermis forms in its place. Contraindication is the period of inflammation or a rapid increase in the volume of neoplasms.
Surgical methods of fighting wen
Surgical intervention is indicated in cases of:
- Lipoma growth on the leg.
- Injury education.
- Physical discomfort.
- Education causes pain.
- With large wen.
When a mass of 15 cm or more is removed, general anesthesia is used. The choice of procedure depends on the condition of the patient and the lipoma itself.
There are 5 types of surgery:
- Classical - using an incision through which the capsule with the contents is removed, after which a suture is applied. Among the shortcomings, there are frequent relapses, scars and a long period of rehabilitation. Contraindications are poor blood clotting, pregnancy and lactation.
- Radio wave - due to the use of a radio wave knife. With its help, an effect on education is produced, the capsule and its contents are removed. The procedure is absolutely safe and painless, eliminating the possibility of bleeding and scarring. Rehabilitation lasts 4-5 days. A contraindication is the presence of a pacemaker.
- Endoscopic - removal is performed by introducing a special optical device into the neoplasm - an endoscope. Thanks to him, the surgeon has the opportunity to remove the entire contents of the lipoma without harming the surrounding tissues. The main advantages are non-invasiveness, minimal rehabilitation duration, low probability of relapses, and absence of scars. The disadvantage is the high cost of treatment.
- Aspiration - the essence of the method consists in piercing the wen and sucking out the fat from the capsule without extracting it outside. The method is absolutely painless, but does not exclude relapses.
- Cryodestruction - a procedure involving the use of nitrogen. Among the advantages are complete painlessness, short rehabilitation period.
Traditional recipes for treatment
Treatment with folk recipes is a complex of procedures based on natural ingredients (herbs, roots, animal products).
The most effective among them are:
- Masks.
- Applications and compresses.
- Homemade ointments.
- Broths.
The use of natural masks eliminates the possibility of side effects due to a completely natural composition. Exceptions may be allergic reactions or individual intolerance to the components. To avoid such situations, it is necessary to conduct a test before use - a small amount of the medicinal composition is applied to the wrist.
The reaction of the skin is monitored for 30 minutes.
If there are no signs of irritation, you can start treatment. Homemade cosmetics can be applied either pointwise or over the entire face. The effectiveness of the procedure becomes noticeable as early as 7-10 days. If there is no visible result, the procedure is stopped.
Homemade masks for point use
The most common ingredients for making linden masks are dairy products, salt, honey, onions, garlic, red clay, and olive oil.
For instance:
- Honey: honey, homemade sour cream and sea salt are mixed in arbitrary equal proportions. The mixture is applied for 30-40 minutes, after which it is wiped off with wet wipes, or washed off with water at room temperature.
Fats on the face can be removed by a honey mask. - Garlic: 2 cloves of garlic, chopped on a grater and 1 tsp. oils are mixed until smooth.The resulting composition is laid out on a wen for 15-20 minutes, after which it is washed off with soap and water.
- Oil: Stir the olive oil (2 tbsp) and cognac (2 tsp) well. Apply the composition to the lipoma and leave overnight. In the morning wash in the usual way.
- Clay: 10 g of red clay and bodyagi (crushed to a powder state) are mixed, slightly diluted with water, to obtain a homogeneous mass. Then 2 drops of tea tree ether are added. The mixture is applied to the affected area of the skin and left for 20 minutes. After the mask is washed off, and the procedure is repeated.
Applique is a technique that uses a sterile gauze pad or cotton swab. Well impregnated with the drug, they are applied directly to the affected skin. The procedure is carried out several times daily for 5-20 minutes.
The most common types are:
With black pepper. | With oil and vodka. |
Ground black pepper is poured onto a cloth soaked in alcohol. The lotion is applied to the skin for 15-20 minutes. The procedure is carried out 2 r. In a day. The course is 3 weeks. | Sunflower oil and alcohol (vodka) are mixed in an amount of 40 g each with a cotton swab, well soaked in the mixture, applied to the wen, covered with cling film, a piece of warm cloth and left overnight. Treatment continues until the lipoma disappears completely. |
Homemade ointments
Ointment is the first remedy that is used when neoplasms appear. The most popular in the fight against lipomas are ointments based on beeswax, honey with garlic and bread, as well as lard with garlic.
This could be:
- Yellow wax - 50 g; sunflower oil - 200 ml; chicken egg - 1 pc. The egg is hard-boiled, leaving only half of the yolk. The wax is heated, oil is poured into the same, the mixture is brought to a boil. After that, the crushed yolk is added there and everything is thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The ointment is filtered. Shelf life 12 months. in the refrigerator. It is abundantly applied to the wen at night until the formation disappears completely.
- Crumb of black bread; honey - 1 tsp; garlic - 1 tooth. A piece of 1 cm is cut from a piece of bread to the size of a lipoma. Chopped garlic is mixed with honey. The pulp is slightly dried in a frying pan without oil, after which the resulting mixture is laid out on it and the medicinal sandwich is steamed under the lid for another 2-3 minutes. The warm crumb is applied to the wen, fixed with a plaster and left for 3 hours. After the expiration of time, it is replaced with a new one. The procedure is carried out 3 r. in a day.
