Blepharoplasty is a complex plastic surgery on the skin on the face in the eyelid area. Photos after surgery by day show a complete picture of the postoperative period and the effectiveness of the result after the procedure.
The essence of blepharoplasty
Today blepharoplasty is one of the most demanded plastic surgery procedures for women. With a competent approach to the operation, it allows you to effectively remove age-related and mimic changes in the lower and upper eyelids.
Benefits of blepharoplasty:
- helps to rejuvenate the appearance;
- give a fresh look;
- remove asymmetry;
- remove defects on the skin in the form of scars and scars.
Photos before and after surgery for circular blepharoplasty
Thanks to the procedure, the result of skin aging is eliminated: sagging and flabbiness. Photos after surgery by day show that the method is more effective, especially for older people.
Indications and contraindications
Blepharoplasty can be performed at any age.
The indications for the procedure are as follows:
- excess folds of skin around the eyes;
- drooping corners of the eyelids;
- tired eye syndrome;
- wrinkles;
- overhang of the eyelid over the eye;
- too narrow eyes;
- large bags under the eyes.
Positive results are achieved provided that the rules of the rehabilitation period are observed 2-3 weeks after the operation.
Blepharoplasty has a number of limitations to its performance:
- Blepharospasm;
- Acute eye diseases;
- Chronic diseases of the sebaceous glands;
- Exacerbation of conjunctivitis;
- Glaucoma;
- Dry eye syndrome;
- Diabetes;
- Blood clotting disorder;
- Heart diseases;
- Oncological diseases;
- Hepatitis "A" and "B";
- HIV infection, AIDS.
It is strongly not recommended to carry out blepharoplasty during pregnancy, lactation and menstruation in women.
Rehabilitation period
Rehabilitation after surgery by day
On average, the rehabilitation period takes about 1-1.5 months and by day the postoperative period is as follows:
- 1 day. Accompanied by a close friend, a relative is allowed to return home. The doctor recommends immediately applying a cold compress to the eyelid area to prevent swelling and relieve pain. If there is severe discomfort, you can drink an analgesic - "Paracetamol", "Analgin".
- 2-3 days. It is allowed to take a shower, a bath, wash your hair, but not with too hot water, carefully make sure that the shampoo does not get into your eyes. It is recommended to do gymnastics for the eyes, to apply special antiseptic drops "Vizin" and drops "Artificial tear". Never scratch or touch your eyes with your hands.
- 4-5 day. It is necessary to go to the clinic for a preventive examination so that the doctor can remove the stitches (if not self-absorbable). Contact lenses are allowed.
- 6th day. It is allowed to remove the antiseptic patch, remove compresses and dressings.
- 7 day. Puffiness, cyanosis disappears. If there are no acute pains and everything heals properly, it is allowed to go to work, return to your usual life. You can't physically strain, play sports, use decorative cosmetics.
- Day 10. There are traces of hemorrhage and bruising, it is allowed to use gentle decorative cosmetics, preferably natural, intended for sensitive skin and eyes.
- Day 14. The seams pass, almost invisible.
- 40-45 days. The rehabilitation period is coming to an end, the effect of the operation is noticeable.
Features of the first days of rehabilitation
It is better to go home immediately after the operation accompanied by a loved one. At first, the eyelids should be closed, with a bandage over the eyes. In the first 2 days, the look will be blurred, blurry, double vision is possible.
To prevent worsening, for a better and faster recovery, it is worth following some simple rules:
- Carefully monitor the cleanliness of the eyelids and eyes.
- Sleep on a cushion without tilting your head.
- Read less, not watch TV, computer.
- Do not wear contact lenses.
- Do not touch the eyelid area with dirty hands.
- Do not rub or scratch the seams.
- On day 2.3, you can wash your hair, exclude moisture from entering the eye area.
- Drink more, normalize the water-salt balance in the body.
- From the 2nd day, it is allowed to perform special exercises for the eyes.
Features of recovery after surgery
- During the recovery period, it is imperative to continue to use antiseptic eye drops, dry tear drops. This will help prevent inflammation, excessive dryness and peeling of the eyelids. The antiseptic must be applied during the entire rehabilitation period until the sutures and wounds are completely healed;
- Tinted sunglasses should be worn until complete recovery. Physical activities that can provoke high intraocular pressure are strictly prohibited;
- During recovery, it is not recommended to visit bath complexes and saunas.
Natural consequences of plastic surgery of the upper, lower eyelids
Uncomfortable and painful sensations in the first few days after blepharoplasty are considered completely normal. For 10 days, there will be swelling, bruising and even hematomas (with sensitive skin).
Bruising, watery eyes, and photophobia are quite rare. With proper care, all signs disappear after a few days.
Important! High fever, the first signs of conjunctivitis, and cramps in the eyes are considered unnatural, alarming symptoms. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.
Blepharoplasty is a difficult operation that takes place under a local anesthetic; therefore, the following consequences may appear:
- Moderate swelling.
- High sensitivity of the skin.
- Bruises under the lower eyelids.
- High watery eyes or excessive dryness.
- Blurred vision.
With such manifestations, you should not panic, these are natural symptoms that will pass 1.5-2 weeks after blepharoplasty.
How to smear the seams
During the recovery period, the sutures are tightened after 10-12 days, so that they heal well, it is necessary to perform special exercises, do physiotherapy and use healing antiseptic ointments. With this approach, after 1.5-2 months, scars and scars will be invisible.
The use of specialized ointments with the effect of skin regeneration helps prevent unwanted complications. They promote improved blood circulation, recovery, bruising and swelling.
Specialist recommendations:
- Doctors recommend using the Rescuer or Sinyakoff ointment.
- Many experts recommend using hydrocortisone ointment.
- To prevent the appearance of scars, the Contractubex gel effectively helps.
How to eliminate swelling and bruising
After blepharoplasty, the rehabilitation photo shows swelling and cyanosis of the face every day. This is not only a cosmetic problem that spoils the appearance after surgery, but also causes pain and discomfort.
The following procedures help to significantly reduce the swelling under the gases:
- Microcurrent - impulse effect of a small level of current on the nerve endings. It improves the movement of lymph and blood through the vessels, normalizes the complexion.
- Lymphatic drainage massage enhances the excretion of toxins, toxins, enhances the metabolism of the lymphatic system.
Also, to reduce puffiness, the following will be very effective:
- Applications with decoctions of medicinal herbs.
- Raising the head while sleeping.
- A categorical rejection of strong alcohol and tobacco products.
- Minimize physical activity.
- Reduce anxiety, stress.
If blepharoplasty was performed in patients with impaired circulatory system, then there is a tendency to edema. In this case, it is important to completely exclude salt from the diet, spicy foods and adhere to a diet during the rehabilitation period.
How to wash
When washing your face during recovery from blepharoplasty, you must use a soft towel and wipe your face very gently, without pressing, without touching the eyelids.
Facial exercises after surgery
Blepharoplasty (photos after surgery by day are presented later in the article) often causes consequences. To prevent complications, you need to perform restorative exercises that the surgeon recommends. Special gymnastics helps to restore muscle tone, improve circulation and normalize blood circulation.
Special exercises during the rehabilitation period contribute to the greater functionality of the eyelids, they are quite simple, they can be performed independently at home.
It is necessary to perform a special complex for the eyes in the evening and in the morning:
- Alternately raise and look up, down, right, left. Repeat the exercise 7-10 times.
- Blink for 30-40 seconds without stopping, lifting your chin up.
- Open your eyelids as wide as possible, direct your gaze into the distance as much as possible. Perform the procedure 7 times.
- Cover the eyelids with your finger and gently pull the skin of the eyelids from the temple to the sides. Repeat the exercise 5 times.
- Close the eyelids, lift the eyelids up with the index fingers, at the same time roll the pupils. Repeat the exercise 7-10 times.
Eyelid massage after blepharoplasty
Acupressure eyelid massage after blepharoplasty can be performed independently at home to improve the recovery process.
In this case, you must strictly follow the recommendations:
- Lubricate the clubs liberally with a greasy moisturizer (preferably without additives, hypoallergenic or baby).
- Massage pointwise whiskey.
- Next, move along the edge of the lower eyelid to the inner part of the eye area.
- Make circular gentle movements in the inner corner of the eyes.
- Move with light recent movements from the inside of the eye to the temples.
Perform all massage movements without pressing on the skin, only clockwise, repeating massage movements 7-10 times.
Physiotherapy after surgery
Specialized physiotherapy procedures will help you recover quickly and without complications, the course should last at least 2 months. Microcurrent therapy is considered the most popular. It helps to heal wounds, eliminate bruises, normalizes and maintains a normal level of blood circulation in the area of blepharoplasty.
What not to do during the rehabilitation period after blepharoplasty
In the process of recovering from eyelid surgery, it is strongly discouraged:
- Sleep with your head down, you must put a high pillow, ensuring the outflow of lymph.
- Include spicy, sour, salty foods in the diet; a sparing diet is recommended.
- Drink strong and low alcohol drinks, as well as tobacco products.
- Drink soda.
- Watch TV, read books, press or work at the computer. It is necessary to provide peace of mind.
- Do not use harsh soaps or irritating facial products.
- Choose the most delicate towel, without hard nap. Wipe your face with blotting movements.
- Do not bend over, do not play sports or exercise. This will prevent complications and intraocular pressure.
- Avoid contact with eyes for the first few days. To wash your hair, throwing it back, it is better to ask for help from loved ones, relatives.
- Do not take a hot bath, shower, refuse to visit a bath, sauna.
- Refuse coffee, drink more plain water.
- It is categorically impossible to touch the seams with your hands, rub them.
- Avoid exposure to UV rays, protect eyes from frost and drafts. When going outside, wear sunglasses.
Is it possible to use decorative cosmetics
Make-up and any decorative cosmetics must not be applied for 14 days. This can cause an allergic reaction, the skin is very sensitive to irritants at this moment. In this case, a rash, itching will appear.
Doctor's advice: is it worth having an operation at 50-60 years old
If there are no medical contraindications, blepharoplasty procedure can be performed at any age, even at 50, 60 years. It is important to undergo an examination before the operation, which is prescribed by the doctor to make sure that there are no contraindications to the intervention.
Blepharoplasty and all the photos after the operation on the days of the recovery period can be easily studied independently on the Internet. This will help to understand the possible consequences of the intervention through which you have to go through during the rehabilitation period.
Article design: Svetlana Ovsyanikova
Blepharoplasty video
Rehabilitation after blepharoplasty: photos by day:
Lower eyelid blepharoplasty: before and after photos:
I am 52 years old. I really want to have an operation. the upper eyelids dropped strongly. But something is still scary. Maybe I'll make up my mind later.
52 years old, where later?
I'm 58, but until last year everything was normal, on the street they called me nothing but a girl. In April last year I went on a diet, lost 11 kg in a month and my upper eyelids dropped, and my lower eyelids left much to be desired. circular blepharoplasty. I'm not afraid of a drop.
I'm 35, people around give me no more than 28 years old in appearance. My decision to undergo surgery is to look younger for as long as possible. Irregular working hours, stress and genetic predisposition did their job - the eyelids were heavy and full. Underwent surgery on the upper eyelids. Today is the 6th day after the procedure. I walked without fear, drove to the hospital, and my friend took me back. I got behind the wheel after 3 days. I expect everything to recover perfectly.
Good afternoon. Please tell us how your rehabilitation after surgery is going. On what day can you already "go out to people"? I plan to complete this operation in 1.5 weeks. Is it possible?
Three weeks ago I had a lower blepharoplasty.T.K. I did not do it in my hometown and I had to leave almost a week later, the bruises began to cover up on the fifth day + glasses with tinted glasses. Now 23 days have passed, the results are visible, but it still hurts when pressed, I went to work a week ago, but I can't refuse glasses. The stitches are still visible, a little yellowness, after the bruises does not go away. And you need to sleep so that the head is higher, if you sleep low, then the eyes swell. Over time, I hope 🙂 everything will work out.
40 years old, the day after blefaro started to work, of course, it's me in vain. No pain, the most unpleasant thing was to remove the stitches. Today is the 10th day: no swelling or bruising. gives out a thin strip of seam, and unusually young eyes))) I have not decided to paint yet, but already very, very cool. recommend.
Today is my 3rd day, after the operation…. what a pity that I was afraid and made it to 58…. before it was necessary !!!! I advise! Do not be afraid!
Tell me in which clinic and at which doctor did you blepharo?
I was very afraid, but in vain, they did it under local anesthesia, the ukolchik was a little painful, but this is not the kind of pain that should be feared. I recommend why look at yourself in the mirror and spoil your mood, there are enough other problems! 58 years old, there was no great need, but I did upper and lower blepharoplasty, oddly enough, but I did not have blue bruises, only puffiness, for 2-3 days under my eyes it turned yellow, and everything, it was possible even without sunglasses walk. After about a month, the seams became more noticeable to the touch, hardened. Are there any hernias under the eyes, as if they had not been removed? 2 months have passed, the seams are not palpable, a thin strip under the lower lashes. In general, I'm happy, everything went without complications
I am 61 years old. I did a circular blepharoplasty. It took 1 month and 10 days. The eyes are huge. I like.