- Lard - 1 tbsp. l .; chopped garlic - 1 tsp. The components are mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Keep refrigerated. The mixture is rubbed into a wen 3-4 r. in a day.
Decoctions of medicinal plants
Fats on the face often appear due to metabolic disorders. In such cases, various decoctions are very effective in getting rid of wen. Herbalists consider the most effective decoctions from calendula, wormwood and collecting from nettle, golden rod, bedstraw.
For instance:
- Calendula: Calendula flowers and shabby berries, viburnum branches are mixed in equal proportions. The broth is prepared in a proportion of 1 tbsp. l. herbs for 250 ml of hot water. The mixture is boiled for 5 minutes, then cooled down and stored in the refrigerator. Take 1 tbsp. l. before eating.
- Sagebrush: The herb, collected in mid-May, is filled with alcohols at the rate of 15 g per 100 ml and left in a cool dark place for 7 days. Take 20 drops. With a little water 3p. in a day.
- Herbal collection: Finely chop fresh nettle, golden rod and bedstraw. 1 tsp is added to a glass of boiling water. collection, let it brew for 15-20 minutes. Take 1 tbsp. before meals, 4 p. in a day.The course is 30 days, after a break of 14 days and the treatment is repeated.
Folk remedies for oral administration
To enhance the effect in the treatment of wen, you can use herbal preparations inside:
- Burdock root: 300 g of chopped root are poured into 0.5 liters of 70% ethyl alcohol and infused for a month, shaking occasionally. After the infusion is filtered. Take 20 min. before meals 2 rubles per day
- Viburnum: 1 kg of berries is mixed with 1 liter of may honey and is well ground. 500 ml of cognac is added to the mixture. Let it brew for a month in a dark place, shaking occasionally. Take with meals 1 tbsp. l. 3 p. in a day.
- Cinnamon: 1 tbsp. l. chopped cinnamon is diluted in warm water, milk or kefir and 1 p. in a day.
Diet in the treatment of wen on the face
Fats on the face appear, according to nutritionists, due to the large amount of toxins in the body, malnutrition and non-compliance with a healthy lifestyle.
A diet for the prevention of the appearance of lipomas involves the consumption of no more than 1600 kcal per day, of which:
- Black bread - no more than 150 g;
- carbohydrates - up to 200 g;
- fats - up to 70 g;
- proteins - up to 130 g.
Walnuts, flaxseed oil, buckwheat will be useful; instead of sugar, you can use 1 tsp. xylitol.
It is periodically necessary to arrange fasting days:
- Protein - 600 g of cottage cheese or 350 g of boiled beef.
- Fruit - 1.5 kg of apples.
It is necessary to exclude from the diet:
- Fatty and salty foods.
- Smoked products.
- Chips, crackers.
- Limit consumption of tea and coffee, replace them with plain water.
- Reduce the amount of sweets and muffins consumed.
You also need to completely eliminate the consumption of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products.
Rules for caring for skin with wen
The care includes 4 stages:
1. Purification - it is necessary to remove residues of decorative cosmetics, dust, dirt, remove sebum. Suitable for the procedure:
- Salicylic acid;
- benzoyl peroxide;
- amber soap.
2. Exfoliation - consists in the removal of dead layers of cells, 1 r. in Week. You need to use fine-grained scrubs. Coarse-grained products can damage the skin.
3. The use of medicinal products - Before using any cream or mask, it is imperative to be examined by a cosmetologist or dermatologist.
4. Moisturizing - in this case, a product that does not include oil is used. Problem skin also needs moisturizing, but improper treatment can cause itching, irritation and flaking.
It is important to know and follow 6 rules:
- Regular soap is not suitable for the skin on the face - it causes a feeling of dryness.
- When applying cosmetics, it is advisable to use a special brush, you can infect with your hands.
- All internal disturbances in the body affect the condition of the skin, so it is necessary to adhere to a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition.
- Do not wash yourself more often than 2 rubles. per day - this can increase the formation of sebum.
- Try to rub as little as possible with a towel, squeeze out pimples and other neoplasms, and apply peeling and scrubs no more than 1 p. in a day.
- Cleansing masks are used no more than 1-2 p. in Week.
Precautions for home treatment
To prevent negative side effects, it is important to remember:
- Pharmaceutical preparations cannot be used without first studying the annotation to them.
- You cannot use several different tools at the same time.
- It is highly undesirable to use decorative cosmetics during treatment.
- You cannot try to squeeze out the formations: a wen, unlike acne, has no outlet. Also, due to mechanical action, the tumor can mutate into a malignant formation.
- You cannot try to independently pull out the capsule of the wen with foreign objects - there is a high probability of infection of internal tissues.
Fats on the face appear, according to cosmetologists, due to improper and untimely skin care. Nutritionists - that the reason lies in the wrong diet. Oncologists will blame everything on disorders in the work of the endocrine system.
And genetics - on heredity. Therefore, when lipomas appear, it is advisable to undergo a complete examination of the body to prescribe the most suitable treatment in a particular case.
Author: mellamorry (Julia)
Article design: Anna Vinnitskaya
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Causes of wen on the face: